"That's right! Slow told you to leave it to yourself!" And so, Alicia-sama?

"... Well, I'll return Princess Karina to the Royal Knights without any hurt. Indeed he said that when he left the store."

"Yes, that's great confidence. I guess it's a dragon slayer of the Duke."

Alicia sits next to her and sends her a helpboat. Charlotte is relieved.

Alicia is truly a princess. The figure that never fears the Queen is a strong figure that Charlotte longs for. And apparently there was some acquaintance between Alicia and the Queen.

"Her Majesty Queen Elena. Not a pig ... but if he says that, Princess Karina is back safely. I don't think I'm worried."

"Well, this is surprising. Alicia believes he is a former fiancee."

"It's ... that ..."

With those two people in between, Charlotte only gets smaller.

Charlotte himself was a much more noble man than Alicia, but now he fits in his servant's status and is dyed plain.

He himself has long been aware that he is a royal family, and as he has awakened as a wizard, he is now thinking only of the future of becoming a servant of the Duke of Denning.

And I couldn't stand the uncomfortable feeling of out-of-place. I reached out to the cookie prepared on the table and was impressed with the surprising taste. When I reached out again to try another one, I saw Alicia's eyes stunned and reluctantly gave up.

No one will notice her identity when she sees her.

"But Rudolf, it's not hurt, it's a word you can rely on unlike anyone."


"Would you say the same word if you were in front of the exile of the Great Power (Minelva) (Electric)?"

"Your Majesty ... if you give permission to pull out the enchantment sword of light ... I'm the body of a northern demon (dark elf) or rock cave giant (rock golem) Let's show how easy it is to cut off ... In addition, it is impossible for guardian knights (guardians) who are allowed to possess the attached sword (enchanted sword) to lose the wizard to the opponents ...

"Huh ... stop it, Rudolph."

The story of the Queen and the Guardian Knight.

They seemed completely uninterested in the rescue play of the princess.

"Yeah, let's talk about another. Rudoltz, in that tornado (hurricane). What do you think is happening in your mind?

"Fight? His Majesty ... The battle has already ended. The thunder was just the last point of the Great Mage. See your Majesty. Sama) ... I suppose the power inside and out is gone ... "

"That's right, so let's slowly wait for him and Kalina to return. You guys there, don't be blurred. Give these girls something warm."

As Charlotte thought, the queen of the knight nation (Eleina Darris) was not worried at all about her daughter trapped in the tornado (Hurricane). The Guardian knew that there was a game inside, and the Queen believed it straightforwardly.

Does the guardian knight of the crescent moon (Rudolph Dorfruy) see something he does not understand?

A gray-haired man sitting face-to-face, his age is not well understood from this distance.

A well-trained body that can be easily seen from above the white cape, and a number of red and white medals on the chest. White hair, white cloak, and white skin that doesn't appear much in the sun.

Seen from a distance, the guardian knight (Guardian) who protects the queen will look fantastic.

Although it looks more like a silent man, she is talkative about telling the Queen about John Maldini, the commander of the Royal Knights. Charlotte is convinced by himself that there are many factions in the Royal Knights (royal knights) where many nobles gather because there are various types in the Duke's (Denning).

So I suddenly noticed something wrong.

There are so many royal knights (Royal Knights) around that tornado (Hurricane) to rescue the princess, but there is only one Royal Knight here.

"Did you say Charlotte ... because that's enough for me."

"Eh ... what?"

"No, Rudolph, because you have rejected another Royal Knight."

"My Majesty, I-"

`` I'm a troubled knight who can't believe her. ''

The Queen closes her eyelids, as if she weren't talking anymore.

Its appearance is as if the whole body feels the air flowing through the capital city of Dalis-much like the shape of an old mother in distant memories.

For a moment, the lonely Charlotte Lily Hughjack is lonely.

She is lonely, no real family is anywhere in the world anymore.

It used to be sad every day in the world that I was alone, but now I'm crazy. Princess and queen. A guardian knight like a royal knight. And I'm thinking a lot about my family ...

-Gray eyes with pale pigment.

I noticed that a white-haired man sitting face-to-face was staring at herself.

"Hey ..."

"I said Charlotte."

"Yes, yes ...?"

"You ......... meet me ... have you ever met somewhere ...?"

The princess of the ruined powerhouse (Hughjack), Charlotte Lily Hughjack, shook his head in the words of the Royal Knight with gray hair.

However, the guardian knight of the crescent moon (Rudolph Dorflewiy) was always tired of seeing Charlotte, so Charlotte was very troubled and reached out to the cookie.