You can search Baidu for "Accidentally Lost to Become the Richest Man Search Novel (" to find the latest chapter!"Previously I ordered a few suits in Modu. Go and get them."

Chen Zhixuan's explanation left Fatty Zhang directly speechless.

"No, you just made a special trip to the magic city for a few suits?" Fatty Zhang asked helplessly.

"Yes, but these suits are still quite good." Chen Zhixuan smiled.

When Fatty Zhang didn't give up and asked the specific price of the suit, he completely shook his head.

"Well, as expected, we mortals don't understand the world of Shenhao!" Fatty Zhang said with his hands.

"Okay, don't be cute with this, what's the matter?"

Fatty Zhang heard the words and coughed twice, his expression immediately became serious.

"The matter this time has something to do with Demon Capital!"

"Say it quickly, don't sell it."

Fatty Zhang originally wanted to take Joe, but when he saw this, he had no choice but to say:

"Didn't we have started planning to contact the automobile company before? Now there is a good opportunity. The Magic City Hanhua Automobile is now ready for sale. If we buy it, we will save a lot of effort!"

Chen Zhixuan nodded, and immediately knew what he meant.

"Yes, as long as we get a car company, we can directly start researching and developing new energy vehicles." Chen Zhixuan said happily.

"Now, the final question is that we have a lot of competitors too."

"Hanhua is going to auction. It is normal to be watched." Chen Zhixuan nodded and said.

"Yes, but don't stare at it, we can't just watch being stared at." Fatty Zhang patted his thigh and said, "This matter, you have to go ahead!"

Others are busy. Basically, those who can make decisions on this matter are very busy.

But speaking of it, most people really don’t have that ability

Now it's just the contact before the auction, and the following work hasn't officially started yet, it's just one person to lead the team.

"Okay, I'll take someone to the magic city, and you can prepare the people below." Chen Zhixuan nodded and said.

He was going to the Demon Capital, so he was just right.

But during this time, putting Nian Bingxue aside, he must comfort him.

After a few days at Nian Bingxue, on the third day, Chen Zhixuan directly chartered a plane and took a dozen people from the acquisition team to fly directly to the magic city.

This operation was carried out in a low-key manner for the time being.

However, Starlight's acquisition is still being noticed by those who are interested.

The whole team knew that this was a business trip with Chen Zhixuan, and they were all very happy.

After all, they all knew it would be cool to follow Chen Dong.

Sure enough, as soon as I got off the plane, I found out that Shangri-La's Bentley was already waiting at the airport.

A total of five cars, a convoy directly pulled the whole team up and went straight to the hotel.

This team, even in the capital of luxury cars, is eye-catching enough.

After all, bosses are willing to buy a car for themselves, but not everyone is so willing to let them spend money directly on their subordinates.

In the airport coffee shop, two pretty flight attendants are sitting by the window.

"Lily, why are you staying with me this time? You can hide and rest for a few days!" Lange looked at Li Li on the opposite side and said.

"Come on, I can let our big beauties run around alone?" Li Li gave her a white look, suddenly pointed to the outside of the airport, and said:

"Look at the group of people just now, the leader, was it the single dog that knocked you down last time?"

"What the hell?" Laneige looked down, only to find a Bentley car leaving the airport.

"What I saw just now is that guy, very prestigious, and took a group of people into the Bentley." Qiankun Tingshu website

"You can't read it wrong, do you?"

"You doubt me?"

Li Li smirked and reached out to scratch her.

The two had a fight for a while, but Laneige was still puzzled.

Did Li Li really see Chen Zhixuan?

Li Li's specialty is the most clear to her, her eyes are so good, she rarely sees anything wrong.

However, Chen Zhixuan should still be looking for work everywhere.

In random thoughts, Li Li saw her distracted again, pushed her and asked worriedly: "Hi, what do you think?"

"Nothing, okay, time is almost up, let's go."

"Blame Le, are you thinking about your two wonderful things again?" Li Li said confidently.

Seeing Lanzhi not speaking, Li Li shook her head, her face distressed and said: "Forget it, don't talk about bad things, come baby, mother will love you!" "Dying!"

Laneige reached out annoyed to twist her, but Li Li jogged and ran away.

But Laneige knew in her heart that her friend was comforting herself.

Every time she was unhappy, she comforted her and moved herself very much.

Thinking of this, she simply took out her phone, edited a text message and sent it to Chen Zhixuan.

I don't know why, she is the man who only met and met, just can't rest assured.

Thinking of something, Laneige said, "By the way, I'm flying to Paris this time. I'm going to go shopping and buy something."

"Oh, it's really rare. We Lange beauty want to go shopping?"

"Are you begging for a fight again?" Laneige raised his hand, pretending to fight.

Li Li was laughing and joking, and then avoided.


On the other hand, when Chen Zhixuan arrived at the hotel, Jennifer had already led a team and was waiting in the hotel.

This time, Chen Zhixuan booked ten suites in advance, which is definitely a big deal.

The leader of the team, when he heard that Chen Zhixuan had ordered ten presidential suites, he waved his hands and said that he didn't need to be so extravagant.

However, Chen Zhixuan was relatively calm and told them directly: "This money will not go to the company's account. I will pay for it personally."

Everyone knows that his boss is Shenhao.

But being so proud is still somewhat unexpected.

Most of them, without this opportunity, it is estimated that there is a high probability that they would not see what the Presidential Suite of Shangri-La Hotel looks like, let alone live in.

After entering the hotel, Chen Zhixuan said to them:

"After you stay, don't care about what you eat or drink. If you want to eat or play, just pay with your room card."

When everyone heard it, they cheered.

At this time, Chen Zhixuan pointed to the supervisor and said, "Director Li, don't stop by then, have you heard?"

"Okay, I get it." Director Li was relieved and nodded with a smile.

He didn't want to feel it, but he was afraid that Chen Zhixuan would say one thing, and he would have another one in his heart.

Everyone knows that the bosses are like this.

But now it seems that Chen Zhixuan is really different from other bosses.

After a group of people settled down, Chen Zhixuan went directly into the outermost room of the corridor.At this time, Jennifer arranged it and followed directly.

She is Chen Zhixuan's personal butler, and of course she only serves him alone.