Blacksmith starting from Naruto

Blacksmith starting from Naruto Chapter 205

He has not learned how to refine the fairy art chakra, everything is done by the clothing of heaven and earth.

There are advantages to doing this, but there are also disadvantages.

The advantage is that you don't need to calm down to perceive natural energy and absorb and refine the chakra, so that you can absorb natural energy while using the magic.

The disadvantage is that the power of extracting natural energy and refining the magic chakra cannot be controlled by yourself, depending on the function of the clothes of heaven and earth.

If the effect is too weak, then Kuroyoshi's fairy model will be weak.

If the effect is very strong, his fairy model will be very strong.

But now, the effect of the clothing of heaven and earth is a bit too strong, so powerful that he can't control it.

Just as an ordinary high school student can only pick up a nuclear bomb and throw it at a person, Kuraki can only wear the clothes of heaven and earth as ordinary clothes at this time.

The clothing of heaven and earth has too much power to absorb natural energy, and it only takes a while to collect the natural energy of the entire earth or sky.

Kuroyoshi wants to use this piece of clothing to enter the fairy mode, and his chakra volume must at least reach the level of the original Hokage.

And his current Chakra is at best comparable to Shouhe.

Not necessarily more than it!

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Kuroyoshi was a little bit dumbfounded.

The night is quiet, and the full moon hides in the clouds.

Which is still a classic building floor.

Pharmacist pocket and Maji of Shayin Village are secretly connected here.

This time, Pharmacist did not pretend to be himself, but generously exposed his identity in front of Maji.

Since he quit the Zhongnin exam, he found himself being followed.

As an excellent spy, he knew his identity aroused suspicion only after a little speculation.

Therefore, simply expose it generously.

Anyway, the plan doesn't require him to continue lurking.

With true face and sand hidden joints, it is easier to gain the trust of the other party, and you can also attract the tail of tracking yourself, and then completely solve it.

"Didn't you say that you should solve the Mudun Ninja?" Maji asked as soon as he came: "I saw the Mudun Ninja still alive on the street this afternoon."

"Well, there is no other way!" Pharmacist sighed helplessly. "That guy's residence is next to the Hokage Building. Even if Oshe Maru-sama made the shot himself, it would be difficult to assassinate him."

"I don't care what reason you have. If the Mudun Ninja is still there, Sa Yin will not cooperate with you."

"It's not that there is no solution." The pharmacist pushed down the frame and put it in Mackey's ear and said, "Our plan is like this, so.

The sound is so small that only two people can hear it.

The Konoha ninja who was following Pharmacist's pocket couldn't bear it, and wanted to get closer.

No, a person suddenly appeared in front of them.

"What are you secretly planning against Konoha?"

The man in the green vest stood generously in front of them.

He hugged his hands on his chest, his meticulous face looked a little frightening, three gou jade in a pair of scarlet blood pupils slowly rotated, "Let me, the captain of the security team, understand it too!"

141st Uchiha Tomitake's Crisis

The fumigating wind blows away the clouds.

Yuanyue poked her head out, illuminating the dark ground.

Under the moonlight, Maki and Dou saw the face of the visitor clearly, and their eyes became solemn.

Uchiha Tomitake.

The leader of the Konoha garrison, experienced the third Ninja war.

Although there is no such great reputation in the Ninja world like the fourth generation of Naruto or Kakashi, no one will underestimate him.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, those three-gouyu jade writing round eyes all told them that this is a master of the master.

"What are you planning, can you tell me what you are planning?"

Fu Yue put his hands on his chest, his expression indifferent.

Although it was a one-to-two, there was no urgency. Instead, they looked down at them with indisputable eyes.

I was right in front of you, and the confidence that you could never escape made Maji Yudou's foreheads sweat.

They are also masters of masters, who have gone through various big scenes and will not be easily overwhelmed by the momentum of others.

But the man in front of him is too strong.

It looked like a policeman had run into a thief, which made people retreat.

And the special Shangren who followed the pharmacist all the way, Moonlight Hayate was also particularly anxious.

Ten days ago, Kuroyoshi told the three generations of Naruto Sakurai to send his family Zhuli to take the Zhongnin exam.

Out of caution, he sent Kakashi's Anbu team to investigate the border of the Kingdom of Wind.

Five days ago, Adzuki ran into Oshimaru in the Death Forest and threatened Konoha through her.

Three days ago, the Kakashi team came back to report that Shayin Village was empty at this time, and a large number of ninjas were not in the village.

Yesterday, the pharmacist who took the Zhongnin exam several times and quit halfway every time aroused the suspicion of three generations of purpose, and ordered the tracking investigation pocket of Moonlight Storm.

The changes in Shayin Village, the arrival of Oshe Maru, and the suspected spy’s pocket, all these conditions made the villagers feel uneasy.

At this moment, following the gust of wind and seeing him conspiring with Sa Yin's Maki, he immediately thought of many bad things.

He wanted to eavesdrop on the other party's more plans.

But at this time, Uchiha Tomitake, who was the leader of the Konoha Security Corps, also spotted the clue and jumped out.

Maji is a well-known elite Shangren with strong strength.

As for Yakushidou, I also heard from Maki's previous conversation that he is the most trustworthy subordinate of Dashewan.