Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 217 Casualties
Chapter 219 Casualties
Muried had a hole in his left rib, but he was still alive, unconscious. When he saw Claude climb up to him, he smiled with a bitter smile: "Boss, am I dying? ”
“You can't die. The wound isn't the point.” Claudette relieved herself and pulled a tube of cure out of her lumbar bag, one of the four perfect bottles of cure he brought from home, which worked best on the trauma. I poured half a tube of the cure on the wound, stopped the bleeding, and then took the other half to Muriel, and as for cleaning up the wound and digging up the guns, I had to go back to Amis City and get it handled by the doctors at those treatment centers.
“You lie still and I'll send you back later.” Claude said to Muriel.
In fact, Muriel had good luck riding the horse, which, in addition to injuring his left rib, was a bit painful falling off the horse. And the two soldiers standing next to him, one shot in the chest, made a big hole, and they were out of breath. The other was a broken neck, although his eyes were still open, but the wound was well known and could not be saved.
When a small group of enemy infantrymen appeared on the hill in front of them, dressed in white military uniforms, they were strangely not queued to fire this way, but dispersed on their knees and aimed at Claude, and several soldiers who had already fired were standing up and reloading the guns in their hands.
Claude lay down on the ground with his gun pointed, and on his side, with the exception of reloading the guns before he just got out of the mud pit, all the guns he had were not loaded.
“Bang!”, a soldier on the dune who stood up and stuffed a gun into the barrel was knocked down by Claude, but the sparked nitrous smoke also exposed Claude's position, and several soldiers on the dune who had not fired pointed the gun at Claude's side. Shots went off, and several of them hit the dirt on Claude's left and right sides.
“How many are still alive? Why don't you load up and fight back! Forget all the previous training...” Claude yelled angrily and rolled himself into the mud pit next to him.
The enemy on the hill is a small group of horses, twelve, now knocked down by Claude, and the rest is eleven. The only thing that surprises Claude is that their guns can also be used for precision shooting, as demonstrated by the shots fired at Claude's side. If Claude hadn't been on the ground with small targets and dense weeds to hide, he might have lost.
Claude, who rolled into the mud pit, left room for movement and hurried to load the guns in his hand. After about a minute, Claude pointed the gunpoint at the dune again. And then, “Boom! Boom!” Shots were fired, and three more soldiers fell on the dugout. This is Berklin. Several of them were on the ground loaded with ammunition and fired.
Soldiers in white military uniforms on the dugout messed up. They had no idea how precise the shooting of the enemy would be. Several soldiers already loaded with ammunition did not know where to aim with their guns. Though Claude was also visible in the big red uniform they wore, lying on the ground and hiding in the weeds made the target look tiny and difficult to target, and even after the shooting, they didn't know if it was hit, which caused some panic and fear among the soldiers on the hill.
“Bang!” Claude fired, and an enemy who was on his knees fell backwards, dropping the gun in his hand.
Another bang! ”Shots fired, it's not far from McJackie shooting. An enemy fell on the hill and screamed. The gun hit him in the shoulder...
The remaining six enemies were hesitant, with the exception of one, who ran to look after the wounded on the ground, and the other five being forced to retreat. Claude could only speed up the loading. The enemy on the hill was supposed to be ready to retreat. Several people argued. One went to pull the mount left by the scout, the other three stood up and ran up on the hill, and the other ran over to help his comrades set up the wounded man on the ground.
Claude had loaded his ammunition again, this time targeting those three retreating enemies, and as one of them ran to the top of the hill, he opened fire, and the hit enemy shook himself and rolled down from the hill.
“Boom! Boom! Boom!” Four gunshots, this is Berklin and they're firing.
However, only two enemies fell and the horse on the hill was hit. He stood up screaming and kicked his two front legs in the air for a few moments. He fell on the ground and turned to the other side of the hill to dust himself. Those two enemies who went to help the wounded also fell, and the other stunned there, looking at the two comrades who fell to the ground, suddenly a strange shout, even throwing away the gun in his hand. No, he turned around and ran behind the earth hill.
“Boom!” Mike fired another shot, but this shot missed the target and watched as the enemy rolled up and disappeared behind the dune.
Claude loaded the pills again, looked at the dugout, and said, "Baker, get somebody to clean this up. Mike, Gemmy, load the guns and go with me to the dugout! ”
Climbing out of the mud pit, Claude bent over and touched the dust hill. Until he reached the top, he saw that the three fleeing enemy soldiers had become three small white dots in the distance, which was four or five hundred meters away. Looking back at Monday, there was little movement, and it appeared that the infantry of this unit was acting alone, rather than with the help of a large group of people. It's just that this battlefield between the two sides of the confrontation has always been the land of the light cavalry of the Principality of Kanas. This infantry unit in white uniform is that country. What are they doing here?
But looking down at the gun used by the enemy in the white uniform, Claude's face was black, because it was exactly the same except that the barrel was a few centimeters longer than the Obash 3. Accessories such as the same cartridge cover flame rope clamping handle are moved to the right, and a straight sight and a full door are placed on the back of the barrel. This is a Hillhouse Obash Model 3 fireline gun that is also used for precision shooting!
Needless to say, it is clear that this squad of enemy infantry in white uniform also came here on ambush duty. Seventy-eight hundred people were killed and injured in the April guerrilla camp, but two or three hundred were also lost in the Duchy of Kanas' reconnaissance. From a 1-to-1 casualty loss rate at the beginning of the month to a 23-to-1 rate at the end of the month to a 45-to-1 rate at the end of the month, the casualty loss rate has now risen to a 78-to-1 rate at the beginning of May.
The enemy is learning lessons from the battlefield every day and is constantly improving, while his side is still complaining. The enemy now imitates their own precision shooting rifles with the captured Obash 3, and even learns from the kingdom to assemble a dedicated infantry unit using this precision shooting rifle to ambush them. It is conceivable that the Ranger Battalion will face more enemies next, not only to prevent enemy scouts from coming for reconnaissance, but also to prevent them from falling into the ambush of enemy infantry...
“Sergeant, these are soldiers of the Principality of Rimodra.” Followed by McJackie, who climbed the dugout, and removed an iron identity plate from the neck of an enemy corpse in a white uniform marked with the stamp of the Principality of Rimodra and the army identification number of the enemy.
“How did they get here?” Mike handed Claude the identity plate in his hand, with some strange mumbling.
“Look at their guns and you'll see.” Claude sighed: "They came here, like us, to ambush the enemy. Good thing they learned to shoot precisely, but they didn't get on the ground like we did or hide and load the guns, or just stand there and load the guns, and they became our targets. Perhaps they will soon learn from us, too, to lie on the ground or to hide and sneak up on us...”
“Gemmy, you go clean up the bodies of these enemies. McJackie, the scout who died over there in the Principality of Kanas was supposed to be an officer, and I saw him with a single-barrel telescope. You go get it over there and raise your guard a little higher, and if you find an enemy in the distance, alert them immediately.” Claude commanded.
The so-called removal of the bodies of the enemies by removing their identity plates is a guarantee of the completion of the mission. Colonel Rossler, in the guerrilla barracks, stipulated that obtaining an enemy identity plate would not only entitle him to a two-day vacation, but also to a Silver Tall bonus. In Colonel Rossler's view, a reward for bravery would allow more soldiers to join the guerrilla barracks with high bonuses, so that he would not have to worry about too high a casualty rate.
Not to mention the fact that there are not many people who really get a bonus, and that many soldiers, even if they kill their enemies, cannot get their identity plates, but are hunted down by their enemies' companions and able to return to the guerrilla camps is a big problem. Especially now the more agile the enemies come. Few of them have fallen alone. The enemies suffering from ambushes are more accustomed to conducting reconnaissance activities in a small team, so that at least a small number of ambushed enemies are worried about not shooting...
The second implication of packing up is to seize personal belongings carried by the enemy, which is also one of the outskirts of the guerrilla camp soldiers who went out to ambush them. In addition, the captured horses and firearms can be sold back to the battalion for a price to the Logistics Department, which is very high for a soldier, albeit at a very low price, enough for him to spend two days sprinkling wine in a tavern in Amis City. This is also the reason why many veterans, oils and fatalities, who lust for money, risk their lives to apply to join the barracks.
Unlike others, every time Claude went out on an ambush mission, he was accompanied by a small team, and the property he had harvested had always been fairly distributed, which was why many soldiers in the battalion had convinced Claude that they were willing to follow him on the mission. At the very least, there is no need to worry about hazing over seized property, even fighting over private possessions and black eating.
Gemmy went to pack the identity tags and personal belongings on the body, Mike took a single binoculars to guard the lookout on the top of the mound, and Claude loaded the enemy's gun in his hand, and he was going to try the accuracy of the shooting.
After 10 shots in a row, Claude stopped. No wonder the soldiers of the Principality of Rimodra shot themselves on their knees in the dust mound. The shots were fired all over their area, at a distance of 70 meters. The shots were a little floating, the accuracy within 50 meters was OK, and the distance error exceeded 560 meters, just as Obash 3 firearms were fired more than 100 meters away from the target, it was lucky.
And after 10 shots in a row, the barrel is actually a little hot, and it looks like the anti-Olympic Five Alliance fire rope gun manufacture level is significantly lower than that of the Kingdom of Ovillas, even though they clogged the Obash Type 3 fire rope gun on the side of the Kingdom, but there is still a wide gap between the distance of shooting and the way shooting training is used.
But the war was the best teacher in the military, and Claude was somewhat worried, after all, that this fireline gun, which could be aimed at precisely, was more suitable for the anti-Olympic alliance on the defensive side. They are perfectly capable of using various defensive facilities to equip themselves with such precisely targeted firearms to defend themselves against attacks launched by the Kingdom, causing heavy casualties among the attackers.
Gemmy came over and gave Claude a large number of identity tags, and he had a small package containing coins, a ring necklace and some valuable items that had been shipped from the enemy's body.
“Ask Baker to get a couple of horses over here, and you tie these guns and machetes and all the other weapons and equipment up on the horse's back. As for the possessions, they were handed over to Baker and distributed until the battalion had counted them.” Claude said.
Berklin quickly rode a horse and took four more horses to the bottom of the dune: "Boss, we've packed everything down below, we've lost three people this time, Alice, Link and Kruna. In addition, Murder was seriously injured, his blood stopped, he was still awake, and Birdea was slightly injured by a gun in his thigh, which was already wrapped up. ”
This time Claude came to ambush a total of 10 people, destroying 12 members of a Duchy of Kanas surveillance team, killing nine more soldiers of the Principality of Rimodra who followed the ambush, eliminating 21 people, and killing and injuring five people on his side, which is a remarkable success.
Sighing, Claude ordered: "Go back to camp and bring them all back...”