Beloved Husband

Chapter 121 President (21)

Yan Jing himself has traveled, and he is more receptive to such weird things. Now after listening to Jian Yunxiu's words, he thought, will anyone travel like him?

When he crossed, he did not have the memory of the past, but the person may have crossed with the memory, or even from the future to the past.

Wait, this should not be called crossing, but...rebirth?

Yan Jing looked at Jian Yunxiu and suddenly asked, "Yun Xiu, did you meet Dong Qinglin when you went shopping with your mom? Dong Qinglin also mentioned Wang Shengchao in front of you?"

"How do you know?" Jian Yunxiu put his chin on Yan Jingze's chest dissatisfied, and "poked" Yan Jingze with his chin.

He didn't want to mention Dong Qinglin in front of Yan Jingze, but he didn't talk about it with Yan Jingze.

"Mom said it." Yan Jing raised his head and kissed him-with this face lying in front of him, he couldn't help but want to kiss!

Jian Yunxiu snorted twice from his nose: "He did it...what's the matter?"

"You tell me about the situation at that time." Yan Jing said.

Jian Yunxiu took another bite of the scene, and then reluctantly began to speak, and after finishing speaking, he said: "You are not allowed to see him, you cannot talk to him."

Jian Yunxiu's jealous look is so cute!

Yan Jing suppressed him and kissed him.

He probably knew what was going on. Dong Qinglin was born again!

He has been with the person who targeted Jian Yunxiu, but he couldn't find it before. Now think about it... that person should be Dong Qinglin!

When he passed through, Dong Qinglin should have been reborn for three months... only because of the rebirth, Dong Qinglin's attitude towards the original owner changed drastically.

Before Dong Qinglin was reborn, I am afraid that he was wronged by the original owner and Jian Yunxiu, so he didn't have a good face to the original owner. As for Jian Yunxiu...

Dong Qinglin sent the text message that made Jian Yunxiu appear in the world, right?

Those "indecent photos" were also planted by Jian Yunxiu after Dong Qinglin bought it?

As for this plagiarism incident, it must have been planned by Dong Qinglin!

Is this person sick?

But now he has no time to manage Dong Qinglin.

He and Jian Yunxiu didn't wear any clothes after taking a bath, and Jian Yunxiu still bit his body. If he could bear it, he would be a god!

As for things online, love it!

Anyway, in Jian Yunxiu's new album, there is no song from that Twitter.

Yan Jing took Jian Yunxiu and fell asleep happily, but the netizens were still arguing, and things got worse.

Because several insiders broke the news that in Jian Yunxiu's new album, there was a song posted on Twitter.

"What kind of insiders are this! There are no such songs in that album!" Lu Yuxiao got the news and looked on the Internet. After listening to the beginning of a few songs, he was furious.

Someone said that Jian Yunxiu was plagiarizing!

Jian Yun repaired those tunes, it was absolutely impossible to plagiarize them. When people talked about the sweet vigor of those tunes at the time...he almost lost his teeth.

More importantly, these songs are not in the album at all!

"Mr. Lu, there is a navy operation behind this matter." The humanity of the company's public relations department who told Lu Yuxiao about this matter: "Those so-called insiders are actually in navy uniforms."

Lu Yuxiao also noticed it, with a solemn expression: "What should I do about this?" He is not good at handling this kind of things, so it is better to ask professionals.

That humanity: "Mr. Lu, since you said that there are no such songs in the album, then my suggestion is to leave it alone." This person is in the public relations department and is only responsible for this part of the work. When Jian Yunxiu's album is being produced, The secrecy measures were so good that he hadn't listened to the album, so he hurried to find Lu Yuxiao.

Since there are no such tunes in the album at all, don't worry, these people just happen to be able to help Jian Yunxiu do the promotion!

Wait, the people behind the scenes invited the navy to make such a huge "Jian Yunxiu plagiarism" thing, isn't it just to promote Jian Yunxiu?In this circle, isn't there a kind of propaganda called self-heating?

"Then leave them alone!" Lu Yuxiao said, after finishing speaking, he clicked on another tune: "That tune posted on Twitter is really nice...Wait, this section will be released when "Lights" is released. Er, Jian Yunxiu played it to me. He said at the time that he was going to put this tune into the new album "Land Shan", but then he fell into love and fell dazzled and changed his mind..."

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes! I heard him play this section, and I still liked it at the time!" Lu Yuxiao was thoughtful and thought of something: "When I made the album before, Yan Jing followed the whole process, and also raised the level of confidentiality. I'm afraid that the music will be leaked all day long. Is it because Jian Yunxiu's music has been leaked before?"

At that time, Yan Jing stared very tightly. He even slandered. He felt that Yan Jing had a lot of things, but now that I think about it, Yan Jing is a person who doesn’t know anything about music and albums. The importance of confidentiality is likely to have been leaked before!

No wonder Jian Yunxiu has to change all the songs!

The more Lu Yuxiao thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case: "The person behind the scenes came for Jian Yunxiu! Fortunately, Yan Jing was prepared! This time, they are going to have a bamboo basket to fetch water!"

"Not only is the bamboo basket empty, but it also helps us promote." The humanity of the public relations department.

Even if Jian Yunxiu and Yanjing came out, the popularity was high, but it was not too high. After all, many people would not pay attention to the pianist at all.

Fewer people follow Jian Yunxiu's album...This kind of genuine album is of great value. Even if many people eat the gossip of Jian Yunxiu and Yan Jingze on the Internet, they won't pay attention to Jian Yunxiu's album.

But now, more and more people are paying attention to this album!

This is a good thing!

Of course, although it is a good thing, you still have to stare at it, so as not to have any other moths.

People in the public relations department were called up to work overtime overnight. At this time, the navy was also working overtime.

"This is the little piano prince you touted? All works are plagiarized!"

"Jian Yunxiu get out of the music circle!"

"Jian Yunxiu is quite clever, plagiarizing songs that no one knows abroad, packing them and selling them domestically."

"It just loses the face of our country!"

"I have gone to the original author! He can tell Jian Yunxiu!"


The navy brushed various comments quickly.

Some netizens were also affected: "I didn't expect Jian Yunxiu to be like this."

"The name of his musical genius is all packaged, right?"

"Doesn't it rely on packaging but marketing these days?"


Everyone talked with you, but Jian Yunxiu and the others didn't respond when they saw the scene, so they became more happy!

Of course, there are still some people who firmly believe that Jian Yunxiu will not do such a thing.

"I'm a piano student, Jian Yunxiu is really alive, I don't believe he will plagiarize."

"Jian Yunxiu can be recognized by his family. Some are money. Does he still need to plagiarize?"

"I believe in Jian Yunxiu!"


There is even humanity: "My house is a store, and there is an album by Jian Yunxiu delivered during the day. I specially opened one and listened to it. It is completely different!"

However, many people had fallen asleep early at night, so there were not many people who spoke for Jian Yunxiu, and he was finally overwhelmed by the navy.

It finally dawned.

Yan Jing got up early in the morning and turned on the phone first.

There were a lot of messages in his mobile phone, all of which came to ask him about what happened last night, but Yan Jing did not reply one by one, and only posted a circle of friends: "Everything is fine!"

When Yan Jing posted this circle of friends, the online chatter was even worse.

Because the person who posted the tune sent a tweet. It probably means that the tunes he posted before were written for self-entertainment in his spare time. Now he heard that someone had plagiarized, he was very angry and hoped to plagiarize. Can give him an explanation.

As soon as this person's Twitter came out, more people said Jian Yunxiu online.

Many people who went to bed early last night and never heard of this incident also learned of this incident. There are even more people questioning Yan Jingze and Jian Yunxiu's Weibo.

Dong Qinglin looked at these, and the corners of his mouth twitched, extremely happy.

At the beginning, Yan Jing forced him to play all the songs that Jian Yunxiu had played. Now...have been retribution?

Sometimes Dong Qinglin didn't know why he was born again.

But he thought about it and felt that he would be born again, just to get revenge.

He must make Yan Jingze and Jian Yun look good!

In the dim rental room, Dong Qinglin looked at the computer screen with red eyes.

He is updating the official website of the company that built the record for Jian Yun.

Jian Yunxiu's album can be ordered on the official website, and a trial version will be released.

But... after such a thing, I am afraid that the album will not be sold on the official website.

Dong Qinglin laughed.

At this time, an album was on the official website.

They even dare to release Jian Yunxiu's album?Dong Qinglin sneered and looked over.

Seeing that album, he was stunned.

Why not "Land Shan"?Why is this album called "Chaomu"?

What exactly is going on?

Dong Qinglin subconsciously opened the half of the song for people to listen to.

There are many people, like Dong Qinglin, waiting for the official website to release the album. Now that the album is online, they also like Dong Qinglin and ordered the demo version.

The lively music came out immediately.

This song makes people feel happy to hear it. The style is very different from that of Jian Yunxiu's past, and it is also completely different from the song that Jian Yunxiu is said to have copied.

Dong Qinglin seemed to be poured with a bucket of ice water, and his whole body was cold from head to toe.

Could it be that Jian Yunxiu has released an album completely different from "Land Shan"?

No, this is impossible. There are some songs in "Land Shan" that were made before "Lenghuo" was released. Jian Yunxiu wants to release a new album, it is impossible not to put it in-he will not be in just a few months In time, ten new songs were made!

Perhaps, there is only this demo version, which is different!

He is going to buy an album and listen to it!

Dong Qinglin thought so and rushed out of the house.

At the same time, many people went to buy albums.

Zhou Ang is a teacher who teaches music at a certain art university and also a pianist.

He has always liked Jian Yunxiu very much. He felt that Jian Yunxiu was very aura. When Jian Yunxiu's indecent photos came out, he always said this: "These photos may be fake! Even if they are true, Jian Yunxiu is not married yet. He likes years. The longest woman, I also respect his choice! All I like is his music, I don’t pay attention to his private life!"

Later Jian Yunxiu and Yan Jing were together, and he sighed even more.

He doesn't care about Jian Yunxiu's sexuality, but he thinks Jian Yunxiu should find someone who understands him, not someone who is rich but doesn't understand music at all!

In short, he has always been on Jian Yunxiu's side.

As a result, when he got up early this morning, he heard that Jian Yunxiu was plagiarizing!

He didn't want to believe it, and immediately ran out to buy the album.

On the way, he also turned on the audio that was spread everywhere and listened.

The 30-odd songs have the same style, as if they were made by one person, but there are several of them belonging to "Lighting".

What exactly is going on?

Zhou Ang went all the way to a nearby store selling albums and saw his student Dong Qinglin.

Dong Qinglin didn't even get his mobile phone when he went out, and he had no money at all, but he pestered the boss: "Boss, you give me an album, and I'll send someone the money later!"

"Boss, please."

"I won't fall back on the bill..."


However, the boss is unwilling-Dong Qinglin's sloppy look and lack of energy, at first glance, it seems that he will fall into trouble...

"Then boss, can you open an album and let me listen to it?" Dong Qinglin asked again.

The boss still didn’t agree: "Young man, stop pestering me. I just opened the door and my things are not ready yet!"

The boss was too lazy to pay attention to Dong Qinglin, but at this time, Zhou Ang came.

Zhou Ang said as soon as he came: "Boss, I'll buy an album by Jian Yunxiu, and you can listen to it."

The guests bought the album, and of course they can listen to it. The boss promised and started to unpack the album. Zhou Ang looked at Dong Qinglin: "Dong Qinglin! I remember you, you played the piano very well, it smells like Jian Yunxiu, you also think Jian Yunxiu can’t. Will you plagiarize?"

Dong Qinglin ignored his teacher, but stared at the boss.

The boss had already put the album into the playback device, and the nice piano sound came out soon.

"This song is not...change to another one!" Dong Qinglin said excitedly.

The boss looked at Zhou Ang-Zhou Ang bought this album!

"Change to the next one." Zhou Ang said, this tune is very good, he actually wants to listen to it, but now...he has to listen to it all once before he can rest assured.

The next song will come out soon...

"No, change it again!"

"Next song, change to the next one!"

"Not yet! Change!"


Dong Qinglin was extremely excited, and the whole person trembled uncontrollably.

At first, Zhou Ang thought he was a fan of Jian Yunxiu just like himself, and came to find evidence that Jian Yunxiu did not plagiarize, but now the more he looks at it, the more it feels wrong.

This Dong Qinglin, what is he here for?

Dong Qinglin is here to find evidence of Jian Yunxiu's plagiarism.

However, he has listened to all the songs, and there is not even a single song in it, which is the same as the song in the album called "Land Shan" by Jian Yunxiu in his previous life.

"This is definitely not Jian Yunxiu's album!" Dong Qinglin said.

"Why isn't this Jian Yunxiu's album anymore? I only sell genuine copies here! It just arrived yesterday!" the boss said.

Zhou Ang also said: "Although the style has changed a little, there is still a breath of Jian Yunxiu. This is Jian Yunxiu's album. I didn't expect him to make such a big progress and make a breakthrough!"

Zhou Ang was very happy. He was talking, but he looked at Dong Qinglin: "Dong Qinglin, what the hell is going on with you today? Why do you look like this?"

He thinks Dong Qinglin is a little crazy, but he is very educated and doesn't say that.

Dong Qinglin ignored Zhou Ang, turned around and ran.

Zhou Ang: "..."

Zhou Ang turned his head and asked the boss to help him get two more albums.

He collects one, uses one to listen, and one intends to give it away!

When Zhou Ang confirmed that Jian Yunxiu did not plagiarize, many others were also sure.

"Some people are really amazing. Before their albums were released, they said they had plagiarized! As a result, the songs in their albums were completely different from the ones they said they copied! Are you funny?"

"I have listened to Jian Yunxiu's album, and none of them are the same as those on the Internet."

"Didn’t insiders say that the tunes are the same? Where is the same!"


In addition to doubts, everyone also praised Jian Yunxiu: "Jian Yunxiu's album this time makes people feel happy!"

"sounds amazing!"

"It's so easy to hear the explosion!"

"Jian Yunxiu, I love you!"


A large group of people confessed to Jian Yunxiu on the Internet, and at this time, Jian Yunxiu had just woke up.

He shouldn't have acted on Yanjing last night... The last thing he suffered was himself!

Fortunately, Yan Jingze’s skills are much better now. Not only is he not uncomfortable but also very comfortable...