Day 4 of relaxation.

There is no such event as we had planned in particular today.

If I dare say so, is it about talking about the future when Latina wakes up?

It dawned one night but Latina hasn't woken up from her fainting yet. Asha, a demon (Tamer), also didn't wake up for a while after she went mad, and I guess that's what she says.

However, I had no problem with the moonlight and all night I dealt with by deactivating the curse (Curse), so maybe it depends on how I deal with it.

As far as Latina was concerned, the strain on the body would have been considerable, too, as he unleashed the fanaticism by a rather abusive means of saying that he would beat the curse (Curse) directly.

It may not be impossible not to wake up for long.... Honestly, I have an overdone consciousness.

I don't have any plans except for the Latina thing, so it's a good idea to gobble moff at home. It's good to go to Izmo Republic like I was thinking yesterday. I am free to do anything.

If you're going to golog moff-moff, why don't you ask Mio to mix up Myao, the little god beast he tamed yesterday... He seemed moffy and worthy inside.

If you are going to the Izmo Republic, after confirming the reconstruction of the end, I want to take a stroll through the 'Fountain of Undine' and the 'Volcano of Salamander', which I was unable to go to last time.

If I had thought about that, I would have had a report from Alta.

A: From Caro in the Estea Labyrinth, she has a case she wants to hear from the master.

Yes, one of today's appointments has been made.

At the point of referring to Alta's report, I am guessing. Of course, I'm not saying I don't like it.

Quickly transfer to the Estea Labyrinth.

The Estea Labyrinth may be the fourth home for me, and there is nothing wrong with transferring it in a ruffled outfit for the house. Note that the first house is the original world house. The second house is Castar's mansion. The third house is Estea's mansion.

This time the companion, Mio and Serra, say esophagus (Mio said 'study') and Sakura go to the library, two Maria and Dora follow.

Dora is loose clothes for the house, but Maria dresses up as a bissi adventurer.

As usual, you're serious.

When I move to the office in the Estea Labyrinth Mansion (51st floor), Caro, who is the head of the factual because I am the chief labyrinth guardian (chief keeper), greets me as the beast.

"I've been waiting for you, Piong. I would like to ask Master Jin how she handles it, Piong."

"Oh, I see..."

I saw who Caro showed and somehow figured out Caro's requirements.

You're definitely the kind of person that wants to turn to for judgment.

"Jen, Maria, it's been a while. I never dreamed Jen was the Lord of the Labyrinth."

"I didn't expect to see you here, either, Elysia."

"Long time no see, Mr. Ellincia"


It was Elysia, a nobleman and knight of the Kingdom of Estea.

Elysia is a knight stationed in the Kingdom of Estea, in the city of Lilia, and an elite noble knight during the elite, who is also in a distant kinship with the royal family.

Me and I met when I was new to Estea, and I used to see each other more often.

Why is such Elysia on the 51st floor, the custodian compartment of the Estea Labyrinth?

That is naturally because Eryncia became a labyrinth guardian (keeper).

"I thought I stopped attacking the labyrinth because I no longer saw Jen at Estea, but I didn't think he had attacked me like that"

"I'm sorry. It wasn't something I could report."

Even though it is quite familiar, it is not something that can be explained to outsiders.

"I can't help it. I've heard a lot about Caro here, because Jen's achievements are all things that can't be put on the table."

"I'm still on my way, Piong. All I've just told you is a story that's limited to this country, Pyong."

"Do you still have...?

Elysia gives a startling look to Caro's line.

"What did you hear, by the way?

"It has the full powers of the labyrinth, adding Master Cattleya to the distribution, and letting the branches of the Advanced Chamber of Commerce enter Estea......, that? Even if you don't, isn't Estea controlled by Jen?

A presence that follows royalty, has a strong economic voice, and manages the labyrinth, which is a stallion.

Yes, I'm Jin Tang Jen.

"No, you should rather think of it as a survival. Even though you said you were de facto ruled, Jen doesn't seem interested in the throne. In the first place, it held up the labyrinth, the source of Estea's national power. If you care, it's easy to take the throne from the present king."

After a few thoughts, Elysia continues to conclude that it is rather fortunate to be placed under my control.

"Make it a labyrinth, make it an advance chamber of commerce, so much so that I've been doing so much better since Jen's reign. In the first place, our royalty has no influence over the labyrinth, which is the source of national power. Given the national interest, the ruler of the labyrinth, Tajen, should not sit on the throne..."

Royalty < Eryncia, a national interest, is saying something a little noisy.

Is there no shard of loyalty to this knight, the king?

... Oh, with that said, that king, you looked subtly inhuman.

"Jen says he's not interested in the throne. If Jen wants, he can be king in a country other than Estea."

"... he was truly, outrageously. You haven't been able to measure Jen's strength yet."

Listening to Maria's supplement, Elysia raised her hands just to say how well she was doing.

Whoa, we haven't been chatting forever, and it's time to get down to business.

"So how did Elysia become a Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper)?

To be a Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper) is to say that you are dying in the Labyrinth.

I'm talking about Elysia being quite powerful and barely diving into the labyrinth in the first place.

"Is that the matter...... I'm alarmed. Because I didn't think you'd be betrayed by the nobility of the city of Lilia. I'm still immature, too."

According to Eryncia, there was a case of the kidnapping of a nobleman's son in the city of Lilia, where Eryncia's troops are stationed.

In fact, it seems that kidnapping was a madness and a trap to embed and kill Eryncia. Anything, there was an associate of someone who had previously been tried by Elysia, who was after an opportunity for revenge...

He used the labyrinth (which is a good nuisance) to receive the ransom, and just brought out Eryncia, the madman's nobleman surrounded Eryncia with more than 30 private soldiers.

Elysia suffered a deep wound herself, although she wiped out (...) that private soldier.

A labyrinth guardian (keeper) appeared before Eryncia, who had only waited for her death, to solicit the labyrinth guardian (keeper).

Naturally, Elysia accepts to be a Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper) and says she will be here now.

"I am grateful to all Labyrinth Guardians (Keepers), starting with Caro, and I have no objection to doing my job as Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper). There has to be a labyrinth for Estea, and if you're going to take care of it, you're going to want it for me."

Originally, Elysia acted first and foremost in the national interest.

It is also understandable to say that being the keeper of the labyrinth, which is the stalk of Estea, is the main expectation, because it is Elysia who gives precedence to the interests of the entire Estea kingdom over the royalty.

And that's where Caro says he wants to turn to his judgment, and that's where we're going.

"I have the consciousness to be saying unsolicited things, but could you wait a while to be treated as dead in the labyrinth? At least for the next 20 or 15 years."

Keep your head down and Elysia begs.

Many of the labyrinth guardians (keepers) are missing in the labyrinth, a treatment that is substantially dead.

The main reason is that those who become labyrinth guardians (keepers) cease to go on the surface stage cheaply, as they become immortals.

However, there are also labyrinth guardians (keepers) who pretend to be searchers and operate on the ground. Their job is to directly explore trends on the ground or prevent labyrinths from being used for unpleasant crimes.

The latter example is the one where parents said they would help their children when they tried to kill them in the labyrinth.

By the way, it didn't prevent Elysia from being fitted in and about to be killed because she qualified as a seeker. I am not going to save even the seeker who entered the labyrinth at his own risk.

Only help those who enter the labyrinth, regardless of their own will.

Let's get back to it.

Two patterns exist for labyrinth guardians (keepers) operating on the ground.

One is someone who can stay young for a long time, such as an elf. They are difficult to age without Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper), so it is difficult to feel uncomfortable working on the ground.

The other is someone with a family. I can't even tell my family the truth more than living as a labyrinth guardian (keeper). So it gives a grace period of a few months to about a year, from (...) to (...) to (...) to (...) to (...) the line (...).

In the meantime, make them as filial as possible, and in parallel, also the activities of labyrinth guardians (keepers).

In other words, Elysia wants the latter's grace period of 15 years.

"In the meantime, can you tell me why? You can't make inadvertent decisions without asking why."

"Yes. The reason is simple. I want to be on my side as a mother until my belly grows up."

That being said, Elysia rubbed her stomach gently.

I see. I can't be caged in a labyrinth.

"Eryncia, were you married?

"Yeah, recently. Not since you stopped seeing Jen at the estate. I welcomed my son-in-law, the second son of a very powerful aristocrat. Politically speaking, we're married."

When I asked, Elysia answered bluntly.

Well, is there any reason why all those people who said the national interest would complain about a political marriage?

"Or were you pregnant and trying to solve a kidnapping case?

Normally, it can't be there, but it also makes me think, 'Elysia could be it'.

"No, after I became a labyrinth guardian (keeper), Caro taught me to get pregnant. That's right. I wouldn't be so impotent if I knew I was pregnant, too."

"The rep was also surprised to notice after making him a labyrinth guardian (keeper), Piong. If I knew that, I'd just normally treat it...... Piong"

Listen to Erincia's answer and Caro says it a little awkward.

He is like the epitome of innocence and innocence, such as a child before birth. You won't need a reason to help with that.

"No, as I said earlier, being a labyrinth guardian (keeper) is not in itself a no. Considering it's in the national interest, I think it's rather flattering."

Elysia said so without hesitation.

You can see that, but that's what you seem to be saying from the bottom of your heart.

"It's just that my parents are not blessed with a baby and have no successor but me. I'm not going to cut the house off, and it's not a good idea for my mother to go missing as soon as I have a child. So could you be a labyrinth guardian (keeper) working on the ground for 15 years before your child grows up? My mother is also young for her age, so I think 15 years or so would mislead me, too."

Elysia is about 20 years old, so she's around 35 in 15 years. Some women only look like they're in their 20s after 30, so there's nothing to say they can't delude her.

"I can understand Mr. Ellincia's point, too, and I'd like to let her spend as much time as she wants if she can, but I'm not going to judge Jin without her permission just to do things.... Piong"

That's why I was called here. Convinced.

"Okay. Let's give permission. Allow Elysia to operate on the ground for more than 15 years until she feels the limit to deluding her age."

"The Limits of Misleading Age....... I think it will be longer than 15 years, don't you mind?

Elysia tilted her neck and asked because it was going to be longer than she hoped.

"Kid, you don't always have to be alone, do you?

"Ah!... thank you for your consideration"

Elysia bows her head deeply when she comes to the possibility of having a second child.

"Besides, if Elysia wants to, you can cancel the Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper) contract. You can do it under my authority, the Labyrinth Ruler. In that case, you'll be my subordinate or my slave for the sake of silence."

Originally, a terrible rule exists that once a person who has become a labyrinth guardian (keeper) is deprived of that authority by a labyrinth ruler (dungeon master), he dies at that moment.

However, with the skills enhanced by Enlarged Interpretation (Macrocosmos), the rule can be nullified. Really, you're an ant for everything < Expanded Interpretation (Macrocosmos) >.

Should I also present to other labyrinth guardians (keepers) in the future to stop labyrinth guardians (keepers) and say the way to be my normal subordinate?

Because that way, at least you can spend time with your family.

I may not be able to say all those who wish to boulder...... Because that's troublesome when the labyrinth guardian (keeper) is gone......

But Elysia shook her neck to the side.

"No, it's fine to say that after raising a child, you'll live as a labyrinth guardian (keeper) because you've already made up your mind. Of course, only if Jen doesn't say 'I don't need it'..."

There's nothing more you can say from me than that.

"Okay. Tell me whenever you change your mind."

"overlapping, thank you for your consideration"

Again, deeply bowing your head, Eryncia.

After Elysia went back to the ground, she decided to take a walk in the labyrinth because it was a corner.

So is Elysia, who became a Labyrinth Guardian (Keeper), but being a Labyrinth Ruler (Dungeon Master), I am free to move around the Labyrinth.

Maria and Dora, who cannot be transferred, call in Summon.

"Yo! How you doing?


"Do you think anyone resting in a safety zone (safety area) is doing well...?

I speak to Rouge and the others in the middle of a break in a 33-story safety zone.

Rouge, the princess of the Crimson Empire, has now reached the 33rd level. Considering that I was previously in a foothold at 32 layers, I guess I'm growing somewhat.

Especially now, it seems like after repeated battles, I haven't been able to hide the colour of saying exhausting......

"More than that, it's unusual for Jen to come in the labyrinth. What did you want from us?

"No, I haven't been in the labyrinth in a long time, so I thought I'd call my subordinates for a walk..."

"Only Jen can travel deep in the labyrinth for that reason..."

Naturally, the demons of the Labyrinth can't attack me.

Neither Maria nor Dora will be attacked because the setting prevents my entourage from attacking them. Where it has been done, there is no mistake in paying back...

"More than that, gentlemen, now is your chance! Since Jen is here, it has become a true safety zone! Rest tight while Jen is around."

"O" x 6

It is the conscience of the Rouge party to say so. It is minerva about big tits.

Knowing that if I were nearby, the demons wouldn't attack me, I suggest I take this opportunity to lower my guard and rest.

I don't hate Minerva's idea of thinking about taking advantage of corner opportunities while knowing my policy of not treating labyrinth seekers even with subordination.

Without Minerva, this party would have been wiped out at some point in time.

"Jen, this is a corner opportunity, so can I ask you one thing?


It is not a bad hand to ask a question of time to keep me here for safety purposes.

Of course, he's the one who calls it a complete coincidence of fine play because there's no way the cerebral muscle rouge can turn his head that far. Minerva is gutting at the evidence.

"Is Jen really willing to go to the Crimson Empire? It's not like you didn't get a chance, is it? You don't want to go that far?

"Uh, that's not what I'm saying."

Answer Rouge's question with a bitter smile.

Much time has passed since I began to say I was going to the Crimson Empire. There seems to be a temporal respite for the Crimson Empire to wage war on the Kingdom of Estea, but it is too much to leave anything behind.

For once, it's personal, but for a reason.

"I don't know what to say, I don't have an 'edge'. At first, I just had a reason not to go by chance, but it went on a few times, and when I realized it, I'd lost my chance to go."

Even by chance at first, when it lasts several times, you start to feel the lack of 'edge'.

It feels as if they say, "You better not go."

Note that if you tell me not to go from the front, I will go. This twister.

"When this happened, I started thinking about waiting for the situation to move."

"Is that waiting for the war to start?

"No, that waits too long for the boulder. Kina, when you smell like it, you feel like you're going into the empire."

If we wait too long and the situation is too late, we fall for it.

I'm going to move as soon as the situation moves. The maids of my subordinates everywhere will tell me how things are changing.

Once I feel like moving, I feel confident about the speed after that.

If the opponent is not also Weihara, it would be unlikely (chronic mind) to be behind it. Conversely, no matter how careful you are with Weihara, you are likely to be wasted (heartbroken).

"So, depending on the circumstances, you may no longer travel through the Crimson Empire with Rouge's guidance. I don't know what's gonna happen, but keep it in mind for once."

"Okay. If that's what you mean, I'll let you keep searching in the labyrinth for a while."

"Do that. Looks like it's coming with a lot of strength, and maybe we can reach the next 50 layers of the labyrinth after Cynthia and the others."

Previously, Rouge and the others were unwanted tactics to say they would gobble at a high level while stiffening each tier with compatible gear, but the more versatile and hierarchically tailored gear the better the current gear is.

I didn't see the way you fought, but to say that you have increased the reach hierarchy with this equipment must also come with strength.

"Cynthia... You were quickly pulled out of the hierarchy."

"I can't do that. I can't deal with someone who can get Jen's support."

Rouge says thoughtlessly and Minerva follows it.

Rouge and the others are supposed to say that they belong to the Crimson Empire, so they give little support to me.

Normally, if my subordinate defeats the demon, some of the stats taken by the take will be restored to the person who defeated the demon. Rouge and the others don't have it.

On the other hand, Cynthia and the others usually have a status reduction, and besides saying they won't get lost in the labyrinth due to their Labyrinth Adaptation skills. There's no way you can win.

"For once, we've stocked up on the Rouge and the rest of them, so we're going to reflect it in our stats when we get rid of the Crimson Empire thing. Until then, bear with me."

Alta is stocking me up on the restoration of the demons that Rouge and the others defeated, so I'm going to give them to you after I've done something about the Crimson Empire.

"That being said, will that period grow? Will we pull the poverty lottery again..."

Rouge stares at me with resentful eyes.

"Are you also complaining about what Jen does?

"No, I don't mind that at all! I just envied Cynthia and the others. We are also under Jen's command, so we need a little support. It's only a request, not a complaint!

"That would be nice."

Maria stared at me and Rouge made a hasty excuse.

"Sure, the support for the Rouge and the others may be too thin, even though the history of being subordinated is history. Sometimes it looks like he's coming to the Mansion for dinner..."

"Mm-hmm. I take care of that. Really, the mansion meals are delicious."

The landscape where royalties from all countries eat as usual, such an extraordinary is the routine of our mansion.

Sakya in Castar, Katrea in Estea, Rouge in the Crimson Empire. Recently, the towels and caorles of the Izmo Republic have also begun to show their faces and such...... It is brilliant. Oh, Queen Christia of Eldia can't go in there. I won't let you in.

"Useful in battle and less conspicuous support...... Yeah, I'll make sure you can use your reading."

"Is that true!? That would be very helpful!

Rouge and the others have not been given the ability to speak by.

Sometimes you talk to me or Alta, but that's just me or Alta giving you permission and allowing you to use it on a limited basis.

I'm going to give you permission so that I can use the memoir within my rouge party buddies. This alone should dramatically improve collaboration during combat.

"Right. Much has come with strength, but there are still some anxieties about collaboration. Just let me use the reading, I think it's a lot different"

Minerva said, the other members nodded.

He wants unanimous ability to read, so he decided to give it. I gave.

"Okay! Let's just say it's time to end the break!

After giving him a reading, Rouge cut it out that way after a break of about 30 minutes.

Looks like Rouge and the others are losing a lot of fatigue. Saying I was there might have helped you take a full break without a lookout.

"Dear Jen, thank you for staying with us so far."

Minerva bows her head and says thank you.

"I got some reading to do. I have to train you to collaborate."

"Right. Let's try it in this hierarchy. If it seems difficult, it might be a good idea to come back and train."

Quickly, Rouge and Minerva are discussing how to fight based on their readings.

High numbers also have some tricks on how to instruct reading stories. A line of eight-person party rouges would require some practice.

As we watched Rouge and the others prepare to leave, we felt a labyrinth guardian (keeper) making a transfer near us. I guess this is Caro.

"Master Rouge, may I speak to you for a moment? Piong."

"What can I do for you, not Jen?

Caro, who has metastasized, speaks to Rouge.

I felt like I ate a little shoulder watermark because I also thought I had the purpose that Caro had transferred.

"Yes, Master Rouge has asked for a favor,... Piong"

"Please? What are you trying to make me do?

I don't even think Rouge can handle an issue that just labyrinth parents (keepers) can't handle.

"At present, in addition to Master Rouge and the others, there is another party of explorers coming to this hierarchy, Piong."

"Hmm, did they go down to the 33rd floor too"

Indeed, as of the 32nd tier, three groups of parties had given their names to the top group.

I would say that one group other than the Rouge and the others has reached the 33rd level.

"You know him?

"Yeah, we've talked to each other a couple of times about those who are serious about attacking the labyrinth. I have a party that has reached another pair of 32 layers, but that's not an exaggeration to say that you're the only competitor at the moment because you've given up on a serious offense and are active in the second half of an efficient 20-layer platform"

Rouge answers my question.

By competitors, they say they never meet in a vast labyrinth, but only enough to meet in the Explorer's Guild in the Kingdom of Estea.

Although it is a single labyrinth, the easy routes change completely depending on the point of entry.

"Cynthia and her rivals pulled me out."

"Don't tell me that..."

"Ji, Jen, Master Rouge, would you mind messing around..."

It is a soggy, depressing Rouge and a Minerva that comforts it.

"That's them, but unluckily they attracted the Demon Room (Monster House), lost it without running out of processing, and now escaped into a narrow passage, with shielding managing to prevent it, Piong"

"That's... that's just a sad situation. Attract the Demon Room (Monster House) in this hierarchy and it will be tough on boulders"

Rouge groans sadly.

Even the Strong Seeker Party, which has broken through 32 layers, is a labyrinth to wipe out if you are unlucky.

Especially before the 30 layers, they are made to prevent 50 layers from reaching, so they lose any sweetness.

It should be noted that up to 30 layers are obviously sweet because the aim is to secure resources that enrich the country.

For the record, the 30-story Demon Room (Monster House) is completely packed with undead demons.

"So what do you want us to do?

"Yes, can't we ask Master Rouge and the others to rescue them? They're quite capable, and I don't want them to die if I can to secure resources, Piong."

The resources of the labyrinth accumulate with the stay of those with strong powers in the labyrinth.

Regardless of the seeker of the elephant, if he is strong enough to reach 33 layers, he will be supplying us with a considerable amount of resources. Sure, it's a rare talent to die by accident like that.

Originally, it's not a good idea for labyrinth administrators, including labyrinth guardians (keepers), to lend a hand directly to explorers. But Caro also felt too unwell, and he came up with asking Rouge, a fellow distributor.

"I don't have much to do with them, and if you say I can sell you a favor, can I try? But when the Demon Room (Monster House) class is opponent, the gear is a little uncomfortable...... I don't really care, but do I have to get the right gear?"

That said, Rouge removed white armor and weapons from the item box.

Equipment that holds the power of light attributes, compatible with 30 layers of demons in the cemetery area. I guess I stopped relying on the performance of the weapon, but it seemed like I was bringing it for a time of need.

"Right. I don't think I have a choice.... So, Mr. Caro, where is the place?

"Yes, it's a passage ahead of us heading southeast from here, Piong. The landmark is…"

Minerva also asks Caro as he switches gear and Caro shows some landmarks.

"Looks like Rouge and the others have plans, and we're going home. You're not going to accompany Rouge."

It would mean nothing if the chief executive (me) lent a hand to Rouge, even though the administrator can't help him directly.

"Sorry for the rush, Piong"

"No, it's not about caring. I only came to Rouge and the others for half the fun."

"Well, still, we've been very helpful in restoring fatigue..."

Rouge, who has recovered health, says wearing white armor.

"Listen to me, the last thing I don't know is I'm going to mourn you, so can you tell me what's going on when the rescue is over?

I've heard so much about this, so I'd like to hear about Othi.

"Oh, okay. I'll report it."

"No, Rouge seems like a bad explainer, so please Minerva or Caro"

"What a terrible treatment..."

With disappointing Rouge on our asses, we put 33 levels behind us.

By the way, they say Minerva will do the reporting.

I heard later that Rouge and the others could have been rescued safely.

Minerva successfully negotiated a rescue.

In this hierarchy, we can barely take the demon stone (crushing the demon stone that defeats the undead demons), so if we don't demand a replacement price, we'll lose the whole thing.

"I made a fortune on it. I said I couldn't replace my life and captured Fire Dragon's first crusade perk (first drop). It's their leader, half a beard!


I hear Minerva say it in a very happy voice.

Anything, he seemed to be in a position to call 30 layers of Fire Dragon (Flame Dragon) the first successor to the party to crusade, and possessed the first crusade privilege (the Kind of Wings of the Immortal (Nosferatu)).

It's totally unique, so it should be of considerable value, but seems to have succeeded in letting it be offered as a consideration for life. Quite, I'm looking at your feet.

Note that Fire Dragon (Flame Dragon) 's first crusade benefit is the Toughness Ring, a magic tool (magic item) that grants him the ability to deal with Physical Attack Resistance.

Whether it's an eastern hobby or an initial crusade, all the magic tools (magic items) that grant useful skills in the next area.

What's so troublesome about the undead is that even if it's weak, there's a lot of them. There are also many physical attacking opponents, and there is no doubt that having Physical Attack Resistance would be quite advantageous.

Don't do anything resentful.

"Maybe, it's okay. They're serious in vain, so even if they mourn their lack of power, they're not the kind of people who resent us."

"Something's starting to make me feel better supporting you than Rouge and the others..."


Minerva makes a sound like he panicked.

Because I basically don't hate people who are legitimate.

Unlike Rouge and the others, it wasn't a pitiful imitation to stiffen the bees with too much gear (confirmed on the map), and it was a good party with a well-shared role.

When I think about it, it's a long way from my hobby to consolidate it with compatible gear and go to a rouge party when I was gobbling in Rouge.