I would say that the territorial expansion of the Kingdom of Tornia has moved towards convergence.

The strategy always seemed to think, 'If it weren't for OO...' The skirmishes with the Kingdom of Sylvania did not even take care of it, and the invasion of the Kingdom of Crabble has caused more than two battalions of damage, but it also seems to me that we are creating an easy formation on the eastern bank of the stone bridge hanging on the Radell River to protect the new border.

From now on, we will focus on territorial management, which has more than tripled, but it is someone with a strategic vision...

The problem is the Kingdom of Warham. Territorial expansion is a top priority, and it also seems that we do not consider when it has been so frustrated.

The three kingdoms to the west were added to the prints, and it seemed like they were thinking of getting a part to the west of the kingdom of Torresti, but the invasion of Yolem would only drain troops, and the west of the kingdom of Torresti was in turn the beginning and end of the invasion of the territory by the side of the Divine Empire.

The forces of the Kingdom of Warham deployed near the northern border of the Kingdom of Torresti in the arson on the wheat fields before the incorporation carried out by Mr. Lady's troops also seem to be running quite upset, and some seem to be withdrawing.

I can't help but think it's a nasty strategy.

Thanks to this, we are trying to make a new territory near the ridge, which will become the border between the Kingdom of Sylvania and the Kingdom of Warham, by moving forward the troops defending the north of Torresti, but it also seems that the troops who disturb us will not visit.

"The northern border seems to be making the same kind of moats and soil bases as here. Now the king seems happy to be able to make the border clear."

"I think this is a good idea for the west and north, but if we don't do something about the other, we're going to be able to fight the war later."

"That pioneering village? Sylvania doesn't seem to need it. It seems that the collection of sand gold is already insignificant."

Sadie broke into me and Mr. Lexus. Don't think I don't have to either. It's the West Bank on Raidel's side.

On the land, if we do something about irrigation water, we can hope to develop agriculture because it seems like fat soil……

"I don't think there's anything to contend with as Torresty. The idea is to make the enclave a territory."

That's what Mr. Lexus says, but I'm guessing the area is a negotiation.

It's about that night. I woke up with the sound of a gentle knock on the door of the sleeping car where we were resting.

Immediately prepare yourself for the command post replacement tent.

"What's wrong?

Several troop leaders have already surrounded the table.

"Looks like the watchmen have found an enemy unit coming this way. Forts and villages are already contacted by comms."

Mr. Zairas told me, but it doesn't seem like what you're drinking is tea. I might be fighting for the next fight, but is it going to be okay?

"The position will be slightly south of here. The distance is approximately 30 M (4.5 km). Two battalions of light infantry, but horseback riding units seem to be holding back."

"I should have reduced it a lot, but where did it come from?

Mr. Rick's whining just bothered me, too.

Troops that have invaded the south should not have turned back yet...... So you're saying that the troops who were west of us from the beginning got reinforcements from the country?

"If it's the foot of an infantry, we have a little time. Hurry up and move south about 10m (1.5km). Horse riding units, line up in two rows and continue along our western 2M (300M)."

The men gathered at the table at my behest took their seats simultaneously and drove their tents out.

Return to the sleeping car and make sure Sadie is ready to explain the situation quickly.

I'm a little surprised to open my eyes, but I jumped right out of my sleeping car.

Outside, Mu was waiting for her to pull two canators. Follow after the wagon that moved out on the Canator.

The noise of leeches in the distance must be the noise of Mr. Zairas and the others moving west of us.

"You're telling me to stay away from you in the dark?

"That would be the place. Two battalions were unexpected, but this one is close to two battalions. The lightweight infantry is the opponent, so I think they'll fall back in the morning."

That's an advantage to be able to easily build a formation using a luggage car and a shield.

Having a lot of archers is also an advantage. The size of the other horseback squad is unknown, but I don't even think it's the size of one battalion because Mr. Zairas is slapping it scattered.

If so, why should I say it by now?

In my head, I thought of Yolem and the Divine Empire and the border of Torresti.

Hit me......, is their purpose going to poke east of Yorem from the Torresti side?

A little back south of the village of Derim, just west is the border of Yolem.

Since the Kingdom of Yolem appears to have about three battalions of troops, it should be deploying most of its troops to the northern border with the Divine Empire.

I see. I don't even need two battalions, do I? I'm totally trying to poke Yolem's no-mark.

"Mu. Would you tell the head of the unit to move north of the Yolem border? They're not Torresti, they're Yolem's flanking force."

"I get it. I'll tell Mr. Zaylus on the way home!

Speeding up Kanatl's legs, Mu went out toward the beginning of the train.

Well, then we'll have to lay down the carriage and build a long line. The carriage has grown a lot, so it's nearly 50 cars. It'll be a defensive fence of nearly 100 meters.

After spending about an hour on the move, line up the carriage to create an impromptu formation. I also lined up my shield for about 20m to the east, so I must be able to get quite a few arrows by the time I detour.

The mobile infantry was rushing to the pile, teasing the rope, but worried that it would be over by the time the enemy approached.


Surveillance soldiers on the roof of the sleeping car shouted to let us know the enemy was approaching.

Soldiers who were west of the train turn back in a hurry.

Some soldiers are sticking their spare arrows to the ground nearby. The spear is also hanging all over the side of the luggage.

Looking west from the gap in the luggage car, we saw a bunch of blacks coming towards us. It's not even 500 meters, is it?

You can't see the whole thing without coming close in the wasteland just by the stars.

"There's another unit behind us. I can't see the horse riding squad."

Mu, who was watching next to me, told me.

"Tell him to release the arrow when he's past the pile. Almost there."

Soldiers running left and right as they watched behind me.

Well, shall I use a stone bow too......

When I tried to get back to my sleeping car, Sadie called out to me and gave me the stone bow and the bolt case. Sadie also carries a stone bow on her back.

"Where are you going to protect it?

"Naturally, it's near Chris!

"Then not around there. I'm moving to that luggage truck. Ledonia and Marian, and the Wizard of the Wizard, are supposed to be east."

Don't tell me the west of the van is where the three of us are. Sandra followed several of her men to get a few shields. He built an easy fence to the east and west.

It would be safe to leave two of them in here.

Mr. Levitt commands my men in the front lane. Now, I wonder how many enemy soldiers will cross the train...

The roar approaches from the west.

Several light spheres flew west from a row of carriages.

Wow! It looks like the arrows of the mobile infantry were released when the loud noise was heard clearly. One arrow after another is released. The stone bow is powerful, but if it's an arrow while you release one bolt, you can release three.

Eventually, the spear tip of the enemy soldiers began to be visible from the gap in the carriage.

Quite a lot. There are likely to be people breaking the carriage line.

The sound of the horseback squad's leeches was heard mixed with the sound of a sword trident. Mr. Zairas and the others must be showering arrows.

At that time, several men jumped from the carriage with a long sword.

The three of us are going to bolt right at me. I pulled the knife out of my back while Sadie and the others set the bolt and slashed it with the leading man.

Looks like he's getting a few arrows, waves a long sword while shaping like a ghost, but I guess he's also tired of coming running, he's moving slowly.

Slash him around the flank and defeat one. A bolt stood in the other man's belly as he tried to make his way to the next man.

One enemy soldier after another comes over the carriage. Looks like I'm shielding myself and the two of us are bolting.

Enemy soldiers suddenly disappeared when they slaughtered several men.

"The enemy is retreating!

"" We won!

Our cheers rose in the sky as the night was about to dawn.

The Mages begin to deal with the wounds of their allies.

The Mobile Infantry seem to be confirming enemy soldiers who have fallen with spears so that they can have mercy on the enemy soldiers.

"You've managed to hold on."

Mr. Zairas on the horse came inside the formation with Mr. Jill. As I descend the horse, I leave the horse with Mr. Jill and lower my back next to the incineration made by the motorized infantry.

I also sat down with a nearby shield instead of a chair.

"After all, the number of horseback riding squadrons was small. Two squadrons are not our enemies. Now Warram will have completely lost his invasion unit."

"That's the problem. How far back would it go? And when the army weakens, domestic politics is troublesome, because it's crushing two kingdoms in a year."

The army that holds back the rebellion will have to work on it somehow. Besides, maintaining law and order is a challenge.

Beyond losing a large number of soldiers, we also have to guarantee that, and how we will survive the coming winter. Even the grain harvest is going to be depressing.