Black Sky

Chapter 17

Just as the tendency of Mop Jin to slide out of the edge of the ground became more and more difficult to stop, he felt that his ankle was grabbed by someone.

The sliding stopped abruptly!

"Who?!" Jin turned his head hard, "No matter who it is, please don't let go!"

He clenched his teeth when he said this, almost jumping out of his teeth one by one.

The person holding him was wearing a black suit and an oxygen mask, almost blending with the night, and he couldn't see the specific appearance.

Sae Young?!

Perhaps it was the relationship of wearing oxygen masks when they appeared. Kim's first reaction was Sae Young!

When this thought flashed past, he actually wanted to rush to Chu Si, who was hanging on his head, shouting, "Definitely saved!"

The ghost knows why.

But soon he realized that the person holding them should not be Sae Young.

Because judging from the posture of the man pushing his heels on the ground, it is still very difficult to drag three with one another.

He unreasonably felt that if it were the prisoner escaped, he would not be so strenuous, no, he should say that he would not be strenuous in anything, as if he was omnipotent.

Still a ghost know why!

But in the next second he was calm, because he saw Chu Si hanging underneath with his head up in a daze. He frowned and asked subconsciously, "Sae Young?"

You see, the chief's brain is also broken.

Just as their heads were flooded, the one-to-three angel said: "No matter who you are, dare you fucking dare to work harder by yourself? Grandpa's hand is about to break!"

"I feel that I am going through the torture of dismemberment in the early days of the planet -" Jin Du almost cried in pain, "Sir, do you think of a way? Is there a place to kick your feet?"

Of course, the Truth hanging below could not be allowed to be used by others, but he was leaning at the bottom.

So he began to think of a way.

Chief Chu tried to save himself and to reassure others in a unique way.

His hand with the backpack tried hard to reach his mouth.Use your teeth to grab a metal capsule from the socket of the wrist brace.

Jin guessed right, these metal capsules are really a kind of bomb.

But this kind of bomb is a bit special. It is a kind of silencer bomb. It is quiet and low-key. The disadvantage is that the killing radius is slightly smaller.

You can push your own personnel farther while exploding quietly.

Chus pushed the bottom of the capsule with the tip of his tongue, then loosened his teeth.

Long Zhu's pseudo-gravity system is a bit chaotic now, although the route is a bit distorted, the metal capsule still fell dozens of meters below Chus's feet in the blink of an eye, and then suddenly exploded.

Silence belongs to silence, and the impact of the explosion is still amazing.

The moment the fire flashed, the three hanging people were directly lifted into flight.

Jin fell to the side and rolled several somersaults before stopping.

The one-to-three angel was also knocked to the ground.He was stunned and watched as two black packets were suddenly thrown out of the smoke, and the mountain whistled and smashed over.

"Fuck?!" The angel exploded with a rough word, and moved quickly to sideways.


As the black bag landed, the rising smoke finally dissipated.

Seeing that Chus also rolled to the ground sideways, holding his half-sized mop in one hand, and the other elbow supporting the hard rock on the ground, but his palm was protecting the head of the mop.

The angel was still dumbfounded.

He even forgot to sit up and fell to the ground like that, and said in disbelief: "I just asked you to work hard, just a little bit, you actually blow yourself up???"

Jin was dumbfounded for two seconds, turned over and got up, stumbled and ran to the edge of the cliff, repeating the same words: "You actually blew yourself up???"

Truth actually took the main impact, and after rolling to the ground, he kept protecting the small mop, his shoulders broken and reorganized.

So that he stiffened for a long time with his head down and then slowly came over.

Jin raised his hand and did not dare to touch them, and asked in a panic: "Are you still awake? Does it have a headache? Can you move? Is there any discomfort? Is there blood in his mouth—"

Before he finished talking, Chus raised his finger at him.

Jin shut up immediately and waited carefully for a while.

After a while, Truth finally touched the head of the little mop lightly, "Where did it explode?"

The mop was not scared at all, nor was he injured.She blinked and shook her head under the palm of Chus's hand.

"Scared me to death..." Jin let out a long sigh when he saw that both of them seemed to be OK.

He lightly took the little mop from Chus's arms, and checked it again uneasy.

Only then did Chu Si sit up, rubbed the back of his neck and shoulder bones, and moved his joints a little bit, and only then did he wipe the gravel from his body.

The angel froze for a while, then sighed "fuck" again.He climbed up to his feet, bent over and carried the two black bags again, "Damn it is so heavy..."

"Who are you guys?" The angel's voice came from under the oxygen mask, listening very young and owed, "I will deduct these two black bags first, don't want to take them back without giving a reasonable explanation. ."

Jin surprised: "Did you still save us just now?"

"These are two different things." The angel picked his chin.

Chus coughed clean the choking smoke, his voice became a little dumb, he beckoned to the angel: "Please take off the mask, let me see, your voice is a bit familiar to me, especially the short way of speaking. "

The angel warned: "What are you doing? You ask me to pick it? This kind of deception is left over from Grandpa's play!"

Chus shrugged indifferently, stood up and wiped his face with the back of his hand.As he rubbed it, he thought for a while, and said, "...Don? The third phase of the Security Building Special Training Camp."

Tang was surprised: "Who are you?"

As soon as he finished asking this, Truss had approached a few, and his voice was not so dumb: "Oh, when you were training players, I happened to be the one who trained you."

Tang: "..." The two bags in his hands fell to the ground, surprised: "Chu...sir?"

As he walked, Chus folded his shirt sleeves over his forearms and nodded at Tang, "Grandpa, you have a good memory."

"..." Tang Saji wanted to run.Not two steps away, he reacted to the current situation again, and he picked up the bag and handed it to Trus obediently, "Hey, what? You don't run on me, can't I be wrong? It's mainly due to the special period now. Don't be alert."

"What do you mean?" Chus asked.

"It's a long story..." Tang glanced around, as if he didn't intend to say here, "How come you secretly... er, come here quietly?"

"We had an accident with the planet fragment. We can't be foolish. Come and see if we can change our position." Truth said as simple as visiting a neighbor's house.

Tang: "..."

He swept around again, seeming to be wary of something, and then beckoned at Chus and the others: "Come with me, go back to the base first."

Chus raised his eyebrows: "The base?"

Tang: "Hmm, I can rest my feet anyway, and I'll talk to you later."

They followed Tang and disappeared into the woodland in a blink of an eye.

Jin quietly asked Truth: "What training camp? You overcame them? Are they credible?"

Before Chus was promoted to the fifth office as the chief executive, he spent a long time in the special training camp in the security building.

It is one of the most important places under the security building, which specializes in professional training for various special talents.It is a storage warehouse for special task performers in the safety building.Once the trainer who came out of it began to perform the task, it became a non-existent person.

They will no longer have a stable name, a stable career, a stable family and friends... but they will have absolutely constant loyalty.

Truss worked as a trainer for two years, and after a lapse of more than ten years, he worked as a training officer for five years, so he understood this very well.

He nodded and said, "Trustworthy."

Jin followed a few steps, still a little uneasy, he said again: "Can you give me an example? It's better to be someone I know."

Truth: "Me."

Jin Dao: "I know I know, I mean... Anything else?"

Truss heard the words and thought for two seconds, and snorted: "There is really one person who has been in the training camp and you happen to know, but it is the only negative textbook in fifty years."

Kim: "Who..."

Chus: "Sae Young."

Jin: "..." What have you experienced in your life?!