Big Country Intelligent Manufacturing

Chapter 332 Half-sold and half-free to earn a million (seeking subscription)

"The industry standard for CNC machine tools? Is that true?"

Hearing this remark, Yu Can involuntarily repeated one sentence.He looked at Liu Gu and Yang Gu with amazement, wanting to verify this.

However, Gu Gu Yang and Gu Gu Liu did not know about this, and shook their heads blankly.

"Since October 1994, up to now, our Yiming Group has transformed more than 10,000 CNC machine tools. The number of users of CNC machine tools accounts for 11.8% of the market. At present, the domestic CNC system for CNC machine tools mainly includes .The products of the two companies, the one company in Wanwan, the Yiming Group, Germany and the country occupy the main share!"

At this time, Hu Chunmei, who was in charge of sales, took out a statistical report and introduced the situation of CNC machine tools.This data is collected by the sales department of Yiming Group, which provides a basis for the group company to formulate sales strategies.After the report, she sent a copy of the information to Gui Changshu and others.

"Oh... the users of your company's CNC machine tools are all CNC machine tools modified with general machine tools!

After reading the information, Yu Can suddenly realized.

Their Longbow Group companies generally use new equipment and have never used CNC machine tools modified by general machine tools, so they are not very clear about the market.

At this time, Hu Chunmei smiled and said: "Guo Yu! Our company is manufacturing more than 30 CNC machine tools for Danili in Italy, with sales reaching more than 40 million yuan!"

"The Italians are also coming to buy your CNC machine tools?" At this time, Gui Changshu, who had not spoken, came and asked Hu Chunmei smilingly.

Hu Chunmei was quite prepared, and immediately took out the original sales contract of CNC machine tools signed in three languages ​​and handed it to Gui Changshu on the opposite side.

"Look at all of you! Yiming Group's CNC machine tools should be good. Otherwise, foreigners would not place an order!" After reading the contract, Gui Changjun handed it to Yu Can and others.

This is the advertising benefit, which Xu Zhenming prepared specially.He is going to open a gap and sell the CNC machine tools produced by Yiming Group to Longbow Group.

The CNC machine tools of the Longbow Group are generally the latest machine tools obtained from various channels.Of course, a five-axis linkage machine tool, they just want to buy but can't buy it.If you establish a good relationship with such a company, you will not have to worry about the CNC machine tool business of Yiming Group in the future.

These are the plans that Xu Zhenming has set up, and now they have made a good start!

"Mr. Xu! Your group company can transform general-purpose machine tools into CNC machine tools. Can this technology be authorized?" At this time, Mr. Yang, who was looking at the Yiming Group Company's color page, raised his head and asked Xu Zhenming.

How could Xu Zhenming kill chickens and get eggs?

Once the CNC technology is authorized, can Yiming Group's business still be done?Once this technology is given to the Longbow Group, large domestic machine tool manufacturers will get this technology.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenming smiled and shook his head: "Greetor Yang, we don’t have this idea yet! Besides, when we renovate general-purpose machine tools, we generally renovate first and then rebuild, and the performance of the machine tool can be restored to the precision at the factory. And the price Very low, so the market share has been steadily increasing."

"Oh? Mr. Xu’s idea is better, with small profits but quick turnover! Regarding the transformation of CNC machine tools, you and I have room for cooperation. Let’s go back and send three or five general-purpose machine tools to your group. The company will do a transformation of the data machine tool. If the effect is good, we will make plans again!"

Seeing Xu Zhenming's unwillingness to transfer the technology of CNC machine tools, Yu Can said on the spot a trial cooperation plan.

Later, he put the CNC machine tool aside, but smiled and asked Xu Zhenming: "Mr. Xu! Can you demonstrate the process of extinguishing fire?"

This can be!

If the Longbow Group Company intends to purchase this "fire extinguishing" technology, Xu Zhenming would be happy to transfer it.First, you can make money; second, you can do something for the country and talk about your heart.

So he turned on his laptop and called up his own integrated simulation software system for single-chip microcomputers.After a while, the large screen projected on the wall revealed a blue text editing environment.

"General Yu, are you here with the chip?" Xu Zhenming asked with a smile at this time.In order to verify the chip's redundant instructions on the spot, he asked Yu Can and others for a chip to demonstrate.

This requirement is very close to Yu Can's idea.

He glanced at Xu Zhenming in surprise: "Damn! Can Xu always see through my mind?" While thinking, he opened the toolbox he brought and took out a brand new imported chip from it, "Give Xu Always! Demonstrate this 16-bit chip!"

Seeing his expression, Xu Zhenming smiled.Later, he inserted the chip into the circuit board he designed.The circuit board he designed looks relatively crude and not protected by a special toolbox.But you can read and write the chip and scrub the machine code in the chip.

"Di..." Soon after, the notebook sounded an alarm.Projected on the large screen on the wall, the dense "0101" is displayed.These "0101" codes are the translation of the machine code in the chip.Most people can't understand it, and Xu Zhenming can't understand it either.

He manipulated the mouse to open the drop-down menu of the program system and clicked the "Code Conversion" button.After a while, the 0101 code disappeared and became a line of machine code instructions.

"Well... The code conversion function in this software of Mr. Xu is very good!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Liu, who is proficient in technology, couldn't help but praised him.

"Haha! Thank you!" Xu Zhenming said while pressing the search button.

"Didi..." Moments later, the notebook sounded again.

At this time, a red menu bar appeared on the screen.There are three machine codes, which are locked by the red menu bar.The laptop keeps beeping.


Seeing this scene, three technical engineers, including Yu Can, Liu Gu, and Yang Gu, were stunned.

Not only them, but also Wang Zhizhong and the members of his team.

Xu Zhenming did not expand the scope of "extinguishing" the technology of chips, and he alone knew this unique technology in Yiming Group.Master Li and his apprentices, who are in charge of operating the computer, only execute foolish commands in accordance with the operating procedures taught by Xu Zhenming.

"Guo Yu, Gu Liu, and Gu Yang! Have you seen these three instructions in the hands of the chip?" Taking a look at their expressions, Xu Zhenming asked with a smile.

Providing technical information to chip users is what every manufacturer must do.However, these three instructions are very strange to Yu Can and others, as are Wang Zhizhong and others.

People like them have never seen it before!

Of course Xu Zhenming also knew about this kind of thing, so he smiled and said, "Since these three instructions are redundant, we will delete them so as not to leave a back door for those who are interested!"

While talking, he hit the delete button, and the three locked codes disappeared.The computer doesn't alarm anymore, everything is normal."This is called'fire fighting'!" Xu Zhenming explained with a smile after finishing this.


Seeing this scene, Yu Can was very excited and applauded.

He is engaged in automatic control and can understand the value of Xu Zhenming's "fire extinguishing" technology.

Talking big is related to national security interests, and talking small is related to the company's vital interests.Moreover, with this technology, the safety level of Longbow Group's products has been raised to a new level.

Thinking of this, he applauded and asked Xu Zhenming: "Mr. Xu! Is your company willing to transfer this technology?"

"Come! Finally here! Haha..."

Hearing his question, Xu Zhenming secretly smiled.He has done so much to sell this software to the Longbow Group for a price of 1 million yuan without bargaining!

But before discussing business, he still has to make things perfect.

"General Yu, you first test this chip that has been'fired', and let's talk about other things!" Then, he took the chip down and handed it to Yu Can on the opposite side.

Yu Can also brought laptops, card readers, and software.He then asked Mr. Liu to operate on the spot and tested the chip that Xu Zhenming handed over.

"Report to Chief Gui and Chief Yu! The performance of this chip is normal! You can continue to use it!" After three trials before and after, Gu Gu, who is cautious in character, reported the situation very positively.

Seeing this situation, Gui Changshu laughed, "Haha...good! This technology is more practical, we must get it!"

At this kind of moment, he thought with great regret: "If Xu Zhenming is an active soldier, he can be transferred directly to the Longbow Group to work. Our Longbow Group can save a lot of money!"

"Mr. Xu! Have you applied for a patent for this technology? How much do you plan to transfer to us?" At this time, Yu Can started asking the price on behalf of the Longgong Group.

Xu Zhenming did not apply for software copyright and patent rights for such security-related technologies to prevent leaks.

He saw Yu Can’s expression very solemn and sincere, so he smiled and said: "Guardian Yu! Everyone is a peer! My set of technology is boring to be measured by money. So, I can be regarded as contributing to the country. The code and circuit are all included together for a price of one million yuan, no counter-offer!"

Xu Zhenming did not tell lies, this price can be said to be drizzle relative to national security!

But compared to Longbow Group, it has never cost a million yuan to purchase a set of circuit diagrams and source code.Therefore, Yu Can's expression was a little ugly, "Mr. Xu! Can it be cheaper?"

"Damn! I'm giving this to the country, okay? If you sell this code to the mold country people, there is no problem with three million dollars. You won't ask me to give it away for free?"

Seeing Yu Can's face, Xu Zhenming thought depressed.

Immediately, he looked at Gui Changshu on the opposite side, and explained with a wry smile: "Leader Gui, my technology is kept secret, so far I have not applied for a patent. If it is sold to foreigners, it will cost 20 to 30 million yuan! Longbow Group's one million yuan, am I making a contribution to the country?"


Upon hearing this, Gui Changshu nodded.

He turned his face to exchange opinions with Yu Can and others.

After some discussion, the transaction was completed at the price Xu Zhenming said.

After completing this transaction, Yu Cancai smiled and took out three servo motors and two variable frequency motors, and entered the topic of today's meeting.