Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 416 Purification Actions
Chapter 422 Purification Actions
For Claude, time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was five hundred and ninety-two years of Holy Light, and half a year passed like this. Claude remained in the port of Cobichous, under the direct authority of Tyrsim, looking north of a ship full of Nikantha offshore carriers.
“Zacharathon, how many more Nikanchas in the three jurisdictions are reluctant to relocate?” Claude looked at the crowded outskirts of the bustling city of Nikancha in the distance and asked.
Old man Zacharathon, standing next to Claude, is now dressed like a decent gentleman, and no longer feels like that lewd slipper. He pulled a document out of the folder and looked over it before answering: "General, there are still about a million Nikans in the three jurisdictions who are reluctant to move up north. They are all Nikans living on the border of the jurisdictions, occupying a better place to say, rich in property, enough to sustain their good lives...
According to my survey, the main reason they are reluctant to migrate is that their colonies are the largest here, and if they migrate to that Nikancha country, they will become the protagonists of other colonies. So these reluctant colonial leaders and elders are the most resolute opponents, and the average Nikantha wants to move to their own country. ”
Claude nodded, and it had come as no surprise to him that more than two million Nikanths could voluntarily move north. Over the past five months, nearly one million Nikansas have been relocated north by offshore transport vessels, all small colonies living near towns and working for their livelihoods, and they are the most willing to relocate.
As a result of the disruption of trade with the kingdom's native ocean, which depended on the towns for their livelihoods, the envoys of that Nikanca nation, inspired by the fact that they had established their own country, hoped that they would be able to relocate to the past and pledged to allocate territory to each of their colonies, packed their bags and were ready to go north with them.
The second group willing to relocate were the Nikantha colonies in the wild, whose territory was not very good, who did not mind becoming the proxy of the great colonies and who were satisfied as long as their territory was protected from other colonies. They don't live very well under the direct authority, they are often subjected to armed local raids, and there is often conflict between the two Nikancha colonies over the distribution of rivers for prey or fishing...
Lastly, what Old Zacharathon called reluctant Nikantha colonies, characterized by the fact that they were relatively far from the centre of the direct administration and lived mostly in the border zone, which did not refer to the boundary between the two direct administrations but rather to the boundary between the direct administration and the interior. For example, the inland border of the direct administration of Tyrsim is bounded by the Obenmuk Mountains, and these Nikancha colonies live at the foot of the mountain.
It took three or four days for the armed forces in the three former direct jurisdictions to attack the Nikancha colonies living on the border, and as a result the Nikancha colonies, which had heard the wind, had fled into the mountains. Time-consuming and laborious places to guard armaments could only travel once, and over time, these Nikancha colonies began to grow.
The number of Nikancha settlers close to the heart of the Territory is essentially no more than 5,000, and the local environment and harassment by local guards limit their development. But the largest of these Nikanchas living on the border are all more than 10,000 people, together with four or five proxy colonies, bringing the total number to 34,000, and some 5,000 young and powerful forces have been pulled out. So their chiefs and elders were very pleased with their current lives and were reluctant to move to the northern Nikanca country to subordinate other large colonies and lose their power.
Old man Zacharathon was very capable, and Claude instructed him to take care of the envoys of the Nikancha nation, who were very satisfied when he ran and waited. Incidentally, he followed the envoys throughout the three jurisdictions in all Nikancha colonies over a period of six months, clandestinely mapping out the locations, numbers, properties and so on of the various colonies.
At a time when the envoys were unable to persuade the Nikanchas to settle their chiefs and elders to move north, he also suggested that the envoys could forcibly relocate the Nikanchas who had settled there by force, with only a small payment. Perhaps most of the members of the mission who had been rejected and shamed would have agreed to the old man's suggestion if it hadn't been for the determined deterrence of several sober envoys...
Even if no agreement had been reached, however, Claude would have resorted to forcible evictions, and he was reluctant to allow those three jurisdictions to remain unincorporated. For the theatre, these are destabilizing factors that must be completely eliminated. It is also important to ensure the smooth implementation of the Nikancha regulations in the war zones in the three jurisdictions, so that these three jurisdictions can truly become the territory of the Kingdom's immigrants.
Only that Claude is currently understaffed, with only one light field regiment deployed by one direct authority, most of which, with the exception of the forces stationed in the towns, is invested on the way to escort and monitor the Nikanchas to Port Cobichous, under the direct authority of Tyrsim. Despite the three or four months of uninterrupted movement of the Nikans north, the Nikanca communities willing to move within the three jurisdictions continued to gather in the port of Cobichous, putting a great deal of stress on Claude and General Skerry.
Claude was thinking only of policing, maintaining order, and ensuring that the more than a million Nikancas gathered in the outskirts of Port Cobichous would not make a scene, would not riot and would await the return of the shipping ship. And General Skerry is responsible for providing food, clothing and lodging for over a million Nikans, a prior agreement with the special envoys of that Nikan nation, after all, who paid millions of mineral resources and gold and silver reserves to the war zone for the three million Nikans who moved north...
In February 592 Holy Lights, General Bitchicklin finally arrived at Port Cobichous with six local guard regiments and a major field regiment of rock regiments. It took so long, mainly for General Bolognick and General Bitchicklin to return to the town of Lake Lan to transfer the Rock regiment veterans to the local guard units and compile twelve local guard regiments. Then more than 50,000 recruits were recruited from both Cromwell and Bering Ghana, completed Rock Corps recruit training, and now have some fighting power before rushing to Tyrsim.
Six local guard regiments, all veterans of the Rock Regiment, can be staffed with two regiments under one direct authority. One of the local guard corps is deployed in the capital of the Territory, while the remaining local guard corps is split up to hold a battalion of troops in one of the towns of the Territory, which, together with the immediate units of the Mission, can be divided into five important towns of the Territory, essentially maintaining security and order in one of the Territories.
For its part, the direct administration of Tyrsim requires the presence of two regiments, one of which is responsible for the maintenance of the inner city and the outer city. The main field regiment of the newly trained Rock Corps needs to be stationed in the dock area to deal with threats from the sea.
However, with so many troops at hand, Claude was not in a hurry to send those local guard groups to their respective jurisdictions, but was prepared to carry out a forced relocation of those Nikanchas living in the interior border zone, which Claude called "Operation Purification”.
There is nothing to be commended about the whole operation, but the three Light Mounted Field Regiment soldiers of the Legion of Thunder stormed in, setting up a vigilant defensive front between the Obenmuk Mountains while the Nikanchas were not ready to settle, blocking the exit route of the Nikanchas to the mountains. This was followed by the main field regiment, led by General Claude and General Bitchklin, who led the three local guard regiments and the Rock Regiment, attacking from the front, sweeping all the Nikantha colonies in the three jurisdictions from the north to the east.
“Operation Purge” inevitably had a bloody violence, more than a dozen Nikantha colonies rose up to resist, but in front of the guns, their youth and force became turkeys on the target range. Although they caused the chicken dog to jump, they could only cause minor casualties to the attackers, and these brave Nikantha men waved spear knives and were shot in rows to defend their homes...
There were also Nikanchas who had gathered to evacuate to the Obenmuk Mountains, but none of them fell under the siege of an ambush by the Legion of Thunder. Perhaps a few of them were young enough to escape from the siege and escape into the mountains, but their families could not escape, so that most of the Nikancha settlers were sent back honestly after discovering that the road was impassable, and the few who wanted to resist were soon subjected to a bloody repression by the Legion of Thunder.
All the leaders and elders of the rebellious Nikancha colonies were hanged under the great trees, and their colonies were set ablaze by Claude's orders after they had cleaned up their supplies. Nearly all of Nikanca took their children on a journey to Port Cobichous with a large bag and a small bag, carrying their meagre and scarce family secrets...
“I think it's a little too much for you to treat these Nikancas this way, after all, is where their ancestors lived their whole lives.” Bitchklin looked at the forcibly relocated Nikans and was somewhat intolerant: “It's no big deal to keep them here if they don't want to relocate. I don't think it matters as long as they can abide by our laws and implement policies, as long as the Nikans survive under such a large, well-accommodated jurisdiction. ”
Claude sighed and shook his head: “I don't see it that way, and I don't want to give such orders, but in order to avoid any trouble for future generations, I can only do this, even if it's bloody. Do you know why I call this forced eviction a purification operation? Because I want to leave our kingdom's immigrants with a clean jurisdiction.
Times are advancing, societies are developing more and more civilized, and we are still in a world of great strife, where guns and artillery represent our truth. It is our colony, not the mainland of our kingdom, and it is true that the land here was taken by guns and artillery from the indigenous Nikantha and Etat peoples of the Nubian continent.
If, in a hundred years' time, the people of Nikanca under the direct administration have reached a level of civilization similar to that of the immigrants of our kingdom, we have laid down the guns and artillery in our hands and begun to try to resolve the dispute between us and the Nikancas by law. So now that we leave these Nikanths in the direct domain, we are causing the greatest troubles to our immigrant descendants 100 years later.
Because these Nikantha descendants will use this as a pretext for the inheritance of their ancestors to demand that the descendants of the immigrants of the Kingdom either return the land to them or give them more assistance and subsidies so that they can enjoy the same life as charterers in peace. Now leave this million-dollar Nikancha, maybe millions in a hundred years. I don't want the descendants of royal immigrants to feed these millions of charterers, or expel them clean... "
General Beechlin looked a little stunned, and he seemed eager to reach out and touch Claude's forehead to see if Claude had a fever and how to talk nonsense.
“I don't believe this bullshit. It's impossible to do that in a hundred years. It's always our war zone, the kingdom's jurisdiction. I don't believe these stupid lazy Nikancas are going to grow up to be just like the immigrants in our kingdom. If they want their land back, they have to ask our immigrant grandchildren if they agree to the guns. ”
General Bitchicklin rebutted: "Of course, it is always a good thing to forcibly relocate these Nikancha communities out of the country anyway, at least the residents of those towns will be safer in the wild. Perhaps we can migrate some more migrants from the mainland of the kingdom, and the three jurisdictions still have a great deal of land to accommodate more immigrants from the kingdom. ”
Claude only cracked his mouth and stopped talking, and he knew that with General Bitchcline's insight, it was simply unimaginable how far human civilization would go in a hundred years, or hundreds of years. The world is like the recent history of previous generations, but only because certain knowledge is monopolized at a high level and this civilization is held hostage to the age of firearms. But anyway, history's wheels are always rolling forward, even slower, in motion.
Just as Western colonizers of the great nautical age of previous generations could never have imagined that their descendants would evolve into Virgin Mary bitches, their targets of burning and pillaging would have been the object of their descendants' willingness to kneel and call themselves atonement for crimes committed by their ancestors, so that those discriminated against in turn discriminated against other races.
Claude was neither a racist nor a humanitarian opponent, but a knowledgeable man who would rather have trouble now than leave more trouble for future generations. Anyway, it would always be more benevolent for him to remove the Nikans than to use force to remove their presence. Without the Nikanchas, a hundred years later, these three direct administrations will truly be the land owned by the descendants of the kingdom's immigrants.
“By the way, are we going to implement the Nikan restraint regulations in these three jurisdictions?” General Bitchicklin remembered something and turned his head on the mount and asked.
The Nikans are bound by regulations that no longer allow the Nikans to congregate in a colonial fashion in the direct administration. In addition, those residents of the Kingdom who employ the Nikans must vouch for the Nikans they employ and bear the head tax on the Nikans they employ, which is ten times higher than the head tax on the residents of the Kingdom.
Furthermore, the labour agreements reached between the residents of the Kingdom and the Nikansas require supervision by the executive branch and the payment of deposits to the competent authorities, which, upon completion of labour services, assign personnel to review them. After the review is passed, the residents of the Kingdom are obliged to pay all remuneration for their services, without any reason being withheld or underpaid.
All in all, it is to give the inhabitants of the kingdom who employ the Nikans the trouble to renounce their intention to employ the Nikans, for the purpose of reducing their presence in the direct jurisdiction. After all, it is strange that the inhabitants of the three Territories, who enjoy the treatment of the Grand Master here and who are clearly civilians, employ the Nikantha to earn money for themselves.
They drive these Nikans to become cattle and horses, such as the farmers, who hire a large number of Nikans to work underground while they are busy, waving their own whips with their relatives as supervisors. When work is done and labour agreements are often torn apart, only half or less of the salary is paid to the Nikans on the grounds that the Nikans are not doing well or have damaged agricultural tools, which is also the main reason for the frequent riots by the Nikans.
Claude nodded, and General Bitchklin laughed: "I assure you that the Nikansas will be able to implement this ordinance smoothly, but the Amphiston administration will have to consult well with the mining and business association, who are firmly opposed to its implementation..."