My father is definitely sending in his direct reports and starting to move somewhat.

Sansa doesn't seem to have taken anything into account in her father's thoughts, but I'm sorry I got rolled over that man's hand. If it's moving over there, until it's moving over here, too.

Our trump card, of course, Mr. Great Spirit of the Wind. It rarely helps, but in the Circuista Great Labyrinth, it's new to my memory that you've come to help me to the middle level.

"They say that kid shoots his hand at a secret base in Oak. Master Slough, are you all right?

The next day, Charlotte called out in anticipation of my break. Beside you is Mint, your father's direct report. As I was pushed yesterday, my behavior is as weak as it is looking at my complexion, and no one would think that the identity was the direct report of my father.

I whispered in Charlotte's ear so that Mint wouldn't hear me.

"- Okay, tell him. I'm going out of school tonight to look for the woods."

The time is late at night.

Check the clock in the room and anticipate the fit.

I have permission for students to go outside the Krush School of Magic. I could use the status of Duke's house to file an application, but this time it was sudden, so I didn't have time for that.

Through Mint, I want to know your father's thoughts as soon as I can.

So I opened the window and jumped out of my room on the fourth floor.

Follow gravity and fall to the ground.

To weaken the impact of the landing, I will not forget the magic of the wind.

Unpopular school, now that Sansa is around, his knights are regularly on alert inside the school. Sansa is an important part of the Duke's family.

Naturally, there are many enemies for Sansa, who is also active as a general.

The body is always protected.

"Are those... the people around Sansa? Sansa's guy was passionate about education."

On his way to the school gate, he found a group of students. Speaking of which, rumor has it, you heard Sansa is gathering military aspiring students to work out in the woods.

Looks like he came back from outside the school with a burning pine light (an omelet).

Were you even hunting monsters in the woods with Sansa?

Beside Sansa you can also see Cocteau, his exclusive subordinate. Cocteau was banging the students on the back with pleasure in what was intended to be a tired student.

They graduate from the Kursch School of Magic and have nearly 100 students in the military each year. Only the most talented handful of them are assigned to units commanded by the Duke's immediate family.

I guess those students want to be assigned to Sansa's unit for anything after graduation.

The battlefield of the troops commanded by the Duke's family is harsh and life-saving, but there are therefore many opportunities to cite martial arts. They know that.

"Sergeant Liqueur! After Sansa and the others return, there is no strangeness in the woods! We'll keep watching!

Guards stay by the gate all the time.

They keep their eyes open and keep an eye on the outside of the school. With zeal. I just have cartoon knowledge. There was little activity in the Circuista Grand Labyrinth, but there was also a way out at the gates surrounded to protect the school.

The presence of a pseudomorphic door at the White Painted Gate, what you know, would now be about the director of Morozov School.

But there was a client in front of the door.

"What are you doing?

"Seniors, why are you here..."

Dark-haired female student, her name is Tina.

Make it one of the animated characters I know a lot about, and a freshman female student who played a part in the Guardian Knight Selection Trial (Guardian Serion) the other day.

We were a little familiar from that Guardian Knight Selection Trial (Guardian Serion). I've been asked to teach you dirt magic directly.

I'm busy, so I'm saying no.

"Tina. It is forbidden to go outside without permission from the school. You know that."

"Hey, I don't know what you're talking about... Senior, I was just trying to go for a walk at night, right?

"You were about to open a hidden door right now."

In the middle of the night, she was about to get out of school.

Monsters living outside the woods are enlivened at night, and when they see humans, they attack without hesitation. Sansa and the others came back to school at this time, probably because they decided it was too dangerous to bring any more students around.

"Shh, seniors... How do you know about this..."

She is a dirt wizard.

Surely it will be possible to deal with monsters, and powerful monsters will not emerge in shallow parts of the forest. As a commonsense senior, her actions will have to stop.

But I knew.

That she has a reason to make money. Plus she used this hidden door many times in the cartoon to get out of school. That's why I got along with Shoya in the cartoon. Unfortunately, it seems that now Tina only thinks of Shoya as a nasty person whose heart was eroded using dangerous magic items.

"I'm going to explore Oak's secret base now. Would you like to come, too?

To my invitation, she nodded in two replies.