Beloved Empress

135: Tricky things

Jun Qianche was a little bit worried now, if she chose to leave, would she really let her go, unwilling.

But Jun has no jokes, in order to face, she must be let go, so I regret to say that she will be completed, but fortunately she chose to stay, really happy.

"Emperor Xie." Mo Qiqi leaned obediently.

Jun Qianche looked at the bodyguard, his expression was calm, but he did not anger and majesty: "The queen has tested you well tonight. After this incident, you can also give you a lesson. In fact, the token held by the queen is basically It’s not the one given by the first emperor. You only know that there is a token in the hand of the queen. You feel that as long as the person in Fengyang Palace took out this token, it’s true. Take away, and since then, Fengyang Palace will no longer have a token. No matter who takes out the token in the future, it must be carefully checked, not careless, otherwise how can the palace be protected."

Mo Qiqi heard Jun Qianche's words, completely limped, he broke his own way!Without the token of the first emperor Yuci, let alone run away, it is difficult to come up with a palace. The guards were cheated by fake tokens this time, and they will be strictly investigated next time. Woo---

Tonight, the guards really took a good lesson, and immediately knelt down and said, "The minions know their mistakes and ask the emperor to punish them."

Upon seeing this, Mo Qiqi helped the guards immediately: "Emperor, tonight the concubine just gave them a joke, and asked the emperor not to punish them."

Jun Qianche nodded: "For the sake of the Queen's pleading with you, I will spare you this time. It is not an example." He did not want Mo Qiqi to enemies too much in the palace. He will buy these guards behind his back and harm Mo Qiqi. This is the last thing he wants to see, so he really looks at the face of Mo Qiqi and does not punish these guards. They have learned their lesson. I believe they will be careful in the future. .Kindness is sometimes more useful than punishment.

The guards immediately thanked Shane: "Thank you the emperor, thank the empress queen."

This is the end of the matter tonight. Although Mo Qiqi had some regrets about not being able to leave, but thought of the single toilet of the Queen Mother’s palace, she had a new motivation.

In the next few days, Mo Qiqi didn't see Jun Qianche again.

Jun Qianche has encountered difficult things in the past few days, and there have been some differences in the court.

Jun Qianche sat on the dragon chair and looked at the red-faced ministers who were arguing under the court, and there was no anger in the eyes like a deep pool.

"Ningnanhou privately hides the dragon robe, and clearly has the intention of rebellion, so it should be the nine people." Some ministers vowed.

"If Ningnan Hou really has the intention of rebellion, how could the robe be found casually, obviously it was someone deliberately framed." A minister defended Ningnan Hou.

"He is the prince of the party, who has the courage to dare to frame him? It is obvious that he has exposed his own feet."

"Ningnan Hou Ruo is really rebellious. Why did Ning Nanhou not allow his soldiers to kill one soldier and one soldier when Zhenguo sent troops to search, Ning Nanhou is proving his innocence."

"This is the cleverness of Ning Nanhou. Seeing that the matter was exposed, he deliberately won the sympathy of others."

Zhen Guogong stood aside and looked at the disputes of the courtiers, with a faint smile on his lips.

Seeing that the ministers had been arguing so endlessly, Chu Lingxiao really couldn't stand it anymore, and stood up and said: "Dear ministers, after listening to the truth, you will have no result in such an argument, it is better to let the emperor decide. "

The ministers finally closed up the quarrel and said to the emperor: "The emperor, please send someone to investigate this matter, as well as the innocence of Ning Nanhou."

"Emperor, Ningnan Hou Langzi's ambition, had to be removed."

Jun Qianche steadily made a loud voice, but was not angry but prestige: "I have understood this matter, that is, Zheng Guogong found the dragon robe in Ningnan Hou Mansion, but there was only a dragon robe. As for Ning Nanhou, did he rebel? My heart is still unclear. Zhen Guogong, how did you know that Ningnanhou secretly kept the dragon robe?"

Zhen Guogong stood up and said with majesty and arrogance: "When he returned to the Emperor, the old minister was secretly secreted, saying that Ning Nanhou secretly colluded with the people of the rivers and lakes, secretly trained troops, and ordered dragon robes. It turned out that the dragon robe was really found in Ning Nanhou’s mansion. It can be seen that Ning Nanhou really has a wolf ambition."

Chu Lingxiao stood up and said: "I don't know who reported the secret to Zhenguo. You can let this person come to Chaotang to confront Ning Nanhou. It is true and false. I believe the emperor has his own decision."

Zhen Guogong disdain: "Since it is a secret report, it is naturally a secret note, without a signature."

Chu Lingxiao smiled: "Only with a piece of paper, Zhen Guogong moved the people to search in Houfu, Ningnan, and did not get permission from the emperor in advance. Isn't Zhen Guogong too good at making this claim? If the Prime Minister also received such a note saying that someone in the DPRK had rebelled, could the Prime Minister also directly take someone to search, wouldn’t it be a mess in this world?"

Zhen Guogong arrogantly said: "The old minister was just thinking about Hua Chenguo's mountains, so he had to inform the emperor in advance in the future, that was because Ning Nanhou learned of this and secretly transferred the dragon robe, and he would not be able to catch him Evidence, although the old minister's approach is a bit inadequate, but it was indeed found that the robe was found in the Ningnan Hou Mansion, and it was considered to have passed the merits, and asked the emperor to investigate."

Jun Qianche quickly flashed a cold light in his eyes, and then returned to calm. He looked at Zhen Guogong lightly and said: "I can understand Zhen Guogong's mood, but I forgive Zhen Guogong for his innocence. To be investigated." Jun Qianche's eyes fell on Jun Yuehen and asked: "Seven Emperor, do you not know what you think of this matter?"

Jun Yuehen, as always in the breeze and the moon, was indifferent and stood up and said warmly: "Although the dragon robe was found in the case of Ningnanhou, the evidence is insufficient and not enough to convict. We should send someone to investigate the matter."

Jun Qianche Jianmei slightly said: "The meaning of the seven wise kings coincides with me. I will ask General Han Yixiao to investigate this matter, hoping to find out as soon as possible."

Zhen Guogong insisted: "The emperor, the old minister has found the dragon robe in the Ningnan Hou Mansion, this is the best evidence, no need to investigate."

"The conviction of Ning Nanhou with just one dragon robe will make people somewhat dissatisfied. Ning Nanhou also has a certain influence in Ningnan, and this matter must be handled with care." Jun Qianche said calmly.

Zhen Guogong still insisted: "The emperor, as a courtier, hiding a dragon robe is a crime of death. Regardless of whether he has the intention of rebellion, hiding a dragon robe is enough to sentence him to death." Looking directly at Jun Qianche, he strongly forced Jun Qian Che killed Ning Nanhou.

This book is first published, please do not reprint!