Enya in the dungeon.

I feel like an excursion.

Enya Kora in a rehabilitation mood.

Buhi, buhi, buhi.


He eats food from a huge bag on his back.

"Boiled egg! ?? Did you eat it as a boiled egg ??? As expected, I'm pulling it too ... Mumbling. That feels like a color that shouldn't exist in nature."

"The Great Spirit of Darkness says that you can boil those things ... but in the end, the Great Spirit of Darkness frowned on the smell and didn't eat it. But it's something that Slow-sama cherished.

I shook my head.

The boiled egg of the great spirit of death is already too meaningless and scary.

Indeed, if you throw it in a dungeon, it will be a monster and it will be a terrible development, so if you calm down, consider an appropriate disposal method.

"I feel like I was eating old slow. That kind of thing. I liked it."

"--- No, wait a minute, I'm not going to eat it!"

Absolutely absolutely!

What does Charlotte think of me?

Do you think of it as a vacuum car that sucks in any food?

"Did you forget Mr. Slow? When I went to the house of Earl Harhou, I ate some old-fashioned snacks in the garden shed and fell asleep. I saw people eating it. "

"Ah ... that is ... well ... I'm a young man or hungry. I thought that somewhere in the world was the Earl, who was even called the Minister of Confectionery, and that he had somewhere to store his valuable treats. I remember Charlotte, wasn't that just the time Charlotte came home?

"I remember well because Alicia-sama made a fuss."

"I remembered that he said he must have sweets in that hut."

At an early age, Alicia had been in custody for some time because of the bad situation of the circuit.

A pretty shy horse and a selfish tomboy.

I thought the princess was a hassle and I didn't want to get involved if I could, but I was missed and we were engaged.

"He's worried. I guess I'm dead about food poisoning."

"... Speaking of which, Slow-sama. When the adventurers came out of this dungeon, I feel like Alicia-sama was glanced at me. Slow-sama thought and ate somehow It's time. "

"Well ... Alicia? Really?"

Charlotte took out the canteen, drank a very small amount of water, and then nodded.

"It's a flag. That ..."

"What? What?"

"Oh no, this story."

Huh ~~~

I don't think Charlotte will bother to say that it's unlikely in this situation. And his voice is characteristic ... I guess he was here.

After all, he's the most important character (key character) in anime, and he's the main heroine who played a long, long tsundere-like love pattern with the main character, Shuya.

"Buhii ~~~~~~~~~~"

The fact that there is noisy Alicia means that there is also Shuya.

We haven't finished paying our debts yet, and we'll be working together.

Well, now that Krush Magic Academy is closed due to temporary dysfunction, are you thinking of making money as an adventurer? Is Alicia also arriving?


I don't have to be here now when I'm going to make a fuss.

No, is it useless to say that to those who have a hero-class presence?

"Um, Mr. Slow. I'm sorry for thinking about it ..."

Feeling the coldness of his voice, he looks back.

There, she has beautiful silver hair and a charlotte with a knife and noisy equipment on her waist.

A lovable girlfriend who was prepared for me while she was suspicious of my words "Dive into the dungeon. Get ready."

However, such an excellent servant is a stunned face for some reason.


"I'm sorry. What?"

"Um, Slow. Please stop eating."


Charlotte stares at me.

But my humorous hand never stopped.

I was fasting like a squirrel, biting fruit instead of a drink, and drinking cold juice overflowing from inside.

Cum, Pupa.

"Please look here! Your neck is already suffering! What is it!"


"I think my body grows bigger in this short time, but it's not about one round, it's about two rounds! I will take it up!"

"Cho! Stop it! This is my rice! Because it is rice!"

No, it's such an idiot.

When I woke up this morning, I was shaky?

It's only half a day after that, there's no pig!

"It's already! How long have you been eating! Slow-sama has been eating several days of food because he dives into the dungeon!"

"Buh, buhbuhya. Okay, Charlotte. As I said before, the fatter I get, the stronger I get. I mean, now I train by eating. This is a training.

I wanted to be so thin a while ago, but now I want to get a little fat in preparation for the decisive battle.

Well, life is a mess.

"Training !? I don't know the reason anymore! I guess it's going to eat everything I brought! Please stop!"

"Buhii. Buhiihyi"

"Please do not suddenly become oak! Slow-sama, it's malicious!"


We were dumb though we were in a dungeon.

The passages in the dungeon are equally spaced with torches to maintain brightness and warmth.

As you can see, the dungeon interior managed by the dungeon city was peaceful.

The majority of adventurers will first gather in the Federation dungeon cities for a variety of reasons to gain strength, get used to monsters, recruit friends, and gain knowledge. The city, which was being improved by the Free Federation merchants who saw it, has grown into a huge guild.

The adventurer's guild is dominating the dungeon city.

The interior of the dungeon is managed by guild personnel so that a large number of constantly gathering adventurers are not killed by monsters. It is rumored that the Adventurer's Guild's southern headquarters knows exactly what monsters are present in all twenty-four dungeons in the wilderness, but that wouldn't be a lie either.

This is more than the rumor that arrived at Dalis.

Guild Master, amazing.


But it's too quiet.

The adventurers who have returned to the dungeon city following the guildmaster's withdrawal order may have cleaned up the monsters who are strolling upstairs, but they did not meet too much.

"So stop eating with a meaningful thought face! Wow, a skeleton monster has arrived! Slow-sama! Over there!"

"Is it finally appearing ...? Well, that's the appearance of Oak who seems to be strong."

"Wow ... that skeleton, it looks like it's very strong ... but is it oak?"

"Yeah, if you look closely, the skeleton isn't a human but an oak. However, I don't really know because there aren't many skeletons of oaks."

"Buhii. Buhii."

"... Amazing Charlotte. That oak, I'm talking even when I'm a skeleton."

The skeleton of the oak approaching buh-bu-hee with a sniff is wearing enormous equipment. It is not a monster that can appear at least in the upper class of a dungeon that is classified as C-class.

The skeleton stops and I am ready for instant hostility.

The eyes of the unlikely monster were shooting through my movements.


Before his birth, he was probably a powerful oak king that wasn't Buffita's.


"... Hurry up, Charlotte-it looks like the Demon King is already awake."

I let go of Charlotte, who seemed to be somewhat out of understanding and seemingly frozen.