Black Summoner

Lesson 198: The Land of the White Wings

As we descend from above, we look over the land of the white wings (Islamic Haven). After all, it was a floating continent, and it was quite vast.

The first impression of the Land of the White Wings (Islamic Haven) is probably the small number of cities. In other words, only in the center of the floating continent, there is no city of angels. The only city that exists is called "San Angeles". How is it that there's only one city here, and yet it's the capital? I also think that it has been transmitted from ancient times, so I can't help but stick it in now. The horns are also horns, and it is said that the angels in this city have all the clothes, food, and shelter they need to live.

Most of the buildings are silver in colour, and the divine design is the exact opposite of what Cela likes. Well, if you say the whole city feels like Delamis Cathedral, it's easy to understand. The Delamis Cathedral was similarly shaded, maybe made of the same material? The sunlight bounces off me, and I'm dazzled if I don't get used to it. This may be why the divinity felt by the city is multiplying... but when Colette comes to San Francisco, she can't suppress her faith and begins to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in a double sense. Look, it's also Mel's former home, and it's not that bad, is it? Yeah, that's ridiculous... Also, the [Wisdom Room], where the chief angels once lived, seems to be at the heart of this part of San Angeles.

“It's not such a good place to say that it covers everything from food and clothes to shelter. As the next god candidate, I had strict discipline, and the diet was good if I could get the necessary nutrients, and it was all solid food that was unworthy of eating. Entertainment is also terrible, and for meditation and the acquisition of knowledge in large libraries, it is recommended for life--cohon!... there was nothing I could do but believe in God."

"It's a tough environment for Mel."

"That's right! Well, that's why I met you, Mushamusha."

Please, I want you to eat dinner while blushing. Well, even Rafaelo, the angel's chaperone, was like that. What common angels attach importance to is the faith in the name of recommended life. Hometowns and pop-up Mel have fundamentally different values.

"Dorothy and Kelvin seem to have headed straight for San Francisco." Certainly, there are two big signs coming from all over the city, but now. "

Of the ten powers that remain, if two were there, the others would be-- oh, there they are.

The third one, the top of that big mountain. From the map information built in the subordinate network, it should be the highest altitude "Enberg Divine Spirit Mountain" in the Land of the White Wings (Islamic Haven). The floating continent in the sky is the highest place in the sky, and it is the closest sacred place to the realm where God lives. Even angels can't climb to the top because the air is so thin, no, it's hardly equal.

I see, you chose an interesting place for the battlefield.

"Four of them headed for the Enberg Divine Spirit Mountain: Dahaku, Mudfalak, Boga, and Grostina." That means.... "

"Oh, well, I guess that's what it is." I'm as interested in dying as you are, but I can't let the boulders get in their way. Let's keep the pass there. All right, next. "

... oh, look at this. But he's in a lot of corners of the continent. Gérard seems to be desperately dashing to the ground, but he's still a long way off.

"In terms of location, uh..."

“It's one of those hearts that floats the land of the white wings. Indeed, it was supposed to be the main power unit. There must have been some other spare parts, but if they were destroyed, it would be a lot of trouble."

"Oh, really?" That little bitch said something stupid about hitting the ground with white wings, but if that happens, it won't be fashionable. "

"With Gérard's dull legs, it's likely that he will arrive much later." Kelvin, I'm going that way too. I have a bad feeling about this. "

"Sara, you're telling me the truth, so don't say anything too ominous... but, well, you can leave it to Sara." Alright, I'm begging you! "

”Fufufu, I'm asking you!”

Cast magic and grant Selah a Double Speed Wind God Leg (Sonic Accelerate). Shortly thereafter, Sella wore a red aura and ran across the sky at full speed. Oh, the Wind God Legs (Sonic Accelerate) are included, but they're even faster.

"... would you be willing to give it to Sara?" The signs from that place were as strong as those from the Enberg Divine Spirit Mountain. "

"Well, that's true... but if it's so far away, I wonder if my desires can be tolerated"

"Ah, ah, is that so? If you have a feast in front of you, it's even better...... So, what's the fifth person over there?"

Beyond Mel's gaze was an emerald-coloured lake, and in the middle of it was a giant tree. Not only the lake, but the giant tree itself is also emerald, a fantasy sight.

"That giant tree is called the 'world tree', the miracle itself." Like the Enberg Divine Spirit Mountain, it is consecrated by the angels. If you fry the leaves, it will be effective against disease. If you fix the branches to the body, after a few minutes, any fracture will be fully healed. Some anecdotes say that the dead have been resurrected. I used to take care of you when I was a kid. ”

"Huh, did something happen when you were a kid? Could it be that you were sick and weak in the past...?"

”No, when I ran and fell, I pulled the leaves like this”

Mel can do such a trick, like grabbing something without making any sense. As Mel said, it's the leaves of the world tree--no, no, you introduced yourself to the miracle itself, so feel free to do something!? Isn't that what the angels hold sacred?!

It's clear that I was too old for that.


I learned about my wife's new past and felt happy and sad. But Stra on my back seemed to have a completely different opinion.

"Hey, Sister Mel. I also know the world tree as Ogasaki, but is it such a world tree?"

"Yes, it could be that world tree." The land of the white wings (Islamic Haven) is a floating continent as you can see, so the leaves of the deciduous world tree may swoop down to the ground in the wind. That is the foundation of the legend, and there is a legendary tree called the World Tree somewhere in the world!... so that's how the legend came to be. In addition to the healing effect, the size of the trees is the largest in the world, and it seems that the expressions are greatly complicated by the region. ”

"Wow, that's true!" Amazing, amazing! "

"Stra, that's unusually exciting." Is that such an amazing thing? "

"Yes, very much! Actually, I've been curious since I saw the map." If there are enemies near the tree of the world, I will go there! ”

Oops, Stra decided where to go too. However, I don't think the one who went to the vicinity of the world tree is in the first group. Oniichan, I'm a little worried about you letting Strah go to the boulder alone.


"I know." Let's go to the world tree, too. Stra, on my back. "


Shuttle moves from my back to Mel's.

"So, after all, what will you do?" Is this the place for the sixth person? "

"No, that's the sixth of the ten powers. No matter how much you look for, you won't find it at all." I wonder where they're hiding... where did Serge and General Xin go? There's no sign of it at all?

"I wonder if you're looking for the sixth person in covert mode." Or maybe you're looking for treasure in a secret mode? "


Both are possible, and both are free men, so I can't imagine. Well, I'm sure you'll do the least amount of work for me, and I'll trust you both for now. Which path should I choose now?

"--Okay, I've made up my mind."