Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 355: Problems Solved
Chapter 361: Problems Solved
Marshal Michel grinned and lit a little Claude with his finger: "Looks like I'm going to have to be clear today before you can take over the post of Commander-in-Chief of this theatre, isn't it? ”
Claude's scoundrel stalled: “General, you clapped your ass back to Wangdu and left us behind. There's nothing in anyone's heart. We had you in the past, we had nothing to fear, we knew nothing but a breakthrough and victory. Anyway, you're behind everything, we don't have to think about it at all, just follow your instructions.
Now that you're leaving, put this burden on me, I can't hold it! The senior generals of those kingdoms are reluctant to take your place, which is that they all understand that the position is not just a fire pit, but sits on the tip of a knife and hurts themselves if you don't pay attention slightly. General, please be merciful and let me go, and find someone more suitable in the regiment... "
“You're not alone in this pressure, and I've got two deputies for you to share some responsibility with. Colonel Bolognick and Colonel Sevicht are both heads of advanced seminars during your military school training, and they are here to help you, confident that you will soon adapt to this new position.” Marshal Michel smiled to comfort Claude.
Claude overjoyed: “General, you can choose one of them to replace me as the commander in chief of this battlefield, who is better suited to me, military rank or talent..."
Marshal Michel shook his head: "I don't think so, Claude. Why you chose not to choose one of them is because you have more honorary titles than they do. You are the baron and nobleman of the kingdom, and as the chief commander of this overseas administration, you will inevitably deal with those locals. For those locals, the Honorary Baron of a kingdom deserves more respect and closeness than the ranks and positions in the army...
Most importantly, your two seniors are good at defense, not as good at offense as you. Good defense increases enemy casualties, drains their strength and morale, prolongs the duration of the war, and increases the cost of the enemy's war. It is like cutting an enemy with a wound that keeps him bleeding and eventually leaves the enemy unable to bear the cost of war to move to the negotiating table of an armistice.
Defense alone can also cost us a lot of casualties. After all, we are in a passive position where the battlefield initiative is in the hands of the enemy, and we can only act when we see fit to respond to the enemy's attack. In order to win the war, we must learn to initiate an offensive. Even if the enemy is stronger than us, we still rely on offense to take ownership of the battlefield.
Before the Battle of Bering Ghana, no one could keep an eye on our Rangers. We are more than 30,000 men, plus a newly formed overseas field corps with low battle power, against the enemy's five standing legions with more than 300,000 troops. But we took ownership of the battlefield, cut off the enemy's logistical supply channels and shielded the entire battlefield, making it impossible for the enemy to detect the real battlefield, which led to the suspicion that logistical supplies would eventually fail to keep up and the whole army would fall.
This is active offensive defense, mastering battlefield initiative, shielding enemy battlefield reconnaissance capabilities, so that the enemy is kept following our steps with our noses. The enemy is like a slow-moving giant, seemingly huge, but without any threat to us. It's just unfortunate that the Orthodox military school education your two seniors have been through since childhood is too influential for them to learn this kind of aggressive defense. As long as they fight, they will turn into traditional positions to attack and defend themselves. Their character is heavy and discreet, and they will never venture to attack without certainty...
And unlike the two of them, your gift is to attack, which is an instinct that blends into your blood. Your ability to capture fighters and their sensitivity on the battlefield amazes me so much that you always choose the most favorable situation for you to unleash a deadly attack at the most unexpected moment of the enemy and quickly win at the greatest cost. Just like you led the cruise to take over Wickham Castle, I thought a secret passage alone would make it difficult for you to accomplish the task of burning down all the warehouses of materials, which is the key to winning and losing the entire Battle of Bering Ghana...
The enemy is twice as strong as you, two guard regiments, and can rely on a strong castle for defense. As a result, you used the secret passage to conquer the enemy, causing chaos, seizing the entrance to the castle, commanding the command of a group that had quickly annihilated the enemy, forcing the enemies of both regiments to surrender, seizing the entire castle with minimal casualties and burning down all material stores. Let the 180,000 enemies who have finally arrived at Wickham Castle surrender to us in despair because they have no logistical supplies, and let us win the entire battle.
I will not mention the credit for setting up a camp with materials that you moved out of Wickham Castle in advance to solve the shortage of clothes and food for nearly 200,000 prisoners. Although I refused to give you credit, I remember the great help you gave me. From these points of view, I believe that you are the most suitable replacement for my position if you are to win this colonial war with the Kingdom of Hicks. You win because of the offense! ”
Claude grinned for pleasure, and whoever was praised as Marshal Michel of the Royal Army God would be very happy. Now being analyzed by Marshal Michel, Claude also feels that he is indeed the most suitable replacement for the Rangers.
“The bulk of this transfer from the Rangers will be the backbone of three reinforced divisions.” Marshal Michel went on to say, "I pulled out your two seniors as your deputies, ready to hand over the burden of defense to them. Colonel Bolognick will be the head of the Rock First Division, while Colonel Sevicht will be the head of the Rock Second Division. The two rock-named divisions will be responsible for the Dollinibala River Defense Line under Robisto and the Claude Defense Line under Amphiston, respectively.
With both of them behind you, you can relieve the rear of defensive concerns by capturing fighter planes in the vast battlefield space of Cromwell and Bering Ghana, using your way of attacking enemies and inflicting deadly damage on them. So the division you lead will be named Thunder, and all of his configurations, like the previous Rangers, are a mobile battlefield offensive force. Do you understand what thunder means when I'm named? ”
Claude nodded, sat upright, and responded positively: "General, I promise that no enemy will ever be able to resist our Thunder Division offense, like a thunderbolt and thunderbolt. When we attack, no enemy will resist our thunderbolt and thunderbolt. We will make our enemies feel cold and defeated..."
“It's like a thunderbolt and a thunderbolt, that's right. Claude, I hope you can do what you say.” Marshal Michel appreciates what Claude said: "Don't worry about me transferring most of the members of the Ranger Corps to the local guard and leaving all the weapons, armaments and horses here for you. In fact, I'm happier with those royal aristocrats...
First, they had the opportunity to place their close men in the Rangers.
Secondly, there are enough vacancies for high-ranking officers with royal ties to eat some salaries in their ranks.
Thirdly, without equipment, the royal aristocrats were allowed to rearmament their hands in the name of a great deal of money.
And the Royal Army Department is happy to see that all they spend is royal property, without having to pay a bronze coin from the Royal Army's military spending, instead they can also share a share of it with the royal nobility... "
Well, Claude discovered today that what he heard about the Royal Army and the royal nobles above really refreshed his eyes over and over again. In his impression, the Royal Army was a violent group with strong organizational discipline and strong fighting power. This was fully experienced and realized during the war, and he was one of them himself. But it was unexpected that it was also a collusion of interests and competing for profit and calculation.
“There is no need for you to think so wisely about the decisions made above, and sometimes the guidelines and policies conveyed are a compromise to accommodate the interests of all parties.” Marshal Michelle told Claude in a way that seemed to break through: “Just like this time you took over the post of commander-in-chief of my theatre, you were in charge of four overseas divisions, with five reinforced divisions totalling 160,000 troops.
But if those above did not believe that the readiness of the Kingdom of Hicks to form ten standing legions to wage this colonial war was real, and not to intimidate the Kingdom, you would not have been the Supreme Commander of this theatre. Not even my recommendation, some people come for the job. It's because the position is a fire pit, like you said, sitting on the tip of a knife, and that's why it falls on your head.
But I am sure that as long as you can defeat once again those standing regiments sent by the Kingdom of Hicks to the Nubian mainland, no one will be able to remove you from this position. Of course, if we win again, then I am sure that the Kingdom of Hicks will not be able to sustain itself, and that when peace comes, the Kingdom will dismantle this theatre. At that time, you also succeeded in becoming a flag in the Royal Army, a legendary hero of the Kingdom... "
After encouraging Claude, Marshal Michel went on to say something: “I've helped you solve the problem you just mentioned with the reinforcements. I made a deal with those emerging commercial aristocrats in the kingdom, which was supported by senior members of the kingdom. The deal was simply to hand over to them the nearly half a million prisoners of war captured by the two colonial wars in the Kingdom of Hicks, who were responsible for sending 100,000 of our kingdoms to the war zone.
The most important condition for the deal was that all 100,000 immigrant families had a young soldier who had been discharged home after five years of war in the eastern region. All relocation and settlement costs are covered by those emerging business aristocrats, and all we need to do is set up an estate for the 100,000 immigrant families. In addition, the Royal Army Ministry, in order to support our theatre in preparing for the next colonial war, promised to draw 20 local guard battalions for us with five years of experience in the war in the eastern part of the country, although it was not possible to send an army.
You see, there's no need to worry about troop strength supplementation, 100,000 immigrant families, 100,000 troops. Twenty local guard battalions, plus 20,000 veterans who have been on the battlefield. Here are already 120,000 age-appropriate service candidates, along with most of the transfer of the Rangers, as well as two overseas field corps, enough for you to regroup the five reinforced divisions and even replenish them with sufficient reserves... "
Claude opened his eyes in astonishment: "General, those emerging business aristocrats, have they gone mad and traded 100,000 immigrant families for half a million prisoners? You know we're in a war zone, and they're not worried about the safety of 100,000 immigrant families? ”
Marshal Michelle laughed funny: “Claude, you don't understand. Those people don't care about the safety of the 100,000 immigrant families. They care more about the 500,000 prisoners of war in their hands. It's enough to feed and drink them without spending any money. The territory of those emerging commercial aristocrats is in the new occupation of the Kingdom, in the first three counties of the Principality, where there is an acute shortage of young labour as a result of five years of war in the eastern region.
You may have heard that in previous years they were tormenting themselves in the hope of introducing those mixed indigenous peoples from the seven overseas jurisdictions, that is, nearly a million young and powerful Kanchas, to fill the labour gap in the newly occupied territories. However, the matter was stirred up by the temples, and Vice Speaker Obinite, who proposed the immigration programme in the National Assembly, was smashed by protesters at Wangdu's residence. That's why the immigration program ended, and that led to the idea of half a million prisoners for those emerging business aristocrats.
The 100,000 immigrant families, it seems, are many, but there are more than 3,000 families in each county assigned to the thirty-two counties of the kingdom. For those local counties, relocating these civilian families to overseas jurisdictions has reduced their troubles, and they want to thank us instead. You know why? Simply put, all of these civilian families have been conscripted into the Eastern War for five years and were forcibly discharged home after the truce.
These demobilized soldiers were unable to acquire their national status because of insufficient merit and the unexpired length of service. However, because they had participated in the war, they had gained more insight than the local civilian population, and so the former soldiers were easily a source of insecurity at the local level. As civilians, most families are poor, and the restrictions on the movement of civilians in the Kingdom are severe, preventing them from moving their homes to the newly occupied territories.
However, those emerging commercial aristocrats have found loopholes in the Kingdom's regulations on restrictions on the movement of civilians, which are harsh between local and local counties and relate to the level of conscription in each local county during the war. However, the Kingdom has always encouraged civilian families to migrate to overseas jurisdictions, and the restrictions placed on civilians in overseas jurisdictions have been relaxed, where they can have the rights of nationals and earn a family business more easily.
In fact, nearly a million immigrants from the seven overseas jurisdictions came here, and each war ended with an orgasm of immigrants. If there had not been a colonial war with the Kingdom of Hicks, the Overseas Territories might have added many more immigrants. For those local counties, the relocation of the families of former soldiers to overseas jurisdictions has stabilized local stability and harmony and supported the Kingdom's immigration policy, arguably adding to their performance.
For displaced civilian families, however, emerging commercial aristocrats have reduced their financial burdens by providing them with tolls and settlement fees. The fact that we are here in the war zone to distribute another piece of property to them and that retired soldiers from their families can continue to serve in the army in order to obtain national status is a very happy situation for all of us. As for war and the risk of losing loved ones, it was inevitable that they would have to pay such a price if they promised to move.
As for those 20 local guard battalions, those are the basic platforms of emerging business aristocrats, who naturally have the ability to coordinate everything, and we just need to receive them for battle readiness. You see, the most important issue of troop replenishment has been solved by my outgoing former commander, and this is what you need to be responsible for, consolidating the five divisions, and strengthening and improving the battle preparedness and defensive front. Remember, you only have two to three years at most... ”