Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 417: New Rifles
Chapter 424: New Rifles
Eight overseas jurisdictions in theatre, Port Vibato, Cromwell, Bering Ghana, had nothing to worry about the Nikancas, whose settled Nikancas were long gone, except for the Nikanca servants brought in by traders.
And Tirsim, Mormari, and Arturas went through Claude's "Operation Purification," combined with the Nikanca restraint regulations to be implemented, and the Nikanca people living here will only be fewer and fewer in the future, and it can be said that the three jurisdictions have lost the environment to allow the Nikanca to retain their development.
There are many Nikanths in the direct administration of Robisto, but these Nikanths have not been settled and have remained in the direct administration as domestic servants of the inhabitants of the Kingdom for many years. Robisto was also the first to enforce the regulations governing the Nikans, and there was no need to worry about their future status and development.
But as General Beechlin said, the Nikantha colony under Amphiston was the one that gave Claude the most headache. In the past, friendly and cooperative mining and business associations have now become the most resolute opponents of the implementation of the Nikansas regulation in theatre, for the simple reason that it would be detrimental to the interests of those miners, who employ essentially Nikansas as as mining workers.
To some extent, the Nikantha miners in Amphiston are the highest-quality of all the Nikantha in the Overseas Territories. Under the supervision of the Mining and Commerce Association for many years, these Nikancha miners have developed a good habit of discipline, family care and learning. Of the ten Nikanchas, at least one or two will have national knowledge of water products, be able to read newspapers and document notices, and have instructions for those boring mechanical equipment.
All of this is due to the training and privileged treatment accorded to the Nikancas by mining and business associations. In mines, there is no difference between the treatment of immigrants to the Kingdom as miners and young miners of the Nikancha people, except for an additional welfare subsidy, which is the same as that of miners in the Kingdom itself. It is also for this reason that the Nikantha colony under Amphiston is the most law-abiding and law-abiding, and they can live well only by guarding the mine.
So when the news of the independent statehood of the Nikans in the northern coastal mountainous areas of Port Vibato reached Amphiston, most Nikanca communities were not interested in relocation, except for some uninhabited Nikancas who wanted to move north to their own country. The days they now depend on the mines are very rich and there is no need to migrate north to suffer.
As a Nikancha colony elder put it, why did they migrate in the past? The colonies have been mined for their livelihood for so many years, and it is impossible to distribute the land to them for extensive cultivation, as most of them will no longer be planted. Even if there are mineral resources on the ground, what good is that? Who are they digging up and selling them to? Instead of staying safely in the direct jurisdiction eating and drinking, some kingdom immigrants can buy good things they can't afford if they have money.
This is the status quo of the Nikans under Amphiston, and the war zone is subject to the Nikans' restraint regulations, which are disgraceful on both sides. But Claude doesn't want to worry about this mess, so leave it to General Bolognick and General Scully for a headache. He did have the idea of a bottom-up salary draw, although the current conditions were not suitable and might be in place in another two years.
Claude did not lead the three Light Riding Field Regiments and the 131st Battalion of the Thunder Regiment back to Lake Lan Town, Amphiston, until mid-May of 592 Holy Light. General Bitchklin was entrusted with all matters relating to the three Direct Regiments, Tillsim, Mormary and Arturas, who would sit in the town of Port Cobichous and supervise the final relocation of the more than 800,000 Nikancas north.
These three jurisdictions are fully under theatre jurisdiction, and it has been almost a year since Claude's troop contribution last year and now his return. The only thing that made him regrettable was that no ocean ship from the mainland of the Kingdom had arrived throughout the Overseas Territories since the interruption of the distant trade with the mainland of the Kingdom, and he wondered how the two kings' rivalries had proceeded so far, which prince had taken the upper hand or had worn the crown.
Instead, General Bolognick searched for the owners of several pelagic smugglers in the hope that they would go to the mainland of the Kingdom for news. Unfortunately, these pelagic smugglers went nowhere. Nearly a year has passed and they have not been seen returning. What is even stranger is that even distant-water smugglers from other countries have not come to the direct overseas jurisdiction, as if the entire war zone had been forgotten by the kingdom itself, and all news from the Farea continent had been interrupted.
Claude's return to theatre command had a lot to deal with, first by transferring the majority of the veterans of the Legion of Thunder to the local guard corps, forming six local guard corps to be stationed in the respective jurisdictions, and then recruiting new recruits to reconstitute the Legion of Thunder. Fortunately, of the last twelve local guard corps reconfigured in theatre, two have been dispatched to the direct command of Port Vibato, replacing the Legion of Thunder troops stationed there and freeing General Albert.
A brief meeting was held at the theatre headquarters, where Claude learned from General Skerry's mouth that the mining and business associations had been dealt with by him and General Bolognick and decided to support the implementation of the Nikanca regulations in theatre. The reason is simple: the benefits lost have to be addressed with greater benefits. The war zones are prepared to open overseas livelihood banks in all jurisdictions, and mining and business associations must support all policies issued in the war zones if they wish to become equity holders.
Overseas Minsheng Bank as a whole has a share capital of 5 million gold kroons and a war zone of 50 per cent. And General Bolognick, General Claude, General Scully, General Albert and General Bitchcline, each of the five war zone giants, owns two percent of the shares automatically. The remaining 40 per cent were subscribed for by mining and business associations and another 10 per cent by powerful individuals from the respective jurisdictions, such as Sir Bennett, who was promoted to the rank of Patrol Inspector General of the eight jurisdictions throughout the theatre, Mr. Shazorak, and others. Ten percent of the shares are held as incentives for distribution at a later date.
There is no such thing as money in the war zone. Fifty percent of the shares in the overseas Minsheng Bank and ten percent of the shares in the five generals are actually empty gloves, and none of the pennies come out. Twenty per cent of the shares of mining and business associations, however, did not pay, except for the transfer of scrap copies of gold and silver coins to banks. The real money comes from powerful local subscribers who subscribe to 10 percent of the shares.
In the words of Viscount Gudich, the head of the Overseas Minsheng Bank, the opening of the bank does not require that much money, the war zone just needs to give policy and mint rights, and, by the way, there is also a printing right, all the silver coins under the silver tower, copper coins and black iron coins, all converted into banknotes, that is, vouchers rolls, guaranteed by the reputation of the war zone, will soon circulate within the eight jurisdictions.
In addition, the theatre also transfers annual tax settlements from the National Bank to the Overseas Minsheng Bank. Viscount Gudic has resigned from the position of Head of the Overseas Departments Branch of the National Bank of Nubicia mainland and transferred to the first position of Head of the Overseas Minsheng Bank.
The branch of the National Bank is also helpless, losing the support of the Kingdom's mainland headquarters, and the two continents have severed maritime transport links. Another reason is that the overseas Minsheng Bank is issuing banknote vouchers, which the National Bank does not recognize, so tax settlements can only be transferred to the overseas Minsheng Bank. Because the war zone announced that a banknote voucher could be used to pay taxes and that a real large silver coin could be exchanged from an overseas Minsheng bank for as long as it was worth a silver taller.
The establishment and operation of the Overseas Minsheng Bank meant that the war zone would have sufficient funds to invest in the economic development of the Overseas Territories, while also resolving the difficult situation of currency shortages in the Overseas Territories. Claude was not interested, however, and he threw the integration of the Thunder Legion and the recruitment of new recruits to General Albert. Even General Scully pushed him away to discuss the expansion and upgrading of Lake Lang Town to the city, and ran straight back to Viberon Estate.
After spending more than a year under Tyrsim, Claude never came home, and his second son, Barghazi, did not know his father. Claude broke his mouth and cried as soon as he was hugged, causing Claude to embarrass himself. One night at home, the next morning, Claude took the guard to her sister Anna's ranch, and the new rifle came out, and Claude hadn't seen it, and didn't know how it would perform.
Anna Ranch now appears to be a small school, where Claude adopted one hundred and fifty and sixty orphans and hired seven instructors to teach courses in small and medium countries for orphans of both sexes, both in literature and gynaecology.
Only her sister, Anna, was in the lab teaching five new students, children of magical talent and worth nurturing, selected from more than a hundred orphans. Mrs. Sonia's son, Maleks, was among them.
Claude rubbed Mallex's hair: “Where's your mom? ”
Little Mark replied, "Mom's gone away. ”
Sister Anna walked over: "Master Byrd brought her to Port Vibato, where she was set up to run the firearms manufacturing workshop. I heard Master Byrd found a black firestone mine there, and he was going to set up a workshop next to it so that he wouldn't have to think about power to convert the hydraulic machinery into a fire machine and have enough black firestones to burn. He needed Sonia's help, so he left little Mark to take care of me. ”
The world calls coal mines black flint.
Claude looked at the other four children: "Are they all your students? ”
Anna nodded: "Yes, except for little Mark, their four magical talents are similar to little Booker's, so I checked them out and asked them to start practicing meditation two years early. That way, when they grow up, they can reach at least about three rings, and they can be useful. ”
“What happened to little Mark?” Claude asked with interest.
Sister Anna snapped her thumb up: “Almost like me. ”
Claude understood that little Mark's magical gift, like his sister Anna's, was genius. Sister Anna was reluctant to state clearly that she was afraid to put pressure on the other four children. Sister Anna of the three brothers and sisters has the best magical talent, followed by Claude, and brother Browick the worst. Although the four children have magical talents, this is not a very good gift, but it is lucky to be able to choose these four out of a hundred and fifty orphans, and to cultivate them as much as possible.
The last time Claude was assassinated by the Grey Tower Mage, she made her sister Anna feel that the Fields family had to master a dark magical power as the backbone of the family, which was why she was willing to personally guide the development of these magically gifted children. It's just that she didn't realize that little Mark's magical gift was anything like herself, which was already an unexpected surprise.
“By the way, I came by today to see your model guns, the new rifle styling, which I haven't even seen yet.” Claude looked at the lab and found no sign of a new rifle.
“I left it next door. I'll show you. The rifle has been named. Sonia 591, you allow it. To be honest, without Sister Sonia, I would never have made the kind of rifle you asked for. She is a genius in gun design...” Sister Anna is very fortunate to have Lady Sonia presiding over the design of this new rifle, she is a pharmacologist and simply not as talented in mechanical design as Lady Sonia.
The cabin next door leaned against the wall and discharged five new rifles, similar to those previously painted by Claude. Claude picked up a pinch and felt a little heavier than the Biobash 3.
“One metre, four and five long, plus one metre and eight total bayonet length. The entire gun weighs about 8: 7 pounds, which is about a pound heavier than the Obash Type 3 flaming rope that you are now equipped with. However, the guard soldiers who tested the gun believed that the weight was perfectly affordable and that the Obash 3 type fireline gun could be thrown in the garbage pile compared to the advantages of the new rifle. ”
Sister Anna walked proudly to Claude, picking up another rifle to introduce Claude: "This new type of rifle fully meets your design target, extends the shell by two centimeters to reach a range of about 480 meters, and accurately targets a hit rate of up to 91 percent within 200 meters.
And the shooting guard soldier thought it was his own poor performance or continuous shooting that affected the accuracy of the hit, not the gun. Also, as you requested, we opened the wooden tray underneath the barrel and designed a magazine to hold five rounds of ammunition. Each time you pull the bolt after firing, the opening above the gun will pop the shell, the bullet in the magazine will automatically rise and reset, then close the bolt to re-aim the shot... "
“Let me try the gun first.” Fourteen years have passed since Claude loved to measure the rifle in his hand and, pitifully, graduated from another country to make his own trial firing rifle in the woods, he finally has an advanced new rifle and no longer has to deal with a fire rope gun. Since his revolver, the more he looked at the torch, the more he felt compelled, and now he finally had the chance to build the Thunder Corps into the world's most elite armed force.
Claude's breath consumed more than thirty bullets and one on target in the range behind the cabin, and Claude felt very satisfied. The big Gummy and the rest of the guards who came with him were also addicted to guns, and they praised this new Sonia 591 rifle and were eager to have one right away.
“Did you notice any shortcomings with this new type of rifle during the testing and manufacturing process?” Claude asks sister Anna.
“Yes,” replied sister Anna, "Sister Sonia, who calculated the cost when she started designing large-scale machines after the rifle was styled, said the cost of producing 100,000 new rifles would be around 7 to 8 gold kroner each, so the sale price would be over 10 gold kroner. If a million new rifles were produced, it might reduce the cost to around five gold kroners. Meanwhile, the cost of equipping this new type of rifle may be unaffordable in your battlefield. ”
Claude laughed bitterly, not to mention that the price of equipment for the Obash Type 3 firerope gun shipped from the mainland of the Kingdom was only two gold kroner plus three silver tallers, and this new rifle was almost as good as the price of equipment for four firerope guns. However, given the increase in combat power, it seems more cost-effective to equip this new type of rifle.
“And the bad news is, all I was saying was the price of the rifle, and don't forget you need more bullets. Rifle bullets cost about three sonars per bullet if a million rounds are produced, and if multiplied by ten times, each can be reduced to two sonars, which is already the lowest cost and no more production can be reduced.” Sister Anna said.