Bend That Male God

Chapter 96: Dog Blood


Qi Lean was so excited.

Chu Chengyuan had his assistant following all the way today, so he didn't need to ask him to come back together.So in the car, Qi Lean began to gossip: "How long will the enemy reach the battlefield?"

Chen Bin couldn't understand, and said, "Do you want Chu Chengyuan to be better or not?"

Qi Lean asked, "What do you think?"

Chen Bin sneered and said, "I little bastard has no good intentions, but why did Chu Chengyuan offend you?"

Qi Lean was happy, and did not hide it in front of Chen Bin, and said, "Is it hard to understand that a person needs a reason?"

Chen Bin snorted.

"You haven't said when his father's original partner will be killed!" Qi Lean continued to ask.

Today’s location is a full half an hour’s drive away from the hotel. Chen Bin’s driving is also boring, so he said: "How can someone be a serious lady and won't come here in person."

Qi Lean was a little disappointed at once.

At the scene of today, Chen Bin told him about Chu Chengyuan.Not only inquired about his life experience, there are even more exciting ones!

It's true that Chu Chengyuan was an illegitimate child, Madam Chu had long known that their mother and son existed.But because Chu Chengyuan and his mother were still honest, she had just opened one eye for so many years.

But when she suddenly learned that Chu Chengyuan's mother was pregnant again, she couldn't help it!

Father Chu is fifty-three years old this year, and if Chu Chengyuan had his mother born again, he would be an old man!Madam Chu couldn't imagine that if the child was a man... the terrifying father Chu could recognize these two sons on the spot!

What will happen to their mother and daughter?What about the Chu family's big legacy!

Madam Chu was immediately furious, and she led people to the Longhua Courtyard and smashed Mother Chu's door!

It was also such a trouble that Mother Chen got the news so quickly that she gave her son Chu Chengyuan's life experience.

"But Madam won't come, and the Chu family's daughter is not easy to provoke." Chen Bin Shiran said.

Qi Lean's eyes lit up suddenly and said: "Is it amazing?"

Chen Bin suddenly grinned a little when he thought of his previous fate, and said, "Awesome."

Qi Lean laughed.

It's not convenient for mother to come, and daughter can go into battle completely!Wouldn’t it be perfect if the mother and daughter were to be smart?

What's more, this is the situation now, and Chu Chengyuan must be even less in the mood to film after learning about it!

Qi Lean's guess was true. Madam Chu smashed Xiao San's door in the afternoon and immediately called YeZhong.

Although wild species is a bomb, it can be considered honest for so many years.After graduation, he didn't go to the company and showed up to be an actor.In Mrs. Chu's eyes, this is just bowing to her!

The Chu family is not too short of a bite of food, so Mrs. Chu didn't bother with wild species for the time being. Who would have thought that wild species mothers and children were so short-eyed?Dare to carry it when you are old?

Thinking of this, Madam Chu felt angry.What's even more itchy is that she could have kicked the child in Xiao San's stomach with one foot. Who wanted the sudden appearance of Chu and protected Xiao San!

Now that's all right, she has become a villain?The mistress was concealed by Jin, and the three bodyguards around watched!

Can't toss the big one, but the small one can always?As far as she knows, the relationship between this wild species and the surname Chu has never been very good!

After having thoughts in her mind, Mrs. Chu didn't care about the fact that the wild species did not answer the phone, and immediately called her daughter.

Chu Chengyuan knew of these things that happened in his home, he had learned from his agent.

An agent who hadn't contacted much since the filming of "Wars" suddenly called and scolded Chu Chengyuan, asking him why he didn't explain his life experience in advance.

Chu Chengyuan was scolded immediately, and after hanging up, he started searching online.When he saw reports on "the illegitimate child in the entertainment industry" on major portals, he was shaken.

He immediately called his mother. Chu's mother was frightened today, and she was sleeping.The one who answered the phone was his extremely disgusting father. Before Chu Chengyuan had time to question, Chu's father said, "If you were asked to go to the company, if you didn't go, you insisted on doing something inferior talents! Your mother had an accident. You are not here, if something happens to your brother and your mother, wait for you as a wicked one!"

Although Father Chu didn't like Chu Chengyuan that much, he had never scolded him like that.After Chu Chengyuan listened, he was furious, but he was asking this man now, and he insisted on holding back his temper and said, "I only learned about the news that my mother was pregnant yesterday... Who would have thought that something happened today."

Father Chu snorted coldly on the phone, and Chu Chengyuan bit his scalp and said, "Dad, the news is all over the Internet now... I just got a little eye-catching about my career..."

"Career?" Father Chu said distraughtly, "Do you call that career? Let's just play around. Now that you have filmed the scene, please roll back and accompany your mother."

Chu Chengyuan said, "It's not... Dad! It's not good for you and the company's reputation when it spreads to the media!"

In fact, the report was extremely elaborate.He didn't mention the Chu family's affairs, but insidiously shot Chu Chengyuan's fucking junior high, he was a wild species.But when Chu Chengyuan said this, Father Chu finally turned his attention to this matter and said, "I will solve it. Your mother is in a bad mood. You will come back to see her tomorrow, you know?"

What else could Chu Chengyuan do?He can only say yes first.

After hanging up the phone of Chu's father, Chu Chengyuan hurriedly called his agent again, saying very skillfully that his father would solve the news report, implying that he was the Chu family anyway.The Chu family's reputation in Haicheng was also considered acceptable. After listening to this, the agent finally loosened his tone and asked Chu Chengyuan to take two days off from the crew to avoid the limelight.

Chu Chengyuan was so busy here, Qi Lean read the gossip news happily, holding his mobile phone and saying to Chen Bin: "This article is really sharp! He scolded Chu Chengyuan and his mother without swearing. All over!"

Chen Bin also read the report and admires the writer's fine style.Qi Lean clicked on the news of another website and suddenly found that the page could not be displayed.

"Huh?" He changed several websites and found that the news could not be opened: "What's the matter!"

Tubao Qi Lean was very puzzled.

Chen Bin was accustomed to seeing these wealthy dogs, and said: "The Chu family came forward and pulled the news down. It seems that Chu Chengyuan's dad loves him very much."

Qi Lean snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "What's the use if it is removed? Hot search hasn't been released yet!"

In the past six months, the major portals have been extremely lonely, and only Weibo has gone against the current.Nowadays, if you want to know the current hot topics as quickly as possible, you just need to scan Weibo.Although the Chu family withdrew the reports from major portal websites, there was a lot of discussion on Weibo, and there was a lot of information about Chu Chengyuan!

Chen Bin couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "Don't forget, you are still filming with Chu Chengyuan on the same crew."

Qi Lean put the phone aside, lay on his back on the sofa, raised his head and narrowed his eyes, and said like a arrogant little cat: "Maybe it won't be soon..."

His voice was a little low, and Chen Bin just opened a video, but didn't hear clearly, and said, "What did you say?"

Qi Lean retracted his gaze to the ceiling and said, "It's nothing!"

That night, Qi Lean still persevered in creating the same dream for Chu Chengyuan, trying to defeat him on a spiritual level!

Facts have proved that as long as there is a crack in a person's spiritual world, then the person is not far from collapse.

Having had the same dream for three consecutive nights, the corresponding bad news came one after another in reality, and Chu Chengyuan was already on the verge of collapse.

He is a small star who hasn't worked yet. If no one deliberately guides him, the media will not chase him.He could think of who did all this with his toes, but Father Chu has already come forward, she won't continue to go crazy, right?

Thinking of the older sister who was born a few days away from him, Chu Chengyuan shuddered.

The true lady of the Chu family really did not make any moves on the news anymore. Ms. Chu brought a group of bodyguards and came directly to City H.

Almost everyone on the crew knew about Chu Chengyuan's life experience. They had only believed half of these chaotic news. However, thinking of Chu Chengyuan's state of affairs these days, the fake has become true.

This morning, Chu Chengyuan walked on the set, just thinking that everyone was going to secretly look and talk about themselves.

He maintained his last pride and walked calmly with a smile on his face.When he saw Jiang Xiaoyu hesitating to speak, Qi Lean frowned.

He smiled pretentiously, and just about to walk over, he suddenly heard a noise behind him.He vaguely heard a voice that made him tremble, and before he could react, a scream began to sound around him.A cold and stenchy liquid fell from the sky and showered him all over.

He saw Jiang Xiaoyu screaming while covering her mouth, and Qi Lean stood up in shock.He turned his head and saw Ms. Chu, who was all over her famous brand, standing not far away, covering her nose with a tissue and looking at him in disgust.

Between him and Miss Chu are two bodyguards carrying steel buckets.

Ms. Chu's voice was full of sarcasm, and said: "Little bastard, this black dog blood is hard to find. My sister asked you if it tastes good?"

Chu Chengyuan laughed suddenly, and the nerve that had been tight for so many days suddenly broke.

When everyone was too late to react, he reached out and picked up the props on the side and slammed it at Miss Chu.

The bodyguard didn't expect Chu Chengyuan to suddenly burst out of this kind of action, and he couldn't even save him, so he could only watch the thick props flying towards Miss Chu.Miss Chu couldn't avoid it, she was hit on her forehead immediately, feeling something hot from her head.

Miss Chu looked at Chu Chengyuan in disbelief, shaking her hands and slowly touching her head, then she saw a bright red on her fingertips.

Miss Chu felt the pain now, she screamed and pointed at Chu Chengyuan and said, "You dare to hit me? You wild breed dare to do it! I'm going to kill you!"

After saying this, Miss Chu shook her body and fainted!

This farce happened in just three minutes, and it came too quickly.When everyone in the crew reacted, Miss Chu was already lying on the ground.