Attending a ball? Why, why?

What about the harassment? I mean, I'm the worst at proms.

Lots of noble people gather and ironic conversations are repeated everywhere.But it would be cheaper if my father's life were saved just by going to the ball.

"Of course, it's not enough for you to attend, Bal's son."

Magna told me to look through my heart.

"I have a dignitary who wants you to contact me.Bal is very different in age, but you are qualified. [M]Not only your age, but also your position in the country is similar to hers. "

... she? That means she's my age...?

It's a circus ball... no, Alicia doesn't.

Circling around in your head turns your mind.Magna, this grandfather wants his father's life and the Knights of Yorenz on a scale.What kind of impossible problems do you say?

At least it's not too easy to get in touch with Alicia.

"Son of Bal, the girl we want you to contact in the circus is a girl called Fei.To be called to a ceremony sponsored by King Cirquista is too hidden.But we found out who she was. "

Next month, the ball in Cirquista will be the culmination of the social scene that nobility admires.Even the participants are super classy upstairs, and the rusty ones are going to look into it all the time.Who the hell is that?

"It's Faye Dostol, the princess of the Dostol Empire called Reaper."

... I see.

Negotiations with Magna are over and we head back to the cathedral.

When they find me, a lot of Knights of Yorenz are calling out.

"Young man, how are you?"

"The power of magic! Did the young man talk to them!?"

Walk down the road to the cathedral with a wave of hands.

I didn't mean to tell the knights the details.

The knights' magic came back because they talked to Magna.When I nodded to Magna's request, the old man ordered the masked men in the dark to destroy the crystal.


It was Silva who rushed to sew between the knights.

I heard Charlotte and Cloud were beside my father.Not only the knights, but also my father's magic is back.

Even with the sequelae of the Ring of Power, it's about your father.You will wake up soon.More importantly, yes. I caught Silva, I heard.

"Silva, are you close to Her Majesty?"

"Hee...? Speaking of Her Majesty... which Majesty?"

"It's Eleanor. You'll be able to lend me a National Treasure Sword to settle the Duke's disturbances.Can you imagine that you're quite trusted? "

"Well, I think you can be trusted there..."

Silva is a civilian. Nevertheless, Her Majesty has lent her sword.

If Silva were to flee the country, the sword would be in the hands of another country.If that happens, the country is important.However, there is a sword in Silva's hand.

A special civilian who wants to tie him to a knighthood, even if he feeds luxuriously.

That is your assessment of Silva from Her Majesty.

Briefly explain the situation to Silva as he walks to the cathedral where his father rests.

The situation has been resolved.The rust reaches under the Duke's House.That means he's under his father's control.

"Su, isn't that awesome!Honey! I thought I was done with the Duke's house!I can't believe this is a quick fix! "

Silva opens her eyes.

Of course not.It is a secret that I will go to Circusta on behalf of my father and contact dignitaries of the Dostol Empire.

Magna's demands on me are simple.

Contact Fay Dostol, Princess of the Dostol Empire, who was invited to a circus ball on behalf of his father, who is invited as a guest, to explore the purpose.

I wonder what the dignitaries of the Dostol Empire thought and accepted Circusta's invitation.


As you walk with your thoughts in mind, you can immediately see the majestic cathedral.

There are not only Silva around me, but also a lot of knights.With magic back, some idiots say they're going to attack the rust again.

This is why the knight with the muscle head is in trouble.

When the cathedral door opened, it was my father who emerged from it.

I put on my glasses as usual and my son is badly hurt from my eyes.Mint, his father's servant, screams to rest beside him.

I saw my father's face and was immediately attacked by the urge to cast a spell on him.

"I promised that the rust would remain under my father's control. It's all settled."

My father looked surprised by my words, but I didn't miss a smile in his mouth for a moment.

"Really... that's my son.You must be tired. Rest well today. "

My father then told the Knights of Yorenz that it was strictly forbidden to deal with rust.

They stripped off hostility and did not blame the completely counterproductive rust.

Some knights objected to his father's weakness, but after all, the Knights of Yorenz did not suffer a single blow.Of course, because I drank Magna's demands, but the damage would be too small against that kind of opponent.

"Young man! The Duke is resting!"

Let me through. I have a right to talk to him.

That's why I snuck into my father's sleeping quarters.Mint, my father's devoted servant, stood in front of the door, but he got in the way.

"Fall back, Mint."

When I grabbed her shoulder, Mint pulled out my angry feelings.

Inside the bedroom is his father sitting in a chair and wearing glasses.

"Slow. I thought it was time to come - Lock the tablet."

Father held his staff and turned to the door and the door closed quietly.I'm going to tell you a story that Mint, my devotee, can't even tell you.So it was convenient.

When I pulled the chair, I sat down like my father did.

Father, there was so much I wanted to say to this man.From what I could not do until that wary father was hostile to rust, to everything.

"... so what do you want to ask me?"

I'm not too long.

Besides, there are always bitter memories between Father and this Raccoon.

That's why I decided to ask you straight away.

"You and Magna made this whole thing up.What are you going to do to deceive Her Majesty?Does the Duke (Denning) intend to fight the Dostol Empire? "

"... fu, fufu, hahaha, hahahahaha! Hahaha!"

My father laughed at my words with a beat of silence.

I've never seen my father laugh like that, fun and helpless from the bottom of my heart.