I searched several stores for information, mainly Rad's store, which was a pseudo-weapon shop. Their presence melts into the city and hides subtly, so it's hard to find them. However, the Duke of the Black Pig interacted with most of the informants operating in the town of Yorem if it was already black. And it's in my memory.

"It's been a long time, Denning Young Man... what can I do for you today in such a tiny shop...?

But few shopkeepers welcomed me like Rad.

Rather, there were so many shops threatened by the Duke of Dark Pigs that they were obviously confused by my visit.

I don't have any information to satisfy the young man in Denning............

To make them talk, you have to show them that you're a good customer.

Speaking of providing valuable information, they opened their mouths. The information they were looking for was a strange event that was happening in King's Landing right now.

Royal Knight of King's Landing, I heard that Sepis Pendragon took a student from Crush Magic School as his apprentice. Young Denning... do you know who the student is? "

I've never heard of it, but I'm sure it's about Shuya Nükern. Her Majesty greatly appreciates Suya, who has returned from the Great Labyrinth of Circusta. Undoubtedly, it was Shuya who made Royal Knight Sepis Pendragon his apprentice.

"The Sepis Pendragon is the most promising of the young, up-and-coming royal knights. The Pendragon knights must be a great asset for apprenticeships. Besides, His Majesty ordered me to do so directly."

The informants thought Shuya Nükern was going to be a big player.

That's why I gave them the information about Shuya easily. Fragmented pieces, connected heads, will soon reach Shuya. Instead, I got some information. Why my father, Barderoy Denning, came to Crush Magic School.

Young Denning...... That's why the Duke came to Crush Magic School, but speculation is flying. Whether the information I have is true or false..... "

The information I was looking for was not accurate.

Still, connecting the little pieces of information allowed me to understand what my father was trying to do at the Magic School and who his enemies were.

The whole day spent searching for information.

When the sun fell, I came back to the inn and saw Sansa sitting in a chair in the lobby on the ground floor thinking about something. A cloud of expressionless faces beside him.

Is it used conveniently again? The cloud sent a look at me when they found me, but through.

I'll do what I have to do while the cloud catches Sansa.

"Silva, there you are."

Silva and cloud rooms. When I knocked, I replied from inside. Silva and Charlotte were in the room. They looked face-to-face at the map placed on the desk. I thought it was a map of Crush Magic School.

"Welcome home, kid! You look satisfied. Please tell me. What's going to happen now!?

Silva stares at me with an exciting face. Charlotte looks anxious next door. It is always the case for these two people that I suddenly disappear to gather information. And he seemed to know I had something.

I'm sitting on a fluffy sofa placed in my room.

"Wait for the cloud. You always did, didn't you? There are four of us at the operation meeting."



On November 21, 2020, 10 volumes of the Duke of Pigs' library were released yesterday.

This completes the Bunko version of The Pig Duke.

* The web version will continue as the author's hobby.

I will continue to murmur about the Duke of Pigs' library, so please follow us on Twitter. https://twitter.com/2He9hvjV6pAP9KB

I'm also updating Kakuyom.

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