Shang Ren, Baiyun Yeshan immediately made a judgment. Although only one move was passed, the timing of the control is by no means comparable to those around him, and that move is not as weak as his appearance. The knife had been burnt and deformed. Even with his own wind escape, the temperature was too high. It must be the result of highly compressed Chakra.

"Still a master of fire escape," Bai Yunyeshan made a judgment.

He threw the sword away quickly, but his hand still received burns.

"Such a master has been observing me from the sidelines, and I didn't even notice it." Bai Yunyeshan was very surprised. No matter what, he is also known as Shinobu. It is unbelievable that people have been staring at me without realizing it.

Moreover, this person seems to be not the same with other Iwanin, he very much suspects that the other party was sent by other forces to pretend to be Iwanin and confused.

Although he also wears Iwanin's forehead, it is different from other people wearing Iwanin's standard clothing. The person on the opposite side is completely different. He actually wears armor. Nowadays, almost no one wears this kind of protection, although it is good. But things are troublesome to wear, heavy, and inconvenient to move, and the expressions of the person on the other side also show that they don't know the existence of this person.

"We are the subordinate of Shanlu Kyoko, the Iwanin reconnaissance troop, which troop are you?"Dashan Qiuyan asked with surprise.

Originally thought he was dead, but let him run into Shinobu, which is still so strong. It consumes eight people and can't stop the other party. He wants to trick the group of people to hold the other party here and take the opportunity to escape. It's all easy to say to be able to go back, such a mission report is enough to let people on the windward exempt him from punishment.

But this guy is fast. If he runs away, no one will stop him. He is the fastest to die. He is not stupid. There is still this level of knowledge. He has tried his best to stop him in the last blow. Desperate, but there is support!

"Kyoko's troops? Just like you? Didn't she teach you how to retard the enemy? Substitute technique, the earth clone should always be good!"

Yan Yanluo, who has been observing nearby, feels that the command and cooperation of this team is simply unsightly, and the human resources are not so exhausted!

When realizing that the enemy's power is much stronger than yourself, avoid the front-to-face battle, use a large number of substitutes and clones, constantly harass the opponent, consume the opponent's physical strength and energy, and wait for the opponent to get tired and tired, and cooperate like that before launching , The success rate can be increased several times.

How did he do it when he was still ninja. When he met a master, he used the avatar technique endlessly. He was not afraid to see through the mode of action, waited slack, and did not have the idea of ​​killing him quickly. Difficult to distinguish suicide attack, then, see the timing, run.

Only made some minor adjustments in the last step, but he used this trick to survive the difficult ninja period, during the Zhongnin period, he also used this trick to escape many times under some masters.

"Um, I don't know how to do this," said a young Iwanin who started the wall before, "I only know how to do it."

Doppelganger is a C-level Doppelganger ninjutsu. Its positioning and characteristics are very similar to those of the water body of Wujin. The offensive power of the clone made of mud is only tenth of that of the body, but if it is moved by ninjutsu like Takino The effect will be improved. It should not be too far away from the main body. The combat power and flexibility are lower than Konoha's shadow clone. This ninja, which is used by Senjuka to spy, is widely circulated in the ninja world. Therefore, ninjas in other countries also All have mastered this technique, but Yan Yanluo still prefers the avatar. After all, it is his own ninjutsu, and the fighting method of his own family is the most suitable, as is the case with other people in the Ninjutsu village.

For a ninja, it is good to know the earth flow wall, and it is not surprising that the avatar, which requires considerable control ability, is a bit early for most ninja.

"..., are you here for an outing!" Yan Yanluo moved his shoulders, feeling that as a rebel who was born in Iwanin, it is necessary to earn back the face of Iwanin.

Turning his head to Baiyun Yeshan and said: "Konoha over there, do me a favor."

Baiyunyeshan trembled all over and counted down. He only said two sentences, without any signs. The other party appeared in front of him with a flash of more than ten steps.

Yan Yanluo waved the rock stick in his hand, and threw it down with a whine sound in the air, "Can I simply kill you?"

In a hurry, he swung his sword to resist, and Feng Dun's Shinobu and Tu Dun collided against the rock stick, and a sorrowful sound of rubbing sounded between the rock stick and the blade.

Baiyunye Mountain only worked until a huge force was transmitted from the sword body, penetrated his whole body, and the whole person was struck by lightning.

This person is like a baseball being pumped out dozens of meters, and the Baiyunye Mountain that flew upside down stands tall. The shattered ninja sword shows that Yanyanluo wins the competition between the hardness of the earth and the advantage of the wind.

One hand held Kuwu in front of his chest, while the other hand was hanging on his side holding the broken knife, dripping drops of blood from his fingers to the ground.

"It's such a terrifying force, half of my body is numb. If I didn't detect something wrong and took the initiative to jump back, this move would not only numb my body, I'm afraid the whole hand would be destroyed."

His right hand hasn't regained consciousness, his mouth is full of rust, and it seems he is still injured.

"Things are in trouble."

I thought I could keep all these people behind by staying and blocking, but now I see that it is me who is dangerous, and I remembered the figure of Gusuke in my mind.

"Old gentleman, please."

Then Yan Yanluo took the initiative to meet Yan Yanluo, and even if he was depressed, he would never retreat. Behind him were his subordinates who believed in him, his village. What was the difference between retreating at this time and those bastards he secretly executed.

"Konoha Ninja, Baiyunye Mountain, let you see the will of Konoha Ninja".

Yanyanluo and Baiyunyeshan have made two moves together. The doorway inside can't be seen without tolerance, but the other party was frustrated continuously and was pumped tens of meters away by a stick. They still knew that Yanyanluo had the upper hand. , Although fighting together now, but victory is sooner or later.

Although I don’t know which unit this predecessor belongs to, with the help of such a master, it’s definitely no problem to survive. The mission will be completed successfully, and he can also capture the head of a Shangnin. This man looks good. , At least better than his own captain, if you take this opportunity to catch up with this one, you can get to know a Shangnin, thinking of this, many people are already ready to go up after the battle.

Of course, some cleverly began to recall Yanyanluo’s identity, but Yanyanluo Yanren has been around for a while, and it’s been a traitor again. Nowadays, Yanyan Luo Yanren may not recognize him, but there are always exceptions. .

"Some familiarity, seems to have seen him, he seems to be very familiar with Captain Kyoko", the young Yanren who talked to Yan Yanluo, who was only a dirt wall, looked like thinking hard, and then his face changed drastically.

"He is Captain Kyoko's...cough cough", suddenly felt his throat hot.

"A good boy can't think about it."