Black Summoner

Episode 223: Crumbling White Wings

While the earth crumbled, the culprits of this calamity were still at war. Sella and the others spread the devil's wings from the back of the armor, and Isabel continued the battle with the barrier as her foothold. The first three had only enemies in their eyes, and the fight was about to end only by defeating the opponent.

However, the battle was coming to an end. The story that both sides mentioned in the earlier argument was not intended to provoke any insistence or agitation on the part of the other party, but only to describe the content that both sides calmly analyzed. Well, in short, both of them were at their limit.

"Woah, amazing, ahem...!" "......!"

"Ugh, beyond the limit...!" ".... uuu...!"

... it's really the limit.

Your breath rises. Your sword is heavy. However, it didn't look like the sword was fading, but rather its speed and sharpness only increased. When I got here, it must have been a clash between the ground and the ground. And it was the last trick for both sides.

While exchanging blades several times, Sella and the others scratched the barrier that covered the sword with [Blood Dye] each time, absorbing Isabel's magic power with the evolved Derinsrave. Although this was effective, Isabel's magic power was enormous, and since she repaired the barrier every time she did so, it continued to flow almost like an itch. However, this series of descents was also a trap set by Sella and the others.

Since the beginning of this battle, and even after the form of the bloodstained knight (blood dress), the method of utilization of Sella's [blood dye] was only to erase the barrier. In fact, at the beginning, I was aiming for Isabel and the operation of the barrier, but in the end, I ended up failing, and I was unable to show my true self. But, on the contrary, it also means that Isabelle has misunderstood that Sella's power is her ability to break the barrier. Sella and the others took advantage of the situation and set out to unlock their abilities. In lieu of each disarm, the new orders will change the target to Isabelle for those who cause harm, and the others will disappear at the same time as Isabel replaces them! was.


”Slowly, it looks like it's coming...!”

The [Blood Dye], which was initially weak in potency, would have the same effect as lifting the barrier at the moment if it were now wearing the Blood Dye Knight (Blood Dress). "Suspicious Slash (Climb Sever)", which adds an additional barrier effect to Slashing, leaves the Sword Seeking Penalty and starts attacking Isabel, a new target. The treacherous barrier slashed Isabelle, granting her every bad status. Also, just at this moment, the numerous barriers that protected Isabelle, "Damage Court" and "Bullet window" (Excess Carton), were all lifted at once.

This is the end!

Sara and the others were wielding their swords at the best possible time in order to pierce the biggest gap they had ever created. The guillotine blade of the [Despicable Punishment] that was raging around was also bathed in plenty of blood released from the serpentine sword, and now it is executing the function suspension order. As early as that, Isabel had no power, no right to command the barrier.

"Asking for a sword, penalty...!"

However, Isabel, who seemed desperate, still had a pitch-black sword. It was betrayed by the barrier it had been given, but because Sella and the others were aiming for simultaneous activation at the exact time, there was no blood on the lacquered black sword that was under the barrier. The pitch-black sword flapped its wings, thought to be part of the decoration, and accelerated at once. The last scratch, the last scratch, and the strongest blow came at Sella.

--And the battle is decided.

"I can't move one of my fingertips anymore." I'm crashing into the ground..... "

"Same as on the right... so, what about you?" It looks like the sword is back on the staff? "

"As you can see, that's right." No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

"You've been doing that all along the way..."

Sella, Gérard, and Isabel fell in a friendly fashion as they scattered across the crumbling earth. Perhaps the Bloodstained Knight (Blood Dress) had expired, and Sella and Gérard returned to their original form. Isabel also left the Land of the White Wings (Islamic Haven), but the time limit when she demonstrated her power was revived. As Sella pointed out, the sword-seeking penalty returned to the staff. The three of them had no power left over from the shards, and now they could only exchange a few words rather than fight.

- Doppah!

Friends fell into the sea, and after a while Sara and Isabel rose to the surface of the sea. From overhead, dust and sand also fell, but they never hit Sella and Isabel, whose luck values were above a certain level. Perhaps because of the heavy armor, Gérard wasn't the only one rising from the sea, but Gérard. I wonder if he's doing well somewhere.

"I've thought about it before..."

Selah muttered as she looked up at the crumbling earth and the land of white wings (Islamic Haven), which gradually lowered its altitude.

"What is it...?"

Isabel asked, looking up at the sky alongside her.

"I think I was too obsessed with the fight and didn't see my surroundings for a while..."

"It's a coincidence. I was just thinking the same thing right now... I knew it..."

"You've done too much..."

The two of them calmed down after doing everything, and now they're even more and they start to regret it. However, there is nothing we can do now, and it is impossible to stop the collapse of the floating continent. It is a sad reality that we just float at sea level.

"Fuwa... when I was satisfied with everything, I became somewhat sleepy... I couldn't keep up, and I was drawn to the battle, so I'll go to bed already..."

"Huh? Eh, hey, at this timing!? Ah, hey!"

In spite of the unexpected bedtime announcement, Cela puts in a tsukumi. But Isabelle closed her eyelids and quickly fell asleep ─ ─

"Huh? Are you sure I'm asleep?" Hold on, please, the other me...! Please don't switch to me at this time...! "

― ― Instead of standing up, I was beginning to wonder why. Rather, the tone and atmosphere are different. The natural confidence of the gods and the dignified behavior disappeared beautifully, and it was the frail girl who remained. Sara's eyes had been on this phenomenon for a while, as if her personality had been completely inverted, but she arrived at the guess immediately after that.

"... you might be a double personality?"

"Huh? Ah, yes, that's the truth---, the enemy!?" Hiiiii, sorry! I'm really sorry that the other me was so selfish in my mouth! "

"Ah, yeah...?"

Her gaze and body seemed to be stuck, but inside Sella's head was Isabel, who had a beautiful seat. That was a desperate apology.

"The other me was always doing things on my own, and I was incredibly annoying to the people around me...!"

"No, it's a nuisance, because they were enemies in the first place... well, that's fine." It was a good match, and the result was Aurai. "

"Oh, is that so...?" It seems that the land of the white wings (Islamic Haven) is in a terrible state..... "

"Well, I can't help regretting the past... you said you were going to sleep before, but are you sleepy now?"

"Um, maybe, I guess...?" If I stay up, I can have a conversation in my heart..... "

"Heh, heh..."

"Yes, yes..."


The sea breeze doesn't seem to blow into the awkward air either, so Sella and the others will be enjoying the uncomfortable atmosphere at sea for a while. It may have been the punishment that led both factions out of their minds and destroyed the Land of the White Wings (Islamic Haven).

Hey, Selaya. I didn't come up with it all the time, did I? Even though it's just sinking?

"I'm sorry, I can't move either." And the air is bad. "

What are you talking about?

... maybe it was punishment.