Big Life

< 26 - People don't matter (8) >

‘Head of ship · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·? ’

It was a phone call from Kwai Baek's henchman. It was the first call I received since I registered my number

“Jae-in, what are you doing without it? ”

First, the person in the backseat pushed out his head and asked. Jae-in takes a step back, smiling wildly.

“I'll be right back. ”

“Can't you take it on the way? Your in-laws will be here soon. ”

Jae-in bites his lip. It was impossible to speak in front of the name and stone. Fortunately, the reconstruction that read the unusual colors saw the words.

“Take your time and get on the phone. We still have time, Mom. ”

“Thank you, reconstructor. ”

Jae-in stepped outside the invisible gates. Then he clears his voice with one cough and then answers the phone.


- Hello, miss.

Jae-in takes a surprised breath. I heard the voice of Kwai Baek, not the captain of the boat.

“Oh, hello. Chairman. ”

- Sorry to call so suddenly. I need to see you now. Do you have a minute?


- Is it hard?

Five toes shrugged in my shoes.

An important promise with the in-laws. It is even a day to watch a movie made with the work of my beloved sister.

On the contrary, there was a greater reason for hesitation. I was afraid that I would have to meet him one-on-one. We cannot be certain what words will come out.

- Actually, I'm in front of your school.

“In front of the academy? ”

Jae-in raises his head. Looking at the unseen side of the academy, she resounded once.

Right then.

One day, the reconstruction approached my back and tapped my shoulder. Just that, Jae-in looked back in astonishment.

‘Bye. ’

Reconstruction was speechless, startled lips. With a frowning smile on my sister who hesitated without catching her ribs.

“Yes, sir. ”

Reconstruction encourages Jae-in to answer.

“I'll be right there. ”

- It's okay to slow down. I'll be waiting for you in the cafe across the street. Okay, bye.

After hanging up the phone, Jae-in puts her hands up and covers her forehead. After a sigh, she mutters to herself.

“I don't know what to do. ”

“Meet him. ”

Reconstruction grabs hold of Jae-in's sheep shoulders and delivers the horse.

“There's no need to be afraid of the chairman of a large business. I know you were embarrassed by the sudden encounter before, but not today. I want you to meet her and tell her what you think. ”

“Words are simple, but how are you · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·? ”

Jae-in opens his eyes wide. How does he know so little about himself?

“Have you met the director? ”

“Does it matter now? ”

The two hands of the reconstruction grip on Jae-in's shoulders fill with strength.

“You don't need anything. You understand what I'm saying? Do you understand what I'm saying? ”

“Oh, I know. ”

“If you're nervous, can I come with you? Yeah, I'll go with you. I told you it was in front of the academy. ”

Reconstruction took a big step. A frightened jaybird jumps in and grabs him.

“Why? What do you think? We can meet, talk, and then we can go. ”

“Oh, no. It's not that. I'll go alone. I have to go alone. That way we can make sure we talk to the president. ”

It's not a problem that someone else will intervene and solve. You have to go through it with fear. As he held his heart, Jae-in spoke decisively.

“Don't worry, I'll take care of you. ”

“That's how I should have lost. ”

Reconstruction turns around, smiling bloody. As he returns to the garage, he adds Najjik.

“Do you remember what you said to me after reading Damien in high school? You know what I'm saying to Sinclair? It doesn't make sense for people to be afraid of people. Meet me with confidence. ”

After reconstruction, the car exits the garage momentarily.

The silly look on his face and stone crossed Jae-in's eyes. The remaining Jae-in stands tall with his lips closed, then quickly turns around.

* * *

“I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. ”

“No, sir. What are you talking about? I'm sorry."

“My strength is fading rapidly, but his stubbornness is growing every day · · · · · · · If my body was healthy, I might not have contacted him later, or at all, to be honest. ”

“I understand what you're saying. ”

A tiny cafe across the street from the school of reincarnation.

Jae-in, who was sitting across from Gyu Baek, was dropping his head.

I opened the café door with a firm grip, but where did all the courage go? The bars trembled with fear from head to toe.

‘It's over. ’

The expectation that a positive story would come out was not as good as the eyes.

The opponent is the chairman of a large corporation with a total market value of 8 trillion.

You may have had a pleasant dream for a while. Could there even be a happy ending, like the Cinderella story I read as a child? Jae-in shakes his head.

Meanwhile, the confession was silent.

That's why I came here spontaneously. I have been suffering for a long time and I can't let go mentally.

Now is the time to get down to business. I needed time to put Jae-in in front of me and get my thoughts straight.

“I have a question for you. ”

It wasn't until after the coffee was gone that I opened my lips.

Jae-in nods, keeping his gaze down.

“Yes, sir. Tell me.”

Kwai Baek tapped his finger behind his back.

The captain of the boat, who was waiting at the back table, stood up. Approaching, he placed a book politely on Jae-in and Kyungbaek's table.

“You said this novel is a girl. ”

“ · · · · · ·?! ”

Jae-in, who checked the cover of the book, was surprised and clammed up. The book the ship's director put down was written by her brother, "The Stupid Woman."

“That's why I wanted to ask. How much like the heroine in this novel. Or is there something different? ”

Every page of the book was floating on the roof. It seemed like I read it not once or twice.

“Mr. Chairman, this is... ”

Jayne, who was bewildered, was unable to speak. Suddenly, you take out "stupid woman" and compare yourself to the protagonist.

“I want you to tell me a good story. ”

His voice was soft and resolute.

“If it weren't for this book, we wouldn't be having this conversation. ”

Jae-in nods quietly.

A book filled with sight was the greatest gift she had ever received from the world. The fear that caused my whole body to tremble began to fade away. Instead, my heart filled with pride.

“It's all fiction, Chairman. ”

“A novel?”

I was somewhat dumbfounded. Jae-in smiled and said something funny.

“Yes, sir. I'm not stupid enough to be nice. And when it comes to acting for your family, how sexy and smart are you? My personality is not as crisp as the heroine's. ”

Is this the idea that humility is a virtue, or is it the feeling of self-destruction? In front of Jilbaek, who thought to himself, Jae-in carefully raised one finger.

“But there's only one part of me that's better. ”

“What is that? ”

“I love my family more than the heroine of a novel. No matter how well my brother writes, I don't think he fully expresses how much I love my family. I can confidently tell you this. ”

I looked at Jain because he was far away.

Jae-in, who had no tingling sensation at all, was smiling widely. At that moment, there was something that was only visible to Gyu Baek. My wife in her most beautiful days was lying on a sunny face without any compassion.

“Right · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Gyu Baek nods. My wife made me frown again because of my unconscious thoughts.

“Thank you for answering the difficult questions. ”

“No, sir. ”

I smiled bitterly at the mouth of Gyu Baek.

From the time I was born into the world, until recently, my beloved son was passing me like a view outside a car window.

It seemed like the time had come to let him go. It was my turn to respect my son's will and life. As did I.

“By the way, you majored in history. ”

“Ah, yes · · · · · · · · Chairman. ”

“Don't you want to go to grad school? ”

“I was a little busy at the time, so I couldn't spare myself. And now, as you know, I run the institute. ”

He replied calmly but was a shivering genius in his heart. Why are we suddenly asking about majors?

“The principal doesn't have to teach the students himself. Maybe we should hire more teachers and go to grad school. ”

“Yes, it is. ”

“Go to school, then. ”

He said as if he was cut off.

“I have something to use soon. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“My son is old, so let's start with the ceremony. Graduate school can be a honeymoon, but it won't be too hard. ”

“ · · · · · ·?! ”

Maybe you're hearing voices.

Jae-in inadvertently raised his hands and covered my mouth. I couldn't believe it, so I doubted whether my ears were wrong.

Kyu-baek confidently said.

“And now that I've met you today, can I have some time? I really want to see a movie, but I want to date a girl. ”

“The meeting, Chairman · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Jae-in's eyes filled with tears.

A sparkling drop of tears fell onto the phone that had been placed on the table. At that moment, a message flew out of the guard just in time to illuminate the phone.

* * *

- I'm sorry, Director. I have plans today. No, I'm not. He's not a friend. He's very nice. I made a promise to see him today. Ah, Director Nam. Well, I'm sorry, it's hard to talk right now, so I'll call you tonight.

"You're a good person"? ’

Kyoho bites his lip nervously and tilts his head.

The clock was pointing to 10 o'clock one night. We haven't heard from Jae-in yet.

‘Who the hell are you? Is he a good man? You went to a movie with a guy? That's an important movie made up of your brother's novel, too. Who are you not seeing with? ’

Kyu is half-conscious.

He told Jae-in to go to see "The Wrath of the Wind," and he was rejected. I pretended to be okay when I spoke on the phone because of my pride, but the reality was shocking.

Are you really a man? Did you just say "good guy" to provoke me? There's no way he's an angel. No, because the situation is frustrating, you may have complained about me this way · · · · · · ·?! ’

Kyu shuddered my unanswered head with both hands. Just then, a knock rang and the housekeeper's voice dug through the door.

“Young Master, the chairman is here. ”

“Oh, right. ”

He got up with his thoughts.

After the visit, I was already ready to go up to the living room. Behind my back, the captain of the boat was also with me.

“Come in now. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

Kyu shut up because he had nothing more to say. It was true that my relationship with my father had recently become desirable.

“Where have you been? ”

“I ate dinner after watching a movie with a young lady. ”

“Yes · · · · · · · · · ·? ”

“What are you so surprised to see? I thought you wanted me to meet a girl. ”

“No, yes. No, but, Dad. Young lady? ”

“You don't need to know. ”

He took off his coat and sat on the couch. Standing far away, he speaks indifferently to the guard.

“Send graduate school. ”

“Graduate school? Who? ”

“Who the hell are you, man! ”

Kyungbaek was in great pain.

“Don't even think about enjoying your newlyweds. Study them straight. I'm going to give it to you after the museum is opened. ”

“Oh, Dad? ”

One leg of the frightened guard snaps open. It was a moment when I realized who Jae-in said was a good person, as well as who his father said was a young lady.

“You're leaving the museum in charge? ”

Kyu Baek collected 1,000 points of Korean art in his lifetime. I was just about to explore the area to open up a museum to display this art.

“So you want to entrust the museum to Jae-in means · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Kyungbaek took off his coat and threw it to the guard.

“What else did you check and sit on? How can you sit here with your head down? ”


The guard kneels. As always, he thought about it and retreated to the back of the couch.

“Hey! Don't you kneel before me! ”

“I didn't kneel for nonsense today! I love you, Dad! I love you the most in the world! ”

“Did he take rat poison? Get out of my way! Oh, don't touch me! It's frustrating!”

Despite continuing mourning, Kyu did not let go of his father's leg. Jae-in's words were not lies. The best man in the world was my father.

* * *

["Tornado" in China says it's a long day!]

It has been three weeks since the opening of the 'Tornado' in Korea and China at the same time.

The main search portal site was shaken by news about 'Gale Anger’.

It wasn't just the Internet. In every broadcast on the air, there was an all-day report on the violent heat caused by "Gale Rage."

[· · · · · · · I'm afraid of the thunderstorms that hit the opening week 3. In Korea, we've already got seven million viewers on notice. What's even bigger is the Chinese response. I'd like to connect you with local reporter Kim Won-tae in Shanghai. Reporter Kim Won Tae?]

[Yes, I'm Reporter Kim Won Tae. These long marches that you see behind me now are all Chinese trying to preempt the tempest. This line brings to life the popularity of the storm that has reached 60 million cumulative audiences.]

I couldn't help but get confused.

Its popularity in Korea was enormous, but it was really just a dace compared to its reaction in China.

60 Million at Week 3!

It was a devastating embarrassment to cover in the media in the vast and populous part of China.

Tincent Pictures' meticulous local Chinese marketing strategy, popular actress Yang Yang, and the excellent performance of Director Taesong based on solid original works were added.

While the world was caught in a storm of 'gale fury’.

The reconstruction of the original novel remained almost exclusively at home. The reporters who wanted to cover it were at an extremely interesting time. I didn't take a step unless I had to go on record, including "Let's see a movie."

Tadadadak! Tadadak! Tadadadak!

Today, reconstruction was sitting in a library in the house and writing irrelevant to the world.

The title given to the novel was' Man's Evil. ’There has been a gap in working on the American manuscript‘ The Bress’. There was little to be said about except the protagonist who had an evil disposition, but he was developing the story as soon as his fingers went.

Glug glug!

The phone on the table trembles.

It was a phone call from a place I didn't know.

‘It's another broadcaster. Or a government office. "

I did not accept the reconstruction and left my phone alone. A moment later, the vibration stops, and a message blows out.

< 26 - People Don't Matter (8) > End
