Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 29 Fire Rope Guns
Chapter 30 Fire Rope Guns
This is the first time Claude saw a firerope gun from another world, and in his previous life he had seen pictures of an early firerope gun on his computer, but he didn't have it in his hand to play with, as he does now. It's a dark contrast, as if there's no big difference between a fireline gun in the world and a fireline gun in a picture you've seen in your previous life.
According to Villicro, this was a rifle that his father had brought back from the army when he was discharged, a Gali 3, which was an early vintage musket. Now that the Royal Army has used the Obash II, the Gali III vintage guns have long been decommissioned.
His father also said that the gun fits well as a soldier's weapon, but is not very suitable for hunting. Later, with the money, his father went to County and hired someone to rebuild two hunting rifles for hunting, which he threw at home to commemorate. And when Verricolo grew up, he took over the gun.
Claude was curious: "Vero, can guns be built privately? ”
“Absolutely.” Villicro nods: “Barromise County has a publicly owned firearms factory, capable of producing more than 47,000 firearms of all types each year, the largest industrial workshop in our three south-western provinces, with more than 3,000 domestic workers. Private customized firearms are also accepted and officially numbered. However, the requirement of private customization is that the status must be greater than or equal to that of a national, and that price-priced treatment be available for discharge from the armed forces. ”
“What's the difference between the two shotguns your father ordered and this flaming rope gun?” Claude really doesn't understand the difference. Doesn't he think it's all fire rope guns? They're all gunshots, they're powder plugged, they light the rope, and when it's done, they have to clean the barrel of the gun. It takes half a day to put a shot in, and it's too much trouble.
“My father made those two shotguns about twice the size of this one.” Vericulo drew a circle with his finger to indicate the size of the gun: “The range is not this far, but the power has increased several times. This gunshot wound is no problem, it fits well in the war, it can deal with the mountain beast, then the killing power is not enough, because man is not protected by the thick fur of the beast.
For example, if you run into a wild boar in a mountain, put a four or five bullet in this gun, maybe the wild boar will bleed a little, nothing will happen, and chase you crazy enough to get into the sky. Not to mention the leopards in the mountains and other beasts. If this gun fails to hit the beast, wait for the knife to be drawn and ready for the meat fight. There is no chance for you to shoot a second shot. By the time you pour the medicine, the beast will be close.
So my father reformulated two shotguns, one for thick skins, even wild boars. The other one is a shotgun, used to guard against those quick moves, one shot goes over and over, even the more agile animals have to hang colors, as long as the movement slows down after the injury.
The only drawback is that the two shotguns are big and heavy, tired enough to climb the mountain for less than half an hour, and must be held up with a fork pole when aiming at the shooting, otherwise they cannot be lifted. In addition, gunpowder is particularly expensive. I put ten gunpowder parts in this rope gun, and I haven't used three guns for a hunting gun, so the gunpowder in my house is almost gone, and we have to pay for gunpowder guns ourselves this time. ”
Claude carefully weighed this Gali 3 type flame rope gun in his hand, about one meter and eight in length, a cherry wood barrel, a black barrel protruding 30 cm from the barrel, a little horn shaped at the mouth of the gun, a silver-plated copper nail attached to the barrel under the narrow barrel, and silver-plated copper accessories in the second half, just because of time, the silver-plated layer on most of the accessories had been erased, leaving only a dark, densely scratched copper surface.
At Verricolo's fingertips, Claude finally knows what a fire rope hammer is, a fire rope clamping handle, a fire rope sleeve, a hammer spring, a bottom fire door, a medicine box, a tray cover, a trigger. It's just that after Villicro simulated how to launch, Claude discovered a very important problem.
“Why doesn't the flare gun have a sight? ”
“What is a sight?” Villicro asked back.
“Uh...” Claude didn't know how to explain it for a moment, compared to a half-day stroke to make Vericulo understand that the sight was intended for the target when the gun was fired.
“So this is what you're talking about. Yes, look.” Vericulo suddenly realized that he was pointing the gun at Claude: “We don't call it a sight, we call it a launch point. Look at this mark on the muzzle, and this mark on the cartridge in the back, this is the launch point. When we're ready to launch, we need to put these two spots straight on the target, stabilize, then light the flame rope, close your eyes, then pull the trigger, horn, and the gun goes out...”
“No, I said why close your eyes and pull the trigger?” Claude doesn't get it.
Vericulo laughed: "This is to protect the eyes from spills without the lid on the medicine box, in addition, the firing of a flame rope gun creates a lot of smoke, and it has to be smoked to tears without closing the eyes. ”
“Can you close your eyes and still hit the target?” Claude said it wasn't even a good idea to stand in front of you.
“So to exercise, the most important thing is to keep your hands steady, you can't shake, that way you can pre-aim and close your eyes and fire, ten or nine can hit the target. ”
Well said, Claude was right for a moment. But he remembered the old question of targeting: "By the way, Vero, you said the two launch points and targets were in a straight line, so if the launchers were steady, would they hit where they wanted to? So you're hitting the two firing points at the body part of the target in a straight line? ”
“That's not true. Vericulo shook his head and said," It's also about estimating the amount of advance, up or down. Generally speaking, when my two firing points and targets are in a straight line, the shot fired is essentially the distance below the middle finger. So I want to hit the head of the target, and when I aim, I have to estimate the distance up by a finger or so before I can fire, otherwise I aim at the head, but I hit the neck. ”
“The gun is troublesome enough to fire and not easy to target.” Claude exclaimed, "By the way, Ike, show me that boat type flame rope you brought. ”
As a captain, the short flare gun that Eriksson brought with him was also replaced by his father and was a necessary defensive weapon. However, his father had bought this shortcut before, and then there was a captain's party, and his father won a gold-plated silver commemorative flame rope shortcut, so his father threw it at home without any decorations, and then it became Ericsson's toy.
“I don't have Verona's short shot, it's only 50 meters in range, and the effective kill range is 20 to 30 meters, which can only be used to defend myself.” Eriksson handed me the short one.
Verricolo, this Gali type III flame rope is said to reach a range of 280 meters, with an effective kill distance of about 150 meters, of course not to hit accurately. But within a hundred meters, five centimetres thick boards can pass through, no wonder the Royal Army's formative equipment earlier in the year.
The short is curved and roughly 60 cm long. Except for the short barrel, the copper fittings on the gun are smaller than the fittings on Verricolona's fireline gun, there is no difference, but because the barrel is shorter these fittings look a little swollen together.
“By the way, bring me your guns and gunpowder, the last time I went to buy it, I heard Vakuri say what kind of boat type and egg cream you are, half as expensive as what Verona used for dry pink, let me see what difference it makes. ”
What Claude didn't expect was that the gunpowder that Ericsson handed to him was actually stationed on a cartridge, even the gun was attached to the cartridge, and the cartridge was made of grease paper that was waterproof. And there's a little piece of cork between the gun and the cartridge, which seems to be a little larger in diameter than the cartridge.
“What is this little piece of wood for?” Claude was curious as to why a piece of wood was added between the gun and cartridge powder.
“Fixes and holds the barrel. Because it's short, it doesn't have this little piece of wood when you swing it in your hand, guns and gunpowder slide out easily..." explains Verricolo.
Oh, Claude understands, he's going to peel off this stationary powder cartridge in his hand and look at the powder in it.
“Don't disassemble.” Erickson said, "When we get back, if you take another look at how many, now if it helps, we'll lose one shot. Seven finnies for such a shot, I bought fifteen rounds and spent one of our rearsos. ”
Seven Fannies equals seventy cents, plus three cents equals one Sunar, and a riazo equals ten dollars. Mr. Morsan said that his daily wage was just one riazo, which equated to 15 shots of this kind, which would be quite expensive.
“Naviro, is that the same kind of gun you use for your flare rope gun?” Claude stopped at the mercy.
Vero shook his head: "No, I'm all separated. The powder is in this horn, and there's no costume like his gun. ”
“It's easier to dress like this than you pour powder, isn't it because it's too expensive? ”
“No, that doesn't apply to my fireline gun.” Knowing that Claude was a musket idiot, Verricolo was not tired of explaining to him: “Fixed guns, though convenient, are troublesome to clean up the scraps left in the barrel after firing. Ike's short, easy to see and clean up.
And I have a long barrel of firewire, and I can't clean it up with a fixed gun. If paper scraps are left inside, the range and accuracy will be affected when the second projectile is fired, and even the life of the barrel will be affected if the scraps accumulate in the barrel. ”
Claude grabbed his head with some confusion. In his impression, the protagonists of the historical novels he had seen in previous life returned to the ancient world of gun-making, basically regarded stationary gunpowder as a battlefield victory treasure. He believed that it could effectively increase the number of firearms fired and reduce the hassle steps of firing firearms. How could it not be possible to get here?
Vericulo stood up and took out some rectangular skins: "Okay, we're ready to go, it's about seven o'clock, we can go to the creek and ambush and see if there's any prey coming for water. Everyone take two pieces of leather, wrap your calves around them, then tie them with a tie, and don't leak out any gaps. ”
Bok Al was wondering, "No, Vero, why did you let us tie this leather? Didn't everyone wear trousers and hiking leather boots...”
“It's snake-proof.” Without this leather, light trousers will be bitten by snakes, "Vero said. Tie the leather and they won't bite. These snakeworm poisons are the most important thing to watch out for and watch out for at night as you travel between the bushes and the woods. By the way, tie the collar too. Don't let those reptiles fall into the collar. ”
“Well, can't we light the torch and hit the grass with a stick or something...”
“Ha...” Verricolo was angry: “We went ambushing, we went hunting, not marching! You lit a torch and knocked on a stick. You still think any animals would come near the creek? ”
After a while, everyone tied their skins to their calves, and Vericulo said, "When we're ready, I'm in the front, Claude and Boa are in the middle, and Ike is in the end. By the way, Boa's got a crossbow, Claude. You took my hunting bow, and you shot a good bow and arrow at school. I have a hunting bow that is two more forces than school practice soft bows and you should be able to use it.
Besides, keep your walks down and don't make any loud noises. When I get to the creek, I will choose the ambush point, then try not to talk, lest the animals notice the escape... OK? All right, let's go... ”