BJ Archmage

44.00. < 14.00. Level up (3). >



- Skill Rating: Unique

- Skill effect: Strengthens the target's muscle strength and increases the range of all technologies affected by muscle strength.

When I saw the Strains skill, the only unique skill among the 100 skill cards that appeared, Midas had one thought in his head.

I wish I could use this for Lucky.’

There's no harm in it.

In fact, considering Lucky's abilities, Strains Buff could have been of great help.


But it was a little too much to choose Strains, turning a blind eye to the other 99 skills with just that.

No matter how unique they are, there's no reason for dealers Midas to have buffer skills.

Of course, the ransom of buffered wizards was quite high.

For now, the Wizards and priests had different roles.

Priests with healing powers mostly move along the tankers or proximity dealers, while the wizard buffers moved with distant dealers.

As a result, additional allowances were paid to wizards who could deal long distances and buffers.

But it wasn't an attractive part for Midas now.

"During the attack..."…'

Rather, one attack magic would be more helpful.

'Wait a minute.'

It was none other than another effect of the Strains skill that touched Midas' head at that time.

It affected the Wizards' intersection, right?’

One of the strangeness effects is the increased range of skills affected by muscular strength.

That's why long-distance dealers using bow or throw weapons like the Strains skill.

What was interesting was that this range included wizards.

"No, the extent to which wizards are affected is greater.’

It wasn't just to be included.

Most of the Fireball, Ice Arrow, Fire Spear, and Wizard's skills were thrown.

And it was also affected by muscular strength.

If it is more than a certain amount of strength, you don't have to cling to it, and throwing it hard doesn't mean much because it doesn't cause damage.

Furthermore, the intersection itself did not mean much.

If I had a long-toss skill, I wouldn't know.

But not only are there not many wizards with long-toss skills, and even if there were, 60 meters was enough.

There was no need to try to throw from a long distance, and even if it could, the hit rate went down exponentially.

Wouldn't a shooter with a 3-pointer success rate of 80 percent also have a sharp drop in his hit rate if he throws the ball from the center line?

So was Midas.

He was already at a distance of 60 meters and at a distance where he could see the long-toss effect as much as possible.

' much longer will the range be extended?’

What if the distance becomes 70 meters and 80 meters?

There was no point in party play.

But what if it's a solo play?

What if you could hit one more magic with a few seconds to earn 10 meters away?

What if Midas' weakness, Arrow, could increase the accuracy and range of the Bolt family?

[Skills card selected.]

Midas' hand was already in motion when he reached the idea.


Usually when hunting, players put their prey in front of them and looked around to see if there were any other hunters.

The cursed forest was one of the reasons why it was shunned.

Even if I checked the monster because of the black fog, it was hard to check the players around the monster.

So was the condition of Oul and his colleagues now.

"Hey, that's all alone, right?"

At level 26, they entered the cursed forest at a three-person party and shared their opinions, looking at Zombie Oak standing alone.

"I think so.”

"There's nobody around."

"Are you sure?"

There was a great deal of anxiety in their conversation.

I couldn't help it.

"Look, don't watch me get killed if I touch something weird around me like last time."

The party's tanker, Oul, had already tasted the bitterness of the cursed forest.

It was natural to look at the situation again.

Of course, we can't keep an eye on the situation forever.

"I'm sure. I've used the Eagle Eye skill to search the perimeter 50 meters, but there's only one zombie around, and there's not a single player. I don't have a dog.”

At the words of the long-distance dealer in the party, archer Shaolu, Oul corrected his pitch after nodding his head.


And Oul, who took a short breath, shed a low voice with a shield the size of his body.

"Shield up!"

As soon as they shouted their skills, translucent membranes began to appear around Oul's shield.

The translucent membrane that appeared like that grew to cover half of Oul's body.

Only then did Oul shout at Zombie Oak.

"I'm coming!"

It was the moment the cry burst.


A huge binge woke the quiet forest.


Since then, with the breath-taking sound of the zombie oak, the zombie oak has fallen to the floor.


Oul, who saw the scene closest to him, gave a startled cry.

Soon, Oul looked back and shouted.

"Hey! I heard there's nobody around!"

Once again the archer's companion turned his head to the horse and said in a quivering voice.

"None. There's really no one within a radius of at least 50 meters."

"Then? Where did you fly from?"

"That's... ...about 50 meters away."

At that moment everyone turned their heads in the direction the fireball flew in.



At the sound of a distant echo, Midas looked softly at my right hand.

Then I turned my head again and looked in the direction of the sound a little while ago.

Wow, this is right.’

Eighty meters, a distance comparable to the length of a football field.

Midas looked at his hand in amazement at the fact that he hit the target of the street, which was itself amazing to reach by throwing the ball.

I didn't expect this to happen.’

It was a miracle that Strauss made.

More precisely, it was a comprehensive result.

For now, Midas' muscular stats were very high, and the resulting strangulation effect was great.

But that alone can't make a hit rate.

The secret of accuracy was none other than Midas' eyes.

The enemy HP from afar, as well as the Dragon's Eye effect, clearly shows the target's weakness.

It was a very important part of the throw.

It was very difficult to throw the ball to the wall and hit it in the middle, and to hit it with a big dot in the middle. The most surprising thing, of course, was the fact that I tried this.

'Well, I don't usually do this.

It's 80 meters away, not necessarily a necessary feat at GOTWERS.

Once successful, Merritt wasn't big.

Even if I had the Long Toss skill, it was only a limit of 60 meters.

It was not without the advantage of distance from the monster, but most wizards used magic under the support of the tanker. Rather than opening the distance too far for safety, it is normal to make deals at a distance where one can trust a tanker and expect a clear hit rate.

It wasn't just this.

Ice Arrow and Lightning Bolt hit pretty high.’

Midas' weak point, the arrow-based magic skill, also increased its range.

This is crazy.’

It was a tremendous job.

Midas will have a range of 100 meters from the previous 60 meters.

There was no need to enjoy the Dragon's Eye effect.

If we can get it right, the damage that Midas can enjoy will be overwhelming.

The effect of Strains is amazing.


Of course, Lucky was the one with the most combat power with this effect.


In front of Lucky, whose strength increased due to the strain effect, zombie orcs did not even become toys.

Every time Lucky flew at the zombie oak, the body of the zombie oak was ripped off like an ice cream scoop.


Now, not only Lucky's mouth, but even his claws left a deep scar on the body of a zombie orc.

And Lucky took full advantage of the fact.

Biting, scratching, shuffled the work and put in a restless damage deal.

It wasn't a strange sight.

Lucky is a new player with Peniel, who is considered the best fighter among the first-tier players.

The software level itself was different.

[Lucky hunted zombie orcs.]


Lucky, who so single-handedly caught Zombie Oak, gave out a howling to celebrate his victory.

I'm going to have to pay again.’

Midas, who heard the Howling, resumed his calculations.

'Let's see, increase the range, add roughly to Lucky's combat capabilities...…'

Midas, who was calculating like that, tilted his head for a moment.

'......Wait a minute.'

Then I started to calculate again.

'It's strange......'

Then he repeatedly questioned his calculations.

I couldn't help it.

Solo kills can't be this easy.’

Because we're out of his league.


a ragged sorcerer

A cursed forest boss monster wasn't as popular with players as a cursed forest.

Not only was the hunting difficulty high, but the lootable items were not very expensive compared to the killer orcs.

Crucially, the rags-to-riches sorcerer was basically hunting parties for five or more people, and it was common to organize parties for more than seven or ten people.

If we divide the income according to the number of heads, did we have to set it up for this? I feel the same way.

be of course unpopular Just, boss, it didn't mean anything to leave Monster alone.

"How long till the rags-to-riches sorcerer Risen?"

"How much time do we have left?”

Several parties were waiting for their turn to catch the ragged sorcerer.

"Oh, come on. Can't you show me things like boss resen time in seconds? Even a paid item is fine, so I hope it's sold!"

"I don't care about that, and if you'd just let me know where it's coming from, I wouldn't have a wish. No, considering the size of the forest, you should at least tell me where you were coming from!"

"Just this game is all about luck, luck."

an inexorable wait

In such a wait, someone brought news.

"Rude sorcerer hunting has begun!"

Several players shouted at the news.

"Ay, you hit the ball again!"

"So let's just wait first!"

You missed it again!

Someone asked the question between the disheveled atmosphere with such a grumble.

"So which party is it?”

The question was answered.

"It's not a party."

"What? What are you talking about?”

"It's Solo Kill!"

It was the sound that instantly made the chaotic atmosphere cold.


Two heads with large bodies attached on top of each other, as if they were attached together.

Turn it off!


Goblin and Orc, a monster whose four arms are fluttering on the body, emitting grotesque cries simultaneously from two different heads.

a ragged sorcerer

Through his appearance, he was clearly showing why his name was ragged.

It looked really creepy.

More eerie than that were five zombie orcs and five zombie goblin summoned with the appearance of a ragged sorcerer.



The men who filled the ragged sorcerer's perimeter as if they were building a fence did not even allow the men preparing for the hunt to challenge. Most of all, it was vaguely visible because of the black fog.

How do we approach it?

How should we deal with it?

a scene in which the answer to such worries is not readily accepted


Of course, for Midas, the black fog was not a bit of a distraction.

Rather than being in the way, the blackened world made the numbers, data and golden targets that only he could see clearer.

It was as if he had turned off all the lights at the indoor shooting range and turned on the spotlight only on his own shooting range.

It is natural that confidence is rising.

'I've cleared up the surrounding monsters.’

Of course, the fact that he made the stage by killing zombies around here early on was another reason for his pride.

'Holding isn't a problem.’

Such overflowing confidence gave confidence in this hunt.

So Midas went one step further.

'How to catch, that's the problem.’

If the results are excellent, then the focus will inevitably be on what the process was like.

'You have to be strong here.’

Midas has experienced that fact on the professional stage.

Even if they got the same out count, the cheers were completely different for those who just got the out count on a ground ball and those who struck out the last ball and threw a 150-pound fastball.

The ransom was also completely different.

'You have to prove the value of my goods here.’

So Midas did not hesitate.

"Hello, everyone? I'm BJ Master. Today I'm here for Solo Kill, a ragged sorcerer. Honestly, I didn't mean to catch that, but Rising Star Channel commissioned me."

A king?

Midas, who was beginning to spit out words, soon looked at Lucky.

"Of course, that's like the price of dog food I raise, but I still feel polite and desperate when I squeeze it out. So I thought. I'm asking you this politely, but I'm going to do it.”


Lucky barked in response, and Midas continued to speak in response.

"So I decided to buy the car I wanted next month and went shopping for some items. I wanted to make it a legend, but there's no sale, and honestly, it's going to be another level soon. It's annoying to sell and buy."

He acted like a man who was too rich to control.

It was literally acting.

Because the world he was in was a stage where the damn bastard was more popular than the polite gentleman.

Stimulation was the most important stage.

"Now, let's start the rags-to-riches sorcery solo kill."

Naturally Midas had no intention of stopping here.

"Note, I'm going to try and catch a single blow in the process of the kill."


"Huh? What? What would you do if you got one hit?”


"As soon as you get hit, you'll be given a raffle for a Mercedes-Benz prize. Of course, the option is full option. I don't handle cars without options."

Midas, who cast such a ridiculous airlift vote, screamed out the battle.

"Fireball and Fire Spear!"


The show has begun.