Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 405: The Great Prince's Secret Order
Chapter 411: The Great Prince's Secret Order
What did you say? Tree desires stillness and wind is more than...
Claude's desire to stay at the Viberon Estate with his mother and his wife and children for a safe and secure New Year's Eve was still ruined. On the third day before the end of the year, a hawk message from Wickham Castle sent General Bolonik rushing to Claude to discuss it.
“What did you say?” Claude was almost in shock: "Prince Hansburg sent us a secret order? The envoy has now been sent to Wickham Castle, and General Skerry sent this eagle message to get us there urgently, saying that the Grand Prince's envoy asked all the generals in our war zone to arrive before they could read the order? ”
“Yes, General Alberunk and General Skerry are already at Wickham Castle, and that envoy has given us our names and asked us both to be present before he could give us the Grand Prince's secret order. General Beechlin is on his way to Wickham Castle right now. Do you think we should leave now?” General Bolognick was also helpless and his family had just moved to Langhu town in the second half of this year, and he wanted to spend a reunion evening with his family.
But there is no way, neither Prince Hansburg nor Prince Weedleck II, who has now made his way to Sterling XI, can be easily convicted by General Claude and Bolognick. Now that the Grand Prince has sent envoys, General Claude and General Bolognick have had to make the journey to Wickham Castle, even on the way for a new night.
General Claude and General Bolognick, on their way, agreed that neither of them could think of what the Grand Prince Hansburg's envoy wanted to do. Far from the Nubian continent, the Kingdom's fearless fleet and storm fleet were under the control of the King's capital, and the theatre of battle had no influence on the civil war of the Second Kings on the Kingdom itself. Does the Grand Prince want General Claude and General Bolognick to lead the Thunder Regiment and the Rock Regiment in a rebellion overseas?
That was a pedophile, and Prince Hansburg led a fierce offensive and defensive battle with the Kingdom's alliance of vultures in the Odine Mountains last September. After both defeats, the soldiers stayed put in Amis City and did not launch another major battle by the end of the year. Now send a special envoy, do you really want the Thunder Corps and the Rock Corps to start a rebellion to attract the attention of the king?
What's the use of this? The king can isolate the overseas jurisdiction of the Nubian mainland by stopping the convoys on both continents, and then fight the insurgency of the overseas jurisdiction when the two kings of the mainland of the kingdom are divided into victories, and then fear that the insurgents of General Claude and General Bolognick will be caught without a good handful?
On January 7, 592, Holy Light, two servants of General Claude and General Bolognick arrived with their guards at the Castle of Wickham, unable to wash their clothes, and received the envoy sent by the great prince. The envoy was a 40-year-old middle-aged soldier, calling himself Lieutenant Colonel Henry, with a face on his plate, who looked at Claude, and General Bolognick's soldier proved it, before opening a small suitcase that he was carrying and handing it over.
Claude took over the papers and handed them to General Bolognick, who was supposed to be the chief commander acting in the theatre. General Bolognick, too, opened the beeswax seal on the official envelope and extracted a secret order from Prince Hansburg.
Soon, however, General Bolognick's face turned blue and his body began to tremble, and his hands, with a secret order, suddenly gave rise to blues. Claude stood still and whispered, "What's going on? General Bolognick stuffed Claude with a secret order and said with a blue face," Look for yourself! ”
As soon as Claude took the order, he immediately understood why General Bolognick had become like that, purely angry. The secret order is simple: let General Claude and General Bolognick complete the Legion of Thunder and the Rock Legion, head to Port Vibato and wait for the arrival of the Kingdom of the Hicks' naval fleet and joint fleet.
Grand Prince Hansburg ordered General Claude and General Bolonik to return Port Vibbato to the Kingdom of the Hicks at that time, while ceding both Cromwell and Beringana to the Kingdom of the Hicks in exchange for the Kingdom of the Hicks transporting the Legion of Thunder and the Rock back to the kingdom itself with a naval fleet and a combined fleet to fight for the return of Grand Prince Hansburg to the throne...
Claude, similarly colorful, gave the order to General Scully, and now he understands why this envoy had to come in person with General Claude and General Bolognick to pull out the order of the Great Prince. If I'd known what the secret order said, killing Claude wouldn't have made it to Wickham Castle, and he had an excuse not to take it.
But now that we have received this order in person, there are only two options left, one is to take the order, obey the Grand Prince, and take the Legion of Thunder to its service. At the same time, he bears the reputation of a traitor for returning Port Vibbato to the Kingdom of Hicks and hosting the transfer of Cromwell and Bering Ghana...
The second option is to break with the great Prince of Hansburg and not follow his secret orders, but it is equally risky. Not to mention how the Grand Prince would punish Claude and General Bolognick for disobeying his orders if the contest succeeded, a betrayal of the reputation of the Lord of Grace alone would not be pleasant. You know, it was Grand Prince Hansburg who promoted Claude into the army, promoted him to a basic officer, awarded the Knight's Medal, and ended up in the eyes of Marshal Michelle, becoming his disciple, under Marshal Michelle.
With the passage of the secret order, the faces of the five generals also turned colorful, and no one expected such a secret order from the Great Prince of Hansburg. Compared to Claude, General Scully, a close deputy to the Grand Prince of Hansburg, shakes his wrath with secrets, putting the two direct administrations of Cromwell and Bering Ghana to the forefront of their development.
How can he be comfortable with the fact that the Great Prince is now flying with a secret order that the war zone be cut off from these two direct administrations to the Kingdom of Hicks! General Skerry again scrutinized the signature and seal on the secret order, but he was disappointed in the end, which was indeed signed by Grand Prince Hansburg himself, without any trace of forgery!
General Skerry's face shifted from iron blue to gray, and he sat in a powerless paralyzed chair, mumbling in his mouth: "I do not believe that His Highness will issue such a secret order..."
The envoy, who claimed to be Lieutenant Colonel Henry, looked indifferently at the five generals in front of him and said with his face on his face: "Gentlemen, since you have seen His Majesty's secret order, please act immediately and bring the Legion of Thunder and the Rock to Port Vibato. I will send a message back to the King of the Hicks fleet and the United Fleet to Port Vibato to transport you to the Grand Prince, and you have only two months to prepare.
In addition, I will remain here as Special Envoy of the Grand Prince in charge of implementing the agreement with His Highness with the Kingdom of Hicks to ensure the smooth completion of the two direct administrations of Port Vibator Colony County and Cromwell, Bering Ghana. Gentlemen, Your Highness, let me convey to you that loss now does not mean loss forever. When His Royal Highness takes the throne, the kingdom will be innovated and everything lost will be reclaimed... "
Claude snorted, so that no one would say that Grand Prince Hamsburg had made clear that the interests of the Overseas Territories would be exchanged for the enhancement of the kingdom's native forces. The Overseas Territories lost the Legion of Thunder and the Rock Legion, and the Kingdom of Hicks could take down all the remaining Overseas Territories of the Kingdom of Auvellas with just two or three Standing Legions. By then, even if Prince Hansburg had taken the throne, it would never have been possible to admit his own fault and abandon all overseas jurisdictions of the kingdom. This black pot will surely be abandoned on Claude and them...
“No, I do not acknowledge that this is an order from His Majesty himself, who must have been bewitched by the little man beside him, otherwise he would not have ceded the kingdom's territory to our enemies!” General Skerry suddenly jumped out of his chair and tried to tear the secret order out of his hand.
Claude was quick, and he held General Scully down one by one: "Give me the secret order and I'll take care of it. ”
General Skerry was very submissive in handing over the order in his hand, again paralyzing himself on the chair and covering his face with his hands. As you can see, his heart is in great pain.
“I'm sorry, Mr. Henry.” Claude deliberately ignored the uniform and the lieutenant colonel's shoulder stamp worn by the envoy in front of him: "It made you laugh, but we in the Legion of Thunder will not follow this secret order from the Grand Prince. As a member of the Royal Army, he defended his country. Even if the great prince were to rise to the throne and become our king, he would surely understand us as soldiers far from the Nubian mainland. The kingdom's overseas territorial jurisdiction is also the kingdom's territory, and it will never be possible to cede it to our enemies, especially our men..."
“I endorse the order of our Commander.” General Albert went one step further: “The Kingdom's direct authority is the Kingdom's sacred and inviolable territory. The mission of our Legion of Thunder is to protect the kingdom's overseas territories, not to cede them to our enemies! ”
“Do you know the consequences of disobeying the orders of the High Prince?” The Special Envoy is in a bit of a state of desperation, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen. Didn't he say that several of the generals in charge in the Overseas Territories were loyal to the Grand Prince? He had no difficulty with the mission except that it was a long way away, but Claude refused to do so.
“Of course,” Claude replied with a grin, "if we obey the Grand Prince's orders, the kingdom's overseas administration will be lost from us. This responsibility cannot be borne by the great prince, even if the great prince can rise to the throne, we, and our family, will become traitors to the kingdom that everyone spits on, and even our children will be ashamed of what we have done! You go back and tell the Grand Prince that the two rulers of Cromwell and Bering Ghana have just emigrated two million inhabitants of the kingdom, and we will never abandon them to the Kingdom of the Hicks and make them deceased slaves! ”
“You, you can move them back...” the envoy muttered, waiting for General Claude and Bolognick at Wickham Castle, who was well received by General Scully and went out to see the development of the Cromwell administration. Knowing Claude is right, the Overseas Territories war zone is busy resettling a large number of kingdom residents who have moved from the kingdom's mainland...
Migrate back? Paralyzed you said lightly, without waiting for Claude to rebut, General Bolognick had shaken his hand and cut off the iron and replied: "Go back and tell the Grand Prince that the Rock Corps will not accept the same order, which violates the military's mission. The Rock Corps was formed by Marshal Michel to preserve the kingdom's overseas direct authority, and our duties and mission are here, not to return to the kingdom's homeland to engage in a war between the two princes. If the Grand Prince can take the throne in the future, let him blame me. I accept any punishment from him! ”
Now the envoy, Iron Face, went outside, and General Bolognick said to General Bitchicklin, "Bick, you sent a team to escort him back to Port Vibato, while keeping the troops stationed in Port Vibato on guard. The Kingdom of Hicks came up with a good idea to retrieve their port of Vibator through the gray power of the Grand Prince, and to cede Cromwell and Bering Ghana to them. Now we refuse to obey the Grand Prince's secret order that the Kingdom of Hicks intends to go bankrupt, and I suspect that they are likely to get angry and assemble a fleet to attack us..."
“I understand.” General Bitchclin nodded and prepared to leave the conference room.
Claude called him again: "Wait, Bick, you ask the envoy if he knows where Marshal Mitchell is? ”
General Skerry raised his head: "Don't ask, he doesn't know. In the days that you didn't come, I took the time to show him the status of the development of the direct authority, and I knocked around and asked a lot about the Grand Prince. His tongue was so tight that it only revealed that the Grand Prince was ready for a major operation after the New Year and needed to be reinforced that he was sent to recruit our two regiments.
But to Marshal Michel, he doesn't have to hide it. He said that Marshal Michelqi was not under the Grand Prince's command, and that he had heard a close deputy of the Grand Prince get drunk and talk about Marshal Michelqi and scold the Marshal for not knowing how to lift him. It is said that the Grand Prince will meet with Marshal Michel once after he leaves the capital, but the two disappoint because the Marshal refuses to help the Grand Prince fight for the throne... "
Claude, General Bolognick, General Albert and General Bitchcline were all relieved by the fact that, since Marshal Michelle did not serve under the Grand Prince, everyone felt less pressured to reject the Grand Prince's secret orders. Though the Grand Prince was very grateful to the generals present, Claude, they were able to have their place now, primarily on their own initiative and with the admiration of Marshal Michel.
Whether Claude or General Scully, it is indeed the great prince's wisdom to be a lieutenant officer. But becoming a school-level officer relies largely on combat merit and their personal efforts to the present day, of which the role of the Grand Prince is modest. Instead, Marshal Michel helped everyone to appreciate their talents and efforts, vouch for their reputation, recommend them to cross the line between school officers and generals, and promote them to Major Generals in the Kingdom.
“What do we do next?” General Bolognick asked with a bitter smile.
Claude thought about it and said, "Tell all this to Wang Du, I've heard the old man say a saying that crying children have sugar to eat. If we hide everything, then there will be wind coming out, and maybe the kings over there will think that we and the big prince have collusion in private. Now that we have rejected the Great Prince, don't offend the King.
Tell them all about it so the Wangdu bosses know that we are loyal to the kingdom. At the same time, tell Wang Du the lack of funds we face here, maybe the Wang Du bosses will give us some construction and development funds in order to appease us, so as not to unjustly reject the Grand Prince's secret order and preserve the kingdom's overseas territorial jurisdiction. ”
“Yes, we should spread the word about our rejection of the Grand Prince, lest others consider us ungrateful. It is not that we have betrayed the Grand Prince's gratitude for our promotion, but that we have refused to be traitors...” General Albert's secret orders to the Grand Prince remain somewhat vexed.
General Bolognick shook his head and said to Claude, "Keeping this order safe is proof of our innocence in the future. Anything else, I hope Wang Du will understand our pain and give us some assistance..."