Blade of the Sword Master

Chapter 162: Leaving the Curtain

His ears kept echoing what he had said to himself a few days earlier, until now, when Woodfeng understood the true meaning of the phrase.

Thinking back on your previous perception of the King of Pride, it's too naive. No wonder Wood made you never be rude to the King in the future, because any King of Pride has the ability to pinch you easily.

“The kingdom of heaven….. how is it possible to possess the power of the kingdom of heaven in just twenty years.” Mu Feng is not the only one, but many of the Bibo Empire's literary and heavy ministers are also shocked.

I was shocked by Xiao Dun's strength, but now they instantly raise their strength to the level of Heavenly Man. In other words, isn't it true that the Ten Proud Kings now possess the strength to fight Heavenly Man's warriors?

But Xuan Yuan's realm is very satisfactory, but it already has the strength to counteract the warriors of the heavenly realm. People don't know how to describe the horror in their hearts.

Without a doubt, Xiao Dun and Xiao Dun once again refreshed their understanding of the word "king of pride". At the same time, Xiao Dun and Muhui began the final fierce battle.

All the secrets were carried out, the strength of the battle was completely in the sky and underground before, accompanied by the fierce struggle between the two, that horrible aftermath made it a little difficult for some of the elderly heavenly fighters present to resist.

All aspects have been elevated to the extreme by two people, and there are constant sounds of sound explosions. This is a full battle between Xiao Dun and Mu Hui, both of whom have no reservations at all. In the face of these levels of war, even if a true warrior from the heavens joins them, it will not be possible to sustain them for too long.

Everyone was completely stuck, and Muna looked at the two people in the fierce war, and she didn't know how long it had passed. When the two people last touched hard, whether Xiao Dun or Muhui, they were both pulling back at the same time and voluntarily lifting the secret.

The secret method has side effects, and after the intense battle, they both understand that the other party's secret method is strong and it is difficult to defeat it, so before the side effects arrive, they both lift the secret method at the same time.

It's hard to tell the difference between winning and losing for a while, and the battle is enough for now, and it's going to hurt you both.

At this moment, Xiao Dun's face is a little pale. He actively put away his sharp sword and looked at the wood. Xiao Dun smiled slightly. "Can I take them away now? ”

“Brother Xiao Dun joked, any time, but before leaving, would you be interested in a drink?” When she heard Xiao Dun, she replied with a smile.

It is inconceivable that, after that intense battle before, neither of us remembered each other at all, but instead became friends as if they did not know each other.

Luhe actively invited Xiao Dun to drink wine, and Xiao Dun did not refuse to do so. As for Xu Ling and others, there are naturally people in charge of the Bibo Empire.

Successfully solved the matter of the Bibo Empire. Compared to the wooden family I knew before, it felt good to be wooden to Xiao Dun.

Although arrogant, but bright and bright, such people are truly worthy of deep acquaintance. Plus, the strength of woodworking has been recognized by Xiao Dun. As a dragon among people, it is naturally easy to become friends, because at the level of Xiao Dun and their peers, there are too few people who can access their eyes.

Ask the people of the Bibo Empire to put Xu Ling and others down, then arrange a place to rest, Xiao Dun and Muhe were ready to go for a drink. However, Mu Feng and Xu Ling said to follow everything together. In this regard, Xiao Dun did not say anything, and Muhe was free to do so. Thus, the four people in one row came to the previous residence prepared for Muhe by the Royal Family of the Bibo Empire.

Four people left, and above the main square, Lu Zhenhai and Lu Yu stood side by side, looking at their son, Lu Zhenhai said with the utmost seriousness, “Yu, remember, I will never be able to fight the king of pride in the future. ”

Witnessed this landmark battle of the King of Pride and made Lu Zhenhai understand that no matter what the future of the Bibo Empire may be, it must not be fought against any King of Pride, otherwise the Bibo Empire can only be a dead end.

Lu Yu nodded seriously when he heard his father's words. He was not stupid. Naturally he knew the logic of this. Now the Ten Proud Kings are only great success in Xuan Yuan Realm, but their true strength has reached the level of celestial human condition.

Though it took secrets to achieve it, and perseverance could not be long enough, but it was horrible enough to look at the whole continent of the heavens and the earth. Who else, besides the ten proud kings, could have done this?

And if the Ten Pride Kings truly break through to the heavenly realm, how much power will they have after the imposition of the secret law? At least it should not be lower than asking the realm, but only the ten proud kings cultivation speed, they really accomplished the realm of heaven, it should not be long, according to Lu Yu's guess, at most five years, the ten proud kings will all be able to step into the realm of heaven.

Five years from the Xuan Yuan Realm to the heavenly human realm, it is obviously impossible to do this in the name of others, but the appearance of the ten proud kings is unlikely.

The father and son decided that the Bibo Empire could never sin any king of pride. The words fell, and Lu Zhenhai personally ordered Lu Yu to take good care of the disciples of the Nine Scales Palace. Please ask the best Tai Physician to heal them with the best Dan medicine.

By order of his father, Lu Yu responded respectfully and quickly withdrew.

This is the end of the first battle of the Pride King, though fruitless, but at one point it is amazing to all, and is spreading wildly across the Middle-earth realm at the fastest possible speed.

Xiao Dun and Weihui, although only Xuan Yuan Realm was successfully mended, they possessed the battle power of the celestial realm. After such a fact spreads wildly, it allowed the world to completely rise to a new height to the level of recklessness of the ten great pride kings.

Moreover, many old generations have speculated that since Xiao Dun and Lu Hui can do this, so can the other ten proud kings, Xuan Yuan Realm is so full, already has the power of the heavenly kingdom.

At one time, the fame of the Ten Pride Kings came to a complete fire with the end of this battle of pride, and some of the world's pride who had thought of competing with the Ten Pride Kings had completely lost their minds at this moment.

Just kidding, fighting the Ten Pride Kings, that's a dead end.

Proud of the King, proud of the heavens, proud of the birth of the king, proud of the heavens to bow down, this is the pattern of today's young generation of the mainland, the ten great proud kings will not be born, many days of proud generations can make a fool of yourselves, but once a proud king is born, whether you are the top heavenly pride or the best heavenly pride, there will always be only a subordinate part.

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