The man was smashed back, bounced twice on the ground and retreated to the initial position, and there was a pattern of ice cracks on the right shoulder.

"Even though it is only 30%, he was actually injured. Is it Tsunadehime's strange power?"

Yan Yanluo, who retired, looked down at the marks on his broken shoulders, and his face showed indescribable joy.

"There is such power at this age, if a few years pass," Yan Yanluo became more interested in Sakura than Naruto at this moment.

It has always been his regret to fail to compete with Tsunade in power.

"It's only a little bit back!"Yan Yanluo was surprised that she was injured, and Sakura was also surprised that her punch was only so effective.

I am very clear about my own strength. Although I didn't exert my full strength under the rush of the punch just now, there was only this effect and the scar. What's going on?

"It's too dangerous, Naruto, don't be provoked by him." Kakashi nodded and thanked the grandmother of the thousand generations. At the very moment of his death, the grandmother of the thousand generations tied the puppet thread to Naruto and pulled the man back before the explosion. But when he saw the bomb that looked like Sasuke, he was shaken.

"Sorry", Naruto, who had escaped from the dead, calmed down and realized that he was just like at the time, and his impulsive actions almost put everyone in a crisis. This time, he almost killed Sakura.

"Don't do it alone. I have been cultivating hard these years, and I won't be hiding behind you." Sakura returned to Naruto's side, grabbed Naruto's collar and said viciously, dispelling Naruto's heart. The haze.

"Yes, it's not that I can only hold back now."

People with conscience are often naive, and ninjas are no exception. A dummy head shakes three of them. However, Yan Yanluo looks at the mother-in-law of the thousand generations. It is really inconvenient to have an outsider who knows herself. A little girl can quickly After reacting, he was surprised to make such a response.

"It seems a bit faster than Kakashi."

The cracks in the shoulders recovered as if back in time, and moved a little, but the arms could not be lifted, "dislocated?"

In his impression, it seemed that such a situation had never happened before, and wrestling with others was always because of the broken bones of each other.

Guru Guru

There was magma boiling under the skin, and the drastic changes caught Kakashi's attention even through the clothes.


The dislocated bone was forcibly pulled back to its original position, and the eyelids of a professional medical ninja like Sakura jumped.

"What the hell, you can do this kind of thing, the muscle strength is too ridiculous"!

The feeling from my shoulders can't tell that this is not my body.

Moving his shoulders, he said to himself: "Haruno Sakura, Tsunadehime's disciple."

Since this trick did not achieve the goal, then

"Fire Dun-Fire Dragon Ball"

Four scorching fire dragons raged towards the place of the four people, and at the same time they leaned back, the ground became like the surface of the water and swallowed the smoke.

"Fire Dun-Fire Dragon Ball"

At the same time, Kakashi instantly copied Yanyanluo's ninjutsu, with eight fire dragons of the same size and power colliding together.

Four explosions sounded almost simultaneously, and a violent explosion shrouded in front of them.

The smoke dissipated, leaving four holes on the ground caused by the collision of ninjutsu, but people disappeared.

"What about people?"

The enemy disappeared, and the four people immediately formed the most basic swastika formation and gathered back to back.

"Be careful with your feet and attack from the ground. This is the longest trick he uses," reminded the grandmother of the thousand generations who was familiar with Yan Yanluo.

"Mother-in-law, you seem to know him," Kozakura asked, searching for every movement that the enemy might make.

"Iwa Shinobu's S-rank rebel, a disciple of Dokage Onoki, is very good at Tu Dun and Huo Dun. He is very powerful. As for his style, you have also seen it. Although he has enough strength, he is very mean." I told a few people that I thought it would be very difficult to fight with my grandson. Now, before meeting with my grandson, I must find a way to solve this more troublesome problem, otherwise it will be endless.

Are you good at fire escape?Indeed, the Huo Dian Yan Yan Luo just now released only the tiger character print, almost instantaneously. He used the writing wheel to follow the same pattern, imitating Yan Yan Luo's chakra running route, and also launched with a single print. But this was beyond the scope of his ability. It was forcibly activated, and now the meridians still had a burning sensation.

As for the huge strength, Sakura has a deep understanding. Although she first interrupted the rock stick and then smashed the hardening of Yanyanluo's shoulder with a punch, she also suffered abrasions, although she soon Healed, but the touch that was too hard to be human was clearly passed to her through her fist.

"Yes, Huo Dun is really powerful."

"The power is really great."

Sakura and Kakashi agreed.

"There is no good way to deal with him, there is no certainty that he will definitely win, and he will not even act on his own. We must have someone staying to stop him, but fortunately, he will retreat when he encounters a little resistance..." The mother-in-law of Qiandai paused suddenly: "Oh, he is not here at all."

Thinking that Yan Yanluo appeared here to kill them, and that Yan Yanluo disappeared because she suffered a loss in Sakura's hands and moved to the underground to wait for an opportunity, but she forgot that it is also his characteristic to cut work and cut materials.

Since the purpose is to block their actions and buy time, he will never smash with them.

Learning from Yanyanluo's words that their time is still rich, they relax.

"Did you put it in the words from the beginning!"

"He ran away!" Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura were surprised.

But that's right, even after running away, Bai Jue, who was hiding his aura from the side, was also dumbfounded when he noticed that Yanyan was going away.

As a strong person, Yan Yanluo is the only one who is shameless to this extent.

Knowing that she had been shaved, Sakura was angry and smashed the ground with a punch. The cautious Kakashi also psyched a ninja dog, and it turned out that people were already immediately.

"It's in the game, hurry up," Kakashi said bitterly, and took the lead to accelerate toward the target location.

On the other side of the ghost shark Konoha's support was the Kai team. The ghost shark once suppressed four people, but it was a pity that he was defeated by Kai's Chao Peacock.

The Guiyu defeat will come, but Yanyanluo has not been able to return for a long time.

"Don't wait for him, if Chakra over there is enough, he can play against his opponent for a few days", he would never say what Yan Yanluo was doing.

After rushing for a while and crossing a river, Kakashi met Yan Yan Luo again, silk threads wrapped around the surrounding trees.

"Oh, meet again, Huo Dun-Fire Dragon Flame Bomb".

The fire snake followed the silk thread, one serving two, two two, four, eight, and instantly ignited the surrounding trees.

Yanyanluo actually set fire to the mountain.