Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 360: Preparatory Conferences for the New War Zone
Chapter 366 Preparatory Meeting for the New War Zone
By the time Claude entered the conference room, it was 8: 45. Leaving the meeting is just a minute away. Last night, on the road to Castle Grenouille, it was about 3: 00 in the middle of the night, and I went to a tavern and knocked on my door and settled myself and my entourage, and I could really rest for just two or three hours. After all, Claude will be Marshal Michel's successor today, and the new Ward High Commander will be in front of everyone.
I had no idea someone in the conference room had been waiting for the meeting to start, and seeing Claude come in, it was kind of weird and quiet. Looks like Marshal Michelch called these senior officers who left the Rangers to stay here a few days ago, and they were already breathing air, so they should all know that Claude will be the new Ward High Commander.
The atmosphere is a little weird, and no one talks, but it's a little awkward. When one stood up, Ha Ha laughed and greeted him, opening his arms for a hug. Claude was impatient, and his face rushed forward a few steps, hugging each other and clapping each other's shoulders to say hello. The awkward atmosphere disappeared and the voice of the original conversation and chat sounded again in the conference room, while two people stood up for Claude.
It was Colonel Scully, Deputy Head of Corps Logistics, who had an old relationship with Claude and was Claude's old boss at the 1st Battalion. Claude was also pleased to see him, and when Colonel Scully took him to a seat, Claude was surprised to ask, “Are you staying too? ”
Colonel Scully nodded: "Congratulations, then came up. When Marshal Michel summoned me and asked me if I had a problem with you taking over as the commander in chief of his theatre? I was really happy for you, so I said I'd be happy to work with you, you know we're old partners..."
After being summoned by Marshal Mitchell, Claude thought back for half a day, and Marshal Mitchell said that six officers of the regiment who remained here like him would be promoted to Major General of the Kingdom with him. Then there are four places in addition to Colonel Bolognick for the Rock 1st Division and Colonel Sevicht for the Rock 2nd Division. It's just that the Rangers have a total of seventeen Colonel officers, and Claude can't think for a moment of who Marshal Michelle would prefer.
I didn't expect Colonel Scully to stay, and Claudeson was relieved, which meant he was no longer a bareback commander in the war zone, at least Colonel Scully would be on his side. Claude is sober, he's new to the high ground, and he can't be as powerful as Marshal Michelle. As Marshal Michel and he put it, he had only one Thunder Division, and the remaining four fortified divisions ready for integration already had their respective officers in charge.
Perhaps during the war, Claude, the commander in chief of the theatre, had command and operational authority over those four divisions. Normally, only supervisory authority existed, and everything had to be discussed with the responsible officers of the divisions. Claude's biggest concern is that someone who disobeys his qualifications and works against himself after Marshal Michel leaves office, so that Claude first finds himself in a power contender environment, divides the battlefield between wins and loses before thinking about armament...
But what Colonel Scully has just said has revealed a meaning that has allowed Claude to let go of this heart. Obviously, Marshal Michel, in choosing the senior officers left behind by the regiment, has asked them for their views and opinions on Claude's assumption of the post of Commander-in-Chief of the theatre. All who came to this preparatory meeting for the new war zone knew that Claude would be a successor to Marshal Michel and expressed support for the decision.
As for the senior officers of those regiments who expressed dissenting opinions or even objections, Marshal Michel would simply leave them all in the Rangers and take them back to the kingdom. Because Marshal Michel knew very well that the time was running out to prepare the army, it was not possible to allow Claude's opponents to exist in the new war zone, nor was it time for them to fight inside. In order to win the next colonial war, there could be opposition in the new war zone, but that was a matter of fact, with different views. Instead of objecting to it for the sake of objection, that would only be detrimental to the big picture...
Colonel Bolognick and Colonel Sevicht also walked in, laughing and saying hello to Claude. As we all know, they have not been upset or changed their attitude over Claude's forthcoming assumption of the post of commander-in-chief of the theatre for Marshal Michel. Still, Claude felt a little more relaxed when he talked to Claude as a senior about a few things that had happened in the Corps over the period.
Colonel Bolognick remembered something and extended his hand to greet him twice, while two other familiar Colonel officers stood up and walked over.
“Remember the two of them?” Colonel Bolognick asked Claude.
Claude thought about it and nodded: “I know they're both acquainted with each other at our advanced workshop. You should have called Alan. He sounded like Bick. You two and I did a sandbox rehearsal, beat me a few times. I'm impressed. I don't know if that's right, but I don't remember hearing from you since we got to the Nubian mainland, and I don't see you two at Legion Command. Where have you been all these years? ”
“Huh...” Colonel Sevicht laughed beside him: "Claude, you remember so clearly when someone else beat you a few times, but you forget to beat them two countless times. The two of them are so obsessed with you, you would have been a nightmare for both of them. Every day I think about how to beat you once..."
Everyone in the room laughed and Claude grabbed his head with embarrassment: “I really can't remember this, then I remember who won me, I have to think of something to win back..."
Colonel Bolognick smiled and patted Claude on the shoulder: "Come on, don't remember what happened at the military academy. Claude, the two of them were sent by the general to integrate two overseas field regiments, so you can't see them in the Rangers. Alan was the last officer in charge of directing a local guard regiment of the Overseas Field Corps to defend Port Patres against the crippling of the Sea King fleet of the Kingdom of Hicks. Birke has reorganized local guard forces in the three rear direct jurisdictions and designed a coastal early-warning line. The two men worked hard and stayed with us this time in the new war zone. ”
Claude understood that the two colonels were the division leaders of the two preparatory divisions to be formed. But Marshal Michel said a total of seven colonels were to be promoted to Major General of the Kingdom. There were already six present, and who was the other? Claude glanced at the entire conference room and found that the rest were Major Commander officers, and no other Colonel was here.
“What are you gathered here for?” A familiar and disgusting voice came and looked up, and it turns out that General Van Snick, the Legion Logistics Supervisor, walked into the conference room. When he came in and saw so many senior officers of the regiment sitting in the conference room, he was also stunned: "Meeting today? Why didn't anybody call me? ”
Nobody listened to him, nobody answered. So General Van Snick got angry and said, "Well, you disobeyed my orders. Are you gathered here in private to plot against us? Don't tell me this is a Legion meeting, why didn't I get notified of it as Legion Logistics Supervisor? ”
“This is a preparatory meeting for the new war zone, General Fansnik, please go out.” Marshal Michel walked in through the conference room door, followed by a middle-aged man in a gown, a colonel officer in a dark blue area guarding an armed uniform, and his personal deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Nevis.
“Preparatory meeting for the new war zone?” General Fansnik looked at the high-ranking officers of the regiment who had begun to sit in the conference room and turned his eyes: "As a general of the kingdom, Marshal, I ask to be heard. ”
“I'm sorry, you don't deserve this.” Marshal Michel does not conceal his aversion to General Van Snick: "General Van Snick, please leave immediately and do not delay our precious time. ”
“I protest, Marshal, you are insulting a general in the kingdom.” General Van Snick won't let me sit here: "If you don't let me sit here, does that mean you're going to have an unspeakable meeting here? I suspect that you are planning a conspiracy against the kingdom, and I will report it to the Royal Family and the Royal Army Department, asking for a thorough examination of you people attending this meeting..."
“Are you sure you want to watch this meeting?” Marshal Michel suddenly laughed: “As I told you, this meeting is a preparatory meeting for the new war zone, at the highest level of secrecy, and all those attending this meeting are going to stay here to prepare for the next colonial war with the Kingdom of the Hicks. If you're sure you want to watch, it's very simple, just sign a bond and you'll be eligible to watch, and you'll stay here for the next war without following the Rangers back to the kingdom..."
“Uh...” General Fansnik stunned, but returned to his senses immediately: "Sorry, Marshal, I think I have a lot of work to do with the Legion's logistics department, so I won't bother you. ”
The sitting officers made a slight mockery as they watched General Van Snick slip away. Marshal Michel nodded at his personal deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Nevis, who also turned out of the conference room, closing both doors at the same time.
At that time, the middle-aged man in a gown and the local armed and wealthy colonel officer who came in with Marshal Michel had already taken a seat, leaving only Marshal Michel standing alone on the podium in the conference room. He coughed and said, "The irrelevant junk general is gone, let's get started. Long story short, a new war zone has been established since today. As everyone here knows, Colonel Claude will replace me as the commander in chief of the theatre. Colonel Claude, you come to me. ”
Claude stood up, walked up to Marshal Michel and raised his hand to salute everyone present.
“First, we will establish a new theatre command, which will be responsible for all matters in the theatre. Colonel Skerry will head the Zone Logistics Department and be responsible for the logistical supply of all troops in the Zone.” Marshal Michel said, then let Colonel Skerry get up.
Colonel Scully stood up and paid tribute to the people present, who were better off than Claude without having to go on stage.
“Civil affairs in theatre are entrusted to Sir Bennett.” Marshal Michel refers to the middle-aged man in the dress. Claude understood that this was probably the only national congressman under Amphiston.
Sir Bennett stood up and bowed half to pay tribute to the pedestrians present.
“Colonel Shazorak, please stand up.” Marshal Michel refers to the Colonel in the local armed uniform next to Sir Bennett: "Colonel Shazorak will be responsible for local armed forces in theatre, policing and counter-intelligence. ”
Colonel Shazorak also saluted a military ceremony.
“In addition, five reinforced divisions will be formed in the new theatre. The Thunder Division, led by Colonel Claude. Rock First Division, headed by Colonel Bolognick. Rock 2nd Division, headed by Colonel Sevicht. The Rock Third Division, headed by Colonel Albert. Rock 4th Division, headed by Colonel Beechlin. ”
“The Forces Nouvelles Command will consist of Colonel Claude, Colonel Bolognick, Colonel Sevicht, Colonel Albert, Colonel Bitchclin and Colonel Skerry, as well as Sir Bennett and Colonel Shazorac, who will be in charge of all affairs throughout the theatre. Colonel Claude is the supreme commander, and in times of war his orders prevail, and matters of major importance are normally discussed and decided by the Executive Committee, if they are not consistent with Claude's opinion. ”
Marshal Mitchell, this is a direct clarification of the duties of the members of the Executive Committee, and in a sense, Claude does not really have much authority to be the chief commander of this theatre, as Marshal Mitchell did. But Claude understands that, after all, he is too young for Marshal Michelle to hold him back.
In addition, Marshal Michel himself was a purely military man who, during his tenure as commander-in-chief of the theatre, entrusted all civil affairs to local officials, never with the intention of seizing all civilian and military authority in the theatre. He therefore entrusted the civil affairs of the new theatre to his own mind, perhaps in his view it would be more conducive for Claude to focus on the whole armament battle and to take advantage of its military merits.
“That is the point of personnel.” Marshal Michel continued: "From today onwards, the establishment of the new battle zone will no longer require secrecy. Inquiries into the conversion of Ranger Corps officers and soldiers into five reinforced divisional cadres have been conducted since the end of the meeting and 20,000 seats have been reserved. Each division can be allocated to four thousand people, and if there is more than one, it will be reasonably allocated by five divisions. ”
“With regard to the location of the five divisions, the Rock First Division, based in Brickaman, under the direct authority of Robisto, is responsible for the Dolinibara River defence line. The Rock II Division, based in Mount Rosas, is responsible for the Claude Line of Defense in the Mosiraga Mountains. The Rock Third Division, stationed in Port Patres, the capital of Robisto, is responsible for offshore defense. The Rock 4th Division, stationed at Castle Greno, is responsible for the defense of the East Mosillaga Mountains to the coast.
As for the Thunder Division, Claude, do you think it's better to stay there? ”Marshal Michel asked suddenly. He arranged four defensive divisions, but gave Claude his choice of location for the Thunder Division.
“Set it up in Langhu Town. I intend to relocate the Forces nouvelles zone command there as well, with easy transportation and quicker strikes.” Claude was polite.
Marshal Michel nodded: “It's up to you to decide. But what I'm going to tell you next is that time is really running out. On the mainland side of the Kingdom, the first shipments of immigrants and weapons have begun to arrive and will arrive in the direct territory of Tyrsim within half a month. So I hope that your five divisions will be able to set up the shelves of the divisions they are responsible for within a month, filling the vacancies of your troops with veterans after the first immigrants arrive, rather than letting them wander around the camp doing nothing..."