Become the richest man by accident

Chapter 200 021. Shocked!

You can search Baidu for "Accidentally Lost to Become the Richest Man Search Novel (" to find the latest chapter!Although President Ma told us about the content of the game activities, he did not mention the prizes.

At the meeting, Ma Xiaoyun mentioned that Stormwind’s idea of ​​elevating to the world stage only talked about the game part of it, never said anything other than the game, let alone what kind of prize it was.

"Collect the clues in the game activities, get the participation funds for offline activities, and finally win prizes worth 300 million yuan."

"Look, it's actually three hundred million yuan, and Mr. Ma came out with a three hundred million yuan prize."

"The game we made is actually about 300 million rewards!"

The entire Baofeng company’s game department was panicked. They knew the content of the game from Ma Xiaoyun. They had never heard of the prize. The moment they knew it, the entire company’s game department was blown up.

Ye Xinlan shouted: "Everyone, calm down for me."

As Ye Xinlan yelled, everyone in the game department stopped.

Ye Xinlan asked, "I don't know what you are panicking about. For President Ma, this is just a basic operation. The prize of 300 million yuan is really big, but doesn't it mean that President Ma attaches great importance to us?"

The employees in the game department were stunned.

That's right, President Ma gave out a prize of 300 million yuan to hold this event, isn't it just a trust in them?

Ye Xinlan said earnestly: "Mr. Ma entrusts these to us. Naturally, we can't live up to Mr. Ma's trust. We must do our best to make the best game for Mr. Ma."

"it is good!"

Not only has the game department settled down, all employees in the game department have become more emotional.

As the game department of Stormwind, it will panic like this. After other departments are surprised, they maintain a mentality of eating melons.

"My goodness, President Ma actually took a prize of 300 million yuan as a reward for the final victory of the game."

"You said, can we participate?"

"We are not employees of the game department, so there should be no problem."

"Okay, when the game is produced, I will buy one and try it. I can get some useful information from my colleagues in the game department."

When Li Ningyue released the game, the entire China was trembling, and all online group chats were talking about it.

"Storm Company is actually going to hold a game event with a prize of three hundred million!" "Is this the beginning of the game treasure hunt?"

"Whether it is for the production of Stormwind's game or for the 300 million prizes, I have to download one."

"You are stupid, since it is a prize of three hundred million, how can it be easy to win."

When foreign netizens learned of this incident, they also expressed their shock.

"China has a game company that holds an event with a total of 300 million prizes, which is equivalent to more than 30 million US dollars."

"What is the prize of more than 30 million dollars?"

"A book made of gold."


Just when everyone was shocked, Ma Xiaoyun was in the office and received news from Li Ningyue.

"Mr. Ma, a reporter from a magazine, I want to do an exclusive interview for you."

Ma Xiaoyun said impatiently: "I didn't talk about it before. I am a relatively low-key person and don't like doing interviews."

He never wanted his family, and the students of the college, to know that he was the owner of Stormwind.

Li Ningyue persuaded: "This magazine is very famous in China and abroad, especially in the game circle. The version that is basically interviewed will be placed on major game websites. Opportunities are rare. ."

Ma Xiaoyun was disdainful, what good is it for me to increase my popularity?04 Novel

Li Ningyue said: "Mr. Ma, don't you want to step onto the world stage and let the new game be known to everyone in the world?"

Ma Xiaoyun quickly thought of saying, "I see, this is part of the propaganda."

Li Ningyue nodded and said, "Although it was not within my expectations, it was a surprise."

Ma Xiaoyun stood up and walked back and forth in place, balancing the pros and cons in his heart.

The increased popularity of Stormwind is not good for itself.

However, due to the task, the popularity of the new game must be improved. In order to pass the task smoothly, only concessions can be made in interests.

"I understand, but... I have a request. During the interview, I have to mask."

Li Ningyue:???


Ma Xiaoyun resolutely said: "Yes, if I can't meet my little request, I would rather not have this reputation."

Li Ningyue said: "Well, let me contact that side to see the attitude of the other side's magazine."

Taking advantage of his free time, Ma Xiaoyun glanced at the results of the second phase of the psychic war last time. After the analysis of the director group’s discussion, the first place is Taoist, the second is Mr. Ye, the third is the black-robed woman, and the fourth is The name is a loud voice...

After taking a look, Ma Xiaoyun didn't keep looking.

First return to ordinary urban life for a while, and then continue to engage in psychic warfare, entrap one enemy after another.

After the last time, the president of the student council got mild claustrophobia.

Rotten Tomatoes was terrible, and he was seriously ill, and has not come over yet.

Ma Xiaoyun went to the game department downstairs to make a round of inspections. The game part of the people is still fighting as always. The game progress is moving. Even without Lu Bai, the game progress is still not slow. It depends on the staff of the game department.

Ye Xinlan took the initiative to put down his work and came over to say hello: "Good for Mr. Ma."

Ma Xiaoyun still remembers this girl with toilet problem. After Lu Bai left, he entrusted the work to this girl with toilet problem.

"How is the progress?"

Ye Xinlan considered and said: "It should be possible in time."

"I don't need to be." Ma Xiaoyun said with his hands behind his back: "Tell everyone that the quota for overtime work will be increased by three times this month. Try to make the game as much as possible."

Ye Xinlan yelled: "Did my colleagues hear that, the quota for overtime work has been increased three times this month, so we can work overtime in the company with peace of mind."

All the employees in the game department cheered.

Ma Xiaoyun's face was dark.

Is overtime so happy?

Are you sick?

Employees of other companies will cheer when they hear the holiday pay increase, and they will feel depressed when they hear overtime. Why do you hear the increase in overtime quota and cheer.

Ma Xiaoyun would not understand the difference between working overtime at the company and working overtime at home.

Enjoying in the company is the best environment, unlimited snacks and drinks, as well as a large-screen computer, working overtime at home, I always feel that the computer at home is too spicy and slow.

Seeing that the employees are happy to be able to work more overtime, Ma Xiaoyun always feels so spicy.

To increase some holidays, adjust the mood of employees.

"My colleague back to my hometown, put down my work and buy tickets as soon as possible."