Big Life

< 14 - I don't know the word stop (2) >

14-Stop is unknown (2)

- Excuse me, you're Dr. Haejeon, right?

“Yes, it is. ”

- Hi, I'm sorry you're busy. I am Representative of Baek Jin-hyuk, who works on the heavenly springs editing team.

“Ah, yes. Hello."

Reconstruction immediately understood and pushed the door of the break room. The Celestial Spring is a literary brand of the group published "Gale Anger".

- No, this time we are preparing to launch a new brand called Mysterium.

“A new brand? ”

-Yes, a genre novel brand that focuses on horror and mystery genres. So Hae Hae Hae, the teacher, wanted to ask me about my intentions, so I called him up.

Reconstruction stops instead of pulling the wallet out in front of the vending machine.

“My intentions? ”

- I'm asking if you'd be willing to give our mystery to us.

“Ah……. ”

Reconstruction made sense and put his head back together.

At the end of the writer's night broadcast, he briefly mentioned that he was imagining a mystery genre as a novel. It was clear that he had heard it and called.

“But it's still in the planning phase...... You said that you are Representative Baek Jin-hyuk? ”

- Yes, sir. That's correct.

Reconstruction said, putting a coin in the vending machine.

“First of all, thank you so much for your interest and communication. However, I can't tell you in advance because it's a concept right now. Half of the planned premises were not completed. ”

- Of course I did.

“You thought about it? ”

- We want to help. We have a database that is built on a long experience. Not only can we clarify the goals and orientation to make your work better, but we can also market it to suit your work.

There was no interruption, and it was moving fast.

Reconstruction leans back and grabs a can of coffee and silently listens to the opponent's story.

-Send us a brief synopsis and draft and we will review it and get back to you as soon as possible. How are you feeling?

The voice of the opposing Pokémon, which ends in a question, is overwhelmingly cheerful.

Do they think it's an offer they can never refuse? The confidence of the opposing Pokémon seems to be deliberately revealing, which makes reconstruction a little uncomfortable.

‘A domestic saw. ’

Reconstruction smiles faintly without a sound. It is true that, unlike the unpleasant feeling, you are the best publisher.

I knew enough about how great the publishing group was to rebuild the author.

It is a company that has gained an overwhelming share of the Korean publishing market by publishing works from well-known international writers in succession.

Less often than not, the work of a relatively poor domestic writer is published.

Therefore, it would be a great source of pride for the author to leave the sales volume and publish through the brand.

“I understand.”

A quick reconstruction replied positively.

I decided to forget about the awkwardness I felt for a while.

Before I read the first draft, I was reluctant to get lucky, but I decided to smile and move on, rather than help my work get better.

“Then I will send you the draft and synopsis as you requested. Email…"

- I'll send it right away. And you should come to the company soon and have a meeting with the editors. Are you available during the week?

The can was slightly distorted in the reconstructive hand.

I'm going to have a free meeting without any steps or steps, and I want you to come to the company.

I was more nervous than ever because I was so focused on writing.

The positive heart I had a moment ago was crushed.

After taking a light breath, the reconstruction asked.

“You mean I have to go to work? ”

- Yes, after we've checked your draft and synopsis, we'll conduct internal meetings and assemble a group of people to plan with. Come out and have a meeting with us...

“Wait a minute.”

You cut the horse with a tighter tone of reconstruction.

“I can't go. ”

- Yes? Sir, what are you talking about...?

“Representative Hundred hasn't read my draft yet. In addition, I have not expressed my intention to plan my work with the Mystery Editor. So there's no reason for me to go to the company. ”

- Ah, sir. I'm sorry if I offended you. I told you this because it's not something else...

“And unfortunately, I don't even know which neighborhood the editor of the Sung Sung Sung Sung is located in. I can't go even if I don't know where the company is. ”

- Stop, sir. Wait...!

“Thank you for your time and I'll hang up now. ”


Reconstruction after hanging up the phone took a quick sip of the remaining coffee and chose a breath.

The dispersed energy of caffeine being absorbed throughout the body was deteriorating. He puts the empty cans in the trash and turns around.

Glug glug!

I got a call from a hundred deputies. Reconstruction silences the phone and leaves the break room.

I have already forgotten the unpleasantness I felt on the phone. Already his head was full of thoughts about the mystery novel he was wearing.


“I'm sorry, Editor. ”

Representative Kim and Representative Kim stood side by side, holding their hands together like students awaiting punishment.

On the desk in front of him, the editor-in-chief sat frowningly.

“I didn't realize you were such an accomplished writer in genre novels. We haven't been able to figure out how you won the Digital Literature Award. Since there are so many writers I've contacted today, I don't know if I should follow the manual..."

“How long are you going to keep making these dirty excuses! ”

Myeong-seok shouted and slammed the desk with his fist.

A hundred surrogates were unable to flinch and lost focus. Representative Kim stopped the trend of falling because he caught it.

Representative Kim hurriedly continued his apology while tightening his head.

“This is my fault. It's my job, but I've left it to a hundred delegates...! I think this happened while I was busy trying to help with my work. I'll take full responsibility. ”

Myeong-seok dropped his glasses like he had thrown them off. He stood up, pressing his nose against the marks on his glasses.

“You said manual? ”

A hundred surrogates raised their heads with a crown.

The moment he crossed his eyes with the sparse gaze of brilliance, he closed his eyes without even knowing it.

Myeong-seok turned around his desk and stood in front of a hundred surrogates. Then he pushed his face in close and asked like a growl.

“You followed the manual like you did the other new writer? What kind of company has a manual on how to treat writers? Bring it.”

“Yes, Editor... I made a mistake... …. ”

“Bring it!”

Myeong-seok pointed out the door and shouted. A hundred surrogates can't shake, so they snap at the buttocks.

This time, Representative Kim didn't even have a chance to catch him.

“How would you rate an author with your own manual? If you're a popular writer, you'll figure it out, but a new writer isn't worth it, so why don't you just ask him to come out to the company? ”

“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. ”

“The Hundred Representatives are clearly mistaken about something I've seen. Are you equating yourself with a megalomaniac? You think going to a castle makes you a speaker? ”

Myeong-seok turned his gaze toward Kim's surrogate. As soon as Deputy Kim straightened his waist and opened his eyes.

“Pick again. A bag of surrogates is removed from the mystery. And I'm in charge of the reconstructive writer. ”

“Yes, yes…… Editor. I will.”

Representative Kim replied, choking his elongated head to the point that his head fell off.

Right then.

The door behind my back opened wide without warning. It was the leader and father of Myeongseok.

It was one of the few people who could enter this room at will.

“You're here. Everyone out. ”

Representative Kim stood up and left the room like a white, dull hundred surrogates. Taejin glances at the closed door and asks.

“What's going on? ”

“It's nothing. It's not that big a deal, but they report back to me as soon as they can't solve it. I was furious that they couldn't solve this kind of problem on their own, so I was furious. ”

“Don't get too attached. It doesn't mean I get tenacity or brains without it. ”

“Yes, Father. Can I get you coffee?”

“Yes, give me a drink. ”

The two rich men sat side-by-side on the couch drinking coffee.

Sipping a cup of hot coffee, Taejin asked.

“How are the mystery preparations going? ”

“I keep looking. I'm worried because I haven't found anything that catches my eye yet. ”

“It's not easy to find good articles. But don't put too much strength into your shoulders. I understand your feelings for the company. ”

“I know. But I want to do my best. Mystery has done well, and it should be passed on to Myung Hun. ”

“Yes, I'm glad that my eldest son is now willing to step into business. ”

Taejin's thighs were tightened as Taejin encouraged. When I looked down, I saw a wrinkled back in the eyes of Myeong-seok.

My heart grows pale, and my father grows old as he grows older.

“How's dinner going today? I called Myeong-hoon.”

“I can't tell you anything right now. I might go see a writer. ”

“You're going to see the writer? ”

“Yes, because of the mystery. ”

“Who are you, a rookie? ”

“You know that. The writer who won the Contemporary Youth Literature Award for Harebuilding. ”

“Ahhh... yes. ”

Taejin nods, his surprised eyes facing the air.

I had a good memory of rebuilding. He had won the best award for digital literature under the nickname Seo Gun Woo, so it was hard to forget personally.

“He writes mysteries? ”

“I overheard the broadcast when I was on the writer's night. He's imagining a mystery with his new novel. He was a genre writer in the first place. I'm personally quite excited about it. I need to make contact. ”

“I see……. Yeah, a good writer's a must-see. A really good writer always hides. ”

Seeing Taejin mumbling dainty, he felt doubtful.

It is clear that rebuilding is a new writer, like a monster.

However, Taejin has known many great writers and has remained familiar with many so far.

I can't believe that Taejin would react like this just to rebuild. I couldn't help but wonder.

"Did you know that reconstruction and Myung-hoon are the motives? ’

Myeong-seok couldn't get it out of his mouth first, but he was only thinking inside.

Meanwhile, Taejin woke up after drinking the coffee that remained with his expression on his mind.

“You're leaving?”

“Don't interrupt me when I'm busy. Thank you."

“I'll call you later. ”


Soon after Tae Jin left, Myung Hun called Myung Hun.

I didn't answer the phone until the beep was over. I called again without giving up, and then Myung Hun got a phone call from Balmain's voice.

- Uh-huh.

“Aren't you coming home? ”

- I go into my house every day.

“My father misses me. I don't come here often, but please give me a call. It's not that hard to make a phone call. ”

- Is that all you have to say? I'm busy.

I smiled bitterly at the mouth of Myeong-seok.

It was like this all the time because he did not help himself in contemporary youth literature. I had never left the Mainland that day and left my face only once.

“Are you sure you won't write to the mystery? I called to ask you this. ”

- Like I said before, I don't care. There's no time.

“Here we go, Myung-hoon. It's a good career for your writer's life. The editor is no one else. He's your brother. ”

Across the radio, Minghun bursts a short snort.

You can't even help when you're desperate.

“Tell me one more time about the contemporary youth literature award. ”

I don't want to be in a novel drama or write a game scenario.

Even Myeong-seok couldn't bear it this time.

“Overwhelming? The drama is still behind schedule, and I heard from your sister that the production has gotten a lot worse. And when is that game coming out? ”

I could clearly feel the sound of the rough breathing. On top of that, Myeong-seok added something else.

“Are you doing something right or not? ”

- I'm busy, so hang up...!


Myung Seok nodded his head back, picking up his disconnected phone.

Two eyes narrowed in front of the dazzling light emitted by the LED lamp.

After thinking about it for a while, Myung Seok picked up his phone again. Reminding me of the fact that I was editor before I was my brother.

< 14 - do not know the word stop (2) > end
