Big Life

< 36 - Leave with applause (4) >

36 - Leave With Applause (4)

“This is my son. We should part ways here. ”

“What are you looking so sad about? I'll see you in a few days. Go to lots of good places with your dad and eat a lot of delicious food. ”

After lunch, the reconstruction broke up with my parents.

While Tincent's parents were touring China, reconstruction was also said to undermine the marketing efforts of the 'Contemporary Journey’.

“Well, sir, I'll see you back at dinner. ”

“Yes, sir. I'll see you later.”

After Rin Minhong left and the door closed, the reconstruction sat at the end of the bed and sighed. Rooms were spacious suites with separate living and reception rooms.

‘It's too much to stay alone. ’

The reconstruction shook its head.

This is also the result of asking several times in advance that you do not need a good room.

Rin Minhong could not be reconstructed with a lower class of rooms.

“Hey, is the room so small? ”

It was the first word of JooJooJoo who was looking for after unpacking. Leaning around in the room, he said as if he was overwhelmed.

“I think Tae-Bong and I are less than half the rooms we use. ”

“I'm alone. And how is that even possible? I think I connected 10 studios I used to live in. ”

“Anyway, the room's about the size. Let's get out of here. ”

“Where are you going? ”

Tae-Bong, who was standing on his cheek, stuck his face out over his shoulder.

“Don't you want to go to downtown Beijing? There's still time until dinner, so take a walk with Joon. ”

“Tae Bong, I'm sorry, but go be alone with Joon. I'm going to watch a movie in my room on my first day. ”

Jooju and Tae-Bong looked at each other's faces. After exchanging eyes, Tae-Bong nods.

“Then Joon and I won't go out. I'm gonna go in and get some shut-eye for dinner. ”

“Just in case, don't do that for me. ”

“No, we were halfway there. I'm a little tired of being nervous on a private jet. Rest well, then, Mr. Ha. ”

Tae Bong went back to my room and stayed behind. He stares at the chandelier in the ceiling and grunts.

“Man, I wanted to see for myself. ”


“I've always wanted to see downtown Beijing with a modern rock! ”

Joon raised his arms as if he were holding the whole world.

“Everywhere I looked, I wanted to enjoy listening to the story of the modern world, the Jincheon story, and the World Star beating. ”

Reconstruction laughs as he sits on the table in the reception room.

Suddenly, JooJoon continued to spread his imagination.

“You and me out in downtown Beijing, huh? I wanted to take a break, so I went into a cafe in plain sight. We order a cup of coffee, we sit down and we talk, and at some point, the Chinese chatter begins around us. Hey, look. Aren't you the star of the modern world? Oh, right. Looks like Park Joon.”

“Can you understand that much Chinese? ”

“Oh, come on. Assuming there's an interpreter by your side. Do you have to cut the flow with something that's not necessarily important? ”

“Okay, I'm sorry. Go on.”

“Where were we? Yeah, that's why the Chinese come to me one by one and ask questions. I'm asking if Park Joon is right in plain English. I'm going to nod with a nice smile, and that café is going crazy. Kyaa, the joyous crucible. It'll be on SNS, and people will be coming. How does Chinese scale compare to Korean? If we're going to escape, we're going to have to borrow the power of public power. ”

Reconstruction applauds you, instead of pulling out a pen and notebook from your bag.

I wonder how much difficulty he had until the 'Modern Journal' was completed. Given her hard work, I could listen to her all night.

“But no one's going to get signed by you. Most people don't know your face. Then I'll be whispering in your ear. Did you see that, reconstructor? This is my worldstar awareness, do you understand our differences? and so on.”

JooJoon bursts into laughter, clapping on his own.

After that, I snapped my fingers and sighed as if it were a pity.

“Oh, I really should have gone out today and said, ”

“Then let's leave now. I'll grant you a wish. ”

“Okay, I think you're about to write. I have to stop interrupting and get up. ”

JooJoon jumped to his feet.

He sneaks up and stands behind the rebuilding back and looks down at his desk. A shabby fountain pen was placed on top of the notebook at an angle.

“Where's that expensive fountain pen you received from Yang? ”

“I gave it to my father. I need something to use. ”

“It's useless. I'm still using it, fountain pen. ”

Reconstruction gripped Seo Gun-woo's fountain pen between his fingers and laughed.

“I just feel like using this fountain pen makes me think a lot more when I think of novels. I used it for a long time. ”

“You seem to have some memories. ”

His gaze left the fountain pen and moved to the notebook.

Looking at the title ‘Big Life’ written on the outside, he muttered.

“Big life. ”


“Don't you speak English for Big Life? ”

“Well, yes. ”

“I don't know why you didn't show me what it was about, but it's not going to be published all over the world again. Just name it Big Life from now on. Make sure to write it down on the front when it's published. I want to thank Joon Park for giving me a title. ”

“I don't know if it will be completed. ”

“Anyway, I'm sleepy, so I'm going to sleep. ”

He turned around after stretching his torso to the left and to the right. Just before he left the door, he added a word.

“I think a great person will show up for dinner tonight. ”

“A great man? For example?”

“Someone who can get you and me out of the airport without speeding. ”

“What am I talking about? Just go make eye contact. ”

The room has calmed down again.

Reconstruction opened the notebook with a shabby fountain pen in its hand.

I have forgotten all my thoughts, including dinner tonight. In my mind, Seo Gun Woo began to conceive of gaps that were not filled, only ‘big life.’

* * *

A large lounge on the first floor of the hotel.

Achievement was sitting far away from the end of a communal bar where a lot of customers come and go. The cocktails that I ordered were without one mouth to melt all the ice.

“Still no news? ”

“Yes, Senator. ”

“Damn, are you so late? ”

Achievement grumbled, checking the time just now when he lifted his wrist.

The assistant sits next to you tugging her tongue away. I didn't come here because I made a promise. To be fair, it's an outrageous raid. The way the opponent complained about being late was not in the first place.

"Poor us. As members of the Fourth Circuit, we're all crumpling. Poor us. ’

The advisor gives you a fierce flirtation.

At that moment, I turned my head without warning. The advisor was so surprised that he took the hiccups without even knowing it.

“We must meet! ”

“Yes? Boom, yeah. Senator."

“I have to be the foreman of the Korean Cultural Bridge. If I don't see King Uda today, I don't know when I'll get another chance. If I get this right, it's gonna be a career for me. ”

“You are absolutely right. ”

“Politics is expensive there. I came all the way out here to meet one of my four-liners, and they won't let me. You have to weigh half my heart for the sake of the country. ”

He was an assistant who couldn't keep his mouth shut and fight back. I couldn't get a voice out of my conscience.

It is time to create a business to commemorate the Korean Cultural Association next year. It was a common idea between the two countries to do business that became clearly complementary, not just for famous events. The form and spirit of the CJC content business stems from this.

Achievement as a member of the Pentagon was largely beneficial in this situation.

It was a ploy to strengthen your position as a politician while also putting wealth into your hands.

‘Only if you successfully contract with Dao Technological Subsidiaries · · · · · ·! ’

It was an achievement that I could not control the laughter of just thinking of becoming the king to lay down in the cradle of national justice.

His grinning grin didn't stop until just before the two men sat across from him.

“Let's go somewhere else, rebuild. ”


Reconstruction and JooJoon stood up to move.

However, it was revealed to the achievement before it even woke up. He opened his eyes and was silent for a while, and barely spoke.

“What are you doing here? ”

Reconstruction only seems polite with a soulless face. I didn't even get to sit next to him.

Achievements hid their unpleasant insides and casually said.

“Oh, right. I saw the newspaper on my way over. You came all the way to China for a modern day gig? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Are you staying in this hotel? But this hotel should be viewed as a humble image by our writer. If there's even the possibility of going overseas and embarrassing the country, what's the point of staying in a place like this? ”

After talking like a tree, I scoffed at him with my whole body, one stroke to my upper body.

The rebuilding took place quietly as angry Joon tried to stand up.

“This is not a reservation I booked, it's a business listing. ”

“Hmm, is that so? It doesn't matter. ”

“At least you won't have to spend the night with Narathon. ”

“ · · · · · ·?! ”

I tried to rebuild it because the stakes were strong.

I couldn't help but ridicule myself hidden in a polite manner. The two burning fists felt like they were going to drop the bar right now.

Right then.

“Congressman, he just walked in. ”

“Really? Khh · · · · · · Hey, writer Ha. My construction is in full swing, but I'll see you again soon. ”

Achievements immediately left the bar with an advisor and interpreter.

A group of Chinese were spotted coming through the front door of the hotel.

The tall man, the goal of success, was walking alongside Ryubou's central arena.

Achievement immediately approached them. Then he put his hands together in front of his chest and said a surprise greeting.

“No, I didn't expect to see you here. That's Congressman Korea. Liu Bou and I had no idea we were going to say hello again. ”

As soon as the ambassador prepared, the achievement prompted the interpreter with a glance.

I stood there and listened to the opponent, smiling softly and speaking Chinese.

Then he reaches out and asks for a handshake.

The user holds the opposing Pokémon's hands together with a cheerful face, assuming that the tale goes well.

“I'm so happy to see you. It's fate to meet this and quietly seek the interests of both countries. ”

Before the horse can finish, the opposing Pokémon lets go.

Even Ryubou, who had a one-on-one meal, apologized only with his face and went away. Achievement asked the translator as if looking at the dog chasing the chicken.

“What did King Uda just say to me? ”

“I'm very sorry, but today is a busy day, and I think it would be better to talk in an official capacity next time · · · · ·. ”

Blood ran out of his face like a lie.

“King Uda just said that to me? ”

“Yes, a very important guest is here. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? What do you mean, important guests? Does this mean I can't be an important guest? ”

The unpleasantness I felt at the airport was once again a rising advantage.

Wherever they are, they have to put themselves at the center, but when they come to China, they continue to be outsiders.

‘No · · · · · · · · · ·?! ’

The answer to my question came quickly.

There was a rebuild coming out of the lounge.

It was with the Chinese, not just the two of them.

Seeing the reconstruction of the conversation with Ryubou smiling, the result seemed to be the blood flowing backwards from his whole body.

“Why does King Uda · · · · · · · Uda? ”

I have already realized the benefits of advising.

I should have known from the airport freepass incident. His staggering left and right hand is quickly seized by his aides and translators.

* * *

“Censoring is always up to the reader · · · · · · ·. ”

In the car coming back after dinner.

The man in his 60s was far away, staring out the window and pondering what he had heard from the reconstruction. He was a content industry technician named Han Sang-ping at dinner, but now he has returned to his original Uda.

“An ideal story for a Communist party that's hard to keep in your mouth. ”

“That's what the writer said, Comrade Commerce. Don't listen too hard. Cultural perspectives vary from country to country. ”

Today King Uda had a substantial conversation with reconstruction on cultural perspectives. Whenever he asked, the reconstruction was shy and expressive. Such a reconstructive attitude greatly satisfied King Uda of Moto that he should say anything anytime, anywhere.

“But I'm not wrong, Comrade Vanguard. ”

King Uda looked down.

On her knees were books ranging from "silly woman" to "evil." Some of the books are very old because they have been read a lot. Today he received the autograph of the reconstruction in all of these books.

“I didn't think I needed Korean content. ”

“ · · · · · ·? ”

“Look, comrade director. What is the population of my country? It was doubtful how much good content would come out of that small country, and how much efficiency would come out of joint venture between the two countries. It was nothing to be ashamed of, and it was our position to see the damage done. Don't your comrades look alike to me? ”

“Yes, Comrade Commerce. In my opinion, so do I. ”

Ryubou frowned and replied.

They call each other comrades, but the same is always the title.

King Uda has a different class than himself.

King Uda looked out the window and said,

“But I think I'm a little wrong. that maybe it's time for our content industry to prioritize quality over quantity. ”

“Yes, comrade · · · · · · · · ·. I think I know what you mean. ”

King Uda takes out his pen and notebook.

It was to calm down the words that the reconstruction had said. Opening the first chapter of the note, he said to Ljubau, as if to throw it.

“As part of your golden rule, omit the title of your comrade to the political government of Hwang Weiming. ”

“ · · · · · ·?! ”

Ryubou opened his mouth so that his breasts could be seen. It is the title of the commonly used sugar group. King Uda's words, prohibiting this, immediately suggested that there was a severe punishment.

“He's the Chinese barrel of power. We should call him comrade, no? ”

“No, of course · · · · · · · ·! Of course not, Comrade Commerce! ”

“Did you know? ”

“Well, that can't be right! I swear, I never knew! W, W, W, the first time I've known you, the truth! ”

“Okay, now let's go quietly make some notes. ”

King Uda starts making fun of the pen on his notebook with his expressionless face.

Lyubou, sitting with his back straight next to him, couldn't even breathe properly.

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