I checked with Sansa many times.

But he only told me with a serious face that Father would come to this school within. That fucking busy old man just staying at Krush Magic School to decide on my squire? Huh? What kind of joke is that?

"Master Slough, you look very pale. What's wrong? Did you even eat bread that expired?

"... I had a bad dream."

"Yume? Even Master Slough dreams."

"Vision, what do you think I am?"

Where did my majesty go when I defended the school?

"You'll be the unadulterated one who made my real sister bogged down in front of the public. Now the vast majority of the school is sympathetic to Sansa, isn't it?

"... see, move your hands more than move your mouth. You can't skip because you're self-taught, can you?

"Master Slough was blurry, wasn't he?"

"I've already solved it."

Suddenly, the class became self-taught. As a self-study time, a large number of tasks are given and the vast majority of the classes are haunting their heads. I finished solving it right away.

"Vision...... you, what would you think if you heard my father was coming here?

Like everyone else next door, I speak to a vision that was solving the bump calculation problem. This guy does a good job of magic exercises there, but I don't like arithmetic systems like this.

"Are you the Duke of Denning? It's impossible for heaven and earth to turn upside down."

He said with his hands flickering.

"Are you going to turn this Krush School of Magic into a battlefield?"

"Oh, yeah."

My father does more for the people of this country than anyone else.

As the head of the Duke's family, he dedicates his current form of progress to the people.

"Master Slough, you look really pale, don't you? Shouldn't we go to the infirmary?

"He said it wasn't that serious... see, move your hands rather than talk"

"Isn't Mr. Slough talking?"

The Duke's lord has many enemies.

Where Valderoy Denning is, there's so much talk of blood raining.

If the story spreads that he's coming, some of the civilians in this school will escape.

Sansa still didn't seem willing to spread the story of her father's visit to the school.

Me... can I run away?

"Master Slough, what are you looking at outside? We're going to the next class."

"Shut up. Okay, I'm coming."

It doesn't go well with your father.

No, it's not just me. My brothers and sisters, they all respect your father, but they're not good at it. That Sansa is no exception.

"Speaking of which, Master Slough. Who is that girl with the green hair?

"Green hair? Oh, Mint, huh? She's my new squire candidate."

"Mr. Slough has Mr. Charlotte."

I think so, too, Vision.

"There's a guy who's wondering if Charlotte deserves to be my squire. In a strong way."

"But that green-haired kid, he's a civilian, right? Are you saying you look so cute, but you have a hell of a lot of strength?

Apparently, the vision blued when he whined.

Anyway, that Sansa is going to recommend me as my squire. I guess you're confident I'll admit it.

Sister, my squire by Sansa Denning, the selection exam.

According to Sansa's thoughts, the most necessary ability as a Duke's squire is the ability to detect a crisis.

We Duke people are always targeted, so the squire beside us said we need the strength to protect our master no matter what. I don't know.

"Dear Slough, but I'll do my best!

"Young lady! Nice to meet you today!

Both Charlotte and Mint are nervous. Mint, in particular, must have some of the burdens that screwed up my room, but it's a bee.

All right, I gotta relax the tension between the two of you here, okay?

"Sansa and the others aren't really attacking me either, and we're both relaxing, relaxing. With that said, where is Mint from?

"Eh, I..."

Aggregated time, except during class.

They're gonna stay as close to me as possible and protect me from the Sansa and the others ambush.

But it's not like those guys are actually going to attack us.

Until only a preliminary motion to carry out the attack.

So there's no need to feel more than necessary —— I thought.

"Mint, come on, isn't Sansa forcing you? You're not gonna be my squire, are you? It's just hard work, and there's nothing in return. How many of my father's servants have changed..."

But I'll understand soon enough.

I was licking you.

The girl Sansa recommended, even though she knew it wasn't normal.

"Young, forgive me--"

As I casually walked through after-school school, Mint, who was protecting my left side, took my arm.



Incredible power from a luxurious body, distracted by you, Mint gave me a leg. Foot payment.

My feet fluttered off the ground and my face turned naturally upwards.

Someone's thick fist sticking out where my face was.

To wind pressure, I meditate my eyes.

Doshin and my ass crash to the ground. And I made a plan to look up at the man.

A big man in a monk's coat.

"Young. If it weren't for the mint, he'd be dead."

Finally understand.

"... Koktow. You were really gonna kill me right now."

Exclusive servant of Sansa (Servant), Cocteau.

A man called a ghost man from the north jumped off the roof of a school building.

And I didn't realize this guy attacked me.


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