Big Country Intelligent Manufacturing

Chapter 238 Who cares who your father is

At this time, He Yan hugged the white booby and cried, "I, I didn't follow up to bed, woo... I'm not a torn shoe! Isn't it 20,000 yuan, I will give it to you now! Huo..."

"Don't cry! He Yan! Don't cry, don't be like this scumbag! Why are you paying him? You didn't take his money! This beast is blackmailing you? Leave him alone!"

Bai Yao was comforting He Yan, and as she talked, her own tears had already fallen.

Girls are so emotional, when they see others crying, they will accompany to tears unconsciously.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhenming felt irritated.After that, he took out two wads of banknotes from his briefcase, did not count them, and smashed one on the bridge of Xiao Jian's nose: "I will give you 20,000 yuan on behalf of Heyan! You scumbag scolded me. How much should I accompany me for mental damage expenses?"

He also didn't know why he was so gaffe, it must be because of alcohol stimulation.

At this moment, Xiao Jian was fascinated by the banknotes thrown by Xu Zhenming, and his mouth was still cursing, "Xu Zhenming! What are you pretending to be a big boss! A guy picking up broken shoes, what kind of cow? I use it all, you are still a treasure? What a damn bitch! Hahaha..."

At the same time, the five social youths who followed him have come to Xiao Jian's vicinity crookedly.

"Brother Jian! Do you want to help?"

"Who is this hanging man? Dare to have trouble with Brother Jian?"

"Brothers, beat him up first before talking, vent your anger to Brother Jian!"

These social youths were shouting strangely in Yin and Yang.

They all wore floral T-shirts on their upper bodies, large floral pants on their lower bodies, and a pair of flip-flops on their feet, standing there lazily.These people deliberately rolled up the two sleeves of the T-shirt, revealing the tattoos on their arms.The red, green and green tattoos are a bit hideous, and they look very bullish.

This group of people looked at Xu Zhenming with contemptuous eyes, spitting alcohol in their mouths, and speaking very loudly, as if the entire Nan'an city was under their control.

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhenming, who was already irritated, didn't care about these little gangsters who were playing tricks.He was irritated by Xiao Jian's success, and he walked to Xiao Jian's side.

"Papa..." Immediately afterwards, Xu Zhenming rounded his right hand and bowed left and right to give Xiao Jian two ear scrapers.Xiao Jian was beaten on the spot, staggered under his feet, and then fell to the ground.

"Hit, hit him! I'll take all the responsibility for killing him!" Xiao Jian fell on the ground, barking like a mad dog.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" At this moment, a young man in society with a small snake tattoo sneered and hit Xu Zhenming with a punch.He should be drinking too much, and his steps are not steady.

Since Xu Zhenming had already done something, he must be cruel.He stood still, and a high kick hit the little bastard's chest.

"Ah..." the little bastard yelled, and was kicked more than four meters away in an instant, lying on the ground with his limbs upright.His face was blue, as if his ribs had been kicked off.

It's too late to say, then fast.Xu Zhenming had just finished kicking, and then turned around, the high whip leg of his right leg swept abruptly, and he shot down two little bastards with dragon and phoenix tattoos.

The other two gangsters, one was hit by his companion, and fell to the ground together.Another one saw that something was wrong and ran away."Kill! Help!" This guy yelled as he ran.

This is the case with the punks. When he encounters people with high force, he screams.When he meets people who are afraid of things, he is fierce!

However, Xu Zhenming was not ready to let him go.Let this little bastard escape, maybe he will call for help, when the situation will be difficult to control.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenming leaped out sideways as soon as Xu Zhenming used his legs.The legs are shaped like scissors and cut towards the waist of the little bastard.

After a while, he wrapped around the little bastard's waist and cut the man to the ground according to inertia.This little bastard was a bit miserable. With his head facing the ground, he fell into a posture of a dog chewing shit, and his face was covered with blood on the spot.

From Xu Zhenming's slap in the face of Xiao Jian, it only took more than a minute.The six people including Xiao Jian were already lying down on the ground.

"Good fight! Xu Zhenming is good!" Seeing this scene, the plateau shouted excitedly.

He had never seen such a scene, and his whole body was shaking slightly.

"Good fight! These scumbags are inhumane! Beat them again!" There was a bit too much wine in the white potato, and there was no formal shout at this time.While shouting, she comforted He Yan who was crying: "He Yan, don't cry, Xu Zhenming has already vented you!"

He Yan whimpered at this moment, and looked at the seven people lying on the ground in surprise.She was a little worried, thinking that Xu Zhenming was also injured. While sobbing, she shouted in panic: "Xu Zhenming! Are you okay?"

Of course Xu Zhenming is fine.He stood up with a carp, and after a few steps, he came to Xiao Jian's side.

Xiao Jian was already panicked at this time, tremblingly preparing to get up.Because he was more flustered, he always couldn't climb, and threatened Xu Zhenming: "Xu Zhenming, you are dead! How dare you beat me, how dare you beat Brother Scar, you wait..."

This guy is still stubborn, and he is going to scare Xu Zhenming with the little bastard Scar Brother from Xicheng District.The fundamental purpose is to be afraid that Xu Zhenming will slap him a few more times.

He was so panicked at this time. He didn't expect Xu Zhenming to be a practitioner, and his force value had exceeded his imagination.

Not only did he think so, but Gao Gao and the others were also very surprised: "My classmates for four years, why didn't I find Xu Zhenming still capable of martial arts?"

At this time, Xu Zhenming stretched out a foot to step on Xiao Jian’s right face and held Xiao Jian: "What if I hit you? Scum! You should be beaten violently. Bitch!"

At this moment, he didn't care so much.Who cares, Brother Scar or?According to his current status, don't even show up, as long as you pay to get these punks.This is the so-called economic basis that determines social status. The rich can achieve their goals in many ways!

If Xiao Jian hadn't insulted him face to face, he wouldn't have been so impulsive.If he wants to engage in Xiao Jian, he can arrange things by just making a phone call in the office.

"Xu, Xu Zhenming! Quickly... let me go! Do you dare to insult me? Do you know who my father is?" At this time, Xiao Jian who was stepped on by Xu Zhenming yelled vaguely.

Xiao Jian was already extremely angry at this time.Since childhood, he has never suffered such insults.His father has a good position in Nan'an Iron and Steel Group Company, and many people give him face.Whether in school or playing in society, no one has never given him face.

The term "Young Master" is not popular yet, and big guys will respect him as Brother Sword.Now, he is actually stepped on the soles of feet by Xu Zhenming from a village, why he is not angry.So he moved his father Xiao Cheng out to scare Xu Zhenming!

"I care who your father is? What if your father is Xiao Cheng? Not even Li Gang!"

Xu Zhenming sneered and bent down and stuffed the 20,000 yuan from the ground into Xiao Jian's hands.Then, he said again: "He Yan's 20,000 yuan has been given to you, so please don't pester others in the future!"

"Jie Jie... Does it feel good to have a broken shoe? For a broken shoe, you have to spend 20,000 yuan! I don't want your stinky money! Let me go quickly, or you will die!"

Xiao Jian was extremely angry, grinning grimly, his teeth bleeding and his lips stained red.He was so angry that he had been calculating how to retaliate against Xu Zhenming: "Xu Zhenming didn't have the guts to kill me. As long as I have a breath, we will never end this matter!"

"You can't do without money! If the money is given to you, our business is over! You will insult He Yan and me later, see you in court!"

Xu Zhenming still stuffed the money into Xiao Jian's hands.He felt that Xiao Jian was a rascal. He used to think so, but he still thinks so.That being the case, the money must be placed in Xiao Jian's hands!

"Bah... scum! Why am I a classmate with you as a scum?" At this moment, Bai Tao saw that Xiao Jian was still hurting He Yan with abusive words and couldn't help but spit out.

She kicked Xiao Jian on the ground, and immediately comforted He Yan, preparing to take He Yan away from this place of right and wrong.

At this moment, a big fat middle-aged man and two entourage trot over.It seems that they should have come out of the Binhu Hotel and trot directly towards the lighted parking lot.

"Stop it! I'm Xiao Cheng, the executive vice president of Nan'an Iron and Steel Group Company! Let go of my son Xiao Jian!" As he ran, the middle-aged fat man yelled.

At the same time, bursts of police sirens roared.Two police cars pulled the alarm and galloped towards the lighted parking lot here.

Obviously, someone has already called the police.

Looking at the big fat man Xiao Cheng, and then at the police car whizzing, Xu Zhenming couldn't help but sneer.According to his judgment, Xiao Cheng should report to the police.

No matter how much, he still controlled Xiao Jian, just confiscating his legs.By now, he absolutely couldn't let Xiao Jian go.

"Xu Zhenming! Since the police are here, let go of Xiao Jian!"

"You big fat guy is Xiao Cheng, you're doing well in Nan'an. Xu Zhenming forget it!"

The plateau and Baitiao lacked experience. Seeing that the police were coming soon, Xu Zhenming was persuaded to let Xiao Jian go and leave nothing behind.

At this time, Li Dayan walked over with two drivers.After receiving Xu Zhenming's call, he immediately contacted the driver in Binhu Community.After finally getting together two drivers who hadn't drunk, they hurried over.

He had sharp eyes. He saw a few punks lying on the ground, and he reacted on the spot: "No! Xu may be in trouble!" Soon, he took out his eldest brother and made a phone call to Xu Zhenming's side. Running.

"Mr Xu! Do you want me to help?" After hanging up the phone, he gasped and asked Xu Zhenming.

Xu Zhenming glanced at him and said, "Control the members of the gang on the ground, and hand it over to the police later!"

At this moment, Xu Zhenming decided to sue the wicked first and convict these people before speaking.