Bandit, Be Ambitious! To Accomplish Kingdom Revival!

SA-156, the three of us who came.

From the western edge of the Kingdom of Torresti, it took eight days to move to Fort Aldes in the Kingdom of Sylvania.

It must have been a distance over 200 km.

I'm afraid I can't see the whole thing without making a map of the surrounding kingdoms as well as Sylvania as early as possible.

There is still no way to develop the national territory with a simple picture map.

Our Survey Corps seems to be very active, and half of the Kingdom of Sylvania has taken shape, but after that, we won't be able to make an overall map for another two years.

When will we be able to improve our waterways and develop wasteland?

While we were away, Mr. Torrell and Mr. McLam seemed to be working hard to support us. Taxes have been collected quite a bit, and you were happy to say that the rural harvest is more than usual.

"So, what are you going to do?

"For once, benevolence is through, isn't it? Exactly, I guess it's because sending ambassadors to the attacked Krabble kingdom is a shame, but it's a problem to invite them to our place as well. Wang du is still the old Wang du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du du

They said the Kingdom of Tornia wanted to send an ambassador to the Kingdom of Sylvania. Mr. Torrell had put it off because we weren't here, but even if we were, there would be a lot of problems.

Here, it still seems better to leave it to the Kingdom of Crabble to deal with it.

Even as a tornia, you would want to trade ambassadors with Crabble if you were supposed to.

"Since I still can't undo the pain of the war, should I write to you that I want to form a friendship with the kingdom of Tornia with the labor of sending ambassadors to my friend, the Kingdom of Krabble? At last I want the Kingdom of Crabble to tell this story as well. The Krabble Royal Palace should be delighted with the softening of Tornia."

Are you going to spend your female days enriching your internal affairs?

We have to work hard without losing. With three battalions of regular troops and two battalions of soldiers from Tunda, the protection of East and West can be enriched.

Other than that, there are militia groups and Lady and the ninja troops in this world. We must also take care of the development of troops that are not on the table.

"Wouldn't there be a war anymore?

"I think three years is fine. Five years from now will be suspicious, depending on Warham, but the invasion of the Kingdom of Torresti will be frustrated because we have created an empty moat and a dirt base. The invasion of us is between the two countries, so we can do anything."

"Exactly, don't you want Yolem………."

"No, that's a possibility, too. If it were to happen, it would be about ten years later."

"You mean to accumulate troops?

Nodding at Sadie's words, he lights the pipe as he looks at the picture map.

It will be easy to try this invasion again. That would include deploying about three battalions on the Sylvania-Toresti border, and at least five battalions at once to carry out a force attack, which would allow them to fall.

One battalion is enough. You should be able to get the rich national territory of Yolem and learn how to make Greek gunpowder.

How do we move then……. You're going to have a headache.

Like the kingdom of Tornia, it would be nice if you were satisfied with the fact that you have become a great power, but your ambitions may not fit so easily.

Looks like you should start collecting more information now.

"Banter doesn't want to make Sylvania bigger?

"I'm getting around to it. Even Sadie, right? I made it a little bigger than the old kingdom. Don't think it's our job to leave that to Chris."

"There is no hegemony.... but I think the same thing. If you can get along well with neighbouring countries, that's fine. If it's a kingdom that wields its fists, you just have to go out with it."

In short, you mean ignore it.

If he still punches me, he'll tell us...

The fundamentals of foreign policy would be good with that.

My buddies can also be used as a deterrent.

"If you say that, you can't see Mu?

"They have a childhood wedding in the northern village. Looks like we've got a lot more sheep and goats to graze. Mr. Talnes told me you opened a grocery store."

Looks like Mr. Talnes could have gone from being a small merchant to being a merchant with two shops. He leaves the store to his family, and he is doing extensive business within the kingdom of Tornia with a Cat man. It seems that the traffickers must be transmitting rumors and supplying daily necessities because they can still see traces of the battle in the kingdom of Tornia.

I wonder if it's true that Tornia wanted to have an ambassador at our place, or if it wanted to do business on a larger scale than a pedestrian.

"We should just look a few years ahead and rule Sylvania. Once the system has collapsed, there are no nobles against defending their rights."

"That, too, is a problem. You'll need someone to stop our rampage."

Governance needs a cycle called PDSA. Plans and actions will be good for us. But we need someone who can verify the results and make changes to the plan, third-party? I'm starting to understand the meaning of the PDCA my father used to talk about.

"You can use the Marians. Have a proven track record of raising me. Zaylus and the others won't be able to do it, and Finna and the others won't be able to make any financial adjustments..."

My current role is as Secretary of the Interior, but is there someone who can replace it with a shoulder?

"Would foreign and internal affairs be better served by a banter? Mu is a pretty talented guy."

"You weren't going to mention it. I don't have any other talent. It'll be easier if you spot it early."

Marian must also hold Chris' nanny, Ledonia. If the royal family they raised would go straight down the royal road, they would agree.

Besides, he is also a devout believer. Naturally, there will also be a meeting with Emilda, so there is a filter called Religion, but she will appreciate our actions with a third-party eye.

One day, a sudden communication arrived from the eastern fort.

I hear I have a visitor from the kingdom of Tornia. Since the number of people is three, it is likely that the situation will be inspected under the guise of a tribute visit.

I have no reason to disagree, nor am I interested in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Tornia. They'll recognize the Kingdom of Warham as a new and mighty nation, so maybe they want information from us.

Two days later, we were visited by a young knight of the same age as Mr. Gartnen and Mr. Marian. Maybe the knight feels like a luggage man.

I have just made a brief greeting among the kings and will lead them to a small conference room.

Show the three of us to the table who are surprised our fort is surprisingly small, and we'll sit down too.

Mr. and Mrs. Torrell are being called to escort the talks, so even if Mr. Gartnen pulls out his sword, he will be able to let Sadie escape.

"Ever since the fort in the east, huh? Welcome aboard."

"Sure, since then. I've been asking for talks since last year, but I never thought I'd gone out to Torresti. To say that you received our stairs must have been carried by the battle according to Lord Banter's plan. First of all, in the name of King Tornia, I congratulate you on your victory."

You said it was a name... Then, Mr. Gartnen will say that he is quite a person in the eating position within the national government. It didn't seem like a mere general.

"It would be nice if I were an official messenger and a squire, but I can't bring my wife here. Next door is Celia, my wife. I've lived in the royal palace for a long time, but Celia is more excited than I am this time..."

"I don't have any idea where Sylvania sounds funny though?

"What do you say? I want to confirm with my eyes the Archdiocese of Ardenne...... That's one word. It was a small dream."

Seeing the aunt with her eyes sparkling like a girl and thinking of the sight, we looked at each other.

"It was the banter who brought that up, wasn't it?

"You all agreed!

Mr. Gartnen looks at us whispering in a small voice.

Well, we'll see. Let's have an early look at reality here.

"The cathedral is not that far from here. Why don't you ladies head over to each other? Emilda is in the monastery, so please explain in detail……"

"Let me show you around. Lord Gartnen will be looking for the banter. Talk slowly."

"Now let me accompany the escort…"

You left me and Mr. Gartnen behind and they're all gone. A squire sitting next to Mr. Gartnen is distracted.

"I'm sorry. Once I say it, I'm a wife who won't listen."

"You seem to have similarities with Her Majesty the Queen. I went out of my mind……………………"

Take a seat and remove the liquor bowl from the wall.

When I put three cups on the table, I poured plenty of wine.

Place the cup in front of the two of you and place a bottle of wine in the middle of the table. Taking a sip first and looking at the poison, the two reached for the cup.

"I don't know how. So even if you know that Mr. Gartnen's visit wasn't just a tribute visit, how can you hear it?"

"I have enough talk to negotiate. Certainly not just a tribute visit. My king desires the Kingdom of Sylvania. No, is it easier to understand, Lord, to say that I desire Lord Banter than the territory of the Kingdom of Sylvania?

Is that a guy named Headhunting?

But the terms of the kingdom of Tornia will stop nobility no matter how good. I don't think I can compare it here because I'm the queen's companion.

"Don't look like that. For once, I told you I couldn't do it because I was second only to the king. However, the successful invasion of our king's three kingdoms was due to the lack of lateral spears in the Kingdom of Sylvania. That's what I also understood when the Crabble invasion was frustrated early. Compare the two wars and the presence of Sylvania will soon emerge."

"Do you want to work with us now?

"Sure, we don't seem to have as much force. Isn't that where the two Regular Army battalions are? But behind it we see a few battalions of reinforcements. We won't be able to cross the ridge."

It's an inside read. We're going to need to check the intelligence network in the kingdom of Tornia.

When I lit the pipe with a strange face, Mr. Gartnen also took out the pipe.

"Beyond the fact that the Kingdom of Tornia is belligerent, we need to prepare ourselves for it. But aren't we struggling with more rapid territorial expansion than we are?

"Sure...... Expanding aristocratic territory will not keep up. I didn't even think there was such a shortage of people who could run a direct jurisdiction."

"A kingdom without such reflection is the Warham kingdom to the west. As early as three years, we will try to invade again within ten years at the latest. An invasion to improve the lives of the people would be a little sympathetic, but that kingdom seems to have only the purpose of territorial expansion."

My words opened my squire's eyes wide.

You're pretending to be a squire, but you're a completely different person. There's still going to be a ditch between us and the kingdom of Tornia.