Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 37 Return
Chapter 38 Return
After a history lesson on gold minting by Bok Al, both Ericsson and Villicro said they would collect the Sullivan gold coin they had shared as a testimony to the adventures of four good friends in Bai Lu. There's nothing more worthy of a souvenir than these Sullivan coins that Claude got after he beat the Python.
Claude didn't pay much attention to the two gold coins he'd split, the same Sullivan coins he still had 30. Claude was looking for Bok Al to cash out the two gold coins in his hand, get a sum of money, and then go to that old Monk's.
He had some doubts about the little things that the old shopkeeper Picchuck had bought, and some of them, like the magic recipe, were magical items, but now the new shopkeeper Vakuri didn't recognize them, so Claude wanted to go back and see if he could pick up some cheaper ones.
Now that Bok Al has said that, with Verricolo and Eriksson standing next to him, Claude needs to think about it. He was worried that if he asked Bok Al to cash these two gold coins, would he make his three partners suspect that he hid some gold coins and didn't come out...
People were unpredictable, not that Claude was suspicious, just that he didn't want this friendship to spoil. His excuses are perfect now, and his partners believe him. If he had let Bok Al realise the two coins, the partners wouldn't have said anything, even if they had doubts, but they would have left a thorn in their hearts, and he didn't want it to happen.
Sometimes it's ridiculous to think about it, because the traverser finds that Claude, as a teenager in the other world, believes most in these three teenagers, who in his eyes are more reliable than their parents. It's not that I didn't think about taking the gold coin to the town to exchange it, but the passers-by found out that it was worse. In less than half a day, people in town would soon know that he had exchanged two Sullivan gold coins...
No one is better suited to realizing Sullivan Gold than Bok Al, who will not only hide the origins of the gold coins, but will also do his best to help Claude get a good price. But at the same time, Claude's economic situation was clear to all three partners, and where there was no need to spend money, why did they realise these two coins? Tell them you're going to Old Monk's grocery store to pick up the leaks?
Simply put, Claude wanted to preserve this friendship, but he didn't want his partners to know the truth. Because he can't explain why he sees the magician's diary hidden in the recipe, so he can get the treasure clue here at the site, can't say he has a magical gift...
And Claude said, “Boa, I want to leave a Sullivan gold coin. Can you help me with the other one? I want to be more comfortable with myself, after all, my father and my big brother, you all know, and I don't want to fight with them at home every day for a dime. ”
Bok Al poured the gum: “Okay, I'll ask you, I'll definitely sell you a good price. I think my father's friends would need something to show off, and Sullivan Gold would be a good choice. ”
Claude laughed, "Well, I'll wait for your news, and when I get my hands on it, I'll buy you a good meal. ”
Two bottles of Gandhi, Bok Al and Eriksson, both drank the most and soon fell drunk on the ground. Verricolo and Claude had only a few sips and both were sober.
After dragging two drunkards under the den and laying them down and covering their blankets, Claude and Velikro sat next to the campfire. The sea breeze was a little big at night and it felt a little cold, so Claude put on Alexon's jacket.
“Why don't you drink at night?” Claude asked.
“I don't want to drink.” Véricolo shook his head: “It was uncomfortable coming in at noon because my negligence in searching the entire site almost surprised you. I have to be vigilant at night, just like the two of them. ”
“Are you going to stay up all night? ”
Vericulo smiled and said, "Well, look at them both, drunk as dead pigs. Do you expect them to get up for the night? I suspect the two of them are not very awake tomorrow morning. I had a headache from drinking that Gandhi, and I had tasted it since my father had bought it before, so I took a few sips, and they filled me with the rest. ”
“By the way, Claude, haven't you had a few drinks at night? ”
“I never liked drinking.” Claude rolled the branches of Python meat in his hand so that the flame could be cooked evenly, smiling and saying, “Just taste the flavor, don't get drunk. You know what happened to my father when he was dining at home, and a lot of the guests were drunk and throwing up all over the place, and those were the ones I was going to clean. That smell made me sick, so I started to dislike drinking. ”
“My father also likes to drink and sometimes get drunk. He was drunk and honest, he couldn't throw up or make a scene, he just had to find a place to sleep. But now my sister's housekeeper won't let my father buy alcohol, my father can only secretly save some money for addiction...” said Verricolo.
Claude was speechless, and he was ashamed to comment on that clever and unusual sister of Verricolo, who was, after all, a relative of Verricolo, and he was not qualified to say anything.
“Rest early, too. You can rest in peace with me here.” Vericulo shot the flame rope gun in his arms.
“I don't want to sleep yet.” Claude said, "Not at all sleepy. Finish smoking these python meats and bring them home to Anna and Little Fatty for a taste. In fact, this time we came to Bailuanzhou for an adventure, and the gains have been enormous. You see, there's dried venison, dried python, and the back legs of those four antelopes, all of which you can take home.
The sale of furs and medicines will also give us some free money, and we won't have to change our methods to ask for money from home if we need it. I can pay off what I owe you, and we got a Sullivan gold coin for the collection. This time we really came to the right place, but unfortunately there are so few holidays like Easter that it will be difficult for us to find such opportunities in the future. ”
“You went through a life-and-death crisis this afternoon. Aren't you afraid? ”
“I was a little scared back then, but I didn't think about it at all, either I killed it or it killed me, and it was that simple. You see, there's nothing wrong with me right now, sitting here smoking its meat, so what else is scary if I win? ”
“Well said, Claude, if you will, I can ask my father for permission to hunt with us during the winter holidays. ”
“Besides, it's only the end of May, more than six months away from the winter holidays, and I don't know what's going to happen, so it's useless to promise you now. Besides, my father didn't want to buy a gun for his family, even though he had national status, and I couldn't practice shooting as often as you did. As for the school, it's not until next year that I'll be trained to shoot guns. Alas, if I don't have Ike's shortcut this afternoon, I'm really dead...” Claude would love to have his own gun.
“Actually, there's another way,” said Villicro. "You can find someone with a national identity, buy a gun through him, register the gun in his name, and let him vouch for you, so you can legally own your own gun. ”
“My father knew it was going to go crazy.” And I don't have that kind of money to buy a gun, "Claude said. ”
The subject came to an end, and it was clear to Villicro that Claude could not have had his own firearm without Mr. Morsan's consent. In White Deer Town, it is unlikely that anyone would be willing to take the risk of obtaining a criminal executive to vouch for Claude's purchase of a firearm.
Claude stood up, washed the pan, and started boiling water again. This pot was taken by Bok Al and Eriksson at night to cook those two python fangs and now has to be re-sterilized.
When the water in the pan boils for another half day, Claude gets up and pours the boiling water, washes the iron pan and starts boiling again, which is the boiling water for tomorrow. Wait until the pan is cooked and cooled and poured into the water bag. Claude poured water into the iron pot again, then threw in the two deer legs left over from last night, and hung the iron pot on the bonfire.
“Are you cooking bone soup?” Villicro asked.
There are half a bag of flour left, and all the flour here is packed in five pounds, and it is wrapped in a paper bag. Claude poured the flour into an empty bucket and poured a spoon of water from the other bucket to start stirring.
“In the morning I'm going to make some creepy soup. This one's hungry. We'll probably be on the boat back at noon. I'll make some more food. One pancake for each of us. ”
Claude fry some pancakes in a pan, cut a few more pieces of meat off the back leg of the antelope, and put them away for lunch on the way back. All the rest of the flour was filled with water and thrown into the pan by squeezing your fingers into little pieces.
In the morning, Bok Al and Eriksson woke up with either a headache or thirst for water. Claude poured a large bowl of goosebump soup into each of them, which only stopped a little, and it took them more than an hour to wake up, but the two were not very good spirits, and they looked impeccable.
Claude has started packing up with Villicro and is leaving today, only to find that there are too many trophies, which is a huge burden for the four of us.
“Two buckets, four wooden plates, four wooden bowls, a pan and an iron pot, this is on the old Sonny fishing boat, and we have to take it back. Two tents, four blankets, this is ours, and we have to take it back. And some pieces and our own backpacks, and the rest are spoils of war, a deerskin and two antelope skins, a python skin, four antelope legs, and a python jerky. How do we get them back?” Villicro's a little upset.
“We still have to be vigilant, so cut two trunks and pick them back, two men to be vigilant and take turns. It should be easier than going up the hill. If you're tired, rest a little longer.” Claude didn't have a good idea.
It took about two hours to get up the mountain, and I didn't expect it to take so long to get down the mountain. It's mostly Bok Al and Eriksson screaming when they can't move, shoulder pain, taking a break or something. In the end, Claude was carrying two buckets each with bagged tableware on top of them, while Bok Al and Eriksson picked up the trophy with a trunk, leaving Verikero alone on guard with a fire rope gun.
After returning to the Little River Bay and resting for half a day, Erickson became captain of the small fishing boat again. Unanchoring the cable, Claude and Verricolo became paddlers again, and when the small fishing boat went out of the river, Erickson remembered that there was also a net thrown in the lake.
It's just a place to stop the net. Everybody's blind. Where's the net? Where's the net?