Big Country Intelligent Manufacturing

Chapter 631: Completing One's Own Door [Seeking Subscription]

Therefore, Xu Zhenming was very exasperated when he paid the money this time, without frowning.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Neojin and others were stunned. "Why is the boss so refreshing this time? Is the FinFET process technology important?"

Seeing that they are all like this, Xu Zhenming smiled and nodded, "The patent of FinFET process technology is very important, and it is also the admission ticket for our Mingxin Manufacturing Company to become a world-class chip manufacturing company. Not only that, but also the immersion lithography process. Very important."

In another time and space, Wanwantai Electromechanical Co., Ltd. rose by virtue of immersion lithography technology.With this patented technology, they won the favor of Americans, and they were able to support and develop.Then, their company joined forces with the Dutch company ASML to develop immersion lithography technology.

The Dutch company ASML was able to rise up because of this lithography technology, defeating the islanders' Canon and Nikon, thus occupying the position of the world's lithography machine head trading.

In this technology, Intel in the United States has fallen behind.If they hadn't occupied the commanding heights of X86-based CPUs, they would have long since become a design company that can only design chips.

Of course there is another reason, they are a U.S. company!

As for another chip manufacturing giant-Korea's Sanxin Electronics.

In fact, their company is also stealing the Foundry technology of Moss Mechatronics.

In another time and space, Sanxin Electronics operated Liang Songsong, a student from Hu Mingzhen, to Goryeo. At the beginning, he was a professor and secretly learned technology from Liang Songsong.

Later, Sanxin Electronics directly hired Liang Songsong as a technical master, only to fully understand the FinFET process technology and immersion lithography technology, and came up with the latest chip manufacturing technology in front of Moss Electromechanical Company.

By the way, Liang Songsong is still a legend.He is a disciple of Hu Mingzhen, but his wife is from Korea.It was through his lover's path that Goryeo Sanshin Electronics took Liang Songsong away.

For this matter, Moss Mechatronics also went to the American father to sue Korea’s Sanxin Electronics.But Sanxin Electronics has come up with a more advanced production process patented technology, and the father of the United States ignored the Moss Mechatronics Company.

The second is that the volume of Korea Guosanxin Electronics is very large, much larger than that of Moss Mechatronics.They couldn't bite, so they had to withdraw the lawsuit out of court.

Otherwise, the three giants of chip manufacturing in the 21st century can only become two giants!

But from a political point of view, Intel in the United States would not believe in Moss Electrical and Mechanical Company in Bay Bay at all.They will definitely support a competitor to Moss Electrical and Mechanical Services, and sometimes beat Moss Electrical and Mechanical Services to make this increasingly powerful son obedient.

As a result, the Intel company in the United States is ready to support a brother of the same family to Wanwantai Electromechanical Company.

The company of the island nation cannot be supported, and the strength is too strong, and the ship will be overturned in the gutter accidentally.The Chinese company is the enemy. It is not considered at all, and it is not a weapon.After some comparison, only Sanxin Electronics Co., Ltd. from Korea is the most suitable.

This is the main reason for the formation of the Big Three in chip manufacturing in the 21st century.

Xu Zhenming is a rebirth person, who has already seen clearly.

When he was considering the chip manufacturing team, he deliberately called Zhang Nyujin, Wanninggu, Hu Mingzhen, Guo Liansheng, He Changlin, Zhou Jiawei and others.And give them shares, and gradually increase their shares every year.

After wooing this group of technical masters, Xu Zhenming was still worried, so he dug up Liang Songsong and joined the technical team in Hu Mingzhen.

Without Liang Songsong, will Korea Go Sanshin Electronics Co., Ltd. still go that far in the development of chip manufacturing process?

Without the Hu Mingzhen team, will Wanwantai Electromechanical Company make breakthroughs in FinFET process technology and immersion lithography process technology?

Without the immersion lithography process technology of Wanwan Moss Electromechanical Company, will Intel in the United States slow down its rapid development and be caught up by Yiming Group?

Xu Zhenming is very confident about this.

He has dug so many pits waiting for the US Intel Corporation, Wanwantai Electromechanical Company and Korea's Sanxin Electronics.If Yiming Group can't catch up... Xu Zhenming won't forgive himself.

Mindful of this, he once again issued a task: "Mr. Hu, let Song Song Liang join the core team to specialize in the development of immersion lithography. We also have to make a fuss about this process!"

Xu Zhenming has used various means to restrain Liang Songsong.In this time and space, he will not be allowed to go to Korea again to be a teacher, and teach the technology of Huaguo to Sanxin Electronics of Korea.

If Yiming Group makes breakthroughs in FinFET process technology and immersion lithography technology, Xu Zhenming will immediately apply for a patent, forming a patent barrier.

If Korea Guosanxin Electronics wants to obtain FinFET process technology and immersion lithography technology, there is no problem, but it has to pay high patent fees.

As for them, they want to use invisible means to destroy, such as factory fires and digging walls.The security workers lurking in the Nan'an Economic Development Zone sent by the Changgong Group are not vegetarian.

"Xu Dong, Xiao Liang can stand alone. I suggest that we Mingxin Manufacturing Company set up a production operation department, Xiao Liang can serve as the operation director of the operation department." At this time, Hu Mingzhen did not avoid relatives and tried his best. Recommend to Xu Zhenming the proud disciple Liang Songsong.

Considering that this person finally returned to China to develop, he contributed to the great cause of China's chip manufacturing.Xu Zhenming also felt that Liang Songsong should be appropriately burdened."Okay, just follow Hu's proposal." He appointed Liang Songsong as Zhang Nyjin's deputy on the spot.

Next, Xu Zhenming took out another task for everyone to discuss."Everyone, what if the United States keeps blocking us? How should our chip business take the path of self-development." He said with a serious expression the main purpose of the conference room today.

"Um?" Everyone who attended the meeting was shocked.

They have never experienced this kind of battle, and think that the Americans would not do it this way.But the fact is that it was very difficult for China to order an EUV lithography machine later.

"According to Dong's vision, we should classify the equipment and processes required for chip manufacturing technology. For example, photolithography masks, photoresists, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride... etc., materials and equipment must be considered." As the most authoritative The expert, Hu Mingzhen spoke seriously.

Chinese people used to produce photolithography masks themselves.

But the third radio factory in Wuhan, which can produce photo-engraved masks, has been restructured and now sells non-staple food.

The same is true for photoresist, which was also produced in China before.Now the enterprise that produces this product has long gone bankrupt and restructured.

For other chemical reagents, domestic chemical companies can help Yiming Group to solve practical problems.

Xu Zhenming asked Hu Chunmei to take the minutes of the meeting, preparing to merge these bankrupt companies in future investment actions and re-developing the main auxiliary materials such as photolithography masks and photoresists.

"In addition to these, our group company is weak in three types of system technologies: laser light source, optical equipment of optical system, and lens of lens system."

"The process distribution technology and system integration technology of the lithography machine, we do not need to ask for help."

"The mechanical manufacturing technology of the lithography machine, the assembly process technology, the balancing technology of the duplex table, etc., as well as the system integration technology, our company is also strong."

"But we are weak in the transmission mechanism in the main equipment of the lithography machine. For example, transmission bearings, ball screws, hydraulic lines, hydraulic valves, etc."

"There are also some high-precision sensors, such as laser rangefinders, laser positioners, ultrasonic positioning rangefinders, limit gratings, flow sensors, quality sensors... etc."

Zhang Nyjin, Hu Mingzhen, Wanninggu and others took out their notebooks while listing the main spare parts for the chip production line while making records.

The technology proposed by these people, as long as China does not have it, is the cover of Yiming Group.

Once foreigners pinch the source of these products, Yiming Group’s chip production line research and manufacturing progress will fall into a bottleneck, and the research on the important equipment-lithography machine will stagnate.

Xu Zhenming briefly listed, there are more than 100 large and small in total.Even the machinery manufacturing technology that Xu Zhenming is proud of is still far behind the foreigner's technology.

For example, the mechanical technology of the top lithography machine produced by ASML in the Netherlands actually comes from Germans.German machine tools and mechanical technology are the world's most advanced.

The mechanical technology and machine tool technology of Yiming Group still have a gap with the islanders, and the gap with the Germans is even greater. If you want to manufacture EUV lithography machines in the future, you must make a long-term plan now.

Zhang Nyjin, Hu Mingzhen, Wanninggu and others who attended the meeting may not have realized this, but Xu Zhenming, as a reborn person, is like a mirror in his heart, knowing how to work hard to bridge the gap.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand to everyone:

"Although we have a relatively large gap and many doors. As long as we work hard, we can make up for it. For example, we can entrust the development of laser light source systems, laser light path systems and lens systems to Longbow Group Corporation. We cannot rely on mechanical technology. Others can only be self-reliant."

Xu Zhenming asked Hu Chunmei, who was in charge of recording, to make a list, such as bearings, hydraulics, valves, sensors, etc., which domestic manufacturers of these products have.

He is ready to start acquiring similar domestic companies and inject R&D funds to engage in technology research and development.

As long as these basic spare parts can make breakthrough progress, Yiming Group's CNC machine tool manufacturing accuracy will also be greatly improved.

This is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!

"As for bearing manufacturers, how about our cooperation with Havalo?" Hu Chunmei asked Xu Zhenming while taking notes.

The three companies in Havalo are well-known state-owned enterprises in China, and the benefits are good. Will they agree to be acquired by Yiming Group?

This proposal simply doesn't work!

Xu Zhenming shook his head when he heard the words, "You will contact Bai Tuo later and ask her to introduce a small bearing manufacturing plant in Luoyang. We are going to acquire a small bearing manufacturing plant in Luoyang."