Black Summoner

Episode 41 Candidate

Two days have passed since we rescued Cinzir and the others. In the meantime, we were thoroughly investigating the lower dungeons that we were unable to explore last time, crusading monsters to the extent that they did not destroy them, and working to disarm and destroy potentially dangerous traps. As I thought when I explored with Cinzir and the others, the monsters who live in this dungeon are still pretty strong. The further it goes down, too, the more powerful species tend to emerge. Would it be as strong as' The Catacombs of the English Spirit 'in Delamis, if only on the floor where exploration is currently complete? However, we still don't see the goal and the staircase to the lower level continues. More powerful monsters are expected to emerge eventually. It was me who had such expectations that it would give me the pleasure of a theme park.

"- And well, that's what it looks like so far"

"I see. Depending on the upcoming investigation, that could be the difficulty S level. Huh, Kelvin was right to leave this matter to you. An A-level adventurer like you can't get into a dungeon."

Today I am coming to the Director-General's Office at Headquarters to report on the progress of my exploration. He is accompanied by Lion, who was with him in his quest, and Alex, who sleeps in the shadows.

"And apparently, Kelvin, you're enjoying yourself."

"Sort of. That's not how you see a dungeon on this level. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I A top Cinzel party has raised a white flag along the way."

"Hmm, that might be a good idea. Submit your proposal to the executive meeting. Hey, what shall I name that dungeon? Any good ideas?

"What?... don't let me, the adventurer, decide that."

"Come on, Mr. Kelvin. I don't want that kind of boring answer. If you're an S-class adventurer, you should have shown your proper sense of naming."

What's the proper naming sense...

"Yes, sir. How does a newly discovered dungeon determine its name?

Lion raises his hand bah.

"Oh, well done. You listened. Great focus. Unlike you, Kelvin, Lion is innocent, dazzling and cute."

"I just wanted to complain, but let's agree cleanly there!

"Ha-ha-ha, it's full of ciscons as rumored. Sister, I'm pulling it off lightly."

That being said, General Singh hasn't kept smiling. I mean, you knew it from the beginning. Even if other S-class adventurers, extended to include General Sin, I'm confident that if I were within S-class, I'd be located below the average freak degree. Instead, it's mine to pull.

"Let me explain. The newly discovered dungeons are named differently by tactical difficulty. Based on the characteristics of the location if the degree of difficulty is less than or equal to Class C, the guild manager of the competent guild branch has the right of decision. If you're above level B, it's common practice to have all the information communicated to this headquarters once and then make a formal decision after a meeting of guild executives. I wanted to hear your ideas right now because this is going to hit the latter overwhelmingly."

"Hehe, it is. So, can I come up with an idea?

"It's good. It's good. Depending on the content, don't actively adopt it."

"Yay! Then I'll think about it with Alex! Alex, wake up!

Lion puts his head in his shadow and speaks to Alex, who sleeps inside. Um, my sister is adorable for anything she does.

"By the way, Kelvin, do you still have time after this?

"Hmm? Oh, I don't know if there's any particular rush business. As much as I thought I'd take a little stroll through the example dungeon if I had all the faces."

"Well, that's convenient. As a matter of fact, those candidates were decided against the Lumiest I was telling you about. I'm going to meet you up, but what do you think?

"... Could it have kept you waiting inside HQ?

General Singh made me smile nicely and uncontrollably. It's called the last ambush, he's a really sudden man.

"Okay, I get it. I'll see you. That's good, right?

"It's good to know things and it helps. Well, I'll call you now, so just give me a minute."

That said, General Singh has left the room. Well, it would be the three greatest adventurers of the ten and eighty-nine pubs that would bring them here.

"I'm in Kerr, how about 'Death's Table' or something? Kerr explored most of them and said that it was Kerr's favorite dungeon!

"That's great. Yeah, great. Lion's taste, and I only received it!

"Really? Wow, then that's the decision. I'll talk to General Singh later!

"Oh, make sure you do. I'm sure the general will admire you."

"... Coon? (Is that good?

I mean, good, to be honest, it's quite, no, pretty embarrassing to be able to put my two names in. It's just that it's in line with the format of the dungeon's name so far, and it's a great name that Lion thought hard about. I have no hand in not praising this. I don't think so.

- Gacha!

"You kept me waiting. Don't hesitate to come in. It's a little messy, but don't worry about the area. And maybe it smells like a cigar, but don't worry about that area either!

As he returns, General Singh tries to invite the candidates into the General Manager's office. Oh, come on, you're fast again. We get up off the couch in a hurry.

"Of course you know him, don't you? Anyway, I'm the first brave adventurer in this country to sell you a fight. Well, I'm the one who hurt you."

"Chief, don't talk about it. And I need you to clear the room a little bit. It's worse to be dirtier than our man's room."

"Huffle, I said never mind, didn't you hear me?

"Oh, hey, don't make me smile. That's a lot of pressure..."

Paul was the first person to come in. He is an adventurer of expectations for me. I would say it is a proper election. I have a strong enthusiasm and an invertebrate heart, so if I put him in a moderate hell, I feel like he's going to turn right into me. Hoo-hoo, I'm looking forward to it now after it's turned.

"At all, you want me to have a little respect. Yes, the next candidate ~"

"Whoa, is it my turn now? As far as I'm concerned, I think it's best to put me in Tori."

"Fine, why don't you just come in? Or do you want him to be with you, Paul?

"Wow, I get it. But Lady, that's not how you use a smile - no, it's nothing. Cinzir, I'm coming in."

Next up, Cynthia, this one's elected as expected. The narcissistic side, which is still in excellent shape today, is now set aside, and the ability to stand alongside Paul is of a high standard, and the heart of caring for others is twice as strong as a person, a person I personally want to support. But, Paul, if you and I could turn into one, we would evolve into beings who want to be more supportive. I mean, let Cinzil turn it into a thing. Humph, I want you to be very prepared.

"Yes, yes, I'll keep going. Third person ~"

"Oops, gradually! Get out of my way! My name is Oddrad! You're the best muscle man in the world!

"Uh, um, Oddrad, do you want me to drop the volume of your voice by about three more levels? It sounds indoors, your voice."

"I'm sorry about that one! I'll be careful!

"Yeah, you don't get it. Is it a little quicker to lose consciousness of you?

The third was the Oddrad of the three greatest adventurers, as he also aimed. Ratings about him are still pending, but they don't seem to be the strongest in pure fleshshell warfare. Let us work out here with anticipation and sincerity. And as you wish, let the muscles fade. Gordiana or Bourgeois on the boulder - you won't be able to level it, but you should be able to make a good line. Fuhahahahaha, my muscles swell and my dreams swell.

"Bye, Rust."

... Mmm, last? Wasn't that the last one in Oddrad?

"And excuse me! As a candidate for this match, my name is Tin! Oh, thank you!

The last time I came in was when I did it and it was small, a girl with two dough heads charming.