Become the richest man by accident

Chapter 176 Chapter 176

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You actually asked me what I did wrong?

Don't you have electricity in your heart?

I asked you to come here to be a jerk, not to be a game consultant.

Of course, Ma Xiaoyun cannot say these things.

Ma Xiaoyun shook his head and said, "No, you have misunderstood. You have done too well, just because you have done so, you have to leave."

If you do too well, you must be transferred. There is no such reason in this society... It seems that there are quite a few.

Is this the master of Gonggao?

Not so, President Ma has never been a stingy boss, he is a boss with a broad mind and great ambition.

For an ambitious person, capable subordinates are exactly what they want.

Ma Xiaoyun said slowly: "Actually, the company has recently developed its business and acquired a subsidiary named Black Hole. It also needs a consultant for games."

Su Liu felt calm, President Ma was not a stingy master, but felt that the subsidiary company needed to go to his own place.

But Su Liu was still unwilling.

The Storm Company is so good, the buffet canteen and self-pick-up snacks, plus the entertainment room with various game consoles, these things are not available elsewhere. He has only been back for two months and is leaving again?

Su Liu really wanted not to leave forever.

Su Liu said seriously: "Mr. Ma, now our new game has just begun, and many places cannot leave me."

It is precisely because the new game has just started, so you must be transferred away first.

There is nothing wrong with the need for a new game to make a sensation in the world, but Ma Xiaoyun does not want to make a global masterpiece game, but a relatively mediocre game.

If the new game becomes a masterpiece, Ma Xiaoyun will be very distressed if he keeps inputting money to the company.

The new game is just a mediocre game. No matter how good the publicity is, no matter how big a sensation is caused by the global treasure hunt, it will not continue to input money for Storm.

With Su Liu, the sensation of the game becomes easy, but the ending is troublesome, and the follow-up is difficult to deal with.

Without Su Liu, the sensation of the game is no longer easy, but it becomes easy to end.

Ma Xiaoyun earnestly: "After three months of training, Lu Bai has grown up. Although he can't be said to be alone, he has enough ability to make this new game. This opportunity is rare. It is a good opportunity for you to experience Su Liu. Besides, Subsidiary games also have various problems, and I really need someone to fix these games."

"Mr. Ma, can't you?" Su Liu seriously said: "Mr. Ma has such a strong game production ability, why don't you make it yourself?"

Ma Xiaoyun explained: "There is a specialization in the art industry. I am good at creating, but not good at correcting. The black hole game needs an expert."

Su Liu was about to say something, Ma Xiaoyun interrupted: "This is a request from the boss, and an order from the boss."

Su Liu gave up resistance.Qingqing Novel

With tears in the eyes, the buffet canteen, free snacks, and archives in the entertainment room, goodbye!

"The place to work is still in Stormwind, but from the sixth floor to the second floor below, you are still the company's game consultant, and things will not change."

Hearing these words, Su Liu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Thank you, boss."

Still working in the Stormwind Building, Su Liu was immediately happy.

The recreation room, free snacks and buffet dining hall are back.

"I will increase your salary by 50% on the original basis. Don't worry, you will not stay with the subsidiary forever. The time is right... When the situation there stabilizes, I will put you back Called back to the storm, wages will increase by another 50%."

In other words, the position remains the same, the office location remains the same, just move from upstairs to downstairs, the salary will increase by 50%, when the time is almost the same, the salary will double when returning to Stormwind.

Su Liu had heard before that there are good and bad transfers. The bad thing is naturally overhead power. It is a common phenomenon that the rise and fall is very common. Of course, the reverse is also true. Transfers like Su Liu are naturally good ones. When working in a position, the salary is doubled, and then back to the original position, from an employee to a manager, the salary is doubled.

Although Su Liu has no desire for salary, his monthly salary is now averaging 20,000 yuan, but through the change in salary, he can feel the importance Ma Xiaoyun attaches to him.

Su Liu is no longer just pursuing him at work, playing games and earning a monthly salary of tens of thousands. He now has greater ideals and greater pursuits.

It is to make Stormwind bigger and stronger.

"Relax to me, Mr. Ma, I will definitely not disappoint your high expectations."

Seeing Su Liu's full of fighting spirit, Ma Xiaoyun thought to himself: Actually, there is no need to beat chicken blood, just do it casually.

Thinking of the current situation in the studio, it's useless for Soliu to beat chicken blood. Ma Xiaoyun sees it as hopeless.

After talking with Su Liu, Li Ningyue took the initiative to come over.

Li Ningyue said: "The hotel has been booked, and I want to ask Mr. Ma how many people will attend the annual meeting. I plan to discuss a list?"

"The employees in the company, as well as all the riders of the company, the employees of the latest resumes, and all the crew members. By the way, you can't save food. A table costs 50,000 yuan. This is the first time for our company. Yes, we must do well, and we can't skip shabby." Ma Xiaoyun said seriously.

Li Ningyue drew a sigh of relief: "I have no problem with food. There are always not too many horses. Even the riders are invited over."

"The riders are also a member of Stormwind. I can't get rid of them. I can't justify them." Ma Xiaoyun said: "Furthermore, all riders are college students now, the reserve staff of the society, maybe there will be employees in the future. In the name of the annual meeting, we let these school students see how good Stormwind is, and they will naturally scramble to join in the future."

It turned out that President Ma was thinking so deeply. Using this annual meeting, first brainwashing all the nearby college students...No, it was the publicity of Stormwind, and prepared a group of high-quality talents for the company. It really is President Ma.

In particular, there is a domestic key college and a provincial key college nearby. If you can be a takeaway rider during school, you must be a hard-working person. In addition, you have certain social experience in the school and are the best group of preparatory students.

President Ma is really foresight.

Perhaps, when President Ma proposed the headwind takeaway app, he had already thought of this step and used a strategy to take in the world's soldiers.

King Qin was nothing but that.

Although the cost is high, if it can be done for a long time, in less than 30 years, anyone in Stormwind will be a talent.

Of course, Ma Xiaoyun never thought of this, he was purely trying to lose money.

A table of 50,000, a few college riders add up, how can there be hundreds of people, twelve people for a table, millions of dollars will be spent, the money is as simple as that.