We moved to the "portal" we set up near the carriageway a little further from the city of Lilalka.

Exactly, because you can't just move all over the city all of a sudden.

"This... sucks"

I mumble on the map to see what's going on in the city of Lilalka.

Inside the city of Lilalka, looting, rape and murder were rampant. Sounds pretty awful.

"Yes...... Above all, the problem is…"

"The inhabitants of Eldia's side are involved in the looting."

There are currently three main types of people inside the city of Lilarca.

There are three kinds of people: residents of the Kastal side, residents of the Eldia side, and the Eldia army.

As Sakura and Selah say, the Erdian army belonging to Erdia, the inhabitants of the Erdia side, are committing acts of looting and other acts against the inhabitants of the Castar side.

If the Eldians are going to commit acts of looting, I understand the story. But what do the inhabitants of the Eldia side think and commit acts of looting? Until now, I didn't expect to commit acts of looting against my normally treated neighbors as a matter of course......

Finally, the Adventurer Alliance on the side of Kastal has also been targeted.

What happened to the implicit understanding? Oh, is there any reason Eldia cares about that now?

"I have to reschedule this. It was meant to be only the military and war participants who crush it, but this is usually the same as bandits. Residents, but not without mercy."

"With that said, your husband said that, too. Yeah, that's just Mio. You can't follow this either. You deserve it."

I had decided not to kill anyone irrelevant because it was war, but this turned into banditry.

If bandits are exorcised, they should be wiped out because the inhabitants who worked the looting are not irrelevant either.

"Well, let's wipe it all out quickly"

"What are you going to do? If Jen wanted to, would I be annihilated?

Maria will come up with the same suggestions, but that will take too long. Lilalka wants to let you go as soon as she can.

"No, fine. I spent a little too much time getting here. It's an instant kill from here. El, come out."

"What? Master, can I help you with your concubine?

When I called it, the original god dragon (El) appeared all over.

Naturally, I have something for you. Outside the mansion, Elle can't make it out without my permission, and I'm not gonna make it out without you.

"Oh, now release < dragon art > towards the enemies shown on the map. Using the power of Initial Dragon Technique, we can grant you the ability to automatically track, right?

"Um, I can do it. Well, that's quite a few, then. Can one concubine control it..."

The other day, when he fought Elle, Elle had the ability to keep track of him. I want you to do the same for the 'enemy' in the city of Lilalka.

But Elle mumbles about whether he's not confident in fine control.

I have the impression that I'm not comfortable with details in a big mess just because I'm serious about dragons. Apparently, El is the dragon of the image itself.

A: I'll assist.

"Well, then don't worry... Um, don't worry..."

If Alta is going to help, there will be no mistake.

But to be honest, if Alta's going to help, there's no point in leaving it to Elle. Because I can do it if I just use the Initial Dragon Technique...

The effects of LV8 have acquired the "properties" of the Original Dragon, and I can also use it. Because I am not used to it, if I want to leave it to Elle, who would be used to it, this is the case.... well, okay. Elle wanted to be active, too.

"Now, let's unleash Dragon Skills!

With that said, Elle raised his face and released < dragon art > with momentum toward the sky.

- Pom! Pom! Pom! Pong! …………… -

Released in a light rhythm is a small fireball about the size of a fist, but its power should not be inferred.

After releasing the dragon, we head to the city of Lilarca, chasing the fireballs (braces) that fly.

And beside me...

"Dora also wanted to brace..."

I asked Elle for Dragon Skills, which made Dora a little peeled.

Well, if I asked Dora for Dragon Magic (Brace), the city of Lilalka would become more sophisticated, regardless of the enemy allies, so I couldn't ask for it.

Because I guess I'll ask when I shoot the braces for Eldia's royal castle. Over there, they're basically all enemies, so you can shoot them without worrying about anything.

See you next time.

Yakuza, yakuza.

"I don't think Dora will get the chance to shoot the braces with all her might..."

Incidentally, the current Dora's all-powerful brace can wipe out the LV150 in an instant.

I arrive in the city of Lilarca with an unscrupulous promise to Dora.

It will not be minutes since the fireball (brace) arrived in the city.

"Ugh! What the hell is this fireball? Hygiene! Hygiene!

"Or I'll give you money! So just life, geez!

"Hot, hot... fever..."

"Why are you following me everywhere! Hey, wait a minute..."

"I am the representative of the city of Lilalka and the wolf of knowing!? You think you can do this to me for free! Wait, I don't like it. I want to die..."

"What the hell, here! Hey, if you stay here you can have good thoughts without fighting on the battlefield!? I'm a brave man. What a brave man would do is right! Why are you doing this, ghoul!

The city of Lilalka, which arrived, was just a hell of a picture.

Soldiers, merchants, inhabitants, nobles, and braves alike burn down, but pour down on all those who were committing acts of looting throughout the city. Running away is useless, and trying to destroy it is useless. Even if I hide in the house, naturally they come after me.

"You wouldn't be doing any damage to the victim (Kastal) side, would you?

"Um, it's okay. Other than the target audience, it's starting to do damage."

That's a subtly convenient specification. Can you set the same effect as without regard to the distribution contract?

"Up......, you're a little tight......"

"Are you all right, Sakura? You shouldn't have to. Yes, water."

"Oh, thank you Mio..."

Sakura looks disgusted when she looks at the hell painting.

Huh? Is this hell painting my fault? Ha ha, even if I didn't do anything, it was originally a hell of a painting.

It should be noted that among the enemies burned down was one brave man who was waiting in this city.

Given his age, he was a third-grade boy, and he was in the middle of a crime all over the city, so he burned him down relentlessly.

In the meantime, I asked Mr. Tamo to simulate it on the bird demon and only recover the 'Blessed Remains (Gabage)' that came out of the brave first.

Note that the blessing (gift) was shoddy, so the explanation is discounted.

"So what do we do?

"Oh, I need you to do some rescue work with that Advanced Merchant member over there. It's a bad way to put it, but that's part of your PR campaign. And to keep us out of sight, I want you to be a substitute flag."

"Yes, I understand. Everybody okay?

"Ooh!" x7

I give instructions to the slaves of the Queen Castar Adventurers group led by Claude.

Right now, in addition to our main members, we are calling out a number of Adventurers and Advanced Chamber of Commerce members.

The reason, as I have just said, is that it is a manpower for rescue and at the same time a flag to ensure that our activities are less visible.

I'll leave all the status and fame to Claude and the others. I'm not paying famous taxes.

I brought the Advanced Chamber of Commerce for a similar reason. Wouldn't it be surprising if you had a ton of healing pills (potions) or something?

The apparent reason (alibi) is whether to consider opening a branch in the city of Lilarca. We also have a good carriage.

Claude and the others have decided to follow as escorts to the Advanced Chamber of Commerce. Until a few hours ago, I seemed to have made another request, but I decided to ignore your alibi.

From there, he worked with Adventurers and Advanced Merchant members to work in rescue operations.

I'm sorry for the sarcasms who followed me, but it's a waste of time to fight those guys closely.

Well, what you get is that war is harder after the feud is over.

It's not a pleasant thing to talk about, so I'll send you a digest of the rescue.

"Are you all right? I'm going to recover now. What's the matter, suddenly hug me!?

Claude, the flagmaker, was flagging with a widowed woman (confirmed on the map).

"We're cooking it out, yes! Uh, there, line up properly, yes."

A culinary-made Nino called it a cookout and hung on his stomach.


Mr. Split Tamo was sneaking around to retrieve bodies from all over the city. Maybe it can be used for something.

There are other civil work maids removing debris, or treatment maids enslaving those who are dying of site defects before they recover. And what did I tell you? It's a yellow marker in an instant. What the hell did you talk about...

That's how rescue and reconstruction (provisional treatment) generally ended around noon.

The gratitude of the inhabitants of the Kastal side is immense, and they look at Claude and his clan (who we say belongs to there) and the Advanced Chamber of Commerce as if the Savior were going to see it.

By contrast, the inhabitants of the Eldia side......, well, naturally, they are the object of counter-attacks, revenge from the inhabitants of the Kastal side. What's left here is more of those who didn't participate in the looting, but that doesn't seem to matter to the victims.

I don't deny revenge per se, but I don't like hitting eight or rubbing that sin on irrelevant people. There may be sins of not being able to stop the mobs, but even the inhabitants of the Eldia side would have been unable to do anything about it, because countering the mob involves a high risk.

So those who persuaded the Savior Claudes to turn around and managed to run to excessive vengeance were suppressed. It was after rebuilding the city to some extent, so it may have been a good idea that the tragic sight had faded somewhat.

Thus the historic case, later called the 'Flame of Judgment', closed the curtain.

Next up, it's your turn for a historic case later called the 'Erdia Army Disappearance Case'.

Claude and his maids have helped the city of Lilalka to regain calm for the first time. We'll leave full reconstruction to the Advanced Chamber of Commerce, and it's time for us to go after the Eldians.

The Eldia army should now be moving towards the city of Connoe. Priority was given to the liberation of the city of Lilarca due to the recommendations of Alta, but is there no problem with the city of Connoe?

A: No problem. There is a respite of at least a day until you arrive in the city of Connoe.

With that said, you did. It takes nearly a day by carriage from Lilarca to the city of Conoe.

If you mean marching, it's not strange if it takes longer. If you mean you left today, at least you won't arrive by the end of the day.

Apparently, the 'portal' is driving the sense of travel time crazy.

I was thinking about that, and Sakya came in to talk to me.

"Ah, brother. Can I have a minute?

It doesn't matter. Is something wrong?

"I forgot to give it to you earlier, but I was going to give you guys just the right magic tool (magic item)."

Sakuya sometimes gives me magic tools (magic items).

I reward magic tools (magic items) in times of trouble, and Sakya must think I like magic tools (magic items).

Yes, you're hitting it.

Typically, when gifting magic tools (magic items), useful objects are often chosen, such as in life.

Of course, in my case, I tend to rejoice in unusual, unique objects among magic tools (magic items).

Because if there is anything useful in life, Sakura-san can do something about it with different abilities. Thanks.

What is the magic tool (magic item) that Sakya says is' just fine 'that understands my (unusual) hobbies like that?

"Well, what kind of magic tool (magic item) is it?

It's called The Mysterious Prince Mask! Only my eyes are hidden masks, but when I'm wearing this, I don't recognize my face well. It seems to inhibit recognition. "

That's a complete story gear. And 100% Japanese are involved.

Maybe it's a comic book or something, like, "Are you serious about hiding who you are? 'I guess it's a mask like they say.

Of course, that taste, I don't hate it.

We're going to have a lot of trouble, aren't we? Use it when you want to hide who you are. "

"Sure sounds useful. Thanks for your help."

Eh heh.

I'm not going to be famous for wars or "brave kills," so I have a fight to hide who I am.

Especially since we plan to annihilate all of the Eldia armies that are going to fight, it makes little sense to fight hiding who they are. He doesn't have a mouth for dead people.

For the record, some Eldians are brave, and some of them could be acquaintances.

But unfortunately, to the degree of acquaintance, it's not a reason to allow outrage, so I'm going to have it scattered with the military.

Sakuya is much more important than just acquaintances.

"Ah, it's time for the meeting to start, so I'll cut to the chase." The Mysterious Prince Mask (Hiding Mask) "was kept for a number of people.

"Oh, if you crush the Eldia army, you'll go back to the king's capital once."

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you later."

After hanging up with Sakuya, I quickly remove the Mysterious Prince Mask (Hiding Mask) that Sakuya gave me from the Unlimited Storage (Inventory).

... I had a hunch, but was it "Tuxedo" instead of "Colonel"?

Huh? You're putting this on?

Hear the current position of the Eldia army from Alta and make the move to the 'portal' ahead.

Queen Castar is currently the country with the most branches of the Advanced Chamber of Commerce.

The purpose of the Advanced Chamber of Commerce is to support my journey. Some of its tasks include the installation of 'portals' in various locations.

I mean, if I were in Queen Castar's country, I could go almost anywhere in an instant.

We can afford to move the Eldia army to a place where it can be ambushed.

For that reason, we are currently forming part of the street that the Erdians would invade.

We'll have time for a while, so we'll have to prepare a lot in the meantime.

"Huh...... Do you wear this mask...?

"Oh, it looks like Sakuya has aligned them all in different colors..."

"Sakya, what an extra thing..."

Sakura is stunned when she sees The Mysterious Prince Mask (Hiding Mask).

"Hmm, it's funny how it looks like a comic book, but when you put it on yourself, you're ready."

With that said, Mio looks at The Mysterious Prince Mask (Hiding Mask) as a giddy.

A line tells me Mio is intrigued on the back.

By the way, Dora, Maria and Sella wear masks without complaining.

What a creepy bunch.... It's okay, I checked the map, but no one is going to pass through here except the Eldia Army. I don't want anyone to see me like this.

How can you not want to be seen masked even though it's a mask to hide who you are?

"Um... I'm looking away, so to say I won't put it on..."

"I don't know what it is, so you should stick it even if you were away"


Sakura gripping the pink mask dropped its shoulder disappointingly.

I'm sorry, but Sakura is also on the road. Never, never let them get away with it.

Thus was the birth of the most creepy pair of sixes wearing masks.

By the way, when I look at someone with a mask, the contour of their face seems somewhat blurred, making it impossible to determine what face they looked like.

It has been found to work like a psychiatric skill and can be prevented by psychiatric protection by the alien powers of < Multiple Presence (Avatar) >. In other words, it's void in my body.

Wait half an hour, you're starting to see the Eldia army in the distance.

"Dear Jen, I see the Eldia army"

"Oh, I've confirmed that too."

The trend has been confirmed ever since the Eldia army reached the adjacent area, that is, when it appeared on the map.

We're finally getting as close as we can see, but it's less powerful to say 20,000 troops than we thought. I don't know if it compares to 50,000 dragon legions, but you don't feel threatened at all.

Around 5,000 adventurers are at the head of the Eldia army unit.

It's a formation called Adventurer, Eldia Army Headquarters, Adventurer. I guess he basically abandons the adventurer and thinks like a pawn. Are you also leaving half behind in case you get pinched?

Most of the adventurers seem to march at infantry speeds for walking.

Few horseman cavalry also exist, but at most it would be about 20% or 2,000 of the entire unit.

By the way, the braves are traveling in carriages.... Well, marching to the modern Japanese is tough.

"You're not supposed to make a preemptive attack, are you?

"Oh, we're the glorious Queen of Castar knights. Erdia, we also need to propose to our military opponents a gentleman's withdrawal."

I figured if I was going to fight with a mask on, I could use temporary things for my position and my name.

Therefore, he asked Sakya to prepare the name of the Queen's Knight for five and decided to make it a provisional position for the other members.

Me? Because I originally had a position in the name of the Queen's Knight.

When I once helped Sakya out of the devil's hand of the devil tribe (Romaria), the feat was to be described as the thing of the Queen's Knight under Sakya. His name is Gene.

Belongs to Queen Castar, Queen Knight Gene. That's my tentative position and name.

"That's a terrible pre-construction. Master, you said you were going to kill them all."

"Jianmae is important to me. It doesn't bother Sakuya much.... Well, it's certain that just destroying Eldia would be a nuisance to Sakya"

By the way, I mean the proposal to withdraw. Though it would be almost 100% acceptable.

I'm not expecting anything, but the fact that I made a suggestion is important.

That's what the Eldians are seeing, and it's time to check their status. What if?

Which one of you, Eldia, is the greatest man in the army, Commander? Oh, after excluding the brave.

A: It will appear on the map.

When Alta says so, one of the red icons on the map is enlarged.

Name: Arthur Standito


Gender: Male

Age: 29

Race: Human


Title: Duke of the Kingdom of Eldia

I checked his appearance and he has silver hair and is a sinister beauty (handsome) there.

As far as age and level, don't be reminiscent of Gilbert, the queen knight of Castar.

Gilbert was a caring handsome guy, but how's this handsome guy?... whoever can care for you won't participate in the war of aggression.

All I can say is subtle when it comes to core competencies.

No, I'm pretty strong by human standards, but he's not the guy to this extent now...

Feels like a city chimp came out after inflation in battle comics? Run, dickhead, run!... I'm not letting you get away with this, am I?

By the way, I'm in front of the main unit for a long time, even though we're talking about the greatest.

Is it about the boundary between the Adventurer Troop and the Eldia Army Headquarters? That could be a good position to give instructions to both of them. Or a battle freak. Because I don't have command skills...

Let's find out about the brave next.

A: Display.

As far as I can confirm on the map, there are 108 brave men who took part in this war.

So this gives me 108 more unique skills! Big fish, big fish.

And the face of the brave man I care about, but none of those who are acting with the Eldia army existed as one of my friends.

... It's not like you don't have any friends. Only two of us can call ourselves best friends, Higashi and Asai, but some of us could still call ourselves close friends.

Beyond trumpeting Sakura with me at the Royal Eldia Castle, 'friend' has turned into 'ex-friend', but it's not sneaky to kill mercilessly on the battlefield (I'm not saying I'll never kill you).

Well, even if I admitted to being my friend, there's no way I could help you with the war of aggression. If you're such a person, it's something you say you won't be friends with from the start.

The status of those brave men is clearly low.

No, it may be expensive enough to come to this world and say a few months, but it's not enough to cross with the mighty.

From what I can see, the status of the vegetables has also beaten Arthur, the battalion leader.

But the brave have so much power to make up for it, blessings (gifts).

Powerful blessings (gifts) can have the power to just flip the level difference.

So, Alta, if there's a blessing (gift) that's going to be a threat, can you tell me?

A: Not a single blessing (gift) exists that could be a threat to the master. So you should be somewhat careful and we will pick up a good blessing (gift).

When Alta said that, there was a marker on the brave man (unit) on the map.

Still, don't you have powerful blessings (gifts) that can be a threat...... It's okay that they're weak, but it's a little too bad they don't get strong skills.

Isn't that what you think when it comes to putting people from your hometown in your hands?

Now, shall we get back on our minds and confirm our blessings (gifts)?


Invincible Superman (Invisible Hero)

Become invincible with no damage on any attack for 3 minutes. Various stats increase in Invincibility. Reuse time (recast time) is 30 minutes.

This is interesting inside, but the reuse time (recast time) is too long anyway.

Clearly, it would be the head of a useless skill on the battlefield, because we just have to ignore him for three minutes.

Isn't this blessing (gift) the right form for those with high original status to make it a trump card when they have to? It will be gothic.

Command Exalted (Tactics Force)

Improve the ability of allies in spaces within a 20m radius.

Isn't it the reverse version of Sano's Inhibited Region (Closed Circle)?

Unlike Sano's Blessings (Gifts), this one seems to raise the status of your allies. Yeah, naturally I prefer this one.

And the effect range is 20 m twice that of the Inhibited Area (Closed Circle). It would mean it would be harder to have an effect on an unrelated opponent.

The range of effects is too narrow. Regardless of the extent to which you fight at a party, it's subtle when asked if it would be useful on the battlefield. If you wandered around near 20m, your status would fluctuate frequently and it wouldn't be hard to fight.

Magic Guide Library (Library Out)

Various attribute magic equivalent to Level 3 can be activated without chanting. Consumption MP is one-tenth.

Uh, it's interesting, for sure, but I wonder if there's anything I can do about the low level of magic I can use.

Hmm? Could absorbing blessing wreckage (gavage) increase the level of magic you can use, or reduce consumption MP even more?

If that's the case, the ultimate strength is going to be pretty amazing. Oh, hey, magic void. (Serra) Can you call me?

By the way, library out means out of mountain bills in card games and, for the most part, losing. Edge Evil!?

Masquerade (Full Face Curade)

By wearing a professional costume with his face hidden, he can use the skills of the owner of the costume.

I mean, I guess it's the ability to acquire professional skills by wearing clothes.

If you wear the apron of Cock 1 in the city, you can become a master fighter if you wear the cock of Cock 1 in the city, and if you wear the clothes of a master fighter.

Does the restriction of hiding your face mean deluding you that you are not in person?

< Residual Shadow Split (Doppelshadow) >

I can create identities with reality. Split can only be instructed by simple orders. The status of the division is one-tenth of that of the body. If we can retrieve the identity, we can also retrieve the information obtained by the identity.

You're a ninja. Oh, the owner of the Blessing (Gift) possesses skills.

My school, there were ninjas......

I knew there were some brave men with a lot of interesting skills, but they certainly wouldn't be as' threatening 'as Alta says.

There seems to be a clear way to deal with it, or only brave men with blessings (gifts) that are weak enough not to be opponents are taking part in the war of aggression.

Some of the blessings (gifts) I saw at Eldia Royal Castle seemed pretty nasty.

Ten more minutes to wait, the Eldia army is getting pretty close.

L: Yes - is it the concubine's turn again?

No, I used it because I needed to distinguish between enemy allies when I was in Lilalka, but this time they're all enemies, so it's not El's turn.

Elle is like a dark vessel in the first place, so yeah, I'm not going to use it that easily.

L: Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

A: Don't talk to the master even though you haven't been called.

L: Ah! Hey! Wait......

Elle's line ran out on the way.

Apparently, Alta forcibly disconnected Elle (metaphorical expression).

Looks like Alta and Elle have a complete up and down relationship...

After this, when the Eldia army comes some way closer, I intend to raise my name and make a proposal for a withdrawal.

Incidentally, Sakura and Dora were asked to move away at this stage. Sakura doesn't plan on letting Dora kill anyone.

I was thinking about that, and a few of the Eldians in march dressed as knights came this way on horseback.

Right. This one noticed the Eldia Army, so even if they noticed this one's presence, there's nothing strange about it.

Now that we're in a state where we're occupying the road, can I complain?


- Hyun-hyun.

Too bad! The knights were after us!

The knights are throwing 'fireballs' and arrows at us.

... these barbarians.

The magic and arrows that have flown in are offset by Maria and Mio hitting the same thing (...) before it arrives here.

The knights saw it and stopped the horse. Apparently, you're on guard about this one.

"You guys! Who is it?"

One of the knights raises his voice and asks questions here.

Does this mean the skin on the surface is thick? I didn't know you were going to make a preemptive attack from yourself and then try to have a normal conversation...

"You don't need to discuss this more than you were preemptively attacked. Now, start the Erdia Army annihilation! Don't miss a single one!

"" "Yes!

Neither does Gene, the glorious Queen Knight, behave gently after being preemptively attacked. In negotiations, gentlemen, on the battlefield, they are gods.

Rather than negotiating, the conversation event is also skipped and the battle begins.

And the next moment I make the decree, the knights who were still talking about something fall.

Maria approached him suddenly with a clear dagger, the Moonlight Sword Luna, and slashed his neck off. As always, you're working fast.

"Let's go!

"" Yes!

And with the momentum as it stands, I, Maria and Sella make a raid on the Eldia army.

This time, in dealing with the Eldia army, I decided to think only of a pretty messy operation.

If the army is on its way, challenge it directly from the front and crush it. That's the one. That is the way the glorious knight, Gene, deserves to fight. This non-knight, Norinori.

Anyway, if there are people like Lilalka who are suffering in their present progression, the invading army is the opponent in a plain that has no problem with being somewhat rampaged around. I wouldn't mind a little haggling.

It's a little crowded, but they're just bandits. I'm not even a serious fighter.

I just didn't do all I could at first hand, right?... Well, doing that changes the terrain. And Sakya cries.

We went into the Eldia Army. We split into three hands. I'm in the middle, Maria's to the left, Serra's to the right.

He unleashed the Flying Swordsmanship towards the adventurer in the front. No matter how much power I squeezed, no matter how many adventurers in a mountain had a hand in preventing me, the pierced slaughter reached the main army of Eldia.

... Ah, Commander Arthur also died involved in the Flying Sword. Because I was in front of you...

Well, get your mind back on it. This is where it's real from. Here's the big mess of this operation.

① Forced to burst into the wind hole of the troops.

② Brawl in the middle of enemy troops.

③ The leaked ones will be crushed by Maria and Sera on the left and right.

• The guy who escapes is shot to death by Mio, a little further away.

Hey, it's simple, right?

And it is also an impossible operation that cannot be established without so much difference in power.

Blah, it's easy to wipe out just repeating ①.

Of course, it is completely unexpected that the commander of the Eldia Army will die after just doing 1. Really, what are you doing here?

Well, I guess it's time to start (2) "Brawl in the middle of enemy forces".

No doubt, it's the real deal from here.