Big Country Intelligent Manufacturing

Chapter 1050 Chip Battle · People who don't love [seek subscriptions]

"Jingling Bell ..." Just when Xu Zhenming was prepared to call Wang Shouyi, the mobile phone placed on the desk suddenly sounded. He put down the phone in his hand, and his head, he saw that the Huang Director gave him a call.

See this call, Xu Zhenming's heart is not hopped by autonomous bastard. "Huang Director came to call me so early, it must be a good news." He broke his mouth and didn't know how to smile.

The facts are really as he expected. Xu Zhenming just pressed the answer button, and the mobile phone came out of the Huang Director and some hoarse voice. "Xiao Xu comrace, you will come to Jingshi in the afternoon, the Jingshi Communications College Tang Dynasty agrees to talk to you. "

When I heard this sentence, Xu Zhenming did not help but shook the right right in the air, "Thank you for your Huang Bureau. I will be free, I will drink, I will drink, I will drink, I will drink."

"Hey, don't don't don't! I invited an old leader to come to talk about it. Drinking alcohol, now the brain is still hurting!" At this time, the mobile phone came to the Huang Director's laughter . He told Xu Zhenming to do not hold too much about this visit, and the Tang Dynasty seems to be very obsessed with Siemens.

When I heard this, Xu Zhenming couldn't help but gure it, "it's a knee!"

Although she thought, when he still didn't give up, in the mouth, I grateful to the Huang Director, "Huang Bureau, I have confidence to persuade Tang Director, thank you very much for creating such a good opportunity. Huang Bureau, that Do you have a hobby, love to drink or smoke? "

"He doesn't love it, it is love facial, love truth!"

"Oh ... this is a bit difficult. However, I will not give up. In order to compete for a global battle for Huazhi Communication Industry, I will strive to convince Tang Dean." Xu Zhen Ming said, while ensuring that he won't waste this to the Huang Director Extraordinary opportunities, while it is also to get yourself.

After the call, he immediately called the Zhang Yang, who was far in the Jingshi, let Zhang Yang find people to listen to the various preferences of the Tang Dynasty, put the preparations first.

Arrange these things, Xu Zhenming immediately let Zhang Guili's team began to prepare, put the TD-SCDPHMA communication technology protocol information, and tomorrow follows him with him.

At around 3:30 in the next day, Xu Zhenming led Zhang Guoli and has come to the office building of Jingshi Communications College. Because the time is about half a hour earlier than the appointment, Xu Zhenming can only stand outside the office of Tang Dynasty.

"Professor Song, very popular green communication technology in China, my country is also using CDMA's green communication technology agreement. So, I think Siemens TD-SCDMA technology is very suitable for our country ..."

At this time, the office of the Tang Dynasty seems to be meeting, and the sound in the middle of the feet is drilled out from the office of the office.

The voice is very strong, and the people who talk are very strong, it seems to be the same as others. From this speech, people who speaking should be long-term leadership.

Inadvertently heard this speech, Xu Zhenming's scalp could not help but numbness, "This person is Tang Dynasty. If it is him, this is a bit trouble!"

According to the experience of Xu Zhen Ming, people who speaking because of long-term high rights, have developed a habit of saying a lot of habits. If this person is the Tang Dynasty, the Jingshi Communications College, he really didn't grasp this!