Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 333 Road encounters
Chapter 339 Road encounter
“Sir, I understand that these are residents of the kingdom of Amphiston. They said that from time to time in the past month, teams of reconnaissance cavalry from the Kingdom of Hicks had broken into the area under their direct authority, burning and robbing without taboo. And the local defensive armed wing of the direct administration collapsed in World War I with Governor Marchek in support of the direct administration of Cromwell, less than a quarter of them fleeing.
The Governor, Viscount Frans, summoned the rest of the local guards and decided to defend the capital, Castel Grenouille, and abandoned the rest of the town. Thus, the reconnaissance cavalry team of the Kingdom of Hicks came and went freely. The security of the towns deteriorated, the Nikanchas showed signs of rioting, so much so that the hearts and minds of the people were in disarray that the inhabitants of the Kingdom packed their bags and ran with their families to the rear… "Mike Zema came to Claude to report.
Claude stood on a small hill next to the road, looking at the road stuck tight and solid by a long convoy, only to laugh bitterly. After 13 days of riding the 1131st Battalion, I did not expect to be blocked by the convoy of the inhabitants of the kingdom who fled their homes when entering Amphiston. Depending on the size of the convoy, it is not known how much time will elapse.
The colonial garrison that originally thought the Kingdom of Hicks had taken Bering Ghana, Robisto, was marching into Amphiston, so many people fled. It didn't occur to me to send McJackie down for questioning that the Hicks kingdom was just a few teams of reconnaissance cavalry to wreak havoc on the entire population.
“Let everyone get off the horse by the road and rest until the convoy passes.” That's what Claude has to say.
But what Claude didn't expect was that the motorcade on the road only went for a moment and stopped again, and after a while, Big Gummy reported that several representatives of the motorcade wanted to meet with Captain Claude. Claude suggested bringing these representatives here to see what they wanted to do...
The middle-aged and elderly, dressed as truly upscale people, appeared before Claude, who introduced themselves as the head of the Amphiston Direct Territory Mining and Business Association. It was intended to take the family and property to renounce the property under the direct jurisdiction and then retreat to the direct jurisdiction of Tyrsim by boat to return home. But seeing the elite arming of the kingdom resting by the road made me feel that things might still be recovering and I wanted to come and ask Claude if he was sending reinforcements from the kingdom. If so, they can go back without having to give up their property.
There was nothing to hide, Claude told them straight away whether he was indeed a reinforcement sent by the Kingdom or a vanguard force. The Kingdom will establish its first defensive front under Amphiston, waiting for the arrival of the next big army to choose an opportunity to counter enemy incursions until all defective Overseas Territories are recovered…
Those representatives were very pleased that, since the Kingdom was prepared to establish a defensive front under the direct authority of Amphiston, that meant that the Kingdom would never relinquish that authority and that their industries would not have to relinquish it, and that the rejoicing had left them somewhat disoriented.
Claude was a little strange, but since they couldn't afford their own property, why didn't they organize manpower resistance, and the Hicks Kingdom was just a few teams of reconnaissance cavalry to come and get it? Is it necessary to abandon their property with family and belongings and run away from home?
But soon Claude found out, and had to lament the strange number of governors of the kingdoms overseas. Baron Strasson, the governor under Tyrussim, is a full-blown seller of locally armed stockpiles of firearms. On the other hand, Viscount Frances, Governor of Amphiston, and Governor Marchek of the battlefield, are like-minded martial artists, and it is strictly forbidden for civilians within the direct jurisdiction to possess firearms privately...
Amphiston is the largest mineral development leader of the Kingdom's seven overseas jurisdictions, producing more than thirty mineral resources, five of which are gold and silver mines alone. In the Kingdom of Ovilas, gold and silver mines are part of the State's strategic resources and cannot be held by private individuals. Most of the participants in the mining and business associations in the Amphiston administration are developers and mineral owners of other mineral resources, and the majority of the minerals mined for them are native mixed indigenous inhabitants.
Since the Amphiston Direct Administration prohibits civilians from carrying guns, most of the weapons that these miners normally possess are cold weapons and bows, coupled with the fact that most of the local security forces in the Direct Administration are heavily armed, and that these miners treat Aboriginal mixed miners well and generally do not have to grieve about the rebellion of Aboriginal mixed residents or anything.
But all this changed after the colonial garrison in the Kingdom of Hicks invaded Cromwell. First, Governor Marchek volunteered to bring most of the local guards to reinforce him, which resulted in his own death and the loss of most of the casualties. The remainder fled to the port of Patres, the capital of Robisto, where they were forced to remain to assist in the city's defense.
The news of the great defeat came that the unarmed Governor, Viscount Francis, panicked and assembled all the remaining parts of the direct administration to prepare for the death of the capital, Castel Grenoux, abandoning the remaining towns under the direct administration. At the very least, Governor Marchek left a large group of troops in those towns, barely able to maintain law and order in the towns, when he rushed to reinforce them under the Cromwell administration. Now gathered by the Governor in the capital, Castel Grenouille, the order of law and order in those towns soon deteriorated.
The humiliating designation of these mixed indigenous inhabitants of the Nubian continent by the colonists as the Nikanchas is indeed related to their abominable habits. Lies and thefts are customary. They don't feel that they are doing anything wrong. Instead, they will be annoyed by being seen through lies or caught stealing directly. Even if they are very sincere in apologizing and repenting, as long as you let him go, turn around and he will think that he is smart enough to deceive you and become complacent...
This is also the common view of all those who have dealt with these mixed indigenous populations, and only a whip can make them obey orders and obey the rules. All you have to do is tell him what he can and can't do, and you don't have to listen to them because you can't tell if they're telling the truth or if they're lying. If you are touched by their mercy and intend to let them go, maybe they are scolding you in the heart. Idiots are so easily deceived by them that they create a sense of intellectual superiority that they look down on you as a kind person...
With the towns and villages still armed, the Nikanchas behaved fairly well and did their job honestly. But after the local guard forces were assembled in the capital, Castel Greno, the Nikancas of the towns began to rave. In broad daylight, theft, robbery and other heinous incidents are on the rise. The inhabitants of the kingdoms of the towns and cities have to organize to protect their families and homes. However, cold weapons and bows in the hands of everyone do not pose any threat to these Nikansas. Some Nikansas who hunt have bows that are more threatening than the weapons held by the inhabitants of these towns in the kingdom...
In such circumstances, the heads of the mining and business associations under the direct administration of Amphiston deliberately visited the Governor, Viscount Frans, in the hope of lifting the ban on guns and distributing stockpiles of guns to the inhabitants of the kingdom of a town at this urgent time. The first is to rearm the local guards, and the second is to suppress the foolish and moving Nikantha people and spend this difficult time together...
Unfortunately, the stubborn Governor, Viscount Frans, refused this legitimate request on the grounds that the aggressor forces of the Kingdom of Hicks would soon attack Amphiston. He has resolved to shed this last drop of blood for the kingdom and to defend the capital, Castel Grenouille.
The firearms stockpiled in the armoury are intended for aggressive military use against the Kingdom of Hicks at that time and will never be distributed to the civilian population of the Kingdom. In the eyes of the Governor, Viscount Frans, releasing guns to the inhabitants of the kingdoms of those towns would be tantamount to an enemy, untrained and easily discarded to the Nikancas, which would make it easier to pose a greater threat to the local guard forces...
The fact that the reconnaissance cavalry units of the Kingdom of Hicks entered Amphiston was not the main cause of the flight of the inhabitants of those kingdoms. The enemy reconnaissance teams also looted several farm farms outside the town, burned several houses and killed several Nikanchas wounding residents of several kingdoms. They also dared not enter the town.
What really forces the inhabitants of these kingdoms to flee their homes is the internal causes, the extreme deterioration of security and order in the towns and the lack of guns and artillery in the possession of the inhabitants of the kingdoms to suppress the Nikancha uprising. This obliges the inhabitants of the Kingdom to decide to abandon their homes to the immediate rear of the country, taking into account the security of their families.
Claude's Range One, Three, One Battalion is now encountered on the road, giving the inhabitants of these fleeing kingdoms hope of returning home. Anyway, it's a family business that my grandchildren or my own family worked so hard on in this jurisdiction, nobody wants to be abandoned like this.
Most of the vehicles on the road started to turn around, and the cowhorse pulling the car was screaming. Some of the horses who were reluctant to go back and decide to surrender to relatives and friends in other jurisdictions were separated and continued along the road. However, there are not many of these horses, which will not affect the movement of the 131th Battalion.
Claude recruited all the captains, and the map was spread out and the teams were assigned the next task directly.
In addition to the capital, Castel Grenouille, Amphiston has four towns and one fishing port. These four cities are all mountain cities, just the size of a town, basically the main industry is mineral resource mining. One town, the only flatland town under Amphiston, is surrounded by farm gardens and vegetable gardens, which serve as a food and livestock farming base under Amphiston. There is also a fishing port town, not far from the capital, Castel Greno.
“Captain Berklin, your light cavalry brigade travels to this Langhu town, maintaining order while sending a reconnaissance cavalry team along the avenue to the direct command of Robisto. Remember, the Reconnaissance Cavalry Squad of the Kingdom of Hicks must not be allowed to re-enter Amphiston...”
“Yes, sir.” Berklin is saluting.
“Captain Muried, your immediate field battalion is on its way to Mount Rosas, the nearest mountain town under Bering Ghana, and you need to send a reconnaissance team into Bering Ghana's command to find out what's going on while you crack down on the riots and maintain order. Understand? ”
“Understood, sir.” Muried replied.
“Captain Diavid, you know what your team needs to do to get to Fincoca Hills, don't you?” Claude looked at Diavid.
“Don't worry, sir, I know what to do.” Diavid laughed.
“Captain Kashmir, your battalion to Avikra Hill City. ”
“Yes, sir.” Captain Kashmir is standing by to salute Claude.
“Captain Andrews, you are in charge of Portman Hills. ”
Captain Andrews is a staff officer who has just been promoted by Claude, succeeding him as captain of the original direct field battalion in Berlin. He has always remained silent, burying his head in the battalion, and was greatly appreciated by Claude. After Berklin assumed the position of captain of the Light Cavalry, the vacancy he had left was filled by Captain Andrews.
Claude looked at Captain Abervick, the captain of the artillery battalion, and divided him into five artillery squads to work with the five squads, adding two light infantry field artillery to each squadron, and strengthening defensive fire when guarding towns.
“Gentlemen, your primary mission to these five towns is to suppress the violence of the Nikanchas, to maintain public order in the towns and to assist the inhabitants of these fleeing kingdoms to return to their homes. The second task is to conduct patrols and reconnaissance, seal off the border and prevent a reconnaissance cavalry unit from the Kingdom of Hicks from entering Amphiston territory and dispatch a skilful team into Beringana, Robisto, to reconnaissance the current situation.
The third task is to set up a battalion of weapons in their towns, which is a top priority, and I will transport the stockpiles of firearms to your towns as soon as I enter the capital, Castel Greno, to equip the battalion. Gentlemen, please note that only when this local guard battalion is assembled will our rear be safe and secure, and that our front can continue to move forward into Bering Ghana, Robisto, two of our direct jurisdictions, to accomplish our task.
All right, the guides below are ready to go, everyone. ”Claude clapped his hands and encouraged his men.
“Sir, what should we do with the indigenous hybrids in the riots?” Captain Kashmir of the Third Direct Field Battalion asked.
Claude shook his head with a smile, and his eyes were cold: "Resistant, directly shot, headed, hung by the road, subordinate, caught first, some of their labor later. During the war, everything was handled from the ground up. ”
When Muried left, Major Schneck looked at the map and warned Claude: "Sir, you forgot there was a fishing port town under Amphiston...”
“I know,” Claude said. "This fishing port town is just over 30 miles from the capital, Castel Grenouille, a half-day journey away, and is in the rear, temporarily safe. I have just asked the gentlemen of the mining and business association that their convoy did not come from that fishing port town. When we get into Castle Grenouille, send someone else to show us a team. ”
On September 11, 584, Holy Light, Claude entered Castle Grenouille, the capital of Amphiston, with his camp horse riding the 131st Battalion.