Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 398: Turning Your Head Down
Chapter 404: Turning Your Head Down
Time has passed quickly, more than four months after the assassination. The port of Vibato has been seized and General Bolognick has led the Forbidden Guards on their return journey. The two main field regiments that remain in Port Vibato City are the Rock First and Second Divisions, who are solely responsible for guarding against dangers from the sea, and the terrestrial security is naturally the responsibility of the Light Mounted Field Regiment of the Legion of Thunder.
Wang Dulai's special envoy has been in Lanhu town for almost half a month, and the assassination investigation is almost complete. All it has to do now is wait for General Bolognick and General Albert, as well as the Guardian Regiment, to return to Lake Lang town and the Special Envoy will make a final decision on the assassination and then lead the Guardian Regiment back to the Kingdom itself.
Claude can get out of bed now, but he can't move yet, and the injuries to the two thigh fractures are not recovering so quickly. Big Gummy is perfectly recovered. This guy is as strong as a cow. He only needs to lie in bed for a month. At Claude's request, Big Gemmy got a wheelchair from somewhere, pushing Claude around the estate in the sun every day.
But today Claude sits in a wheelchair, with a thin wool blanket on his leg, and entertains a crowd of guests under the vines of the manor: "... you already know the whole process of inventing this revolver, and if it wasn't for the assistance of Master Byrd and his daughter, I wouldn't be able to get the revolver in kind so quickly in two months.
To be honest, I was just going to use it on the battlefield with my revolver to see how effective it was. So I only let Lady Sonia try two, and I took the big guard behind me. After all, I am the general of the kingdom, it is impossible to go to the battlefield, so I intend to let my big guard participate in the battle during the city alley war to test the combat effect of the revolver in action.
I just didn't expect to be assassinated by the Grey Robe Wizards before going to the parade ceremony, although my Magic Shield necklace helped me resist three magical attacks by these assassins, and the revolvers helped me finish the counterkill. But this is just one lucky exception, the revolver didn't have any dumb fire and the bullet blew itself up...
I did not conceal from you the design of the revolver, and in fact, for so long, you should be aware that the biggest problem with the revolver is the firing of the bullet. The method of firing with a rock is a high rate of dumbness, while the use of nitroglycerin as a powder is less stable and can easily cause the bullet to fire. So I had to ask Lady Sonia to passivate the nitroglycerin and add beeswax, but then there was the probability of a mute fire. ”
Claude was very clear that the members of the old noble family of the mission frequently showed themselves and came to visit themselves, nothing more than to put their ideas on revolvers. The revolver is also a firearm that differs entirely from the current concept of a rope gun. Instead of pursuing range and power, the revolver uses brass as a bullet casing and hammer fire in a way that does not require firing with the rope, and takes a new approach to firearms that differs from a rope gun.
Even though Claude is already a general of the kingdom, he understands that he is powerless compared to the old aristocratic families of the kingdom. These old-fashioned aristocratic families have monopolized the kingdom's military production, and even the Sterling royal family would have to work with the kingdom's emerging commercial aristocrats in the three counties south of the newly occupied territories to set up a separate military gun factory. However, it is said that the MIC is problematic and has so far been unable to produce on a large scale.
Claude invented a revolver, which is a very mature and beautiful model, as long as it's visible to all. There was no patent protection in this era, and Claude believed that the revolver handgun that was handed over as evidence to the battlefield headquarters had not been copied countless times, not to mention drawings, by those members of the mission.
It's just that revolvers aren't about guns, they're about bullets. The key to the bullet was powder fire, and Claude decided when he handed over the revolver as evidence, and the first thing to keep a secret was powder invented by Mrs. Sonia, which was the biggest secret that could replace the Raymond. The second thing to keep a secret is the identity of her sister Anna as a magician, and all relevant alchemy magic experiments can be pushed to Master Byrd and Mrs. Sonia, whose fathers and daughters are not only firearms masters, but also registered scribes in the kingdom.
The revolver is easy to imitate, but the bullet must be filled by a magician in a single piece of the Alchemist Character Array. Claude asked her sister Anna to urgently make some nitroglycerine, add beeswax, and give it to Lady Sonia for a test filler in the lab next to her gun repair workshop, and use these nitroglycerin waxed to powder the bullets. While it also fires bullets with a hammer, it also has a dumb fire rate, and the instability of nitroglycerin can sometimes easily cause bullets to fire...
Claude pointed to a few brass bullets on a small tea table: “Everyone knows the problem with this revolver bullet, and what puzzles me is that it is not currently possible to have this copper-shell bullet mechanized on a large scale for production and filling. Mrs Sonia can rely on her own experience to passivate that nitroglycerin with beeswax in the alchemy charm array, making it difficult to fire easily, so that my revolver does not become a setup.
But I can't let Lady Sonia make qualified bullets for me all day long in the Alchemy Charm Array, and whoever makes them all day and night will soon get bored. So Lady Sonia asked me for the price of a bullet and a silver tower, and I couldn't help but say yes. This makes the revolver I invented a gift or a defensive weapon for a few wealthy people, unable to promote it on a massive scale, which is my biggest regret...
So you want a license to manufacture a revolver, and I'd love to. But I would prefer you to use your experience to improve your revolvers and increase the success rate of bullet fire. Though I am the inventor of revolvers, in the military industry, I am only a newcomer, and the only thing a little stronger than others is luck, and my wild thoughts were endorsed by Master Byrd, who helped me invent revolvers. ”
Everyone here applauded, and a pale member of the mission smiled at Claude and said, "Your Excellency, you are too modest, and your thoughts add a glorious page to the history of firearms throughout the Farea continent. The invention of revolvers has taken a new path completely different from the short length of the fire rope, which, in my personal opinion, is a defensive weapon that meets the needs of a dignified man.
As representatives of the five major military industries in the Kingdom, we are very grateful to you for your generosity and recognition of our strength in allowing us to produce and sell this type of defensive weapon that you have invented. Here, we assure you that you will not fail to live up to your expectations and that funds and technicians will be pooled to research and experiment with the firing of bullets in an effort to change the weaknesses of bullet dust and instability and spread the beauty of this defensive weapon that you have invented throughout the continent... "
Claude was very pleased to pay tribute to the member of the mission, who was very excited to discuss with guests the development of his invented revolver, such as Claude's desire to put a revolver behind a long-armed rifle and use a copper-shell bullet. Master Byrd has tested that, although this is feasible, the range is short enough to reach less than 200 meters. But Claude thinks that such a revolver can be used as a hunting rifle and will do well against the beasts that come in front of it...
The guests were very friendly and friendly until dusk when they got up and left. Claude could only express his apologies because he was not able to invite guests to the estate because his injuries were not good. Fortunately, the guests don't care about this banquet either. Now that it's done and the purpose has been achieved, there's no need to wait any longer.
He left the estate with a wagon in sight, and Claude sat in a wheelchair and slowly waved a smile to the guests, relieving them. Finally, these vultures were fooled away, and while they were licensed to produce revolvers, they kept the core secret of gunpowder.
“Brother, why did you give them the license to manufacture revolvers?” My brother Browick doesn't know when he'll be behind Claude.
Claude didn't turn around, he just sighed: "Don't they give it to them? Wouldn't they copy it? Little Booker, you've grown up, and you have to understand that the world, the higher they are, has more power than we do. If I were not a lieutenant general in the kingdom, they would never have spoken so well, sending five 10,000 gold kroner bills asking for this production permit.
A man of ordinary standing invented a revolver, believing that waiting for him would never be good luck, either for him or for his family, and that there might never be much freedom again. As a lieutenant general in the kingdom, Legion Leader of the Legion of Thunder, this identity protects me and you, as well as my mother, Anna, Keffany and the children. They don't look so bad eating each other, just spend a little money buying a face that everyone can live with.
Even if I don't give them this license, and the five major military industries in the kingdom are producing counterfeit revolvers, what can I do with them? If they really offend them, they can even take everything from us. Like this assassination, let me understand that our future is in the hands of the powerful bosses of the distant kings, whose tastes and identities are the key to our status and power... "
Blovik “hummed” his nose.
Claude laughed, “What, you don't think I need to be so polite with the members of the Legion of Thunder, do you? Oh, little Booker, people have to bow their heads under the roof. You must understand that the Legion of Thunder is not an Ace Legion of the Kingdom, nor is it a Standing Legion, nor is it a private army of our Fields family, but is structured as a local second-line Legion under overseas administration.
By a single order of the Royal Army Ministry, I can be dismissed as a commander. Although I am very prestigious in front of the officers and soldiers of the Legion of Thunder, the Legion of Thunder will not follow me in rebellion. Now that Port Vibbato is occupied by us and this colonial war between the Kingdom of Hicks and our kingdom is finally over, it is time for a commander like us to maintain his status and authority, depending on what the superiors think.
The members of these missions were handed over in the face of the clan forces behind them. The authorization for the production of revolvers was promised so that the forces behind them would not contest my post as Commander of the Corps after the end of the colonial war, possibly even because of my pride and generosity and their willingness to cooperate, and to say a few good words to me.
You must understand that at present your second brother has a lot of generals in the kingdom but only a few dozen of them have become commanders, apart from the title of Lieutenant General, which is the post of Commander. This is also what our family of Fields depends on. As for the title of the Viscount of Honor, it was only a pride of identity, and a title that could not be inherited could not increase the strength of the family.
The end of the colonial war meant that there was no certainty that the battlefield structure would continue to be preserved, and the future and future of the Legion of Thunder and the Rock Division, as well as the generals of several of our battlefields, were in the hands of Wang Du. When the powerful men above give us a decision, it is right to be subdued. To be truly free is not to be set aside until we have the same strength... "
The carriages are gone.
Claude gently said, "Push me back. ”
Big Gemmy was trying to turn the wheelchair around, but Blovik stopped him: "Let me do it. ”
Blovik pushed the wheelchair back and the big Grimes followed him.
Claude thought about saying to his brother, "Booker, why don't you follow this mission back to White Deer City and look at our big red brick house and our woodland. Last time Anna said she regretted not bringing Brutus the Snow Dog, now that McJackie had set up a ranch for him, she could bring Brutus to be her companion. ”
Ever since Claude's mother, sister and Caffrey's mother and son arrived on the Nubian mainland, the big red brick house in White Deer City has been taken care of by Uncle Pegg, who guards the gates. As for the woodland outside the town, because it was bare, it had been nurtured for several years and entrusted to Bok Al's father, Mr. Rubiewell, to take care of it.
Likewise, Bruto, the snowdog in the family, was handed over to Uncle Pegg for feeding, mainly because his mother, while traveling to the Nubian mainland, did not expect him to stay in the family for so long, and did not bring Bruto the snowdog for fear of inconvenience by boat. As a result, he stayed in the continent for more than two years without thinking about going back. The only concern was that Bruto, the snowdog, was still in White Deer City.
Browitt, my brother, is returning to the mainland of the kingdom and has also been on family visit leave for six months. He has now become a Lieutenant in the Kingdom and has returned to Bai Lu City mainly to register and pay taxes for the Fields, which must be done by him personally as the head of the Fields family. In addition, Sister Anna had previously loaned 6,000 gold kroner in forest construction funds from the National Bank of Bai Lu City in order to open the Fields Family Forest Farm. Now that the loan period is almost over, Blovik is not bad enough to repay the loan.
“When you go back this time, those family matters can be handled by the Yarik housekeeper, stay in White Deer City for a few days, visit the fathers and friends who have a relationship with our family. After everything is disposed of, you will be accompanied by Alec Butler to find the orphans of your comrades who have lost their lives. Believe me, the housekeeper of a Viscount is more valued by the locals than you, the lieutenant of the active kingdom, and it's easier to turn things around in case anything difficult happens...” Claude keeps talking.
Brodek said a little impatiently: "Brother, I'm grown up, I'm not a clueless child. I heard you say this once two days ago, and now I'm saying it again, and the envoy won't be back for at least half a month. Are you going to say it in front of me every two days..."