Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 408 Reasons
Chapter 414 Reasons
“General, you don't know, now the whole county of the kingdom is in disarray...” Mr. Viberon handed Claude the information he had just received about Wangdu and the kingdom itself.
This is probably the last piece of information that the Mining and Commerce Association has received from the mainland of the Kingdom, not something wrong with its branch office in Wangdu, but the disconnection of shipping between the two continents. There was a mutiny in the White Deer City storm fleet, abandoning Prince Widreck and swearing allegiance to the great Prince of Hansburg. The Grand Prince then ordered the redeployment of the Storm Fleet to the eastern waters of the Kingdom in lieu of the exterminated Dauntless Fleet for security in the eastern waters.
Perhaps it was Prince Hansburg himself who led the army from the sea directly into the hinterland of the kingdom, striking the king's capital, which is why he attached so much importance to the security of the eastern seas. Only after the storm fleet went east, White Deer City could no longer organize a frigate against ocean merchant ships between the two continents. While a small portion of the Storm fleet was reluctant to rely on Grand Prince Hansburg's naval officers and soldiers, they flew more than a dozen warships to Port Cobichous under Tyrsim, which in a sense was already in hostile position with White Deer City.
In the kingdom itself, there are many towns like White Deer City that proclaim allegiance to Grand Prince Hansburg, of which the supporters of the Grand Prince play a great role. Sometimes two towns in a local county declare allegiance to two princes, or even the two princes above, who are not yet aware of their allegiance, and the local guards in both towns have been armed, fighting like two chickens pecking at each other, declaring each other a rebellion against the kingdom.
After taking over the capital in May, Grand Prince Hansburg forcefully conscripted to form a new legion. The same standing regiment that was sent with the Blue Feather Regiment set up a line of defense along Lake Blanopest in the Ibnister Plains, blocking the return of the Prohibition Regiment from attacking Wangdu. This was followed by the massive arrests of members of the executive and various forces opposing him in Wang Du, who were brutally cleansed. Nearly 20,000 people were said to have been arrested and more than 3,000 shot and beheaded by kings opposed to the Grand Prince.
Intelligence suggests that Grand Prince Hansburg even ordered the slaughter of several royal elders with blood ties to the Sterling royal family for the simple reason that these elders have always supported Prince Widreck in his succession. Second, the elders of the Grand Prince after occupying the King's capital rely on blood ties with the Sterling royal family, rely on the elderly to sell them, and refuse to pay for their sins after falling into the hands of the Grand Prince. As a result, they fell into a separation of their heads and copied the fate of the family.
The reason Prince Hansburg was so badly cleansed in the King was because he needed so much wealth to carry out this civil war in the kingdom. Although he occupies the capital, neither the Kingdom's treasury nor the royal treasury have any surplus wealth. While food, ammunition and armaments are not lacking, the Grand Prince needs money to reward the troops under his command, as well as to raise military money to form more regiments. So I struck the idea on Wang Du's opponents and all the forces, and ordered the Blue Feather Corps to block the Wang to arrest people according to the list.
Along with the royal cleansing, Prince Hansburg also issued circulars to the counties throughout the kingdom demanding that military and political officials from all over the country disturb him and take him as the heir to the Orthodox throne, while also announcing that he would be king on 10 July. Since the announcement was issued, the counties of the kingdom have become chaotic, and those who support Grand Prince Hansburg and Grand Prince Widreck have each assembled their own local armed forces, striking the kingdom with smoke everywhere.
With most of the Navy's storm fleet stationed in White Deer City being supporters of Grand Prince Hansburg, and White Deer City chief Viscount Felidos also from the Blue Feathers Corps, White Deer City's flag is taken for granted. Immediately after receiving the announcement, White Deer City responded by declaring its allegiance to Prince Hansburg, while naval officers and soldiers reluctant to abandon Prince Widreck flew the battleship to the Nubian mainland. Because they are nowhere to be found in the kingdom itself, the coastal seaport cities are under the control of the forces of the Grand Prince of Hansburg.
And Prince Widreck, who ran to the Red Dragon Corps, was not idle for two months and, with the assistance of his father-in-law, Marshal Siegfried, convened a number of powerful kingdoms and noble officials who had fled the capital and reorganized the Royal Court in Berta Arnia County, bringing the Guardian Corps and the Lizard Corps under the command of the new Royal Court. Then a proclamation was issued in the name of Sterling XI, and soon he would return to the capital to fight against rebel forces such as the rebellious Grand Prince Hansburg and the Blue Feather Regiment.
This is the status quo on the mainland of the kingdom, which has become a mess everywhere. And as Prince Hansburg prepared for the boarding ceremony, he stepped up his preparations, and Prince Widreck cleared his mind and commanded the Guardian Corps and the Red Dragon Corps to begin marching towards both kings. It is clear to all in the kingdom that this forthcoming battle on the Ibnister Plains will determine which prince will become the new king of the kingdom of Orvilas, and only one of them will be victor.
As things stand, Prince Hansburg has dominated the home field in terms of the power of war. Ever since Prince Hansburg fled from the sea to bypass the Odin Mountains to attack King Dudu, Prince Wedelec's Kung Wang fled, the balance of the war has tilted towards the Great Prince. Because on the military front, none of Prince Widreck's men would be comparable to Prince Hansburg's command, not even Marshal Siegfried.
It is well known that the rank of Marshal of Marshal Siegfried was not earned as a result of his combat efforts, but was promoted to the rank of Marshal of the Royal Army by virtue of more than forty years of dedicated loyalty, which was appreciated by the late Wang Sterling X. To be honest, his marshal credentials have survived a long life, which cannot be compared to a commander as experienced in the field as Prince Hansburg.
Prince Hamsburg, who also dominated the capital, even took a slight advantage over resources and sources, while the Guardianship Corps became the dog of the bereaved. The Royal Four Field Ace Regiment, known as the First Guardian Regiment, believes that morale will decline quickly over time if it does not hold up with its enemies in this battle on the Ibnister Plains. And Grand Prince Hansburg was already ready to deploy a line of defense on the Ibnister Plains, so that he would have the idea of prolonging the war and buying himself more time to integrate the kingdom's forces.
Just as the Legion of the Lions rejected the troops led by the Great Prince of Hansburg from the Odin Mountains defensive line, at that time people looked at Prince Widreck and thought that the King would soon calm down the rebellion of the Great Prince of Hansburg. Now, on the contrary, everyone sees Prince Hansburg as the last madness, or a struggling struggle to die, when he commands the Red Dragon Legion and the Guardian Legion to march to the King.
This is what Governors and Superintendents of the three Overseas Territories, Tillsim, Mormary and Arturas, thought, when the Governors and Superintendents of the three Direct Administrations arrived in Port Cobichus with battleships and sent word of the White Deer City Storm Fleet rebellion when the Navy officers and soldiers of the Storm Fleet who refused to go to Grand Prince Hansburg were really in a hurry.
Now the governor of Tilsim is no longer Claude's cheap godfather, Jerry Hawthorne. Viscount Van Cruise, the old man returned to the kingdom two years ago with his money he had scratched in overseas jurisdictions. The two new governors and governors are in bad luck when they come to the Overseas Territories and run into the king, all three of whom divide their tax revenues into war zones for military spending, so that they don't get a chance to make a fortune on taxes.
But now that you're governor and governor, as long as you're smart enough, you'll always find a way to get the money. Soon they followed the transcontinental trade between the two continents, and the specialties and mineral resources of the Nubian continent were sent to the mainland of the kingdom to be monopolized by the aristocratic chambers of commerce there, but they could still be pulled through their geese. In some places, the combined governors and governors of the three direct jurisdictions could force the mainland side of the kingdom to share a cup with them, and the governors and governors of the three direct jurisdictions of this transoceanic trade alone would gain brain fat.
But the Navy officers and soldiers who fled to Port Cobichous brought them bad news. The White Deer City Storm Fleet rebelled, and they swore allegiance to Prince Hansburg and turned away from Sterling XI, Prince Widreck. This means that the two continents are thus disconnected and that there is no longer a transoceanic trade of more than 100 ocean vessels, and perhaps only a few ocean smugglers will travel to and from the two continents in the future.
To which prince, the governors and governors of the three direct governorates do not care at all. In the case of the civil war between the two kings that broke out on the mainland of the kingdom, these governors and governors just wanted to be a melon-eating bystander, shouting a few words, six, six, six, and nobody wanted to get involved in all this shit. Anyway, they are far from the Nubian continent, and when the two princes eventually divide their victories and losses, they will serve the final victors.
In fact, that's what county officials in many parts of the kingdom think, and unfortunately they've been transferred into the vortex. Before the last victor appeared, he had been forced to stand in line. Officials and local forces in various towns and cities had shot out their brains for loyalty to any prince. Many local officials and power representatives who were mindful of the audience were forced to announce in advance which prince they were loyal to because of their own lives...
The governors and governors of the three direct governorates of Tilsim, Mormary, and Atulus were proactive in this great vortex. Because what they care about is their wallets, their private revenues will shrink dramatically without cross-ocean trade, and for this rich income, they believe that, as long as they also declare allegiance to the great Prince of Hansburg, they will be able to stay in a single camp with White Deer City and that pelagic trade between the two continents will continue as usual.
This is called Lee Lin Ji Fan. The Governors and Governors of the three Direct Administrations had no idea of the contradiction between the theatre and the Great Prince. All they knew was that in March, the Royal Army sent orders to rebuke the theatre and force it to disarm, so they struck General Bolognick, who came to negotiate the distribution of taxes. The view was expressed that the war zones could be persuaded to join forces with the Grand Prince of Hansburg so that the attitude of the Overseas Administrations could be maintained, and that they, as advocates, could do more in front of the Grand Prince of Hansburg.
As a result, they touched a nail on General Bolognick, and the chickens talked to the ducks in general, so they could talk. No matter how the Governors and Governors of the three Direct Administrations describe the strategic advantage of Prince Hansburg before General Bolognick and affirm that Prince Hansburg is about to become the new king of the kingdom of Ovilas, General Bolognick still refuses to join them in announcing his allegiance to Prince Hansburg...
In disgrace, the governors and governors of the three direct jurisdictions simply sent private guards to raid the residence of General Bolognick. After intense exchanges of fire, relying on large numbers of people, they wounded General Bolognick, annihilated the general's guards, and then imprisoned General Bolognick in preparation for his future delivery to the Grand Prince of Hansburg as proof of their loyalty and thanks.
In the eyes of the Governors and Governors, since General Bolognick is a dead end, there will always be other generals in the theatre who will want to take over, provided that General Bolognick, the nominally acting commander in chief of the theatre, is imprisoned. General Bolognick could then be used to coerce the remaining generals in the theatre and to join them in turning to the Grand Prince of Hansburg. Simply put, if they don't want to, they let General Bolognick go, then the general who wants to take the upper hand will naturally fail after General Bolognick returns.
These governors and governors, who have been in the field for a long time, think of the generals of the war zone as the same kind of thing they do, and they imprison General Bolonik because they feel they can use it against the war zone. First of all, you can let the battlefield dragons lose their heads and get into civil strife. Secondly, there is always a general who wants to work with them to invest in Prince Hansburg. Thirdly, they can use General Bolognick's life to threaten the theatre, and they dare not send troops to attack the three direct jurisdictions, otherwise the General who claims to do so is the one who killed General Bolognick...
After imprisoning General Bolognick, the Governors and Governors of the three Direct Administrations went on and on against the Navy officers who were reluctant to rely on Grand Prince Hansburg to run to Port Corbichous. They hosted a grand banquet to welcome these Navy officers and soldiers, and after the intoxication of the thousands of Navy officers and soldiers, they set up local guards and armed them in temporarily established cells...
The Governors and Governors of the three Direct Administrations then placed three additional local guard regiments at the borders of Mormary and Amphiston Direct Administrations, blocking the movement between the two sides in order to prevent the theatre from coming directly to the rescue after it became known that General Bolognick had been imprisoned. They argued that the theatre would not dare to move lightly but only negotiate as long as heavy troops were laid and General Bolognick was in hand. By contacting both sides, they can say that the war-differentiated generals have turned to Grand Prince Hansburg and can even provoke a struggle between several generals within the theatre.
In that way, they solved the threat posed by the two major regiments in theatre to the three direct jurisdictions, and most importantly, as long as they were caught up in chaos and strife within theatre, they could mix water and touch the fish, not to mention the taxes that served as war zone military expenses could be completely swallowed up for the hard work of those who waited for them. Without military spending, the two regiments in the theatre would even erupt into mutiny, and no one would come to ignore the three jurisdictions.
Except that the governors and superintendents of the three direct jurisdictions underestimated the intelligence-gathering capacity of mining and business associations, which they thought could be delayed by at least 10 days and a half months, did not expect that the communications offices of mining and business associations in Port Cobichous had documented all the changes that had taken place in the direct jurisdiction of Tyrsim, along with the last batch of intelligence on the Kingdom's mainland sent by the stormfleet of officers and soldiers to the theatre of operations, which Mr. Vibran then sent to theatre headquarters, in front of Claude et al.
Claude picked up the horse whip and gave the order: "The Thunder 1301 Regiment, the 1302 Regiment, the 1303 Regiment departed immediately and arrived at the Mormali territorial border within seven days. Mike, you lead your reinforcement battalion with me. ”
General Scully was anxious: “They still have General Bolonik...”
Claude answered face-to-face: "If anything happens to General Bolognick, I will hang all the relatives of the governor and governor's family on the big tree on the side of the road, be it an old man of seventy or eighty or a child of two or three..."