Beloved Empress

015: The emperor passed out

The bean-shaped raindrops fell without warning, and then formed into a rain column, hitting the body with pain.

The seven wise kings took Mo Qiqi to avoid the assassination of the men in black, but these men in black were too powerful, and the guards were quickly injured and died. The men in black quickly chased them and surrounded them.

At this time, Mo Qiqi knew that the seven wise kings did not martial arts, and could not help but blame themselves: "Uncle Seven Emperor, I am implicating you again, why wouldn't you martial arts come to rescue me?"

"Even if I don't know how to do martial arts, I won't let anyone hurt you." Pull her to her side and protect her in her arms.

Mo Qiqi feels a little touch in his heart, saying that the seven kings are really warm!

Hearing the words of the two, the man in black arrogantly said: "You all have to die today." When the words fell, he immediately waved his sword at them.

But at this moment, a dozen or so masked people in white suddenly fell beside Mo Qiqi and Qixian Wang, asking for guilt: "The lord, it is too late, so the prince was shocked."

"Baijiang, you just came here, and I'll give it to you here." Then he pulled Mo Qiqi away and ran away.

Men in black and white are fighting violently.

After the two ran far away, they couldn't run anymore. Mo Qiqi sat on the ground and gasped, letting the rain pour on him.

The seven wise kings also sat down, and the two looked at each other in embarrassment, and suddenly smiled tacitly.

Mo Qiqi couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Seven wise kings, we have also experienced life and death, and suffered together."

"It seems that the emperor really wants your life, do you really want to return to him?" The seven wise kings were full of worry.

Mo Qiqi said firmly in his eyes: "So I want to return to the palace as soon as possible. Only when I come back to him will he have no chance to kill me."

Jun Qianche rode a horse and took the Imperial Forest out of the palace to find Mo Qiqi. He quickly found the injured guard and the queen's luan, but he did not see Mo Qiqi.

Jun Qianche immediately asked the queen about the situation, and learned that the seven wise kings appeared, and drove the queen queen towards the outside of the city.

Jun Qianche did not stay in the slightest, and immediately chased him out of the capital.

The heavy rain kept falling, and the Yulin Army was worried about the emperor's body and persuaded the emperor to go back.

But Mo Qiqi was not found, Jun Qianche refused to leave, and let the heavy rain fall on him, and he had to continue to search with people, seeing people in death and corpses.

Time passes like sand in your hands. The more you hope that time will be still, the faster you will pass it.

Unknowingly, Jun Qianche took someone to find him for a night. The official roads, paths, and even the mountains outside the city were searched in the water, but he did not see Mo Qiqi.

At dawn, the rain finally stopped overnight.

At this time, a bodyguard came in. The newspaper said that the queen's mother had returned to the palace last night. It was just the night when she came back. No one was asked to notify the emperor.

Hearing this news, Jun Qianche finally let go of the heart, and then rushed back to the palace with people, and ordered that he not allow anyone to say a word when he was looking for the queen.

After going back, Jun Qianche had no time to go to Fengyang Palace to see Mo Qiqi, and had no time to rest.

Fortunately, there was nothing important in the morning dynasty, and soon retreated, Jun Qianche dragged his tired body back to the dormitory, and just stepped into the dormitory, he suddenly fainted.

This book is first published, please do not reprint!