Big Country Intelligent Manufacturing

Chapter 739 Brainstormseeking subscription

"Everyone, Lao Li's technical proposal is very constructive. For example, the absorbing material. In the rough aspect, it can absorb shock waves and sound waves. This kind of material can be used in the civil industry; when it develops in the fine direction, the absorbing material can Absorb electromagnetic waves and prevent electromagnetic wave radiation. This material can be used in the field of defense equipment."

Xu Zhenming's thinking was very divergent, extending Li Yao's technical plan to a deeper level, and finally focused on military invisible materials.

At this time, Wanning Gu, who was sitting next to Hu Mingzhen, was a little excited and moved his fart.

"Xu Dong made a very reasonable point. When I was in the National Materials Laboratory of the United States, I used to involve a polymer absorbing material. This topic was finally handed over to the engineer of the U.S. countryman. I doubt the F117 used by the U.S. countryman The materials are related to this subject."

As soon as Xu Zhenming's speech was over, Wan Ninggu couldn't wait to tell a shocking secret.

"What? Mr. Wan, have you done F117 invisible materials?"

"Wow, if we produce this material, we won't worry about the market at all."

As soon as Wanninggu's speech was over, everyone in the conference room was surprised.Everyone did not expect that Wanninggu, who worked with him, was actually a great technical master.

Among the crowd, Xu Zhenming seemed very calm.As a rebirth person, he knows Wanninggu's work experience best and is not so fussy.

As a world-class material expert, Wanninggu has won various technical medals from the United States.If he didn't have two brushes, he wouldn't be so influential in the United States.Yiming Group Company invited him to do research and development and manufacturing of silicon wafer production line, but he was already overkill.

However, then again, Yiming Group was really unable to support Wanning Gu's material research before.Now, it's better. R&D funds have to be abundant.But to immediately invest in the research project of invisible materials, the financial strength of a Yiming Group company alone is not enough.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhenming waved his hands to everyone, "At the same time, everyone, let's get back to business, this is not a good time to discuss invisible materials. We will work on this project in the future, but now we still have to solve the problem of the technical solution of the PDIX system."

He was smiling while talking, obviously in a good mood.

"Hahaha..." When everyone saw that the boss was in a good mood, they laughed together.

A moment later, Li Yao took the topic again and introduced his PDIX solution in detail.

"...So, I am going to design a special connection box again based on the connection mechanism of the laser optical system. This connection box is coated with shock wave absorption material and air is used as the medium to reduce the laser optical system. Shock wave."

While talking, Li Yao was operating the computer, displaying his own technical plan on the large projection screen for evaluation by the technicians present.

His plan is very practical. Both the main system of the lithography machine and the laser optical path system have a connection box structure. The overall amount of equipment changes is small, and the requirements for the realization of the technical plan are not high. Yiming Group is fully capable of completing it by itself.

Therefore, Hong Aiguo, who came to the meeting, stated on the spot, "Mr. Li, if you follow your technical plan, our CNC machine tool factory can complete the production of the connection box within five days. Of course, you have to give me a complete set of drawings. Row."

"For technical drawings, all the mechanical engineers in our technical department can participate in this technical topic." At this time, Zheng Cheng and Sun Chao, who came to the meeting, also patted their chests on the spot to ensure that they would obey the order.

Wang Zhizhong, who is in charge of automation control, grinned at this moment, showing his teeth blackened by cigarettes. “The engineers of our automation team will go all out and will not delay the PDIX vibration system project.”

"Our technicians in the Automation Department of Mingxin Company will work overtime every day these days to ensure that the programming work is completed within the specified time."

"The technicians of our laser technology group are on standby at any time and can participate in the subject project at any time."


At this time, the technical team leaders in the conference room all scrambled to express their support for the PDIX system project that Li Yao was responsible for.

Seeing this scene, Hu Mingzhen, the person in charge of the third-generation KrF lithography machine project, was very excited at this moment.He clapped tremblingly, "Dear colleagues, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for your support."

Afterwards, he nodded to Xu Zhenming, "Xu Dong, the third-generation lithography machine developed by our group company will definitely produce Chen Guo within half a month."

Because of his excitement, Hu Mingzhen's statement this time seemed to have not been carefully considered, and he was a bit too much.

But Xu Zhenming liked the hard work and the excited atmosphere.

He also applauded and nodded and smiled at everyone, "My colleagues, Mr. Hu just said that the third-generation lithography machine of our group company will be born soon. I think this sentence is not accurate."

Having said that, he paused.

Everyone in the conference room was taken aback, "Why is this sentence wrong?"

"It should be said that this is the first KrF lithography machine of our Chinese!" At this time, Xu Zhenming raised his voice and shouted loudly.

"Yes, our first domestic third-generation KrF lithography machine in China!"

"We will make history!"

"Our Yiming Group Company is omnipotent!"

"We Chinese are omnipotent!"

There was a burst of applause in the meeting room, and everyone shouted.

The technicians are all menshao men, as long as they light up their G-spots, they will still shout passionately.

Xu Zhenming happened to ignite everyone's passion today, and everyone broke out on the spot as if they were beaten up with blood.

After the passion, everyone unanimously agreed with Li Yao's technical plan and began to tackle the PDIX system project.

Xu Zhenming can no longer get involved in this kind of highly specialized technical project.He entrusted the overall project to Hu Mingzhen to be responsible, and he began to brew another cutting-edge subject project.



Three days later, Xu Zhenming's office in the headquarters compound of Yiming Group.

Professor Liu Heping, Liu Heping’s teacher Professor Zhong and Wan Ninggu, who came from the capital, all sat around a small glass round table.

At this moment, Xu Zhenming took out a piece of material compiled by Wan Ninggu, and spoke to the three people opposite with a serious expression."Three experts, the subject of our special material project code-named GX must be kept secret, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble in your life."

Having said this, he began to distribute the subject materials in his hands to Liu Heping, Professor Zhong and Wan Ninggu.There is also a red non-disclosure agreement sent along with the materials.

This GX project is very important. Xu Zhenming has to pay attention to the defense technology involved.In case the three experts in person are unwilling to participate, he will definitely not start this GX project.