Black Sky

Chapter 107 Doctor Miller

No, how come the authentication is qualified?!

The group of people in the management center didn't figure out for a while, which authorized person in the space prison could open the door and kill in at this time.

The guard closest to the console risked another attack, tapped the system command button, and then asked: "Who is opening the door? What authority?"


"SkyEye system is for you. After inquiring, the authentication record shows that the DNA identity information of the door opener is the chief executive officer of Office 5 of the Security Building, and the authority is currently the highest."

Everyone: "…………………………"

Since they were placed in the space prison, they have never seen a daring person daring to rob the prison. I didn’t expect that when they completely tore their faces and took control, they actually saw it once, and played a big game. Yes-the immediate boss came to robbery himself.

When the electronic voice fell, Chu Si and Sae Young had already passed through the barriers and drove straight into the management center.

They are also wearing large protective clothing. At first glance, they can't see the difference between their figure and adulthood. As long as they are tall enough to support them, they can pretend to be roughly.Truth didn't take off his mask, he only took off his goggles and drooped his eyelids to scan the people in the management center, and then sneered: "For the first time, I saw my subordinates look at the boss with a wicked look in front of him. "

If this group of people just listened to the voice, they might still be suspicious, after all, Truth's voice was a bit dumb in his youth.But seeing the eyebrows, there is no doubt.

After all, he is a subordinate, and he can recognize his boss no matter how blind.

In fact, before entering the management center, Chu Si still had a bit of misunderstanding in his heart, but after seeing the evasive look of the warden and the group of people, he was 100% sure that this group was rebellious and did not run away.

"What are you hiding? You have finished planning the villa of your boss. Isn't it a bit too late to pretend to be honest?" Truss said quietly, "Pretending to be pitiful in front of me won't do anything, it's better to keep it behind the scenes. The real boss, Mond Hollis? The leader of the time experiment? Two military generals? Or the City of Silver?"

The former warden’s group moved their lips and wanted to speak, maybe they wanted to make up an excuse for themselves to be rounded up. After hearing these words, they were completely silent-the old man was figured out, what else Speakable.

Truth was originally worried that it would be a little trouble for two people to deal with such rebels, and it might take a while, but when Sae Young came so unexpectedly, things were immediately simplified.

The group of people in the management center has no fighting capacity, and they are quick to clean up.And because the rebels had the upper hand in the previous chaos and grasped the control of the space prison, as long as you walk in the space prison, you can see the factions-which are controlling others and which are suppressed. .

It's just that the result is slightly different from what he imagined--

The two stood in front of a cell door in the first cell, pressed the call button beside the door, and rushed through the explosion-proof special glass door to a strong man with short gray hair and said: "Grey Wolf Set? If I opened the first prison area before, you should have been released, why did you go in again?"

The gray wolf squinted over with a "who are you?" expression, full of irritation, "It's just a careless one, why don't you let me go out and try again? If you don't, just get out!"

Chu Si thought about his fully armed appearance. It was normal if he couldn't recognize it, so he didn't care about him, but just nodded and said: "It's okay to drive again, but I need to confirm which side you are." In case he is a true neutral prisoner, thinking about breaking out of jail while in chaos.

But when he heard this, the gray wolf Set's face changed a little, and he seemed to look up and down Chus suspiciously.

Truth simply took off his mask and showed his face for him to see.The five senses have not changed much between childhood and adulthood. What's more, when they are seventeen or eighteen, they are already very close to the adult state, that is, the difference between the depth of outline and temperament.

Anyway, at first glance, who should be or who should never recognize others.

After giving the gray wolf a glance, he put on the mask again, and said, "I'm just proving my permission to open the door. Now it's up to you to answer my question."

The gray wolf frowned at him for a moment, and then hesitated.He still didn't give out the name of any associated person, but simply stated his position: "I stand on the opposite side of the devil's plan."

"Okay." Truss nodded, and opened the cell door to him without saying a word.

Until the prison door opened, Gray Wolf still had a dreamlike expression, but he did not hesitate to leave the prison room.

"Pick yourself out and I'll open the door," Chus said again.

The gray wolf touched the black gold ring on his arm, with a vigilant look on his face. He stared into the eyes of Truth and Sae Young for a moment before saying, "Come with me."

At the beginning, he still had some thoughts, and he could see that the doubts in his heart had not been dispelled, and he would only try to test Truss with someone who seemed to be able to beat him.Seeing that they really did what they said, they let them out one by one, then he slowly put down his guard and asked, "How did you get in, Chief Chu?"

Chu Si said concisely, "The son inherits his father's inheritance, is there a problem?"

"No." The gray wolf moved its neck and followed all the way, thinking about it and saying: "Don't blame me for being defensive, after all, not everyone can inherit his father's work."

Soon, nearly fifty of his own people were released again by Chus and the others, and the vacated cell was used to house the warden and his staff.

It wasn't until the group of rebels who had originally held control were thrown into the cell and imprisoned on the spot, that the Gray Wolf and the others were completely relieved and told Truth and others about the previous melee.

In fact, the melee was more twists and turns than Chus imagined.

Initially, after Truth ordered the opening of the first prison area, the Gray Wolf Seth and a small group of prison guards made a surprise attack. They immediately sent the deputy warden on duty and a large number of prison guards into the prison area. The half-finished crows were injected with medicine, which put them into a state of shock.Unexpectedly, when a juncture came, a few prisoners who were considered neutral by them not long after being in jail helped the warden with a small group of people to suddenly counterattack and reverse the situation.

Chus walked past the prison cells that had just been in prison for a few months, and looked at their names one by one-Gunter, Hall, Anderson...

The names of these people are still impressed because the documents passed through him, but because of the special identities of these people, the crime was in the military camp. Many matters were confirmed by the military department. After the conviction, These people were extremely difficult to catch, and the people who were finally sent out to pursue were not others, but Tang and Le Pen who belonged to the special training camp.

When he saw these people, he suddenly understood why Le Pen and the others would be sent to Fort Barney to do such an unskilled cleaning mission, apparently to get rid of the relevant personnel who had contact with these fake prisoners.

The typical does not take human life seriously.

If such lunatics are truly freed from time, it will probably only be a great disaster.

"In short, that's the case. I almost succeeded and was counterattacked again--" Gray Wolf Sete said with an angry and disappointed expression, "We were sent back to the cell again."

As for the Golden Crows who fell into shock...

"We didn't do the cage and the muffler!" The Gray Wolf heard Chu Si talk about the Golden Crow and their later half-dead state, and immediately denied, "I am here to pretend to be a prisoner, and I am not a real prisoner of TMD. That set! This kind of thing can only be done by a bunch of lunatics on the other side. They can do everything in order to control the people who are inconvenient to control. However, I am very relieved to see the idiot of the Golden Crow deflated. It’s not easy to find it for me!"

Chu Si thought for a while and asked, "After the warden took control, have they been there?"

"Yes." Gray Wolf nodded, "I monitored that they received an instruction from an unknown source, and turned around to find the Baiying Military Hospital. I secretly sent a warning to the old Doctor Shao over there. Later, they only found an empty frozen capsule back. It is estimated that the goal was not achieved."

"It's them that Elder Shao is hiding?" Chu Si frowned, turned his head and whispered to Sae Young who hadn't spoken, "I think...I almost understand why they are going to my villa."

The gray wolf Seth was very curious about the man next to Chus who had not taken off his mask and goggles from beginning to end, and patted him with a joke, "Who is this one? Do I know? How come I still have Strictly faceless? Don't get bored."

Sae Young glanced at him through the goggles, and a lazy voice came from under the mask, "I'm worried that if you show your face, you will turn your head and run."

The bastard said "worry" in his mouth, but kept his hands off. He already took off his goggles, revealing handsome and aggressive eyebrows. Those special almost transparent eyes were filled with a semi-cold smile, appearing Playful and arrogant.

"Sae Young——?!" The gray wolf Seth tuned away, and immediately took his hand on his shoulder, and really found an excuse to run away.

"What have you done here?" Chus looked at the gray wolf from behind, turned his head angrily and asked Sae Young, "Why do you see you like the hell?"

Sae Young, "I used to mistake him for the person on the time experiment, and I played it twice, no more."

He also specifically emphasized the adjective "Xiao Xiaodi".

Truth: "..."

Believe in him and you will be a ghost.

"You just said that you know why they want to go to your villa?" Sae Young changed the subject timely.

"..." Chu Si said, "Because Mr. Shao’s most powerful assistant, Miller, is with me, he will follow me back to the villa every summer and winter to help me adjust the smart machinery. If they want to get some from Mr. Shao Information, in the case of not being able to find Old Man Shao, the second choice is to follow his assistant Miller all year round.

They couldn't help but think of the memory cutting that Old Man Shao had done before. He cut off a part of the memory, obviously to ensure that certain information would not be known by the people of the time experiment.

So what is the time experimenter looking for?

They have united the City of Silver, arranged the dragon pillar, and transferred the consequences of the disaster. Everything they want to do seems to have been done. What else they haven't been able to achieve but are still unwilling to give up?

More than 20 frozen capsules are quietly arranged in the warehouse where the space prison is used to park the aircraft and the jump capsule.

Such a scene once again confirmed what Truth said. They took away such a large piece of planetary debris, but in the end only the frozen capsules hidden in it were left. Obviously, this was the goal.

The two turned on the lights and walked around the frozen capsules. Inside, lay the guards, nutritionists, secretaries and Elder Shao's assistant Miller who accompany Truth in the villa every year.

Each frozen capsule is marked with a serial number, and the initial number is naturally different in different regions.

Chu Si found an empty capsule that did not belong to the black cedar forest. Looking at the serial number, it might be the one in Old Man Shao's office.

"The effect caused by the dragon column before reminds me of something." Chu Si said to Sae Young, "Since the dragon column can stimulate the people in the cryocapsule to wake up, can I also use the prison medical facilities to try Give it a try?"

"Do you want to wake Miller? I have no problem with the equipment, but biomedical..." Sae Young said with a smile, "Although I enjoy this kind of dependence very much, I am afraid you have to find another clever dear ."

However, the reality is always very cruel. I am used to having Sae Young to solve all kinds of technical tasks. I can't handle it when I meet him. I can't find a second suitable candidate for a while.They sifted back and forth twice among their own people in the space prison, and none of them knew about biomedicine!

Just when everyone was at a loss, Chu Si suddenly remembered a--

As a decision maker, not to mention anything else, at least you have to be able to use people. Anyone can come in handy. In special cases, it also includes some non-human ones, such as... some artificial mental retardation stuttering systems.