· A researcher's report

Today, one of the research themes of our research group is to come to an end.

Its theme is named "Designer Childrens Third Stage".

Designer childrens are those that say manipulate the nature of a child before it is born by genetic manipulation.

It is also a place equal to God, giving gifts (gifts) in advance to the children who are born.

In the first stage, physical function was enhanced, and in the second stage, brains were strengthened.

Each of them had great success, so on the third stage they tried to create children specializing in art such as music, art, cooking and architecture.

Unlike previous physical abilities, brains, research has prolonged without knowing how to strangle genes. But there was also the cooperation of the brain-reinforced second-stage children, who managed to take shape this time.

This time the subject was 512 men and women each. Altogether, there are 1024.

It is the Director's hobby that the number of subjects is 2 cumulative each time.

In the future, members will be transferred to the "resuscitation of the dead", which is being researched in parallel at the same time.

· A researcher's notes

Recently, a man named Goddess sent a message to the whole world.

Its contents read: "Humanity has invaded too much of God's domain. Therefore, this world decides to discard it as a failure".

Sure, there is a religion in this world that says goddess, but there is no record that says goddess has descended since history. It existed as only one religion.

In Goddess, "resurrection of the dead" and "manipulation of life" are considered the realm of God that should not be touched, and repeated warnings were given by the followers of Goddess.

But to that extent, there was no way the researchers would stop. Because researchers want to try when they say, "No," or "I can't."

And I guess the result will be what we call a world abandonment. It is ironic that research for the development of mankind will destroy mankind.

The goddess left an angel in this world and began to erase the world.

Walls loom from the end of this world. Things touching that wall disappear without exception.

Every interference was pointless and the nations trembled in fear. The wall was to be called the 'Wall of Collapse'.

Some went to beg forgiveness from the angels left behind, but they were killed without exception.

Even if I say angel, the only thing that seems to be the appearance is the appearance, and the deed can be described as exactly demon king.

Angels produce creatures called false beasts and bring destruction to this world.

As a result of the research, the more things touching the Wall of Collapse are broken, the faster the world's walls seem to move forward. It is as if they chew well before eating things to help them digest.

When that happens, do you mean 'Wall of Collapse' is a stomach and a false beast is a tooth? And we're going to call it food. Don't be ridiculous.

· A researcher's notes

I am moving the laboratory to do research on the survival of the world, but it is not aromatic.

Every weapon and weapon in this world does not work for a false beast. The same goes for angels.

The 'Wall of Collapse' can't even slow progress, and the survival zone of mankind is getting narrower and narrower.

Not only that, but it became clear that there was a terrible aspect to world disposal. That is to say that the information that we call information in this world is disappearing.

Every memory, record, and information disappears from the vicinity of the Wall of Collapse.

Now all the books on paper medium near the wall of collapse are blank, and electronic memory is losing all its functionality. Automobiles with automatic driving control are useless.

The terrible thing about the disappearance of this information is that it progresses faster than the Wall of Collapse.

And instead of vanishing in an instant like the Wall of Collapse, information is gradually lost. Substances for which information is lost become gray and lose all function.

The extinction of that information is no exception even for humans.

The humans near The Wall of Collapse are gradually shredding their memories, emotions, etc.

The other day, one of the researchers who was near the wall of collapse for research disappeared as if it were ash. It is about an arrowhead who recently said that things had become more forgetful.

Other researchers who saw it rushed back to interrupt the study.

Apparently, the goddess is not going to be allowed to leave us with any one future.

I guess this note will all be blank, but it won't even go without it as a record.

If neither the Wall of Collapse nor the Vain Beast nor the Goddess can do anything about it, they will shift in the direction of saying how to preserve humanity in the future.

· A researcher's notes

It took me a long time, but I finally had a vision of preserving humanity.

It might be a bad lift, but it would be better than not doing anything.

The method was a terrible and abusive way to say "unplug the information before it is taken away".

The collapse of the world cannot be stopped, but it is an attempt to prevent only the disappearance caused by the disappearance of information.

Erase a lot of information, including memories, from humans, dilute as much information as possible, and avoid being affected by the loss of information.

It's about abandoning being human and saying that if you blow it, you become a flying being. Will this have conserved humans? I had that question, but it was supposed to be executed by saying it was better than not doing it as mentioned.

There was a problem here, the device that pulled the information needed fitness.

Many had no aptitude and the only one with aptitude was 1024 designers Childrens Third Stage.

We pulled information from them as a hope for the future.

There were gray children who had no power whatsoever. I would conveniently call him the Grey Man.

In the future, it would be the name you deserve as a inhabitant of this world stained with gray.

We are also going to think of ways to preserve mankind in a way other than becoming ash people, but there is no mistake that is difficult.

It would have been nice to have had the designer Childrens Second Stage kids, but they disappeared pretty early on due to the loss of information.

Apparently, I have a lot of information and have been affected by the loss of information more strongly than others.

I think I did something really sorry for them.

And to the ash people.

Estimate the likelihood that the Ashes will help.

You'll live longer than we do, but there's no salvation in that raw thing.

Lost information, they live much longer than normal humans.

There is no deterioration of information, so there are no external factors to die of.

But we can't leave them a child, only until the world collapses, even if they survive.

Even if for some reason the collapse of the world stops, they have no way to return to normal human beings on their own. Even to leave the device, it would be useless to lose information.

It's completely packed.

There's no way there's a Savior who can fix everything.

Such as being powerful enough to save the ash people from the doomed world and restore them to their original appearance.

If so, is there any chance that such a convenient existence would lend a hand to the unspoken grey man?

It wouldn't be a mistake to say 0.

There is no god to pray for, but all I can hope for right now.

Happy for the future of the ash people.