Black Iron’s Glory
Chapter 540: The Sparrow After
Chapter 546: The Sparrow After
On April 7, 603, Holy Light, just as the Expeditionary Army of the Kingdom of Morosik acquired the Miranda River Daejet, annihilated nearly 80,000 Pamigali rioters and prepared for this Pamigali uprising to calm the colony. Its left-wing regiment was suddenly attacked by unknown armed men. Half a day of intense fighting, the left-wing regiment collapsed, the entire army collapsed, and fewer than a thousand people eventually escaped...
The two regiments sent by the Kingdom of Morosik to the colony were not two standing regiments from the mainland, but a standing regiment plus a provisionally recruited reserve regiment. In order to ensure combat power, the Expeditionary Force Command deliberately split the Standing Regiment, combining a standing division with a reserve division to form the left and right wings of the Expeditionary Force, which launched an offensive on the Mirankda River defensive line, where the Pamigals were stationed, and won.
Although the Expeditionary Army of the Kingdom of Morosik acquired the Mirankdajiang Dajie, its own damage was not insignificant, and nearly half the casualties of the two-wing standing division as a pioneer required a period of rest. However, the command of the Expeditionary Force did not care. After all, the Pamigal riot caused more armed casualties, lost about 80,000 people in World War I, and the remaining 56,000 horses had been killed with the guts to die. All that remained was to recover the defective towns.
After the victory, the Command of the Expeditionary Force of the Kingdom of Morosik considered how to deal with the robbery of the neighbouring colonies of the Kingdom of Riznia and the Duchy of Vassilico. There is information that the two adjacent colonies have already stationed a division of their respective forces on the border, most likely to attack towns adjacent to the border, which were occupied by Pamigali insurgent forces, when the three countries were in a state of chaos...
Just as the Expeditionary Force Command decided to take a few days off to allow the two neighbouring colonies to reclaim the border towns ahead of each other, making the two neighbouring colonies inorganic. Suddenly, information was received that the Left Legion had been subjected to unknown armed raids and that the enemy was similarly divided into two paths, penetrating directly into the left Legion's ribs. The left-wing regiment, which consists of a standing division and a reserve division, is divided into two divisions, with the enemy hitting the weakness of the left-wing regiment.
The group of researchers behind us took the lead in collapsing, unable to resist enemy raids at all. And the strong standing division can still rely on the barracks for resistance, but it has only lasted half a day. The Command of the Expeditionary Force urgently ordered the right-wing regiment to come to the rescue, but the reinforcements were stopped by an ambush by a Pamigal division. According to news coming from the front line, this Pamigal division is no less powerful than its own standing division...
When the Left Legion was wiped out and the deserted soldier brought back the unknown armed men, all white soldiers, the Command of the Expeditionary Army of the Kingdom of Morosik suddenly became chaotic like a headless fly. Who was behind all this? The Kingdom of Riznia or the Principality of Vassilico? Are they going to start a full-scale war with the Kingdom of Morosic again?
For Expeditionary Force Command, however, it is imperative to rescue the right-wing regiment first. Since the ambush of the right-wing regiment to rescue the left-wing regiment, the unknown armed man who destroyed the left-wing regiment has again attacked the right-wing regiment in two directions. After assembling that intercepted Pamigal army, the right-wing regiment of the Morosik Expeditionary Army was besieged by three enemy armies in the cantonment camp, and the army was almost destroyed...
Messengers from the Expeditionary Force Command appeared in the two neighbouring colonies, scolding the Pamigals who, in spite of the morality of the Alliance, had secretly contributed to the insurgency and attacked the Allied forces. Officials from the two neighbouring colonies were also unsure of where that fierce white weapon had emerged. However, they could have heard from the Pamigals and soon learned that the white man was armed with Hicks captured soldiers.
The envoy of the colony of the Kingdom of Morosik immediately went to the Overseas Autonomous Territories, where he lodged a stern protest with the Autonomous Territories Council and the Military Region. However, Marshal Claude of the Autonomous Territory stated in Parliament that overseas autonomous leaders had always been peace-loving and pursued an independent and autonomous defence policy. In the context of the imposition of a ban by the colonies of the countries of the West Coast on overseas autonomous territories, there has also been no response from robust military forces, but a significant reduction in the armed forces of the autonomous territories...
As for the Hicks prisoners, Marshal Claude also said he was helpless, after all these Hicks prisoners had served their term of hard labour and were now free men. Just because the Kingdom of Hicks has not yet signed a truce peace agreement with the Kingdom of Ovilas, nearly half a million Hicks prisoners remain in the Overseas Autonomous Territories unable to return home and are in turmoil, adding a number of security risks and working pressures to the local authorities of the Autonomous Territories.
Consequently, the self-governing authorities were unable to stop the Pamigals from coming to the Overseas Autonomous Territories to recruit these Hicks prisoners to form a volunteer corps. Because there is no statute or regulation that would allow these Hicks prisoners to leave the Overseas Autonomous Territories to help the Pamigals fight, and that is their freedom.
As for armaments such as firearms provided to the Pamigalis by the Overseas Autonomous Territories, that was simpler. The Autonomous Territories' Governments had always advocated freedom of trade, so long as it did not hinder the security of the Overseas Autonomous Territories and provided they had money, they could trade in anything. If the Kingdom of Morosik is to procure arms and ammunition and other armaments in the overseas autonomous territories, it will hand over the money to deliver them, and the autonomous territorial Government will guarantee that the goods supplied are of good value and of good quality...
The envoy of the colony of the Kingdom of Morosik did not receive a satisfactory reply and had to leave. On the day of his embarkation, the newspapers of the Overseas Autonomous Territories had published news of the demise of the right-wing regiment of the Expeditionary Army of the Kingdom of Morosik. The travelling autonomous consular officials were very sympathetic in persuading the frustrated envoy not to return, who was also a prisoner of the Pamigals when he returned to the colony, but left on a light wingsail ship from the colony.
On May 23, 603, the right-wing regiment of the Morosic Expeditionary Army, besieged for half a month by the Pamigals and besieged by two Hicks volunteer regiments, eventually ran out of food. With the assurance of physical security, the remaining 30,000 troops of the Kingdom of Morosik laid down their weapons and entered the prison camp with white flags.
As a result, more than 100,000 troops of the two Morosic kingdoms dispatched to the colonial chaos were defeated, leaving only senior officers and generals of the Expeditionary Command in the rear. When the news came, local officials from the colonial coast and towns recovered by the Expeditionary Army and immigrants from the Kingdom of Morosik boarded and ran with their wives to the harbour towns in the hope of obtaining a return ticket to the mainland of the Kingdom...
The colonial landscape of the Kingdom of Morosik was settled, when Tezsingh of the Front populaire pour la libération du peuple Pamigal. On behalf of the Pamigal people, President Nora Taganem issued a public statement in which he expressed deep gratitude for his claim that the cause of national liberation of the Pamigals was supported and assisted by the just people of the world and that the officers and soldiers of the two Hicks Volunteer Corps had made an indelible and successful achievement for the independence and autonomy of the Pamigals.
The people of Pamigal will always bear in mind the support of those martyrs and friends who have made valiant sacrifices for the national liberation and independence of the Pamigal people, as well as all oppressed and exploited peoples on the West Coast, for the just cause of the Pamigal people. On the eve of the forthcoming emancipation and liberation of the Pamigal people, he hoped that all Pamigals would unite to sweep the leaves in the autumn wind, expel the ugly and ferocious colonists of the Kingdom of Morosic from the western coast of the continent of Nubicia and make a greater contribution to the national liberation and independent nation-building of the Pamigals...
Claude walked into the conference room and senior officers from the military region stood up to salute him. Claude returned the gift and pressed his hands in vain, indicating that everyone would sit down.
The head of the Military Intelligence Department, General Fordless, made his first statement, beginning with an account of the current state of war in the colonies of the Kingdom of Morosic: “The Morosic kingdom remains in the hands of only two seaport towns, Port Filims and Port St. Nicholas, with fewer than 3,000 guards and more than 100,000 Morosic immigrants and their relatives gathered in the town. And the price of a return ticket to the kingdom has more than doubled a dozen times, and the supply and demand are still low...
If the Front populaire pour la libération du peuple Pamigal were to launch an immediate offensive, it would only take three or four days for the two towns to recover. Colonel Boquer, however, recommended a tactic of mitigating the attack in order to achieve a delay in order to allow for the presence of defensive forces in case of clandestine attacks by troops from the colonies of the Kingdom of Riznia and the Principality of Vasiliko. As things stand, despite the declared neutrality of the colonial authorities of both countries, they continue to muster their troops... ”
“How many troops have been assembled in the colonies of the Kingdom of Riznia and the Principality of Vassilico?” General Netas, Chief of Staff, asked.
General Fordless, the head of the Military Intelligence Department, replied: "Originally, the colonies of the two countries had assembled only one division at the border. However, two Hicks volunteer regiments were found to have continued to mobilize troops from another colony after helping the Pamigals fight, and there is now an army of troops on the border.
The colony of the Principality of Vasiliko was still a division, but they had begun to recruit immigrants to form a reserve corps in the colony and were now undergoing short-term military training. And the division at the border started building a defensive front along the border, as if it would not be involved in this war, just trying to defend its own colony... "
General Netas, the head of the General Staff, laughed: "Perhaps two Hicks volunteer regiments destroyed two regiments of the Expeditionary Force of the Kingdom of Morosik, and the fierce forces of the war terrorized the local authorities of the colonies of the Kingdom of Reznia and the Duchy of Vassilico. Now that they've assembled their troops to defend themselves, they won't invade the country the Pamigals built. ”
Claude nodded: "If that's the case, we'll save ourselves some time. However, the Kingdom of Riznia and the Duchy of Vassilico will not take the idea of the Pamigal nation, not to see how many troops they have amassed in the colony, but whether they have sent troops to the mainland to recruit young men and women to form new regiments...
If the Pamigals were to establish their country independently, the Kingdom of Reznia and the Principality of Vassilico would not be able to spare the fat. The Kingdom of Morosik was isolated and two regiments of the Expeditionary Army, coupled with that stationed regiment in the colony, had destroyed more than 200,000 horses in three regiments. Even if your heart is upset, it will not be possible to start a regiment again in a short time.
Within at least eight months to one year, the Kingdom of Morosic had been powerless towards the colonies, as it would take time to recruit new regiments. And the Kingdom of Riznia and the Principality of Vassilico will not let go of this opportunity, they can immediately send one or two legions from the mainland to join this feast of the Guatemalan Pamigal nation...
Therefore, tell Colonel Boquer that it is unnecessary for him to despise the build-up of troops in the colonies of the Kingdom of Resnia and the Principality of Vassilico. Neither the Kingdom of Resnia nor the Principality of Vasiliko will contribute to the Pamigals until their home-grown troops arrive, whether or not the Pamiris recover those two seaport towns. Let the Pamigals be independent and ready for the National War. ”
“Yes, Marshal, I will convey your opinion to Colonel Bockard and Tezzinger. President Nora Taganem.” General Fordless responded.
General Netas stood up and walked to the map of the west coast, saying: "In accordance with our original plan, once the Kingdom of Riznia and the Principality of Vassilico had invaded the Pamigal nation from colonies, we had instigated the rebellion of the Russmans of the Kingdom of Riznia and the Skolos of the Principality of Vassilico, as well as the Githuds, to the detriment of their troops on the front line.
The Skolo and Gistes, who are now Duchy of Vassilico, envy the liberation and independence of the Pamigals and are prepared to emulate them. But the Russmans of the Kingdom of Riznia have been hesitant, and it is said that the chief to whom we went to contact has not given us a definitive answer and is unwilling to respond to our request to help build their independent State. In this case, I think we should change the name of the Ruthman founder... "
General Fordless replied: "Unemas. Chief Dia Modrigus, the most prestigious Ruthman in the colony of the Kingdom of Riznia, has tried to persuade him to follow the example of the Pamigals and lead the Ruthmans in building an independent Ruthmanian nation.
But he refused to promise us that the establishment of an independent congress would expose the Russmans to the madness of the Kingdom of Riznia, and that death and injury would be devastating, even involving those Russmann tribes in another colony of the Kingdom of Riznia. So he doesn't want to take our advice, he just wants Ruthman to live a peaceful nomadic life... "
“Is there no other good man?” Claude asked.
“There are several Unemas. The nephew of Chief Dia Modrigus, the head of several Ruthmann tribes, is ambitious, but none of them are Unemas. The prestige of Grand Sheikh Dia Moderigues. If they rebel, as long as Unemas... Great Sheikh Dia Modrigues greets the messy Ruthmans and abandons them. Without the presence of the colonial army of the Kingdom of Riznia, the Great Sheikh alone could appease the Ruthmans.” General Fordless answered with some embarrassment.
“If you refuse to cooperate with us, can't you take decisive action against this big, shitty chief?” General Netas asked angrily.
“It's hard, we didn't think...” General Fordless said: "We decided to treat this Unemas. Grand Sheikh Dia Modrigues has taken a number of actions to prepare him to fall asleep or die. But this chief is very careful about his own personal safety, even if he eats meals first, there are also highly skilled Ruthman witch doctors and close guards who are agile and strong enough to defend him from death, we are inorganic.
Instead of taking the risk of assassinations, killing them and killing all the escorts around them in order to extinguish them, it would expose our autonomous military region as the mastermind behind his assassination and provoke hatred among the Russmans. So we just have to wait for the moment. Unfortunately, to date, we have not been able to find opportunities for action. And for a while, because of his constant persuasion, he alienated the personnel we sent... "
Claude knocked on the table and stopped General Fordless from saying, "Come on, I know it's not your MIA responsibility, and it's expected that this chief won't cooperate with us. A lot of people are guaranteed to have their breasts patted before things happen, but when they do, they don't admit it. Didn't the Russmans get more than 10,000 new firewire guns from us, saying they were armed in self-defense? It's okay, he doesn't want to defend himself, we can force him to defend himself.
Our next step is to wait for the Kingdom of Reznia and the Principality of Vassilico to invade the Pamigal nation from the colony, when all we have to do is strictly adhere to the borders of the colony of the Principality of Vassilico, concentrate our efforts on defeating the arms of the Kingdom of Reznia and sweeping its colony smoothly, and then publicize the invitation of the Great Sheikh to come and help the Ruthmans achieve national liberation and the establishment of an independent State, when the Great Sheikh does not want to go. ”
General Netas muttered: "Marshal, although the Pamigals promised to assemble three legions of 200,000 horses to defend the country as soon as independence was established, it would be good for the three Pamigals to resist the attack by the Principality of Vassilico. We can be used in the colonies of the Kingdom of Riznia, that is, the two Hicks Volunteer Regiments. In order to complete your plan, we must send more troops..."
“The third division of the integrated Rock Regiment carried four local guard regiments to reinforce them and changed them to the uniforms of the Hicks Volunteer Regiment, number Hicks Volunteer Third and Fourth Regiment, and we withdrew until we occupied the colony of the Kingdom of Riznia.” Claude took a little map of the west coast and took it again on the Rodex Bay colony in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
“The purpose of our troop contribution was to annex this Rodex Bay colony, belonging to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to unite it with the Rocky Mountain States and to acquire a naval base on the West Coast for our Ironclad fleet so that the Overseas Autonomous Territories would no longer have to worry about threats from the western seas.
Meanwhile, with the acquisition of the Rodex Bay colony, the mineral resources of the Rocky Mountain State can be transported back by sea, without the need for rugged mountain roads, wasting time, human and material resources. So, after the occupation of the colony of the Kingdom of Riznia, the Hicks Volunteer Regiment was sent directly to attack the colony of the Gulf of Rodex.
When the Hicks Volunteer Corps takes over the Rodex Bay colony, our Autonomous Territory can use the Hicks Volunteer Corps as a pretext to invade my Rocky Hills state, fight back and smoothly annex this Rodex Bay colony, so that the United Kingdom of the Fox Islands has no reason to hold us accountable and let them go to the Hicks Volunteer Corps to figure it out... "