Black Summoner

Episode 292: Estoria Kranvelz

If you trace your origins, Estonia was a bottom-line vampire born in the slum district of Naraya Land (Abysland). My father knew no name or face, and my mother worked as a whore and vacated the house for days. Because of this, I grew up unaware of the love I received from my parents in my childhood. Is that why? It was Estonia who fanatically greeted the love that everyone would receive. But those who dwell in the slums are desolate, only to drool the life of their lives that day. There was nothing to strike Estoria's heart in this city that wanted only its own interests.

"This isn't where I'm supposed to be"

Having become aware of it, Estonia leaves her home at some point and embarks on an unexpected journey. A home without any particular attachment, gray memories. There's no way they're going to stop her. I didn't say goodbye, I never left a note.

In a harsh environment, in the land of Nara (Avisland), it was biased luck for Estria, a vampire and so inferior, who is also a girl, to survive. Whatever it was, it caught the attention of the noblemen in the next city, where they had gone to spicy lives. Estonia, which had reached its teens and a half, had grown into a beautiful, sexually attractive body. The nobility must have had a heart, too, and immediately hired Estonia as a servant of his own mansion.

Even in such a distorted form, Estoria knew joy for the first time in her life. The aristocrats offered clothes that Estonia had never worn before, good meals, warm beds, and a variety of things. These, which are common in aristocratic mansions, were also filled with a sense of well-being for Estonia, who only knows life in the slums.

In an attempt to return this favour at all, Estonia continued its efforts. I kept thinking about what would please the nobles. Slightly, she can't keep the nobles out of her mind. The point is, I fell in love with nobility. The act of rewarding benevolence eventually slides into the spirit of how the aristocracy will turn itself. Estonia continues without sparing any fanatical effort to embody the female portrait preferred by the nobility. It just made her sensitive to the movement of people's minds, or she created a different self within herself, and yet she acted as if it were her original self, acquiring the art of deceiving herself and creating a fictional self. To want a deeper love...

It is the nobility who was greatly pleased with this. The ideal woman is in front of us. It won't take long for the two of us to be compassionate, and the time has come for us to be happy. But that doesn't last long either. An uninteresting surprise to the rise of a servant is the aristocratic wife. Fearing that Estonia would deprive her of her position, she was obsessed with securing the estate of the mansion. The plan was eventually implemented and the nobles were assassinated.

"Oh my God, I have to look for my next love......!

Estonia who killed his aristocratic wife with all her vengeance. But at the moment when vengeance is formed, there is no longer anything that can be done for the nobility, and now the sun falls so that love for the nobility disappears. A new love than a lost love. Hungry for love, she set out on her journey again. All you can carry is quality clothing and accessories from the nobles, as well as a number of skills acquired to win love. A little inheritance from the mansion. With a new doorstep, she was not the earliest and most bottom-line vampire.

Few men are destined to meet later that way. Estonia was born to possess an inherent skill, the 'glamour eye', but never used it against the person she fell in love with. What she wanted was heartfelt affection, because it was not a convenient toy to get by ordering. It's just me I want you to see.

Because of its loving qualities, it was indispensable for the budding of love. Starting with mercenaries, exchangers, bandits, luxuries, interracials, etc. Essentially, the human form, if you can pour love into it, other than that. They appropriately spotted the woman they wanted and built themselves toward that ideal. Power, knowledge, upbringing, inclusiveness, ruthlessness, the status of nobility - in doing so, I was bound to be bound up with someone I admired.

But the happy hours that followed never lasted long for whoever it was. Certain well-known warriors, who wanted a strong woman, in the beginning rejoiced in the strength of Estonia, but gradually fought in fear and left the scene to her realm, which she could not enjoy beyond her own power. Some of the exchangers were contested by the enemy countries for the purpose of Estonia, which has an extinct beauty, and executed by the clan royalists. Dungeon beauty. She stood at the top of the vampire when someone called Estonia that way.

"... empty. Oh, I'm free."

A castle in the wilderness. Nestled on the top floor is Estoria Kranvelz, the lord of the castle. The more I sought love, the higher I went, the more starving she was. Now she can follow a country. By the time we got here, Estoria's fame had blown all over the land of Naraya (Abyss Land), and rumors had spread of the end of the road of men who had given love to her. The men around them never had a fear of her, never had a love for her. It was easy to fall in love with her, neither can she exchange love without someone worthy of her power.

Gradually Estonia was obsessed with exploring. A thoughtful person with more mature thoughts who would have a vessel to accept her. Would a calm middle-aged person be good for his age? If you have a weight that doesn't care about details, you can be fierce on the contrary. But I don't know who that is.

"- There he is. Mine, Destiny."

Estoria found it. It was the head of the army of demons that had recently risen. The demon's name is Gustav Baal. He was strong and fearless and bold only to those who gathered up the strongest and most famous demons. Estoria saw her strength on the battlefield without taking a pull on herself. Her heart hasn't danced and gone mad in a long time, and in a flash she falls in love.

From then on, it was the days of analysis second only to analysis. Explore and decipher the woman Gustav would prefer. When she figured it all out, she and Gustav would be together on the battlefield. In the so-called battlefield, which confronted the army of demons and the army of vampires.

The answer Estonia has arrived at. It was a strong woman. An excellent beloved companion, physically and mentally, who can lean on Gustav's hegemony for the rest of his life. Convinced that he was the only one who fulfilled that condition, Estonia first tried to show strength on the battlefield. The countries of Gustav and Estonia bumped into each other on several occasions and also fought in person. Even during that battle, Estonia was delighted. Gustav is taking a good look at himself, thinking of me, bumping my love. How happy I am.

- She may have been crazy at this point, hungry for love for a long time. I want love. I don't really have the purpose and the way to engage, and I have developed a hostile relationship about what might happen. Without doubt that one day I will marry Gustav, rejoicing in contact in the battle. Whether it was perceived by the public as an enemy competing for power, it had nothing to do with her living in love today. But this happiness won't last long.

"... Shh."

The information that Gustav married his wife came in a few months after that. It began with a great deal of reporting in his country that he had entered into marriage with a demonic woman named Eliza. Eliza was not born weak to wake up, but she is showing signs of recovery thanks to Gustav's dedicated love, which is also childhood friendly. Even now Eliza continues her sanatorium in Gustav's castle. That's how it was spelled out, and the article was written as a chest warming story. but there was only despair in Estonia's chest. I realized at this moment. To the fact that the deeds I have done so far have not been love or anything.

Thoughts that didn't even accomplish it were Estonia's first experience, and her pale heart kept sitting on her again. I don't remember much from then on. Maybe Gustav and I kept seeing each other on the battlefield. I don't know what to do. I think he was hitting a horn on a rabbit.

"... What is this place?

If you noticed, Estoria was in a white space. In front of you is a mirage temple. Looking at this one is the Silver Virgin and the White Swordsman.

"Let me give you a new light."

She awoke to mercy. Serve and believe in God while being a vampire. Everything was for God's sake, who gave me so much love that I couldn't hold it. Some apostles who share the same purpose did not care, albeit to the extent of arguing. Wonder and hatred didn't come that far.

I didn't lose interest in men either, but I stopped putting as much fanatical emphasis on them as I had before. Instead, because of her physique, which makes her unhappy, she became reluctant to hang out with her for a long time. Overnight relationships are the best. That's what I thought. She starts dressing up as a playgirl with a sweet word thrown at her, whose ass looks mild. To be easy to spot and easily whisper love.

Estonia, who was given a 'renegade' by God and became more exceptional than ever before. It would undoubtedly have been her who now mastered the majority of the land of Nara (Avisland).

- Let's go back in time. Such a girlfriend rolled out more than a coffin was a giant with a multitude of bastards forming herd shapes. There were dragons and alien demons in the sky, overlooking Ange.

"Return to the Lord, Ange."