Three hours have passed since Kate fell into the waterfall.

An unexpected raid of demons by the Demon King Army. In the middle of it, Kate sheltered me from some attack and fell into the river.

The demon was cleaned up by me and Mr. Rick, but we haven't found Kite and Schiff yet.

"Hey, it's time to get some rest. I'm not gonna keep you better."


I have a sharper sense of smell than a human being with mixed powers of demons.

I'm using that to manage to track down Kite, but it's hard to follow the smell and traces of him falling into the river.

Still, without giving up, Mr. Rick stops me trying to go through the woods.

"Kate, because of me..."

"It's not your fault. It's more my fault for failing to be vigilant.... I never thought the Demon King's Army would attack us to such a border"

Demons of the Demon King Army.

Those were taken down by Mr. Rick in an instant, but it seems like some kind of manipulation was made of those raids.

Because the timing of the raid was too good, and more importantly, the magic bullet directed at me was emitted by someone who was clearly not a demon.


"It's okay, Lime. Because I'll definitely find Kite."

Silver slime depressing over my shoulder - speak to the lime.

The sky is still bright.

You should still be able to find it if it's not night.

"The demon movement is getting more active. Looks like a troublemaker just got into the demons here."

"... about the Demon King's Army?"

"I don't know what you're after, but I'm pretty sure you have a clear hostility from what you've done to us."

... There are two possibilities that come to mind.

The first is the possibility that my sister, an executive of the Demon King's Army, is trying to get a little bit out on me.

The second is the possibility that he sent demons to eliminate me, the brave one, or to measure his power.

Either way, it's my fault... it's a serious situation so far.

After this, let me reveal to Mr. Rick that I am chosen as the brave man of the Kingdom of Hendil.

"... sister"

If my sister is involved in this matter......

Even if you targeted me in the middle of a fight......

Because of that, kite is supposed to shelter me, and that basic nori, the momentum and the joke and the living sister can't leave kite alone...!

What floats behind my brain is my memory with my previous sister, who sets it apart.

Reefa! Look at that! '

My sister looked back and stuck a fig on her cheek at the same time.

"Yes, half of it."

My sister only gave me about a third of the sweets that were supposed to be divided between us, calling them half.

"Reefa, you can't be a fine hunter like that."

Gorillas shouldering adult pigs, even though they are the same height as me.

"Feel like a fish -!"

My sister suddenly kicked me off the back when I was peeking into the river.

There are good things about it.

But he was my sister, who had a lot of bad things as bad as that.

If that bad part is out again this time, things will be the same for a long time.

"You're a serious sister fight...... Never give in...!"


My shoulder lime trembles in a surprisingly flat voice myself.

It's okay, Lime.

Kite definitely helps out and shows it.

White wolf, a few more hours after the hawk turns out to be a hell of a demon.

As the sun leans and the sky turns to orange, me and Schiff, who still kept walking in the woods, realize the fact that we were never close to the waterfall of purpose.

"Shiv, I hope I'm not mistaken."


"Not far from the waterfall?"

"That's an odd encounter. I thought the same thing."

I don't see a waterfall as a goal from this place with high trees.

That's why I've been following Hakuro until now, but I get a lot of anxiety when I don't have to walk this far to get there.

As an adventurer, I'm studying the art of survival, but I can't stay long in the woods with such demons.

"... Schiff, what do we do?"

"No offense to this one.... but being powerful can be good and unreasonable. If you like... I'm protecting you, so it feels like Kate belongs to me..."


What's with all the mess?

I'm starting to get scared of hawks moving forward in an upbeat mood as soon as possible.

Oh, no, right? You don't think so, do you?

"Ha, Hakuro, check the location once..."


I get kind of scared, and for now, when I speak up to stop the hawk, I raise my voice faster than that.

When Biri and I and Schiff trembled, Hakuro, who turned this way, saw us once and then ran forward.

"Oh wait!!"

"What happened to him all of a sudden?"

When me and Schiff go after the hawk, they go from where the trees were lined up to an unnaturally open place.

A pompous open space in the woods.

There's a hawk right out there that made me dew my guard.

"Hakuro, what's wrong with running out of the blue!?"


"You look alert, don't you? Not to us... to whom?"

It's not normal for this kid to be so vigilant.

Pull out the knife as you instruct Schiff to be a hat and see the direction the hawk is staring at.

"Anybody there?"

The center of an open place where the short grass grows.

There, there was one girl looking up at the sky in a way that turned her back on this one.

"Oh, he finally brought me here. I've been waiting for you."

I look back at the girl, and I lose my words.

White-haired hair stretched around my waist, two faces of melon on my partner - white ears reminiscent of the animal on its head.

The girl with the two swords on her hips looks at me and smiles at me innocuously.

"Nice to meet you. I know you're hearing from Reefa, but I'm that kid's sister Nea. You're Alihara Kite, aren't you?"

"No, I'm Jacob Rising."

When I intuitively decided I was in trouble, I uttered my pseudonym.

But how did Jacob get out?

Jacob Rising, you like it too much.

More than that, the girl in front of you is Reefa's sister.

He's a Demon King's Army executive, a dangerous person who's tormenting lots of people---he's not a good opponent to be alarmed about.

"Huh? I made a mistake...? No, I will certainly be with Reefa..."

No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

If you keep pretending to be someone else, you might be able to get them home.

"No, no, no! You won't fool me! You are the true Arihara Kite!"

"Chip, tougher than Reefa...!"

Bish! I've been holding my finger. I didn't think Nia hit me in the tongue.

Coughing, she smiles invincibly and approaches with her hands on the sword of her hips.

No, wait, what did she just say to us?

You finally brought me here?

"Hakuro, you... were one of her people...?"


A hawk with a very sorry face and a sticky head down.

Maybe you didn't do it on your own?

"He was my servant, and he led you this far.... and they named me Hakuro. That's what I'm gonna call it next time."


Are you forcing me to obey?

Hakuro turns his roaring voice toward Nea, who even feels like killing.

"Well, Arihara Kite, sir. Is it a coincidence that you have the same name as a man who came with the brave men of another world?"

"... no, it's a different person"

"It's also a coincidence that I became the partner of my sister, who was chosen as a brave man?"

It's a coincidence.

"Well, let me give you a try, with my personal interest! Interesting how you fight. Shit!"

No, it doesn't make any sense.

The opposite is true of Reefa.

Nia pulled out two swords in a grinning manner.

Standing in a cold sweat, the hawk comes forward to shelter me like that.


"Oh, are you coming here to rebel? Looks like he has a simple user demon contract, and I wonder if he really likes it?"

"Hakuro, you...!"


I'm ashamed of myself for questioning your betrayal even temporarily.

Were you forced to obey because of the word servant?

"The magic of pure demons that captivate even the Spirit of the Wind. I'm getting more and more interested."

"... that it's a spirit!?"

The sif of the hat raises his voice of consternation.

Spirit? Is there a spirit rather than a spirit?

"The Spirit should be an invisible phenomenon...!"

"Yeah, yeah, you're an expert. But there's a way in this world to form and enslave that kind of being?"

"Have you forced yourself to put shackles in the Spirit!? Do you understand how contrary that is to natural cooking!?"

An exasperating shiv.

Is that all Nia did to Hakuro?

Even under the wrath of Schiff, she still doesn't break her grin.

"I am a Demon King's Army executive. You're a bad guy, aren't you? You can't care less about that."

An innocent, smiling face without even shards of malice.

She turns her hands to the hawk, looking like she doesn't think it's any bad.

When the back of her palm shines, an anomaly occurs in the hakuro's body.

"So it's not weird to give a fart to a servant trying to get his teeth to me, is it?"

"Huh, wu, wu!?"


Hakuro suffers from pain, and the contours of his body become blurred.

Nia smiles coldly at the bright hawk.

"You can disappear for a while. And then I'll have fun, so you're in the way."

"Shiv! I'm stopping you!!"


Ask Schiff to activate the physical enhancement and face Nea.

But before that, a painful hawk bit me in the left arm.

"Huh, Hakuro, what..."


There is no pain.

It just conveys the feeling that something is being sent in.

For the first time here, Nia with a stunned look on her face, a hakuro who skewed his mouth corner just to look at her like that and say "do it” was going to make her disappear completely.